Chapter 266 Family reunion (thanks to [Yi Momo] for the reward)

Xiahou Dun was defeated, and the two armies under Xiaopei Yuan Shu, Ji Ling and Chen Ji, were no longer restrained.

Afterwards, no matter whether they divide their troops to power other places, or go directly to Xiapi to join Qiaorui, in short, they have already grasped a certain degree of initiative.

Moreover, Yuan Shu, who was in Shouchun, might send other troops to further occupy various parts of Xuzhou. After a while, I am afraid that Pengcheng and other places will also fall into Yuan Shu's hands.

However, the prefect of Pengcheng was Chen Deng. With him guarding, Pengcheng would not fall into Yuan Shu's hands so soon.

Qiao Rui has now identified Cao Cao's weakness, which is closing the camp and refusing to fight.

Not only did he not fight, he also dug a trench outside the camp. The deep trenches were strong and fortified, with a resolute attitude of "wearing you to death".

Qiao Rui blocked the front, which made Cao Cao a little bit desperate.If Cao Cao dared to ignore him and go to take other places in Xuzhou, Qiao Rui, he would dare to take Xiapi, the seat of Xuzhou's government.

The longer the delay, the better for Yuan Shu, so Qiao Rui was not in a hurry, and even a little leisurely.

Cao Cao took advantage of the gap to write the letter, and handed the five letters to his five personal guards. Cao Cao told them to deliver the letters to Lu Yan.

After the guards left on horseback, Cao Cao rode his horse to the front of the battle, and then ordered his men to go to the bridge and tunnel camp to fight.

Ten days later, among the five personal guards carrying the letter, only two arrived at Chenliu successively.

General Hussars' residence.

Holding the letter "Xiahoudun defeated Xiaopei, Lu Yan went to take over Xiahoudun's troops." Lu Yan hurried to his study.

Guo Jia also came to Lu Yan's study room after being notified by the servant. He was still holding a jug of wine in his hand.

After Lu Yan showed the letter to Guo Jia,
Guo Jia casually put the letter on the table, took a sip of wine at the spout of the pot, and then said: "My lord asked you to take over Xiahou Dun's army, so you can go."

"But how will Xiahou Dun deal with himself?" Lu Yan shook his head and asked.

"My lord, this is intended to punish Xiahou Dun. Haven't you noticed that these old people have their nostrils turned upside down recently?"

Lu Yan thought for a while and replied, "You and I are old people too."

"I'm talking about the lord's clansmen!" Guo Jia gave Lu Yan a white look, with an expression like you were deliberately raising an argument.

"Oh, I've only been relaxed for two days." Lu Yan sighed deeply, rolled his eyes, and asked, "Why don't we go together?"

When Guo Jia heard the words, the flagon in his hand paused for a moment, "We are all gone, who will guard at home?"

"Then there is Wen Ruo."

"Gentlemen can deceive people with methods." Guo Jia said, pointing to the sky with his fingers.

Lu Yan instantly understood what Guo Jia meant.

For the emperor, Xun Yu's feelings are indeed quite complicated.

On the one hand, Xun Yu would definitely not do anything to betray Cao Cao or harm Cao Ying.

But in some respects, especially matters involving the emperor, Xun Yu was unable or unwilling to intervene and interfere too much.

This may cause the emperor's cronies to come up with many things in secret. The clothes and belts are the most typical examples.

"Forget it, then I'll go alone, and I'll leave the family to you." Lu Yan finally chose to go by himself.

After Guo Jia gave Lu Yan a relieved look, he said, "Don't worry, with me here, there will be no problems at home."

Lu Yan smiled and thought, "Guo Jia is becoming more and more confident. Is it because his family members are here and he suddenly matured?"

Lu Yan suddenly remembered this, so he asked casually: "Oh, by the way, your wife and children are here, why do you still live in my house? Didn't Mr. Cao reward you with a big house?"

Guo Jia paused slightly when he raised his hand to drink.

After putting down the jug, Guo Jia turned to Lu Yan with a bright smile and said, "Wouldn't it be a lot of extra expenses to move out?"

"Then you can eat me at ease?"

