Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 318 Hussar General, Are You A Wife?

Chapter 318 Hussar General, Are You A Wife?
The first year of Jian'an, October.

More than a year has passed since Qu Yi joined forces with Xian Yufu, Liu Yu's son Liu He and others to defeat Gongsun Zan and surround Gongsun Zan's army in Yijing.

In the past year or so, Qu Yi and others have attacked countless times without success.

Later Qu Yi ordered people to build siege fortifications in an attempt to surround Gongsun Zan to death.

Unexpectedly, the inner city of Yijing was not only well-prepared, but also stored enough food for the soldiers and families in the city for ten years. On the contrary, the food and grass for Qu Yi and others were about to be exhausted.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers eat horse chews, and the daily consumption of food and grass is astronomical, not to mention that they have delayed for more than a year.

Even if Yuan Shao's Jizhou is rich, it cannot afford such a heavy consumption for a long time.

In addition, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shu and annexed Xuzhou, Yuan Shao felt the pressure from the south.He could no longer spend a lot of manpower, energy and financial resources on Gongsun Zan, so Yuan Shao sent a letter, urging Qu Yi to either fight down or withdraw his troops first to defeat Gongsun Zan in the future.

However, relying on his outstanding achievements, Qu Yi ignored Yuan Shao's urging and continued to besiege Yi Jing at his own pace.Because from Qu Yi's point of view, now he is competing with Gongsun Zan in stamina, whoever can't hold on first will really lose out.

Yuan Shao is a very face-saving person, and Qu Yi's ignorance undoubtedly caused Yuan Shao's face to be slapped, and it was the kind in public.

Coupled with the fact that Qu Yi was originally a surrendered general from Han Fu, Yuan Shao couldn't help but become suspicious of Qu Yi.

As a result, Jizhou began to gradually reduce the supply of food and grass to the Quyi coalition army, which caused the morale of the soldiers of the Quyi coalition army to decline day by day.

Gongsun Zan is undoubtedly a well-known general who has experienced many battles. After he keenly realized that Qu Yi's army was short of food and morale, he took the opportunity to send out all the troops, defeated Qu Yi's allied forces, recovered the outer city of Yi Jing, and beheaded more than [-] people!

Yuan Shao was furious when he learned of Qu Yi's defeat, and led his army to Yi Jing, preparing to fight Gongsun Zan in person.

On the way to Yijing, he ordered people to capture Qu Yi, and used Qu Yi's disobedience as an excuse to kill him!
On Gongsun Zan's side, after recovering the outer city of Yi Jing, the siege of Yi Jing was slightly relieved.But just after defeating Qu Yi, he attracted a stronger Yuan Shao
So Gongsun Zan immediately wrote a letter, and sent his son Gongsun Xu to personally deliver the letter to the Black Mountain Army, asking them to send troops to support him.

Although the Black Mountain Army suffered heavy losses in previous defeats, Zhang Yan still has a lot of fighting power under his command. He also understands the truth of the cold lips and teeth, and knows that he will be the next one to act after Gongsun Zan fell to Yuan Shao.

Therefore, Zhang Yan, the Black Mountain Army, responded to Gongsun Zan's request, mobilized a hundred thousand Black Mountain Army, and went to Yijing to support Gongsun Zan together with Gongsun Xu in three routes.

Gongsun Zan was overjoyed when he heard the news of the reinforcements coming, so he wrote to his son again, intending to attack Yuan Shao with a double attack.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Zan's letter was intercepted by Yuan Shao.By the way, Yuan Shao also used this as a trick, and ordered someone to lure Gongsun Zan out of the city under the guise of Zhang Yan's reinforcements, and then almost wiped out Gongsun Zan's main army, leaving Gongsun Zan in a slump from then on.

After Gongsun Zan escaped back to Yijing by chance, he stayed behind closed doors, drank and drank heavily every day, and seemed to have completely given up struggling.

At this time, it was already the end of the first year of Jian'an, and it was time to watch the year.

The sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year, and the bursts of gongs and drums welcome the new year.

