Chapter 259 Xi Zhicai Can Be Saved!

Records of the Three Kingdoms: Hua Tuo's characters were changed, and Pei Guoqiao was also a native.Traveled to study Xutu, and also mastered the Sutra.Chen Gui, Prime Minister of Pei, promoted Xiaolian, and Huang Wanpi, the Taiwei, both refused.

That is to say, Hua Tuo was also a scholar in his early years, and he was still a nobleman, and he was once praised by Pei Chan Chen Gui as a filial piety.

But he later chose to take the path of a doctor, which was a downhill road.

Because of this, Hua Tuo occasionally regretted it, but most of the time, he was still satisfied with what he did to save people by practicing medicine.

In the past few years, in order to avoid the war in the Central Plains, Hua Tuo traveled thousands of miles to Yizhou, practicing medicine in various places in Yizhou while avoiding the war.

The land of Shu is difficult and dangerous, except for the Chengdu Plain, which is full of hills.Inconvenient transportation made it difficult to circulate information, and Hua Tuo went to the deep mountains and old forests to collect medicines, which made it impossible for the people sent by Lu Yan to find him.

It was also by chance that Hua Tuo came to Chengdu to treat an old man.

Only then did I hear from the merchants and rangers who came to Chengdu that the emperor moved the capital to Xuchang, and his disciple Fu Guang presided over the establishment of a hospital in Chenliu.

Out of curiosity about the hospital, Hua Tuo came down to Jingzhou by boat with the caravan, and then came to Xuchang City from Jingzhou, which lasted several months.

When he first arrived in Xuchang, Hua Tuo suddenly saw the prosperity of Xuchang, and Hua Tuo felt a little like a world away.

He had also been to Yingchuan before leaving the Central Plains, but at that time Xuchang was only a small county, and the entire Yingchuan County was being ravaged by yellow scarves.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few years, the prosperity of Xuchang has already vaguely felt like Luoyang back then.

After Hua Tuo finished feeling the prosperity of Xuchang and saw the hospital with a novel model and a vast area, Hua Tuo's heart that had been silent for a long time gradually became alive again.

On the way to Xi Zhicai's house, Hua Tuo hesitated for a long time and finally couldn't help but asked Lu Yan, "I heard from Fu Guang that the idea of ​​the hospital came from you, Lu Huanqi?"

Lu Yan turned his head and saw that Hua Tuo was able to keep up with his footsteps, and his nervous mood relaxed a little.

After hearing his question, Lu Yan replied with a smile: "That's right, the hospital came from my idea."

After Hua Tuo got a definite answer, he immediately said with emotion: "The emergence of the hospital allows the common people to have a centralized and standardized place to seek medical treatment. Dividing doctors who are good at different directions into different departments can allow the common people suffering from different diseases to be treated quickly. Accurate medical treatment, which greatly reduces the time for patients to seek medical treatment, and improves the survival rate of patients in disguise!
Moreover, the hospital also provides stable employment conditions for many doctors, so that they don't need to worry about the source of medicinal materials, and they don't need to worry about encountering patients who are not good at the field.
The hospital is an institution that is absolutely beneficial to both patients and doctors, and Lu Huanqi is really kind-hearted."

Lu Yan listened quietly to Hua Tuo's praise, and suddenly added at the end: "But there is actually a more important purpose in establishing it."

Hua Tuo's heart was moved when he heard the words, but he didn't express his conjecture immediately, but asked modestly: "Dare to ask Lu Hussar, what is his purpose?"

"Inheriting medical skills!"

"Sure enough!" Hua Tuo knew it in his heart, and subconsciously touched the "Book of Green Pouch" in his arms.

"Hospitals can not only treat patients and provide doctors with a formal employment place, but also train new doctors just like academies."

"Together with doctors, it is broad and profound, and it needs generations of people to study hard.

But if there is no special place to record and preserve the research results, then these studies and painstaking efforts may gradually be lost in the long history. "

Hua Tuo's heart has been shaken by Lu Yan's description at this moment, his vision was suddenly opened, and he felt ashamed of his self-preserving thoughts.

