Chapter 315 One hundred secrets and one sparse (thanks to [The Wind of Desolation] for the reward)

"Come here! Take down these two spies for me!"

Following the shout of the soldier who stopped Fazheng Mengda, a group of soldiers rushed from behind the city gate in an instant and surrounded the two of them.

Facing the glaring swords and guns, Fazheng and Mengda were immediately stunned.

Meng Da put his head in his hands and faced the wall. While being searched by Cao Jun's soldiers, he asked the soldier who searched him, "The two of us came all the way from Guanzhong, why did we become spies?"

The soldier replied: "If it wasn't for spies, you two should have been stopped when you first entered Prime Minister Cao's rule. How could you get to Chen Liu?"

At this time, Fazheng also said in an inexplicable tone, "But we have come all the way here! No one came to stop or question us at all."

"Impossible!" The soldier denied with a firm tone, "Although Yingchuan is not as strict as Chen Liu's interrogation, every checkpoint and important stronghold will definitely be interrogated."

Fazheng wanted to make some excuses, but unexpectedly, the group of guards didn't give them any chance to speak.

The captain of the city gate guard said: "No suspicious items were found, let's take them to the yamen for a background check first."


"Eh? Wait."

"Don't push, I will go by myself."

question, answer, record
Ask again, answer again, record again.
This process was carried out three times, and they were all interrogated separately.

Fortunately, Fazheng and Meng Dazhen were not spies, but after this series, it took a long time to toss.

Fazheng and Mengda hadn't had a drop of water since they were arrested. At this moment, after the interrogation, they were exhausted from hunger, the corners of their lips were cracked, and they were dizzy.

Just when they were about to ask the people in the county yamen to ask what the situation was like, a man in a blue scribe gown, Shi Shiran, walked in.

Fazheng and Mengda looked intently, and saw that the man had a handsome face, with a gentle complexion like jade, and a head of black and thick hair tied casually behind him.

The man came in front of them, his eyes flashed with curiosity and exploration, and he asked, "Fazheng? Mengda?"

Fazheng and Mengda judged from Lu Yan's faint aura and temperament that was completely different from ordinary people that the identity of the person in front of him must be extraordinary.

So they stood up respectfully, cupped their hands and replied, "It's Fazheng (Meng Da), may I ask what the Shangguan's name is?"

"My name is Lu Yan."

"So it's Lu." Fazheng had just finished speaking halfway, but suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened!

Before Meng Da could react, he saw Fazheng raised his head suddenly, and asked in a surprised tone, "General Hussars, Lu Yan, Lu Changsheng?!"

Cao Cao didn't have another person named Lu Yan, and the person in front of him was about the same age as the rumors said, so Fazheng immediately thought of that strange man whose reputation had spread all over the world, Lu Yan.

The man nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's right, it's Lu."

Meng Da finally came to his senses now.And the first sentence he said after he realized it was: "Mother! After checking his identity, do you want the majestic Hussar General to go out in person?"

"This is too much attention!!!" Even Fazheng felt a little cracked, and thought to himself: "Could it be possible that we are really regarded as spies?!"

Thinking of this, Fazheng couldn't sit still any longer, "Wait a minute, Lu Hushi, let the students explain."

But just when Fazheng was about to defend himself, Lu Yan said abruptly, "No hurry, I've ordered people to prepare meals. Let's talk while eating."

Fazheng: "?"

Meng Da: "———?"

Looking at Lu Yan's attitude and the meaning of Lu Yan's words, "He doesn't seem to regard us as spies?"

So what the hell is going on?Fazheng and Mengda were confused again.

"Did the reversal of life come too fast? It's too fast for people to get used to!" When Fazheng and Mengda sat behind the desk in the spacious hall, they still felt that the scene in front of them seemed a little strange. reality.

As the petty officials brought out plates of delicacies with a tangy aroma, Fazheng and Mengda were finally brought back to the present world. At this moment, their Temple of the Five Zang-Organs was seduced by the rich aroma of the food, and began to crazily move inside their bodies. rebelled.

Listening to the belly sounds of the two people in the hall, Lu Yan suppressed his smile and said softly: "Hurry up and eat something first, we will talk after eating."

Lu Yan's appearance and voice are like the spring breeze blowing willows in March, which makes people feel extremely comfortable and very comfortable.In any case, they couldn't connect the rumored Lu Yan, who was single-handed against Wanqi, and who was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Lu Bu.

After Fazheng and Mengda shook hands, they finally put their heads down and began to seriously deal with the group of bastards who seduced his younger brother to rebel.

Meng Da stuffed half a roast chicken into his mouth, and after sneaking a glance at Lu Yan, he muttered in his heart: "However, they are all scribes who have no power to restrain a chicken. It seems that rumors are just rumors after all. Seeing is believing”

Fazheng eating seems to be more gentle, but the speed of attack is not slower than Mengda.

When the two of them were full of wine and food, and patted their stomachs and groaned, Lu Yan asked, "Aren't you two living in Fufeng? Why did you come to Chen Liulai?"

Hearing this, Fazheng barely raised his upper body, with a wry smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "Natural disasters and man-made disasters in Guanzhong, we and the people are really miserable. In order to survive and seek a future, I discussed with Meng Da and finally decided Xu Du came here to seek refuge with Prime Minister Cao."

Don't think that Zheng Zheng is very polite now, but he is a proud guy in his bones.

I only heard him continue to say: "Earlier, I heard that Prime Minister Cao promulgated an order to seek talents based on talents. I felt that I had some talents, so I wanted to apply for the recruitment. But after I came to Yingchuan, I heard that the Taixue was reopened, and as long as I passed the exam, I would like to apply for it. You can enter Taiyuan Academy.

Therefore, we finally decided not to go to the Qiuxian Hall, but to go to the Taiyuan College to take the exam. We have to enter the Taiyuan College with our real talents. "

Speaking of this, Fazheng changed the subject and said: "But as soon as we reached Chenliu City, we were caught by the soldiers guarding the city. He said that we must show him some ID cards, and that we were spies, so we didn't know what he said. Is it true or false, or is it just trying to make things difficult for us?"

Fazheng started to get angry with the city defenders, it seems that he really doesn't have a big heart.

Lu Yan was also a little curious, how did the two of them arrive in Xuchang, could it be that the executive power at the grassroots level has dropped to such an extent?
"I've already learned about it. What the guard said is true, without any exaggeration. So, I'm also very curious about how you all made it to the city of Chenliu."

Lu Yan's words made Fazheng's heart tremble, "There is really such a strict identity check?"

(End of this chapter)

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