Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 286 The tacit understanding between Chen Deng and Lu Yan

Chapter 286 The tacit understanding between Chen Deng and Lu Yan
Chen Deng was born in the Chen family in Xiapi. His great-grandfather was the prefect of Guanghan. His grandfather Chen Qiu was a famous Confucian in the late Han Dynasty. , served as Dongyang county magistrate.

Although he is young and comes from a family, it is rare for him to be able to understand the people's sentiments, care for the weak and raise the orphans, and win the respect of the people.

Chen Deng's father, Chen Gui, even had some relationship with the Yuan family of the fourth generation and third father.When Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, he wrote a letter to Chen Gui, Chen Deng and his son, hoping that they would help him in the past.

But in the eyes of Chen Gui and others, Yuan Shu is just a grasshopper after autumn, and it won't be long to jump around.

Although Yuan Shu took Chen Gui's second son as a hostage, in the end he was severely scolded by Chen Gui, and the two sides forged a grudge.

When Chen Deng was young, he had the ambition to help the world and help the people. More importantly, Chen Deng was still a man of action, not a "celebrity" like Kong Rong who only talked empty words.

Before the Battle of Pengcheng, everyone saw Chen Deng's ability to govern the region and diplomacy. After being appointed as the prefect of Pengcheng by Liu Bei, after experiencing the siege of Pengcheng this time, he unexpectedly showed his super military ability. .

The Chen family supported Liu Bei at the beginning, otherwise Liu Bei would not be able to take the position of Xuzhou Mu.

But because Chen Dengshou attached great importance to the family, Liu Bei was a little afraid to confide in his heart, so he was only made the prefect and did not enter his own decision-making circle.

Chen Deng wasn't angry at all, he just did his own job well.

Chen Gui and Chen Deng had already seen through Chen Gong's previous scheme, but they did not take action to destroy it, because it did not hurt their fundamental interests.

Now it seems that Cao Cao is unstoppable.

Although Cao Cao suppressed the gentry, there are many new things in it, which also provide various opportunities for the family to supplement and grow. Chen Deng and his son have extraordinary eyes, and of course they can see the opportunities.

Therefore, compared to Liu Bei and Yuan Shu, Chen Deng felt that Cao Cao's victory in Xuzhou might be a better result.

Yuan Shu's four-way army besieged Pengcheng, and Chen Deng, relying on his own strength and the full assistance of the people, barely blocked Yuan Jun's attack on the city.

But if things go on like this, within half a month, Pengcheng will definitely be destroyed because of the lack of food.

Just when Chen Deng was worried, a messenger suddenly came to report: "Report! Prefect! There is an army outside the city fighting Yuan Jun!"

Chen Deng stood up abruptly and asked, "Can you see which army it is?"

In fact, Chen Deng had already vaguely guessed in his heart that in this situation, who else would there be besides Cao Jun?

Sure enough, the messenger said, "It's the flag of Cao and Marquis Xia!"

"Xiahoudun?!" Chen Deng was very surprised, "Didn't he be defeated by Ji Ling?"

"Could it be Xia Houyuan??" But Chen Deng quickly shook his head again.

Just when Chen Dengzheng was puzzled, the messenger suddenly remembered something, and said again: "Go back to the prefect, I still see the big banner with the character Lu!"

"Lu!!!" Chen Deng was shocked, Cao Jun had only one leading general surnamed Lu!
He then blurted out: "It's Lu Yan who is here!!!"

"That's right! It must be Lu Yan!" Chen Deng thought suddenly, "Lu Yan must have joined the defeated Xiahou Dun at the fastest speed, then defeated Ji Ling, captured Xiao Pei, and finally came to Pengcheng!"

"If it's Lu Yan, Ji Ling is really no match!"

"Prefect, what should we do?" the orderly asked.

Before Chen Deng could reply, another messenger rushed in and reported: "Report! Prefect, that army retreated after a while of fighting."

