Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 341 Ambush, Assassinate Cao Thief!

Chapter 341 Ambush, Assassinate Cao Thief!

Dong Cheng went back to the mansion, went straight to the study, and ordered people to martial law, and no one was allowed to approach.

Lighting the oil lamp, Dong Cheng took off the jade belt around his waist, and began to examine it carefully.

Turning it upside down, Dong Cheng didn't see anything wrong, and kneaded carefully section by section, but he didn't feel any foreign matter in the jade belt.

This is so strange, Dong Cheng looked closely at the jade belt by the light of the fire, and thought: "Could it be that the emperor really just wants to give me a jade belt?"

Just when Dong Cheng was in a trance, the wick on the oil lamp suddenly exploded, and a few sparks immediately fell on the belt.

"Ah! Terrible!" Dong Cheng frantically slapped the sparks and extinguished the flames in time, but there were still a few scorched black holes on the jade belt.

Dong Cheng looked at the small hole, thinking how to make up for the loss caused by his thickness, but there was an unusual red faintly showing in the small hole.

Dong Cheng was slightly stunned for a moment, and then he was so heartbroken that he tore open the small hole, and the clothes belt edict written in blood inside finally saw the light of day!
The imperial edict said: I have heard that in the greatness of human relations, father and son come first;The nearby power minister, Cao bandit, came from the gate of the pavilion and abused the rank of assistant, which is really a crime of deception.It is not my will to link up the party, to corrupt the government, to order rewards and punishments.Worrying day and night, fearing that the world will be in danger.Qing is the patriarch of the country, my dearest relatives, I can remember Gao Huang's difficulty in starting a business, unite the martyrs who have both loyalty and righteousness, wipe out the traitors, restore the country, eliminate violence from the bud, the ancestors are lucky!Anxious and broken fingers, the letter is ordered to Fu Qing, and be cautious again, don't make it negative!In the spring and May of the second year of Jian'an.

Seeing this, Dong Cheng silently stuffed the blood edict into his sleeve.

Picking up the jade belt, Dong Cheng was about to put it away, but he didn't expect another piece of silk that was only half the size of a palm to fall out of the hole.

This silk was made of the same material as the blood book, but the content recorded on it surprised Dong Cheng! !

There are densely packed small characters on it. After reading it, Dong Cheng probably understood the meaning of the letter: "Father, my daughter has secretly contacted Yuan Shao. On the fifth day of May, His Majesty will invite Cao Cao to go hunting. That day is the best time to do it." .

During the hunt, the guards around Cao Cao are bound to be lax. As long as you can take the opportunity to kill Cao Cao and cause Cao's forces to fall into chaos, Yuan's army hiding in Hanoi will immediately go south and defeat Cao Cao's armies from all walks of life.

After eradicating the stubborn forces of the Cao family, all the rest can be handed over to you to control, and you will become an important minister who is under one person and above ten thousand around the emperor!

Moreover, as long as Yuan Shao seals the king and the whole territory of Qingzhou, he won't take advantage of Yanzhou and Yuzhou. No matter how you look at it, we are making a lot of money! "

It's Concubine Dong's handwriting, Dong Cheng will not admit it wrong, but "When did my daughter get in touch with Yuan Shao?"

But when you think about it, it's actually not too outlandish.

Not to mention the many gentry of noble families under Cao Cao's rule, even some ministers in the court secretly communicated with Yuan Shao's forces.

Yuan Shao wants to be crowned king?
The blood on Dong Cheng's face faded slowly.
However, Dong Cheng couldn't help but look at the previous sentence "one person is under ten thousand people", and the expression on his face gradually became flushed again!

"Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Cao Cao and others can all become prime ministers of a generation."

The desire buried deep in my heart that I dare not touch is now dug out by the "deal" between "Daughter Concubine Dong Gui" and Yuan Shao.

After Han Gaozu Liu Bang killed those kings with different surnames in Liguo, he set up the admonition that it is not the Liu family who is the king, and the whole world will fight against it.

