Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 331 The general trend of the world, the battle of Cao Yuan is imminent

Chapter 331 The general trend of the world, the battle of Cao Yuan is imminent

The three-day exam ended successfully.

In the end, 50 people were admitted to Confucianism, 20 people were admitted to mathematics, and 30 people were admitted to engineering, which happened to be an integer of one hundred.

But there are still eight students who came in through special channels. They are all descendants of the old man who followed Cao Cao to conquer the world.

So the Tai Academy's 108 heroes finally got together. Just kidding.
Yanzhou's tumultuous Taixue exam was finally successfully completed, which also set a very good example for the princes of the world to attract talents.

Yuan Shao in Hebei can't understand Cao Cao everywhere now.

After he saw that Cao Cao had attracted the attention of countless talents from all over the world with just a grand "show", he also had a decent appearance and made people open Jizhou College and held an equally large entrance examination.

But after all, Yuan Shao is just painting a gourd according to the ladle, and the skin is hard to paint.

His Jizhou College is basically full of children from various families, but it is just another promotion channel opened for the children of the family.

Chen Liutai Academy.

Enrollment in Taixue is scheduled for the end of April. Confucianism does not need Lu Yan to worry about it. He only needs to care about mathematics and engineering.

Although Lu Yan bears the name of a doctor, he is not the one who teaches in the end.

He will only occasionally play a guest role as a teacher and tell everyone something new, so the current job is still relatively easy for the time being.

But when the military and political classes start a year later, Lu Yan, Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others will have to give lectures frequently, and then they will not be allowed to go paddling.

Speaking of the other two, Lu Yan, Guo Jia, and Xi Zhicai in the Hussar General's residence were drinking tea while analyzing the current situation in the world.

In any case, it is still a troubled time, and there is a strong enemy in the north, Lu Yan and others dare not be careless at all.

Xi Zhicai took a sip of the tea, the faint bitterness of the tea leaves and the lingering sweetness immediately filled his teeth, with a lingering aftertaste,
"Ah, Mr. Lu's stir-fried tea is really wonderful! The brewing process is simple and simple, but the taste of the tea is endless. Compared with tea soup, it is more back to basics."

Guo Jia also took a sip and said, "What Zhicai said is reasonable.

The tea water brewed from fried tea is clear, and the ups and downs of the tea leaves make people feel that everyone's life is like tea.

The tea is sweet and bitter, and the tea leaves have ups and downs. Isn't it just like this in a person's life, with mixed joys and sorrows, ups and downs? "

Lu Yan gulped down the tea in one gulp, looking like he was chewing peonies, curled his lips and said, "Don't make up so many philosophies, I just can't get used to the taste of tea soup mixed with various things. And you'd better Also drink less tea soup, it is too irritating."

After saying this, everyone's thoughts returned to the focus of this gathering.

It was Xi Zhi who spoke first, and he said to Guo Jia and Lu Yan: "Recently, Xi has nothing to do, thinking about the general trend of the world."

Xi Zhicai's words revealed a trace of grievance, thinking about it, he has been "hidden" by Cao Cao for almost a year.

During this year, with Hua Tuo's conditioning and enough time to cultivate, Xi Zhicai's physical condition has indeed improved greatly, and even his sallow face has a touch of blood.

Today's Xi Zhicai has figured it out, only by keeping his body can he see the prosperous age he hopes to appear with his own eyes.

It's just that Cao Cao hasn't expressed his intention to use him for a long time, which somewhat makes Xi Zhi feel a sense of crisis.

Lu Yan understood Xi Zhicai's thoughts, and comforted him: "Once you recover a bit, Mr. Cao will use you. But you have to promise me that you should work hard when you should work, and rest well when you should rest normally. "

Xi Zhicai smiled wryly and said: "Be loyal and remember the teacher's teachings, otherwise I'm afraid you will have to be bored at home for a long time."

Guo Jia became impatient and said, "Are you two finished?"

"It's over." Xi Zhi just gave Guo Jia a blank look, and finally got to the point: "A view of the world's princes, only Yuan Shao has four prefectures alone, with more than 150 million households. His strength is so powerful that we can say It is the crown of all princes in the world today!"

