Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 338 High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey

Chapter 338 High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey
Today's court meeting started and ended in a strange atmosphere.

Liu Bei still got the title of Emperor's Uncle, and Cao Cao's previous proposal for Liu Bei's reward, the emperor did not fall behind.

After entering the palace, Liu Bei became the Nominal Shepherd of Yuzhou, Tinghou of Yicheng, General Zuo of Han Dynasty, and Uncle Liu Huang.

Unlike Guan Yu and Zhang Fei who wanted to howl in excitement, Liu Bei now felt a great crisis.

No matter how forbearing Liu Xie is, no matter how deep his thoughts are, after all, he is only a half-teenage boy now.

Without the tempering of the years and the beatings of the society, he still looks too immature after all.

He thought he did it perfectly, but in the eyes of others, even Liu Bei, who was one of the parties involved, this approach seemed too hasty and blunt, completely revealing his own thoughts.

Liu Bei is not a fool, how could he fail to see the emperor's intentions and the emperor's fear of Cao Cao?
So, Liu Bei disguised himself as a harmless, unambitious counselor who played with birds, walked dogs, plowed the fields and grew vegetables every day. He was very happy.

And Cao Cao is like a person who has nothing to do. He should eat, drink, and chat with Cai Yan. When communicating in depth, he still won't delay even half a second.

When the heart is traumatized, chatting with the woman you love and seeking comfort is indeed a good way to heal the trauma.

In the days to come, the emperor's officials will still go to court, go to get off work, listen to music, and take meals as usual.

The prime minister, Cao Cao, also went to court on time every day, conscientiously advised the emperor, and devoted himself to it.

During the busiest time of spring plowing, Liu Xie even went to the fields with Cao Cao and Liu Bei to sow some wheat in person.

Everything seems to be so harmonious. But it is all temporary and false.

One night in early May, the prince finally summoned Liu Bei again.

Liu Bei and Dong Cheng met in secret, entered the palace secretly, and met Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bei also had the ideal of helping the Han Dynasty in his heart, so he naturally did not resist helping the emperor.

However, seeing the prosperity under Cao Cao and the smiles of the people along the way, Liu Bei always had a trace of doubt in his heart.

Following Dong Cheng's twists and turns, Liu Bei came to a small room.

After walking in and looking around, Liu Bei was embarrassed to find that this place was actually a toilet
The latrine can be built so tall, it must be for the emperor's private enjoyment.

With doubts, Liu Bei continued to walk into the house.

"You're here."

Liu Bei was startled by the sudden voice, he turned his head and saw Liu Xie standing behind the curtain separating the pit.

Liu Bei immediately knelt down on the ground and said, "My subject Liu Bei, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

Liu Xie smiled bitterly and said, "Liu Bei, don't be too surprised. Cao Cao's eyes and ears are everywhere in this palace. Only in this toilet can I enjoy my own world."

In fact, although Cao Cao arranged many eyes and ears, he did not go deep into Liu Xie's side.

The reason why Liu Xie feels that he is being watched anytime and anywhere is mainly due to the good deeds of Lu Yan and Guo Jia.
Liu Bei stared blankly at the blurred figure of the Son of Heaven. He never expected that the Son of Heaven's current situation would be so miserable.At this moment of grief, his rationality was completely on the side of the emperor.

"Chen Chen." Liu Bei said, and suddenly felt sad, "Chen, my heart is like a knife!"

Liu Xie heard that Liu Bei was speaking from the bottom of his heart, so while he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he finally opened the curtain and came in front of Liu Bei.

He was somewhat of a gamble before, after all, knowing people and faces but not knowing his heart, whether Liu Bei will be used by him is still uncertain after all.

However, Liu Xie finally confirmed that Liu Bei is indeed a trustworthy helping hand after Liu Bei said that "heart is like a knife".

He told Liu Bei a lot of miserable experiences in the hands of Dong Zhuo and Li Guo in the past, and Liu Bei's tears fell like rain, and his silver teeth were almost crushed.

The emperor also cried at the same time, and cried with Liu Bei.

"Uncle Emperor, I implore you to break away from Cao Cao's control, build up power outside, and raise troops to help me eradicate Cao's bandits in the future!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, in the future, I will kill the Cao thief with my hands, and give the big man a bright future!"


The two made promises to each other, and Liu Xie said that an edict would be issued in a few days, which made Liu Bei leave quickly.

Liu Bei's heart trembled, he knelt down to bid farewell, and left the palace in a hurry.

Still under the leadership of Dong Cheng, Liu Bei walked out of the palace in a detour. When they parted, the two tacitly bowed their hands to each other and bowed to the end.

Liu Xie, Liu Bei, and Dong Cheng thought they were doing everything seamlessly, but they didn't know that all of this was seen clearly and clearly by the shadow guards standing in the shadow of the corner of the palace. Knock on two taels of melon seeds.

In the shadows in the remote part of the palace, a voice as gentle as jade rang out: "Jade Fifth, go and report to my husband and Jijiu what happened tonight."

"Here!" One person promised, and then the black shadow flashed and disappeared into the endless darkness.

"A three, A four, A five, keep an eye on the little emperor, Empress Fu and Concubine Dong Gui, if there is any change, report it immediately!"

"Here!" The three voices sounded at the same time, and then the footsteps quickly disappeared.

"A two."

"Subordinates are here."

"Go and keep an eye on Dong Cheng, I want to know exactly how many times he goes to the toilet every day!"


As Jia Er left, a handsome young man stepped out of the shadows.

In fact, he is a man of few words.

Except when arranging actions, he often closes his eyes and thinks deeply on weekdays. When he speaks occasionally, he only responds with a few simple words.

However, such a thin figure, who looks like a man with no strength to restrain a chicken, is the leader of the first-ranked Battalion in the Yingzi Battalion, whose name is Qu Chi!

Yanfeng was an orphan with no name, and he came to Chenliu with the refugee team.

When Lu Yan was out on business, he happened to see him in the crowd.

Seeing his clear eyes and calm expression, Lu Yan specially took him out of the refugees and handed him over to the military training camp for training.

Don't forget, in addition to daily military drills, the military station also has reading and literacy.

Later, Lu Yan wanted to form a special team, and Yan Feng took the initiative to sign up, and finally became the first batch of shadow guards, and was named Yan Feng by Lu Yan.

Yan Feng is capable of writing and martial arts, and he is loyal. Under the intensive training of Lu Yan later, he has now become the number one figure in the shadow guard.

The shadow camps are ranked in order of A, B, C, D, E, and A is the strongest. The leader is also the captain, and naturally he is the most outstanding figure among all the shadow guards.

The task of monitoring the emperor and certain ministers has always been in charge of the Yingzi Jiaying.

At least so far, Guo Jia and Lu Yan are very satisfied with the performance of Yanfeng Yingzi Jiaying.

In fact, if Liu Xie'an became an emperor quietly, he might still see the day when the world returns to the great man.

But he was unwilling to be lonely, and the matter of clothes and belts finally appeared.

just one day later,
The shadow guard Jiawu, who was placed around the emperor, discovered the imperial edict written in blood by the emperor.

It was sewn into a delicate jade belt by Concubine Dong Gui, and the emperor was going to give this jade belt to Dong Cheng when he worshiped the ancestors two days later.

High-end hunters often appear in the form of prey.

Liu Xie thought he was going to hunt Cao Cao,

Little did he know that Cao Cao, a confused little lamb, was the beast that chose to devour in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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