Huang Zhong and his wife started the cleaning with Huang Xu and Huang Wudie brothers and sisters.

However, although the Hushi General's Mansion is not too big, it is definitely not small. Huang Zhong's family only cleaned a few rooms that were used by others, such as the rooms of Zhao Yun, Xia Houlan and Tai Shici.

Later, Guo Jia's family also joined in, and the entire Hussar General's Mansion suddenly became very lively.

Huang Xu's body has not fully recovered, but it has recovered to about [-]% of its normal level.Now, apart from my thin body and occasional cough, I can move around freely.

Huang Zhong and Huang Shi, while cleaning the dust on the wall, occasionally looked back at the three brothers and sisters who were sometimes working seriously and sometimes playing and playing. Their two wrinkled faces couldn't help shaking. a happy expression.

Why are there three people?Because Guo Jia's son, Guo Yi, is now cleaning up with Huang Xu and Huang Wudie in a decent manner.

In this huge mansion, only Huang Zhong and Guo Jia have children.

Guo Jia's wife would sometimes take Guo Yi to visit Huang's family on weekdays, and everyone who came and went got to know each other well, so there was a little follower behind Huang Xu and Huang Wudie.

Guo Jia and his wife are tidying up their room. They will clean Lu Yan's room and Lu Yan's study later.

Lu Yan, Zhao Yun, and Xia Houlan did not participate in the New Year's Eve cleaning activities. They have already arrived at the cavalry barracks and are visiting the cavalry soldiers in the barracks.

After completing the final training in the afternoon, most of these soldiers will temporarily leave the barracks and return home to reunite with their relatives.

Basically, soldiers with family members moved their families to Chenliu; those without family members had to stay in the barracks.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so Lu Yan will not forget his brothers, of course there are also the Beiwei Army and other ordinary soldiers, but the cavalry camp is their first stop for this operation.

Behind Lu Yan and others, there are many civilian husbands who volunteered to contribute.

With their help, carts of wine, meat, and huge boxes were pulled into the cavalry barracks in such a mighty way.

Lu Yan hugged the wine jar, stood on the cart, stepped on the cart with one foot, and stepped on the big box with the other, shouting at the top of his voice, "Brothers, although the barracks is your home, it's not your home." The kennel! This general has kindly taken you in for the time being this year, but you don’t want to stay here forever!”

There was a burst of low laughter among the soldiers, they knew that what Lu Yan said was actually just a joke.

Sure enough, after taking a sip of wine, Lu Yan continued, "There are so many refugees flooding into Chenliu every year, you can propose any woman you like, and if they are willing, then marry her as soon as possible. Wife and children are hot on the bed. Doesn't it smell good!"


"Of course we want a wife too!"

"We don't save face, I'm afraid it's hard to find it by ourselves, why don't you send it directly, General!"


Lu Yan's words made the audience completely lively, but the level of disturbance of this group of people was still far beyond Lu Yan's imagination.

"Send a daughter-in-law directly? I didn't dare to think of such a good thing, thanks to you people who can think of it!" Lu Yan slandered in his heart, but said on his mouth: "It's not impossible, but if the daughter-in-law in hand is not If you don’t like it, are you willing to bear the consequences?”

"Forget it, I think with my handsome face and strong body, it's easy to find a wife? If I'm ugly, I'll suffer a lot!"

"Tie Niu, what are you talking about! How can you have anything to do with being handsome?"

"Strong is strong enough, but every time you go to the battlefield, the power of the three swords is relatively strong, it is not durable enough!"

"Hey! Thief! How dare you say that your grandpa is not durable enough? How dare you fight grandpa and me for three hundred rounds?"


Seeing the commotion going on and on, Lu Yan didn't try to stop it, but just kicked open the lid of the big box under his feet!
"Bang Dang!" With a sound, the box opened, revealing the yellow and orange copper coins inside!

The whole camp became silent in an instant, and needles could be heard!
"Daughter-in-law, let's not send money for now, let's send money first today!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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