Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 307 Zhou Yu's Fear, Cao Cao's Schemes Behind!

Chapter 307 Zhou Yu's Fear, Cao Cao's Schemes Behind!
The whole ritual process is not complicated.

After Lu Yan and others finished offering incense, the ashes of the fallen soldiers were held by other robes and placed in the grave one by one.

After the burial was over, Lu Yan took the wine jar from Guo Jia and murmured, "Brothers, I, Lu Yan, will do it first as a respect!"

After killing nearly half of the altar in one go, Lu Yan waved his hand and dumped the wine on the ground.

The soldiers behind Lu Yan also drank nearly half of the wine in the wine bowl like Lu Yan, and then poured the rest of the wine on the ground in front of them.

At this moment, some soldiers were already crying.I don't know if it's because of touching the scene, or because my good brother is lying behind the tombstone
After the sacrifice, Lu Yan and the cavalry returned to the cavalry camp.

In the camp, the more than 1000 cavalry soldiers who had completely transformed into elite soldiers stood neatly and quietly in a square formation.

Facing them, Lu Yan looked at this group of vicissitudes or immature, haggard or tired faces, took a deep breath and said loudly: "Everyone! The dead are dead, and the living should forge ahead.

Those robes who have gone to reincarnation, their will will be passed down from generation to generation by our living brothers! "

The originally somewhat silent and sentimental atmosphere gradually became warmer with Lu Yan's speech.


In war, there is no one who is not dead.

Instead of being immersed in the sorrow of the past, it is better to stand up again and move forward bravely!

At the end of the speech, Lu Yan suddenly asked: "If the earthen pot is not broken away from the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle. Brothers, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Not afraid!"

"Don't be afraid! I'm just a soldier!"

A murmur suddenly came from the crowd, and the original rigorous atmosphere was instantly destroyed by it
"Hahaha!" A burst of laughter suddenly broke out in the army formation.

The corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitched, and he quickly discovered the culprit who ruined the atmosphere.

Pointing at the brawny man making noise, Lu Yan said loudly: "Tie Niu! This general punishes you for not having dinner today!"

Tieniu, whose name was called out by Lu Yan, was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly wailed: Ah!No! !Lu Huanqi, I know I was wrong!I'm counting on this to eat, I can't help but give me food! "

What happened to Tieniu and his exaggerated acting skills once again caused the surrounding Pao Ze to burst into laughter, and many even began to tease Tieniu.

Lu Yan didn't seem to want to give up yet, when the laughter gradually subsided, he suddenly smiled and said: "Tonight's celebration banquet, let's drink and eat hot pot!"

"hot pot!"


"Hi'er!" Tieniu heard that he was going to eat hot pot tonight, so he didn't catch up immediately, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Of course, this was just a joke Lu Yan made with him.

The soldiers must not eat less, at worst, a few more cows will be killed at night.
Tonight, doomed to sleepless again!

Lu Yan only participated in the very beginning of the banquet. Before the banquet was half over, he left the banquet with too much alcohol and returned to the house alone.

Lu Yan's current status is a bit too high, with him around, the soldiers still can't let go.

Back at General Hussar's Mansion, Lu Yan adjusted his mood and began to write today's diary.

Yuan Shu is no longer worth mentioning. When Xuzhou is digested, Boss Cao, who owns the land of two states and has no shortage of food, will be able to rank among the strongest princes today.

Someone may want to ask, Yuan Shu was defeated so quickly, how could such a guy dare to claim the title of emperor, and why would he dare to claim the title of emperor?
But actually,

Before Yuan Shu killed himself, his strength could be regarded as one of the most powerful forces in the Kanto princes, and he was a proper T0 rank.

A good hand of cards was played poorly, and it was Yuan Shu himself who was talking about it.

A man who proclaimed himself emperor and made himself helpless, to the point of falling apart, really deserves to be called the dead bone in the tomb.

There are two flowers on each table.

In addition, after Sun Ce and Liu Bei left Shouchun City, they hurried back to their camps.

On the way back to the camp, Sun Ce, a vulgar man, was keenly aware of an undetectable trace of abnormality in Zhou Yu's expression.

Deliberately slowing down the horse's pace, Sun Ce waited until Zhou Yu caught up, and then asked with concern: "Gong Jin, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yu was still thinking about something just now, but after being brought back to reality by Sun Ce's greeting at this moment, he shook his head and replied, "It's nothing. It's just that there are some things I don't quite understand."

"Hey! Is there something else you don't understand?" Sun Ce suddenly became interested and asked curiously, "Tell me, what is it?"

Zhou Yu looked up at the bright smile on Sun Ce's face, and said, "I don't quite understand how Cao Cao got in touch with Lei Bo and cooperated to take down Shouchun City."

"That's it?" Sun Ce suddenly became interested and short of money, and replied, "Isn't it so simple that Lei Bo surrendered to Cao Cao and then opened the city gate?"

Zhou Yu still frowned, and asked, "Ke Bofu, have you thought about it?

Shouchun City implements the poisonous policy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness, not to mention people, I am afraid that even birds cannot come and go freely.

Then how did Cao Cao contact Lei Bo and collude with him to open the city gate at a certain moment? "

"Uh, I haven't thought about it." Sun Zhizhi looked a little embarrassed. There are indeed many questions about the details, but he usually doesn't bother to think about it when he can't figure it out.
Seeing that Sun Ce still looked indifferent, Zhou Yu decided to beat him up, "Cao Cao is a man of great power and cunning, you must not underestimate him, Bo Fu!"

"I know I didn't take him lightly."

"I mean, you have to take him very, very seriously!"


"It seems you still don't understand."


"Let me ask you another question." Zhou Yu said.

"You speak, I listen"

"Do you know what Cao Cao's intention behind giving Yuan Shu to us and Liu Bei today?"

When Sun Ce heard this, he immediately calmed down and began to think.

After about ten breaths, he finally opened his mouth and tried to answer: "Cao Cao wants us to compete with Liu Bei and destroy our relationship?"

"It seems that there is no cure." There was a hint of relief in Zhou Yu's smile.


"But you only talked about one aspect." Zhou Yu couldn't help crying and laughing when he saw Sun Ce looking at him cutely with his eyes open: "On the other hand, Cao Cao used this to send us away. Only we and With Liu Bei gone, he can concentrate on controlling Huainan and Guangling counties."

When Sun Ce heard this, he was surprised and said, "Guangling County? Isn't that Liu Bei's territory?"

"Liu Bei is still a supporter in Xuzhou. Cao Cao will never let Liu Bei stay in Xuzhou. If you don't believe me, you can wait and see if it turns out to be like what I said." Zhou Yu looked confident and let Sun Ce I couldn't help but believe it eight points.

When Sun Ce heard this, he couldn't help becoming worried, and asked, "Cao Cao has so many bad intentions behind his back, so is he also trying to get Jiangdong's attention?"

"Of course he will not let go of every opportunity to seize Jiangdong!"

Zhou Yu's words made Sun Ce visibly nervous.
"It's just that Cao Cao's tentacles can't reach our Jiangdong yet.

And even though the Jiangdong family hates us, they will hate and fear Cao Cao even more."

Sun Ce nodded, approving Zhou Yu's conjecture,

"I hope Zibu can stabilize the situation in Jiangdong.

As long as we can successfully take Yuan Shu's head this time, the aristocratic families in Jiangdong will be used by us sooner or later! "

Zhou Yu finally relaxed his frown, "That's right, we must take Yuan Shu's head!"

(End of this chapter)

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