Chapter 263 System Reward: Potatoes

[In the first year of Jian'an, at the end of May, Xi Zhicai was critically ill! 】

【I squeezed out all my medical knowledge and couldn't keep Zhicai's life. I watched a good friend wither and wither. I deeply felt my helplessness and incompetence.】

Lu Yan thought of his own powerlessness at that time, and he still had lingering fears in his heart, and he was terrified.

Life and death are common things, but when this moment happened in front of him, Lu Yan realized that he could not take life and death lightly.

Fortunately, Hua Tuo showed up in time.

His appearance not only made Xi Zhicai's condition turn from danger to safety, but also brought hope to Huang Zhong's son Huang Xu by the way.

【But fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, or God has the virtue of being good at life. I have been looking for the genius doctor Hua Tuo for several years, and he came to Xuchang at this time! 】

【I seem to see fate saying to me: "Is it a surprise?! Is it a surprise?!"】

[In short, my final feeling is: Life goes ups and downs too fast, it's really fucking fucked up! 】

【Let me be quiet, smooth, and become a fairy in peace, okay?The old man has a bad heart, please don't make such jokes all the time. 】

After Lu Yan complained a lot, the breath stuck in his chest finally eased a lot, and the content of the following text became much more normal.

[I have to say that Hua Tuo is worthy of the title of genius doctor! 】

[He actually has a way to pull the exhausted Xi Zhicai out of the gate of hell bit by bit!Of course, the 800-year-old wild ginseng of my Lu is indispensable for this! 】

[In the future, I can no longer use this kind of medicinal materials to make soup. It needs to be well preserved. After all, they can indeed be used to save lives at critical moments. 】

After writing this, Lu Yan glanced at his "treasure box", and decided to sort them out in a few days tomorrow.

【Boss Cao is really unreliable. He told him not to assign too many things to Xi Zhicai, but Xi Zhicai was still exhausted.Boss Cao is simply a cold-blooded, bone-sucking capitalist! 】

[996 today, ICU tomorrow, this sentence has already been fulfilled in Xi Zhicai. 】

Lu Yan thought about it, he started working overtime unknowingly during this period, this is not a good sign,

[The lesson from the past is right in front of me, and I can't work overtime, not only for my own life, but also to keep my original intention]

[Guo Jia, the prodigal son, finally decided to take his family over to live with him. It seems that Xi Zhicai's incident had a big impact on him, and he really should calm down. 】

The matter of Xi Zhicai has come to an end. According to Hua Tuo's intention, as long as Xi Zhicai takes care of himself for two or three years, his body can gradually return to normal.

Lu Yan suddenly felt a little empty chattering in his heart. After a long while, he suddenly smiled wryly and muttered to himself, "I don't know when, but I've gotten used to living with you."

[Missy is gone, I am suddenly not used to it, people are cheap, I don’t know how to cherish them when I am here, I regret it after I leave, I was worried about Xi Zhicai’s illness when I parted, and I didn’t tell her well Say "precious". 】

After writing this, many of Lu Lingqi's voices and smiles in normal times suddenly appeared in Lu Yan's mind, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily curled up slightly.

【That girl is actually pretty good.She is not only handsome and handsome, but also has a protruding figure, which looks like a good-looking daughter-in-law. 】

[It's a pity that I can't give up the innate realm. Without the innate realm, I don't even know if I can live to the day when I successfully sign up to become an immortal.

It would be great if it wasn't for innate skills, otherwise marrying Lu Lingqi would be considered a blessing in the world. I just don't know which bastard will be cheaper in the future, it's best not to let me meet him.]

"It's important to be an immortal. It's important to be an immortal." Lu Yan said silently three times in a row, and then he suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

In order to let himself stop thinking about things related to Lu Lingqi, he turned his attention to the recent war.

【Zilong has been gone for almost a month.The last time I heard that they were planning to attack the Southern Huns tribe, I don’t know how the battle is going now]

[However, Zilong has always acted cautiously and has the style of a general, so it should not be a big problem in the end. 】

[Boss Cao’s side should be going well. Although the history has changed a bit, in general, the opponent doesn’t have much to cause trouble for us.The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is Xiahoudun's route. Ji Ling is Yuan Shu's number one general. If you underestimate the enemy, you may suffer a big loss. 】

[Recently, there has been a lot of movement on the little emperor's side, and he has sent me a few secret summons. Could it be that he wants to take advantage of Boss Cao's Eastern Expedition to start a belt edict? 】

Lu Yan thought about it for a while, and it seems that the clothes belt edict happened in Jian'an four or five years ago, when Boss Cao was already inflated.

[It shouldn't be that fast, after all, the current Boss Cao is still not in a hurry, and the relationship with the emperor is pretty good.But when he comes back, I still have to vaccinate him again to feel at ease. 】

【Let's go see Xi Zhicai again tomorrow, and I can use this excuse to skip another half-day class.】

Thinking of the emperor's recent frequent courting and summoning, Lu Yan still decided to avoid it for now.

"Huh..." Lu Yan looked at the full page and a half of text, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I wrote a lot today!"

After closing the diary, Lu Yan didn't want to care about today's sign-in reward anymore. He lay down on his bed, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

It's been several years, and no matter how passionate and anticipating things are, they will eventually become commonplace.

【Ding! 】

The system's voice still rang in Lu Yan's mind,

[Diary synchronization complete! 】

[Diary content evaluation: first class!The reward level is increased by one level. 】

[Rewards are being generated, please wait]

[Congratulations to the host, you got ten catties of potatoes]

[Potatoes: eat steamed, fried, boiled, fried, whatever you want. 】

Lu Yan, who was about to fall asleep, rolled over and sat up with a grunt, "Potatoes?!"

"Damn it, it's finally you!" Lu Yan finally felt the long-lost excitement again!
Whether it's potatoes or sweet potatoes, they are all must-have artifacts for travelers.

Although limited by contemporary technology, the final planting effect of the two may be somewhat discounted.But no matter how discounted it is, their yields are much higher than those of current major crops such as millet and wheat.

Moreover, the appearance of potatoes can effectively improve people's diet structure, and also allow people to have more choices.

With potatoes as a high-yield food, the upper limit of the population can be raised again.

"Hahaha!" Lu Yan received the system reward, looked at the potatoes piled on the table and laughed, "Potatoes have already arrived, can sweet potatoes and corn be far behind?"

After laughing for a while, Lu Yan looked at the potatoes on the table and couldn't help but swallowed: "Here's a full ten catties! Why don't you try roasting beef with potatoes tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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