"The Yuan family has four generations and three generations, and its disciples and old officials are all over the world. In addition, there are countless big and small families who are helping each other. Yuan Shao's strength is indeed extraordinary." Lu Yan commented.

Xi Zhicai continued: "My lord now occupies Yanzhou, Xuzhou, and nearly half of Yuzhou and Huainan.

However, the Central Plains has suffered from wars and turmoil for a long time, and the people's livelihood is in decline. Although some gentlemen vigorously develop agriculture and the economy, the foundation is too weak after all. "

Guo Jia took over the topic and said: "If it takes another five years, we will be on par with Yuan Shao; if it takes another ten years, we will even have an overall advantage."

"However. Yuan Shao can't give us time to develop. The battle between Cao and Yuan is just around the corner!" Lu Yan sighed.

Xi Zhicai nodded, and then continued to analyze: "Next, the power ranking of the princes in the world is almost Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Liu Zhang of Yizhou, Ma Teng and Han Sui of Xiliang, and finally Lu Bu of Qingzhou and Sun Ce of Jiangdong."

"We are in the place of the Four Wars. If we start a war with Yuan Shao, we must be distracted and beware of Liu Biao in Jingzhou and Sun Ce in Jiangdong."

"This is the biggest variable!" Xi Zhicai expressed his worries, "Central Guanzhong is chaotic, and our west side is not a big threat; but Liu Biao and Sun Ce in the south must have some ideas in their hearts. of."

"So, what you are most worried about is that Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, and Sun Ce will jointly deal with us?" Guo Jia asked.

"That's right." Xi Zhicai nodded lightly, with a serious face.

"The emperor is in Xuchang, how dare they attack together?"

"What if there is another alliance of princes?"

Guo Jia analyzed: "Mr. Cao is different from Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo made troubles in the court and persecuted the emperor, but Mr. Cao has always treated the emperor very well, and most of the civil and military people in the court also support Mr. Cao. There is no definite evidence. Their alliance is won’t get the support of the world.”

However, Lu Yan remembered the clothes belt edict, so he reminded: "Son of Heaven, you must guard against it."

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai looked at Lu Yan together and said in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"The Son of Heaven will never give up on taking back the power that belongs to an emperor." Lu Yan revealed Liu Xie's deepest secret in his heart.

The emperor also wants to add chaos?

"Internal and external troubles," Xi Zhicai sighed.

If you want to fight Yuan Shao without any worries, the emperor must be on guard; Liu Biao in Jingzhou and Sun Ce in Jiangdong must also deal with it in advance.

Just when Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were frowning, Lu Yan suddenly smiled and said, "Actually, the situation is not as bad as you think."

"Oh?" Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai asked curiously, "Is there anything you can do?"

After pouring tea for himself, Guo Jia, and Xi Zhicai, Lu Yan said, "Liu Biao and Sun Ce don't have to clean it up. You just need to divert their attention so that they don't have time to look north."

Seeing Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai staring at him intently, Lu Yan continued: "Liu Biao is not difficult to deal with. He is just a conservative master who pursues a neutral way. Moreover, as Liu Biao gets older, he becomes suspicious and indecisive. We just We need to send a lobbyist to go, and make it clear that Yuan Shao will not let him go, just delay enough time."

"Good idea!" Guo Jia, who is well versed in people's hearts, immediately applauded: "Even I have to admire Changsheng's grasp of people's hearts!"

"It's mainly due to the good analysis by the great powers of later generations." Lu Yan muttered in his heart, and continued: "Jiangdong Sun Ce is now deeply trapped in the vortex of the family, but he helped Duke Cao defeat Yuan Shu in the past and gained a lot of reputation. , and with the help of Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong, sooner or later he will compromise with the aristocratic family and completely stabilize Jiangdong."

"However, when Sun Ce attacked Jiangdong, he slaughtered many powerful families. We only need to send people to win over the families who hate Sun Ce, and fight against him in secret, so as to draw his attention and energy."

Lu Yan wasn't sure if Sun Ce would be assassinated again, but he just sent someone to secretly contact those who opposed Sun Ce, so as to draw his attention and prevent him from fully devoting himself to the war in the north.

(End of this chapter)

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