Dong Cheng put this piece of silk on the lamp and ignited it, and after it was reduced to ashes, he smiled a little,
"The Han Dynasty collapsed. As the head of the state and a relative of the emperor, I, Dong Cheng, should be in charge of the court for His Majesty and solve problems. As for Yuan Shao, he can be crowned king, but if the whole world fights against him, we can't control it!"

In fact, Dong Cheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was a subordinate of Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu in his early years, and he was also a ruthless man who had been in the Xiliang army.

Back then when he assisted the emperor escape from Chang'an, he might have the same thoughts as Yang Feng. The temptation is not something ordinary people can bear.

As for how to escape the revenge of Cao's eagle dog after killing Cao Cao, Dong Cheng asked himself that there are countless ways to deal with it.

Dong Cheng burned the silk letter related to Yuan Shao, leaving behind a blood edict, after all, this is an important item to contact the helper.

"Today is the second day of junior high school, so I still have two days to prepare."

The fourth day of May.

Dong Cheng's efficiency was extremely high. Within two days, he had contacted Wang Zifu, Wu Shuo, Zhong Ji and others, and was ready to strike at any time.

Although they are all small people without much real power, there are still less than 2000 people in their hands.

The most important thing is that their soldiers are equipped with strong bows, which is enough to ambush Cao Cao who does not have many guards.

That night, a mysterious person came out of the palace and delivered a letter to Dong Cheng.

The handwriting in the letter showed that this heart also came from his daughter "Concubine Dong Gui". Dong Cheng did not suspect him, so he read it carefully,
"Tomorrow, His Majesty and Cao Bandit will go hunting in Xutian. I hope father will not miss this golden opportunity!"

Dong Cheng lit the letter again, watched it burn to ashes, and murmured: "Daughter, daughter, I really didn't expect you to hide it so deeply, even my father didn't realize that you have such a meticulous mind and a wide network of contacts." .”

Looking at the names of Wang Zifu, Wu Shuo, Zhong Ji and others on the blood edict, Dong Cheng put the blood edict in his arms and set off for the secret meeting place with Wang Zifu and others.

the fifth day of may,

Today is the day when the emperor proposes to go hunting.

Before the sky was fully open, Cao Cao specially called Liu Bei, entered the palace early to meet the emperor, and accompanied the emperor out of the palace to hunt.

Cao Cao was wearing a black robe today, but he looked more dignified and elegant.If he was taller, with his unique temperament, he might be able to charm many young ladies.

Liu Bei's clothes looked more civilian.Although the emperor rewarded him with many good things, in order to make himself look more low-key, he still insisted on wearing the coarse linen clothes he wore when he was down and down.

The Son of Heaven is wearing a dark red and black mixed-and-match samurai uniform today, with gold thread embroidery on the cuffs and fronts, making his already handsome face even more handsome.

The three of them came to Xu Tian early, under the protection of a hundred imperial guards and a hundred personal guards of the prime minister.

The weather is also very good today, and you can clearly smell the aroma from the soil and grass in your breath.

The emperor seldom went out, and he seemed in a good mood.

After taking a deep breath of the incomparably fresh air, Liu Xie said to Cao Cao and Liu Bei: "The prey has been released, Prime Minister, General Zuo, let's go now."

However, before Liu Xie could finish speaking, a series of voices broke out suddenly! ! !

"call out!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!!!"

I saw that on the surrounding hillsides, countless arrows suddenly shot towards Cao Cao and Liu Bei!
Cao Cao reacted extremely quickly, almost at the moment when the sound of piercing the air sounded, he flew towards the emperor!
Liu Bei's reaction was half a beat slow, after all, he didn't know ahead of time that there was an ambush around like Cao Cao did.
It was only half a breath slow, Liu Bei couldn't dodge in time, and an arrow hit his left shoulder, and he fell off the horse with an "ah!"

Cao Cao threw Liu Xie off his horse, pressed him under him, and shouted: "Protect, protect!!!"

Liu Xie, who was so dizzy from the fall and was crushed by Lao Cao, his mind was still blank at the moment.
"Whoa! Whoa!!"

There was another sound of piercing through the air, Liu Xie watched the second wave of arrow rain falling from the sky, immediately retracted into Cao Cao's arms, and shouted: "Prime Minister, be careful!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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