Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 271 Chenliu cavalry, the last battle of Sizhou training

Chapter 271 Chenliu cavalry, the last battle of Sizhou training

Ji Ling was irritated by Huang Zhong beheading four generals in a row, and his poor acting skills that almost insulted IQ.

He raised the three-pointed knife in his hand, pointed at Huang Zhong and shouted angrily: "Old man, I'm here to take your head!"

But Ji Ling was about to go out, but the generals around him stopped him one after another, persuading him: "General, General Cao shoots like a god, you shouldn't go out to fight!"

"You are a dignified general, how can you fight an old soldier?"

"Think twice, General, that old guy should be good at wielding knives, but his knives haven't been drawn yet!"

After the persuasion of the general,
Ji Ling's mind dazzled by anger finally calmed down bit by bit.

At this time, looking at Huang Zhong, who was calm and composed, Ji Ling's intuition suddenly told him that this old soldier of Cao Jun who looked extremely down-and-out might not be as simple as he seemed.

Huang Zhong originally heard Ji Ling say that he was coming to "fulfill you", thinking that he was finally going to fight.But he waited for a while, and what he waited for was Ji Ling's high-pitched voice: "Return to the camp!"

"Ah? Withdrawn?" Huang Zhong muttered with a depressed face, "I'm about to pull out my sword, why did you withdraw?"

Lu Yan and the others were also confused by Ji Ling's "trick".

Just a moment ago, he was shouting to kill Huang Zhong, but why did he actually withdraw the troops and return to the camp?

It is not so fast for an army of [-] to go back.

Looking at this gap, Xun You suggested to Lu Yan: "General Hussars, we can charge him!"

Lu Yan nodded and accepted Xun You's suggestion, then looked at Xiahou Dun and said, "Yuan Rang, you lead the soldiers to attack the right wing of Ji Ling's army. Remember, just bite off a piece of meat, don't get entangled! Don't love to fight!"

"Here!" Xiahou Dun roared, and rushed out of the army formation, "Soldiers, follow me!"

Ji Lingjun left hundreds of corpses and finally withdrew them all to the camp.

Xiahou Dun wanted to attack the camp, but was shot back by a rain of arrows.

Seeing Ji Ling returning to the camp, and hanging up the exemption card, Lu Yan also recalled Xiahou Dun and the soldiers he brought, and shouted: "Return to the camp!"


The cavalry led by Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan fought another battle with Liu Bao. After leaving behind a hundred corpses, they dispersed.

The [-] cavalry brought out from Chenliu, plus the damage from the previous battle, had reached more than [-], but the growth of each surviving soldier was almost visible to the naked eye.

There is no doubt that as long as this cavalry goes back to repair for a few months, when they adjust their condition, they will be an invincible top elite!

Xia Houlan's face was dirty, full of stains mixed with sweat, blood and dust.

After cleaning the battlefield, he came to Zhao Yun and reported: "Zilong, the Huns have become cunning recently. They don't confront us at all, they just want to delay and contain us as much as possible."

Zhao Yun obviously also noticed this situation. Looking ahead, he called a Han captive who had been rescued from the Huns and volunteered to fight with them, and asked, "Do you know what the frontier is?"

The Han people were captured by the Huns from the land of Sanfu to Henan Yin, and they still had some impressions along the way.

He is tall and big, but because he was tortured by the Huns and couldn't eat, he is now skinny and skinny.

After hearing Zhao Yun's question, the man replied: "Going back to the general, you only need to go forward about a hundred miles, and you will be at Hangu Pass!"

"Hangu Pass." Zhao Yun frowned and said, "If the Huns enter Hangu Pass, we will have no way to pursue them."

Xia Houlan bit her lower lip and asked, "What shall we do next?"

In the hands of those Huns, there are still nearly a thousand Han prisoners!
Zhao Yun turned around and glanced at the tired but resolute robers, and said to Xia Houlan, "Would you like to see your land trampled by the Huns?"

"I don't want to!"

"Then are you willing to watch them being looted to the grassland?"

"Of course not!"

Xia Houlan seemed to have a premonition of Zhao Yun's thoughts, and he approached Zhao Yun and asked softly: "Zilong, sir, I don't want to see us make huge sacrifices."

Zhao Yun turned his head to look at Xia Houlan, and said, "But sir, I don't want to see people being abused by foreigners!"

Seeming to see the doubts in Xia Houlan's heart, Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said: "After Le Jin and I defeated Yu Fuluo's Hun army, Mr. said a word to me."

Xia Houlan took advantage of the situation and asked, "What did you say, sir?"

"Foreigners who step into Han soil, those who dare to use swords and guns will die!" Zhao Yun said almost word by word what Lu Yan once said.

"!" Xia Houlan looked at Zhao Yun with a look of shock in his eyes. He couldn't associate this murderous sentence with that gentleman who had always been loose and gentle.

"Sir, it's not that he doesn't have murderous intentions, it's just that he hides it very well on weekdays." Zhao Yun explained to Xia Houlan.

"That's right, how can a person without a bit of sharpness be able to cultivate to the innate state." Xia Houlan replied as a matter of course.

Speaking of the innate realm, both Zhao Yun and Xia Houlan were suddenly silent.

A few days ago, when they went to a small town to seek supplies, they heard a rumor about Lu Yan, innate skills, and not being able to touch women.

"Mr.'s innate skills. It turns out that there are still such drawbacks!" Xia Houlan said with emotion.

Zhao Yun replied indifferently: "Actually, as long as you don't care about innate qi, you can ignore this rule."

"I'm a serious boy!" Then, Xia Houlan shrugged her brows and teased Zhao Yun, "What about you? Did you break it quietly?"

"Women will only affect the speed at which I shoot the gun. When have you ever seen me approach a woman?" Zhao Yun replied calmly while wiping the gentian gun.

The two bachelors, Xia Houlan, sighed, and said, "Could it be that we both want to be bachelors for the rest of our lives, just like Mr.?"

"It depends on God's will." Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "If I haven't cultivated my innate qi when I meet my beloved, then I won't force it anymore."

Xia Houlan thought for a while, and replied as if relieved: "It's also because of my aptitude, I guess I don't have any hope of entering the innate realm in this life, so it's better to find a wife and give birth to a few children."

"Mr. has great ambitions, which are not comparable to me and other mortals. Let's do our best and do something for the people in this troubled world!"

Xia Houlan finally stopped hesitating. He stretched out his right hand to Zhao Yun and said, "Okay! After two days of rest, let's go and kill the Huns and try to save the thousand Han compatriots!"

"No, the weather is cloudy today, and there should be no moonlight at night. When we are ugly, we will use the cover of the night to fight!"

"Are you in such a hurry?" Xia Houlan narrowed her pupils, then stretched out the tip of her tongue to lick her chapped lips, and said with a chuckle, "I don't know when I'll meet the Huns after this time. I'll let you rescue the prisoners tonight. Going to kill a few more Huns as a souvenir!!"

"Okay, the Huns don't have top experts, but you have to be careful not to fall into the siege of the Huns cavalry."

"I understand, do I really have no hope of cultivating my innate true energy?"

"With your aptitude, it's hard for me to explain resignation to you."


(End of this chapter)

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