Chapter 328 Farming Army Order

"baked beans?!"

"Do you want to light a fire?"

"Nonsense, how do you cook without a fire?"

The three old peasants were in a show, and Yan was stunned when he saw it.

Fortunately, although these three children played a lot, their movements were still very quick.Not long after, a small fire burned in front of Lu Yan.

"Lu Huqi, what's the point of these baked potatoes?" Old Nongjia hadn't finished asking, but saw Lu Yan throwing a few potatoes in his hand into the fire.
It's enough to just smack your face directly, pay attention to your balls.

Lu Yan was afraid that these potatoes might not be enough to eat later, so he ran back to get a few back, and threw them into the fire as well.

After picking up the burning firewood with a wooden stick and covering them on the potatoes, Lu Yan clapped his hands contentedly, put his waist down, and looked at the burning fire with a smile.

After finishing what he was doing, Lu Yan suddenly remembered what old Nongjia asked just now, so he turned his head and asked old Nongjia, "What did you want to ask just now?"

Old Nongjia looked at the potatoes disappearing into the fire, his eyelids twitched.

After hearing Lu Yan's question, he quickly shook his head and waved his hands, "No no no old slave didn't ask anything just now."

Turning his head to look at the other two, seeing that the heads of old Nong Yi and old Nong Ding were shaking like rattles, Lu Yan walked aside on his own and said, "Call me in a quarter and a half, I'll read a book first." .”

After Lu Yan finished speaking, he took out junior high school physics from his bosom, and began to review seriously.

Although junior high school physics is not difficult, after so many years, there are still many things I have forgotten.

The school exam is about to start here, if you don't review it, if you make a mistake when teaching in the future, it will be ashamed for more than 1000 years.

The three old farmers saw that Lu Yan was reading the book by himself. After they looked at each other, they quietly stood by the fire and counted the time silently.

For a big man like Lu Yan who never leaves his book, they really admire him from the bottom of their hearts.

The time of reading always flies by so fast. When Lu Yan fell into a drowsy sleep, the old farmer finally stood up and walked towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan's senses were extremely keen, and when he felt someone walking towards him, his eyes opened silently, and the drowsiness disappeared instantly.

Raising his head and looking at the old farmer, Lu Yan asked, "Is it almost time?"

"Yes, it's been a quarter and a half." The old farmer glanced at the bible-like words and pictures in Lu Yan's hand, and his voice subconsciously softened a few times.

Lu Yan put the junior high school physics back into his arms, got up and came to the fire.

After such a long time, the fire in the fire has remained the same size as it was at the beginning. It seems that the three old farmers have been carefully maintaining the fire.

Lu Yan picked up the wooden stick that had just started the fire, and threw the fire away, revealing the scorched potatoes inside.

"Aha! Hurry up, one person first!" Lu Yan laughed loudly, picked up a potato unceremoniously,
"Hot! Hot! Hot!"

Although it was very hot, Lu Yan couldn't wait to break open the potatoes.

The scorched black skin cracked open, revealing the soft yellow potato flesh inside.

A strange fragrance wafted out,
Stretching their necks and opening their mouths, the trio of old peasants with "I'm curious" written all over their faces, smelled the burnt aroma intoxicatedly, and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva unconsciously.

"smell good"

"I've never smelled a fragrance like this before."

"Yeah, it smells better than the big girl's smell."

Lu Yan didn't care what the three of them were muttering, he couldn't wait to put the half of the potato in his right hand into his mouth and bite it down!
Although it is hot and wheezing, it is really delicious!
Lu Yan killed the potato in his right hand two or three times, and finally said in satisfaction: "Soft and delicious, rich in nutrition!"

After finishing speaking, he put the other half of the potato in his left hand into his mouth, "Sweet!!!"

Potatoes are really tasty and nutritious.

In addition to containing a lot of starch, the protein content in potatoes is relatively high. At the same time, it is also rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, especially its vitamin content, which can be said to be the most comprehensive of all grains.

The three old farmers looked at the dark potatoes on the ground. Although they had just smelled the aroma and saw Lu Yan eating them, they still didn't dare to do it.

Lu Yan saw that they didn't do anything, so he urged: "Eat, what are you waiting for? It won't taste good when it gets cold!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yan picked up a second potato and broke it into two.

Old farmers, you look at me, I look at you, finally just gritted your teeth, heartbroken, each picked up a potato like Lu Yan, broke it and gave it to your mouth!
"Sha! Sha!"

"Hot! Hot! Hot!"

"It's too big!"

Lu Yan, who had only finished half of the meal, suddenly found that the three old farmers were about to start eating the second one!

Looking at the few potatoes on the ground, Lu Yan hurried over and said, "Leave one for me! Leave one for me!"

After eating three potatoes, Lu Yan felt a little full
Lu Yan patted his stomach in satisfaction, and murmured: "It's been a long time since I ate potatoes! It really feels like going back in time."

On the other side, the three old farmers each ate two of them, but they were still a little unsatisfied at the moment, and turned their heads from time to time to look at the neatly stacked potatoes.

"Don't look at it, these potatoes will be used as seeds for planting this year." Lu Yan said cruel words with a smile.

"It's a pity. It's a pity"

"Ah, I really want to recall it again."

"Yeah, I just swallowed it in one bite, and I didn't even taste the specific taste."

Hearing this, Lu Yan couldn't help complaining in his heart: "You didn't taste the taste after swallowing it in one bite, why are you Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit?"

Although they were very eager to taste the taste of potatoes again, they restrained their desire quickly and well.

Compared with appetite, the large-scale planting of potatoes this year is the most important thing!
Although more than 400 catties (han catties) of potatoes can be planted on almost one mu of land.

And an acre of land certainly cannot produce exaggeratedly high yields due to careful care like a small piece of land.

But as long as the potatoes on this acre of land do not suffer from diseases or pests, then it is estimated that they can eventually harvest more than 2000 catties!
This output is simply terrifying!
We must know that in this era, even if one mu of land is harvested, it will only cost about [-] catties of grain. If one mu of potatoes can reach [-] catties, how many more people will the big man live? !
Not only can this matter not be neglected, but it must also be taken seriously.

Old Nongjia asked Lu Yan cautiously: "Lu Huqi, are we still going to plant this year?"

Lu Yan thought for a while and said, "Do you think there are enough people? If you think there are not enough people, you can find two more trustworthy people to help."

But the old farmer shook his head resolutely and said: "Three people plant grain for one mu of land. To be honest, this is not a problem for us."

"Then what do you mean?"

"It's better for the three of us to do it. The others will do it by hand. We don't worry about it!"

"Okay, then you will take care of it. I will wait for your good news this autumn!"

"This old slave will never disappoint Lu Hussar's high expectations! If the potatoes are less than two thousand catties, the three of us are willing to accept any punishment!" After speaking, the three old farmers bowed deeply to Lu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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