Chapter 313
The site for the reconstruction of Taixue Academy was finally chosen in a quiet and secluded place thirty miles south of Chenliu City, near the mountains and forests.

Why Chen Liu again?

Because Chen Liu has a person who is at the peak of both civil and military affairs.
People who have objections are basically afraid to come and argue with Lu Yan, after all, the last person Lu Yan made sense of was lying in bed for two or three months before getting out of bed.

When the people of Chenliu County heard that General Lu was going to recruit workers to start the project again, they flocked to him, almost breaking through the recruitment gate temporarily set up at the workshop.

Geng Liang, wearing the newly issued official uniform of the director, held his head high and held his chest high, and patrolled the door with great posture to ensure that the recruitment site was orderly.However, relying on him alone is definitely not enough. The main maintainer of order is the hundreds of soldiers drawn from the military base.

Chenliu Workshop was placed under the administration of Taixue, and it was officially named Jiangzuojian.

There is a supervisor under Jiangzuo, and there is one junior prisoner each, namely Lu Yan and Han Hao.But just like the principal and vice-principal, the vice-principal usually does the work
For the time being, the young prison has only set up two chief clerks, namely Geng Liang and Ma Jun.

Geng Liang, whose family has been a craftsman for generations, unexpectedly became an official for an unprecedented time.

Geng Liang, who was now wearing an official uniform, had a great change in his demeanor. The old Geng who used to laugh when he met everyone now had a hint of majesty.

The crowd formed a long queue, and the people of Chenliu had great enthusiasm for the official project.

Not only because of the generous remuneration offered by the government, but also because if some people show special talents, they are likely to be specially recruited by the workshop.

The treatment of the workshop made many officials in the court very jealous. You said how could these common people not sharpen their heads and yearn to squeeze in.

"Listen!" Geng Liang shouted to the crowd with a loudspeaker, "I will be the supervisor of the full design and supervision of the construction of the construction of the Taiyuan Academy!
If you work fast, you will do well!Then our wages are absolutely generous!

The kind that is so rich that you can count the money until your hands cramp! "Geng Liang's words revealed the word "aggressive" inside and out.

"Master Geng! I don't want wages, you just need to let me enter the workshop as a long-term worker!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

"You idiot! Now you are called the prisoner! The prisoner! Do you remember?!"

"Yes, yes. I will be a prisoner!"

Before Geng Liang could reply, someone yelled loudly: "No way! The general prison is full of craftsmen, what else can you do besides cooking?"

"I know how to move bricks!"



Geng Liang glared at Tie Hanhan, who was good at moving bricks and cooking, and then raised his horn again, shouting to maintain order.

The Tai Academy plans to cover an area of ​​[-] square meters. It is conservatively estimated that it can accommodate [-] to [-] students after it is fully completed.

However, such a huge project will not be completed in one go, but will be gradually completed in several phases.

Besides, Tai Academy didn't have so many students at the beginning, so there was absolutely no need to be so tall and tall as soon as it came up, which seemed too extravagant and wasteful.

The graphic design drawings of the college are all from the craftsmen who will be supervisors, and the personal experience and skills of these people are now recorded and organized by special clerks, and finally compiled into books to become textbooks for the next generation.

In the 5000 years of Huanghuang China, I don’t know how many inventions have been lost in the corners of history. Lu Yan also wants to pass them on like literary knowledge.

Not only is the Tai Academy about to start construction, but all states and counties under Cao Cao's rule will establish academies in the name of the government, even Xuzhou, which has just been annexed, is no exception.

The academy starts from the enlightenment of children, and continues to teach until the Four Books and Five Classics, and then students can choose whether to take the exam to enter the Taixue.

Since mathematics and engineering are still too new, and in the eyes of most people, they seem a bit "not doing business properly", so these two subjects are not taught in local academies, but only taught in Taixue.

Mathematics and engineering will be established as Taixue's diverse courses.Regardless of whether they are ordinary people or the children of nobles and eunuchs, if they want to enter the mathematics and engineering courses of Taiyuan Academy, they only need to pass the basic knowledge examination and related professional examinations, which are similar to the modern physical examination and art examination.

As for the military and politics in the Taixue, they will only be admitted after passing the strict assessment and screening among the students of the Taixue.

Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of life and death, the way of survival!If you want to learn advanced military theoretical knowledge, you must ensure that the roots of the students are upright.

The same is true for politics, they are all powerful weapons of the country, so we must ensure that there are no traitors.

Military, defending the country, expanding the territory; politics, stabilizing the world, governing the country and rejuvenating the country.

The art of war strategy is not bad, and there are many people from poor families who have learned well, such as Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai, Wei Yan and others.

However, the knowledge of governing the country and rejuvenating the country in terms of politics and administration has always been monopolized by the aristocratic family.

As the saying goes, conquering the world is easy, but defending the country is difficult. Why is the aristocratic family not afraid of changing dynasties?It is because they have a lot of knowledge and talents in governing the country, they can quickly help the new emperor to govern stability and govern the world.They know what so-called imperial power cannot do without them, so they are fearless.

The Hongnong Yang family, a thousand-year-old wealthy family, has been passed down from generation to generation!

Yang Biao and Yang Xiu came from a truly legendary family after the Hongnong Yang family.

The ancestor of the Hongnong Yang family was Yang Chang, the prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty, who was also the son-in-law of Sima Qian.

His great-great-grandson Yang Zhenguan Taiwei is known as "Kansai Confucius".Not only that, Yang Zhen's son Yang Bing, grandson Yang Ci, and great-grandson Yang Biao were all officials to Taiwei, and they were the "four generations and three princes" of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

We are familiar with Yang Biao. He not only served as Taiwei, but also served as Sikong and Situ, and he was the "Three Dukes" by himself.

At the beginning, he managed it independently, and together with Jia Xu planned the emperor's escape from Chang'an.

It can be said that there is no such thing as Yang Biao's words, but I am afraid that Zizi has already been killed by Li Jue and Guo Si today.

Yang Xiu is Yang Biao's son. With his family background, it is reasonable for Yang Xiu to be proud of his talents. The key is that he is indeed talented and has the capital of such pride.

Historically, the reason why Yang Xiu was killed was more complicated, but it was definitely not because of his arrogance.

Cao Cao has a lot of talented people with strange tempers, why can't he just accommodate Yang Xiu?
The main reason is that Yang Xiu and Cao Cao have somewhat different ideas, and they also participated in the battle for the heir apparent, committing suicide.

Although Yang Xiu died later, the family legend is still being written.

The three sons of Yang Chao, the descendants of their family, Yang Jun, his younger brothers Yang Juan and Yang Ji, assisted Sima Yan together, and their power was overwhelming!
Not only that, Yang Bing, Empress Wu Yuan Yang Yan and Empress Wu Mourning Yang Zhi of the Yang family also actively helped them.

During the Sanyang dictatorship, after the Western Jin Dynasty unified the north and the south, the country was prosperous.It's just that later, because of a conflict with the Sima family, it was destroyed by others, which shocked the whole country.

Although suffered a major blow, the Hongnong Yang family survived, and then found a chance to rise in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

After the unification of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Su, the prime minister of the Sui Dynasty, was a descendant of the Hongnong Yang family.

Even Yang Jian and Yang Guang, the emperors of the Sui Dynasty, once claimed to be descendants of the Hongnong Yang family, but it is difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

People can't help but sigh with emotion: The millennium family is so awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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