Chen Deng frowned, a little confused, "What is Lu Yan doing? Just contact Yuan Jun and then withdraw???"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning seemed to flash across Chen Deng's mind, and he quickly asked, "How many people are there in Cao Jun?"

"It looks like there are less than [-] infantry plus cavalry."

"It seems that Lu Yan only brought a small number of troops to join Xiahou Dun, and their manpower may be a little short," Chen Deng muttered to himself, lost in thought.

But Chen Deng still thought through the joints, "I see, they are greeting me, telling me that they are here!"

"Report! Prefect, a sharpshooter in Cao Jun has sent a letter!" No. 3 messenger came to report.

Chen Deng quickly took it, and after seeing it, he laughed and said: "Sure enough! Cao Jun wants me to cooperate with the outside world!"

"But you, Lu Yan, are so sure that I will help you?" Chen Deng was a little curious. He didn't know why Lu Yan was so sure that he would help Cao Cao.

But no matter how Chen Deng weighs the pros and cons, in the end, only by cooperating with Cao Jun can he maximize his benefits. Chen Deng said with a helpless wry smile: "For the sake of the family. I was pinned to death by Lu Yan."

Chen Deng only had a few junior officers under his command, and he didn't have any good generals, but this also gave him a chance to use his tricks.

Walking back and forth in the hall a few times, a plan slowly took shape in Chen Deng's mind, "Come here, go and call the generals to discuss matters!"


Huang Zhong shot the letter written by Lu Yan on the city wall at a distance of two hundred steps. Such a sharp shot made Xia Houlan startled, "Huang Zhong's archery skills are probably rare in the world, and there is Wei Yan. Where did you find so many monsters?"

Even Zhao Yun, who is also a top archer, couldn't help feeling ashamed after seeing Huang Zhong's archery.After hearing Xia Houlan's emotion, he also said: "Not only is it rare, it is probably the pinnacle of the world!"

"But Chen Deng doesn't necessarily have such a powerful marksman, how did he spread the letter?" Xia Houdun asked.

"There's no need for him to spread the word. Our intentions have already been conveyed to Chen Deng, so he naturally knows how to act." Lu Yan's confidence in Chen Deng surprised the people around him.

Xun You has long known that Lu Yan has the unique skill of knowing people. Whether it is Zhao Yun, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia in the early days, or Huang Zhong and Wei Yan recently, they are all top talents.

Now he seems to have an indescribable, somewhat inexplicable confidence in Chen Deng, so maybe this Chen Deng is really a great talent who has not yet shown his true talents.

The next day.

Yuan Shu's four-way army once again approached Pengcheng.

However, Chen Deng ordered the soldiers under his command to silence the flags and drums to show the enemy's weakness, and then sent someone to send his letter of surrender.

Zhang Xun, Li Feng, Le Jiu, and Chen Ji looked at each other in dismay after reading Chen Deng's letter of surrender in turn.

"Do you think what Chen Deng said is true or false?" Zhang Xun asked hesitantly while holding the surrender letter.

"Cao Jun just showed up yesterday, and Chen Deng surrendered today? I'm afraid there is fraud!" Chen Ji replied.

"But Chen Deng said that he hated Cao Jun deeply, and would rather give up Pengcheng to the lord than that Cao thief. I think it has some credibility." Li Feng put forward his own ideas.

"Cao Cao suppressed the family, and Chen Deng didn't want to be with Cao Cao. It's really understandable." Le was in line with Li Feng's thinking.

Now it was 2 to 2, and the scene fell into a seesaw for a while.

The four leaders on Yuan Jun's side were discussing fiercely how many layers of gold this letter of surrender contained. On the tower over there, Chen Deng was carefully observing the enemy's formation.

Chen Deng asked people to deliberately spread the news that he wanted to surrender. Yuan Jun's soldiers didn't know the truth, but the tense atmosphere before the battle gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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