"The emperor gives you a small reward for three days, and a big reward for five days. If you don't eat it, who will you eat?"

Lu Yan heheed, stopped talking, and walked straight out of the study.

After a long time, Guo Jia suddenly called out: "Changsheng! Are you really not going to find a companion? Don't you feel lonely by yourself?"

Lu Yan was slightly taken aback, and then continued to move forward.

It wasn't until Lu Yan stepped out of the study door that his voice drifted into Guo Jia's ears: "I have you, why am I lonely?"

Guo Jia didn't say another word, and he lifted the jug and "gululu" and poured it violently.

"Bang Dang!" With a sound, Guo Jia threw the jug on the steps outside the study, and then murmured to himself drunkenly: "Forget it, this wine is bland and tasteless, let's live a little longer, then Guys might be less lonely."

Lu Yan returned to his bedroom and began to pack and pack his things.

At this time, Huang Zhong, who heard the movement, came to the door of Lu Yan's room and wandered back and forth, not knowing what to say.

Lu Yan stopped his movements and shouted to the outside: "Han Sheng, since you're here, why don't you come in and say hello?"

Huang Zhong walked into the room, clasped his fists and said to Lu Yan, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Didn't you already guess it?" Lu Yan turned around and said with a smile, "Xiahoudun was defeated. Mr. Cao asked me to take over his army as soon as possible. I don't know when I will return."

Lu Yan understood that he might have to fight Yuan Shu if he left, and it was hard to say when he would come back.

"Sure enough, we are going to Xuzhou!" Huang Zhongxin said.

But he seemed a little hesitant, but finally expressed his thoughts: "Sir, Zhong is willing to go to Xuzhou with Mr.!"

Lu Yan shook his head and refused: "Although your son's condition has improved, he still can't leave the care of his relatives. It's hard to predict when he will go and return."

"Sir, in fact, I have already taken over my wife and daughter. They are living in the inn now, and when I find a place to live," Huang Zhong said with some embarrassment.

The smile on Lu Yan's face froze, and he sighed in his heart: "Well, you are all wives and children. Why are you having trouble with this today, right?"

Lu Yan thought of a question, so he asked teasingly; "Chenliu's house is ridiculously expensive now, with your current salary, it may take decades to buy a house, right?"

Huang Zhong smiled bitterly: "That's why I want to go to the battlefield as soon as possible, gain fame and earn more salary."

"How long has it been?" Lu Yan asked suddenly.

"I just arrived the day before yesterday." Huang Zhong knew that Lu Yan was asking about his family members.

"Let's settle in my house first, there are still many vacant rooms in the backyard. It's also a good time to be a companion with Fengxiao's family."

"Ah! How can you bother Mr. like this!" Huang Zhong waved his hands repeatedly.

"Why not?" Lu Yan waved his hand and said, "Look at that guy Guo Jia, he can't even move his own house, so he just wants to join in the fun?"

Huang Zhong hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed.

He bowed deeply to Lu Yan and said: "Sir not only rescued the dog, but also took in our family. Mr. is a great kindness. Loyalty can never be repaid. I can only use this old body to lead the horse and kick the horse for my husband. It is heartbreaking!"

Helping Huang Zhong up, Lu Yan comforted him: "Why is this so? It's just like Xi Zhicai's life should not die. Huang Xu's ability to wait until Hua Tuo is their own destiny."

"Without Mr., they would not have been able to wait for the appearance of the genius doctor Hua Tuo."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things." After talking about these things, I can't figure out why.

Lu Yan continued: "Hurry up and take them over and settle them down. We need to rush to Qiao County as quickly as possible. I can only wait for you for an hour at most."

Huang Zhong was still a little dazed when he heard "we", and then said with joy on his face: "Zhong will arrange it immediately! Just half a no, fifteen minutes is enough!"

Seeing Huang Zhong's back disappearing quickly, Lu Yan suddenly felt that his anxious mood calmed down a lot, "Get rid of Yuan Shu earlier and come back sooner, I want to see my potato harvest with my own eyes!"

 Thank you [book friend 20201006021346043] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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