Hua Tuo felt ashamed and took out the green book from his pocket, and said to Lu Yan: "This old man compiled and compiled a medical book that I have learned all my life, and I want to hand it over to Lu Huanqi today, and I hope you can let it be promoted in the hospital. Go on, and the wish of the old man in this life will be fulfilled."

"I refuse." To Hua Tuo's surprise, Lu Yan refused.

Thinking that it was because of his lack of qualifications, when Hua Tuo was about to sigh, Lu Yan said: "The green pouch book is the painstaking effort of Doctor Hua all your life, and only you know the essence of it.

Therefore, if you want to promote it as soon as possible and completely, you still need your boss to come in person! "

"Huh?" Hua Tuo didn't understand Lu Yan's meaning for a while, and after chewing for a while, he came back to his senses, "Lu Hussar means that you want to hire me to be a doctor in the hospital?"

Lu Yan shook his head, then replied with a smile: "No, I will tell the emperor to hire you as the director of the hospital in the name of the court."

Hua Tuo was stunned, and subconsciously asked: "Ah! What about Fu Guang?"

Lu Yan smiled slightly and said, "If you feel wronged, you should be the vice president first."

"It's not good." Hua Tuo was still worried about his apprentice. Although his mouth was badly hurt, he was even more fierce in protecting his calf.

"Actually, it's nothing." Lu Yan reassured: "It's just that there are only two hospitals in Chenliu and Xuchang, so the director hasn't been separated yet.

If every state, county, or even every county has a hospital in the future, a dean will definitely not be able to take care of it, so there will be more positions for deans? "

"Every county or even every county has a hospital?" Hua Tuo was frightened by Lu Yan's description and ambition, "Lu Hussar is going to open hospitals all over the land of China! Wouldn't the status of a doctor also rise with the tide? "

"I know what you're thinking. In fact, both doctors and craftsmen are indispensable to promote the progress of the times, and there should be no occupational discrimination."

Hua Tuo suddenly felt a little moved, but when he thought about it, Lu Yan's words might be more of a comfort.

After a brief conversation between the two, they have arrived at Xi Zhicai's house.

Hurrying into the bedroom, Hua Tuo frowned immediately, "Open the window for ventilation! Are you trying to suffocate the patient?"

Lu Yan secretly scolded himself for not thinking of this level, it seems that if he really cared about it, he would be confused.

When he came to the bedside and took a look at Xi Zhicai's face, pupils and tongue coating, Hua Tuo only showed a very solemn expression.

Guo Jia wanted to ask, but she didn't dare to ask, so her face turned red.

After a long time, Hua Tuo sighed and said: "It is not optimistic."

But Lu Yan could hear the glimmer of hope in his words, and asked cautiously: "Is there any help?"

"Yes, but now there is a very big problem." Hua Tuo sighed again.

"Tell me, no matter how big the problem is, we will try our best to solve it for you!" Guo Jia said anxiously.

"I need a ginseng that is at least 500 years old to hang his life, and then I can help him recuperate his body bit by bit. But now he sees that he has less than three days to live, where to find this ginseng in a hurry what!"

"The 500-year-old ginseng must be cultivated to become refined, right? Three days, where can I find it?" Guo Jia felt that his body had lost strength.

Hearing this, Lu Yan suddenly remembered the old wild ginseng that he threw in the corner of the storage box!
"Wait, I seem to have an 800-year-old ginseng!!" Lu Yan's words surprised not only Guo Jia, but also Hua Tuo.

"Fuck! 800 years???"

"Eight 800 years?!!"

"Is it possible?" Lu Yan asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, wild ginseng is also a kind of ginseng, and the effect is also extremely good!"

"Then wait a moment, I'll go home and get it now." Before Lu Yan finished speaking, he had disappeared from the room.

"Why does this guy have all kinds of treasures?" Guo Jia stared blankly at the empty gate, thinking to himself, "Oh! I know, this guy is probably secretly kept for use in alchemy! "

(End of this chapter)

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