Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300 The lord is really hiding something!

Chapter 300 The lord is really hiding something!
The next day, Cao Cao summoned his three military divisions to the tent of the Chinese army early in the morning.

After the three of them rushed over, Cao Cao gave them the strategy he had copied from Lu Yan's diary last night.

Xun You, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu and others took turns reading the contents written on Cao Cao's letter paper for a long time, as if evaluating the feasibility of this strategy.

After about three to five minutes, Cheng Yu finally couldn't help but said, "My lord, how did you know that Lei Bo has grown disgusted with Yuan Shu?"

Cheng Yu didn't doubt it, he just felt that Cao Cao's plan was a bit sudden and unimaginable.

After all, they racked their brains with Cao Cao to defeat Shouchun two days ago, and they scratched their heads.

Now, after only one night, Cao Cao suddenly knew that the enemy had a weakness inside. Wasn't this a bit too abrupt?
However, before Cao Cao could reply, someone spoke first and said, "My lord must have wanted to test me, but I'm still a bit inferior to my lord in the end, and I've let my lord down!"

Jia Xu's sudden flattery made Cao Cao ecstatic.

He wanted to say that his strategy came from Lu Yan's reminder, but the words turned into, "I didn't expect Wen He to see through it."

Xun You and Cheng Yu glanced at each other. Although they doubted Jia Xu's flattery, they would not be so disappointed to break the tacit understanding between Cao Cao and Jia Xu.

"My lord is hiding everything, I am ashamed!"

Xun You and Cheng Yu also expressed their admiration, but Cao Cao suddenly felt a little guilty.

"Hehe!" Concealing his inner guilt with a hehe, Cao Cao said to the three of them: "Lei Bo is the key to us breaking Shouchun, but how to contact and persuade him will require the three of you to plan with all your might." !"

"Don't worry, my lord, we will swear to the death to fight against Lei Bo and help my lord break through Shouchun!" The three of Xun You clasped their hands in response.

Cao Cao was very satisfied with the attitude of the three of them, and said: "Okay. You discuss it first, and I will go to inspect the camp."

Before the three of Xun You could reply, Cao Cao had already left the big tent with somewhat hasty steps, leaving Xun You, Cheng Yu and Jia Xu looking at each other in blank dismay.

"My lord is really hiding something!" After a while, Cheng Yu finally couldn't help but sigh.

Then he became curious again, and asked Jia Xu, "Wen He, is the lord really testing us?"

Jia Xu glanced at Cheng Yu, and replied meaningfully: "Is it really important to test us?"

"Is it important?" Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled to himself: "It's true, it's not important at all."

Xun You put away the letter paper, and said to Cheng Yu and Jia Xu: "Okay, the most important place has been pointed out for us. If we still can't break the longevity, then we should just retire and return home."

Lu Yan just woke up and was about to ask his personal guard to fetch some water to wash up.But when he opened the tent, he found that there were many people hurrying outside the tent.

"Huh?" Lu Yan looked suspiciously at the several cavalrymen rushing out of the camp, and suddenly became suspicious and curious.

At this moment, Lu Yan happened to see Cao Cao who was strolling alone in the camp, so he walked up to him and said hello, "Hey! Mr. Cao is quite free today!"

Cao Cao was suddenly stopped by Lu Yan, and his body shuddered suddenly, as if he had been caught stealing something.
"Eh heh heh! It's Mr. Lu? What advice do you have?" Cao Cao turned around and asked with a smile that was uglier than crying.

Lu Yan looked at Cao Cao's expression suspiciously, and asked with concern, "Are you sick?"

Cao Cao nodded subconsciously, and immediately shook his head after realizing the reaction: "No! I'm fine!"

"Then why does it feel like you haven't taken any medicine today?"

"I'm not sick, what medicine do I take?" Cao Cao was so full of lawsuits that he was almost fainted by Lu Yan.

"Mr. Cao, I just saw Daying making some moves. Did you guys already have some solutions?" Lu Yan asked tentatively.

He thought to himself, "If Lao Cao and the others have a solution, then they won't make a fool of themselves. If it's still the previous practice of besieging the city and waiting for help, then he can mention Lei Bo's matter."

Anyway, idleness is idleness, try to instigate Lei Bo when you are free, just find something to do, right?

Cao Cao has such a thick skin. In just a few words of conversation, he has completely calmed down from the slight panic just now.

After hearing Lu Yan's question, Cao Cao replied calmly: "Cao thought of a strategy last night, but it was not easy to implement, so I left it to Gongda and the others to handle it properly."

"So that's how it is!" Lu Yan said with a groan, and said with a smile: "That's good if there is a way, then Yan will wait for the good news from Duke Cao!"

Cao Cao murmured in his heart: "Sure enough! Mr. Lu still likes to hide clumsiness as always. He obviously has a good plan in mind, but he refuses to say it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Looking at the back of Lu Yanshi leaving, Cao Cao grumbled in his heart with a wry smile: "Lu Immortal. I won't really treat you like a donkey. Is it so difficult for you to be a little more active?"

That is too difficult!If Lu Yan could hear Lao Cao's heartfelt words, he would definitely reciprocate him like this.

Cao Cao was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly he felt sorry for stealing Lu Yan's strategy for nothing.

Looking up, Lu Yan was not walking fast, and he hadn't disappeared from Cao Cao's sight at the moment, so Cao Cao shouted, "Sir! Wait a moment!", and then chased after him.
Lu Yan turned around and asked vigilantly, "What else is there for Mr. Cao?"

Seeing this, Cao Cao chuckled, then waved his hands and said, "Sir, don't be nervous, Fuck just thought of some plans to expand logistics."

"Eh?" Lu Yan was surprised why this old Cao suddenly became enlightened, so he stretched out his hand to ask, "Mr. Cao, please continue."

Cao Cao hurried, organized his thoughts and words, and said: "I have seen the power of the trebuchet and the crossbow in the past two days. Didn't you say that there is still a lot of room for improvement, Mr. Lu? After tossing and turning for a long time last night, Cao thought that he should give the workshop more support!"

"Is that so!" Lu Yan's eyes lit up, and he asked, "How much do you plan to invest?"

Cao Cao thought of the formal official status he planned to give to the workshop supervisors, so he waved his hand and said, "It's too vulgar to talk about money!
Cao is going to play His Majesty and formally incorporate the workshop into the official system of the imperial court. From now on, the directors of the workshop will also be official officials of the imperial court! "

Lu Yan thought, "This is not bad, at least it can greatly improve the status of craftsmen and give them more motivation for research and development!"

"Cao Gong is wise, the potential of the workshop will definitely not let you down." Lu Yan said with a solemn expression, cupping his hands.

What he said was from his heart, the improvement of science and technology means the improvement of military affairs and people's livelihood.As a modern person, Lu Yan is too aware of the importance of technology to a country.

Cao Cao suddenly became enlightened at this moment, and Lu Yan was very pleased. He decided to give Lao Cao a surprise right now, "Mr. Cao, Zilong rescued a person last time."

Cao Cao suddenly raised his hand to stop Lu Yan, and said, "Mr. Lu! I, Cao, just want to break through Shouchun as soon as possible. As for anything else, let's talk about it when we go back."

Lu Yan was right when he thought about it. Talking about Cai Yan now would only distract Cao Cao, so he said to Cao Cao with a little admiration:
"Mr. Cao is wise! Then let's talk about this after we go back."

"Okay, I still have to go to patrol the camp, so I will take my leave first!"

"Dr. Cao, please help yourself"

When Cao Cao thought of Cai Yan, his heart was beating wildly. In order not to let Lu Yan notice the abnormality, he had to leave quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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