Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 343 Good show, it's about to start!

Chapter 343 Good show, it's about to start! (Thanks to [Mercury's Masked Superman] for the reward)

Battles come and go even faster.

Under the impact of tiger and leopard cavalry, more than a thousand rebels lost [-]% in an instant.

Under the huge disparity in strength, the group of recruits, who could be said to be on the battlefield for the first time, could still take a breath and finally surrendered and became prisoners.

Cao Cao looked at Dong Cheng, Wang Zifu, Zhong Ji and others who had been turned over, and said with a cold smile: "Tell me, who ordered you to assassinate His Majesty?"

"Bah!" Dong Cheng had already woken up, and after hearing Cao Cao's words, he spit at Cao Cao angrily, "Cao thief! Let everyone get it!"

It's a pity that Dong Cheng's accuracy and strength were not very good, and finally the mouthful of old phlegm landed on Xu Chu's instep.

Xu Chu glanced at his instep, and suddenly trembled with anger.

He wished he could immediately raise a big knife and cut Dong Cheng into a stick, but since the prime minister hadn't spoken yet, he didn't dare to act without authorization, so he could only hold back.

Wang Zifu, Zhong Ji and others had their hair disheveled, and their faces were covered with blood. They knew that they would die if they failed in their actions, and they all went all out at this moment, cursing one after another: "Cao thief! You hold the emperor hostage and bully the court. One day you will fail!" Terrible!"

"Cao thief! There are so many righteous men in the world, and we are just their guides!"

Liu Xie's face was pale. What he fears most now is that Dong Cheng and others will confess themselves.

After all, he is only a teenager and a half-grown boy, and Cao Cao's so softly see through and resolve the plan that he thought was seamless, this is a physical and mental blow to Liu Xie from many aspects.

Cao Cao patted Xu Chu on the shoulder to appease the mood of his beloved general. After Xu Chu's mood stabilized, Cao Cao said to Dong Cheng and others: "Master Cao, even if you don't say it, Cao will have guessed it." The people who instruct you behind the scenes"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao deliberately turned his head to look at Liu Xie. Liu Xie was so frightened that he almost lost his soul.

Cao Cao saw that the emperor looked a little embarrassed, and he didn't want to persecute the emperor too much. After all, he was still a big man and loyal minister, "Your Majesty was shocked, but the movements of these rebels have already been clearly detected by the ministers. You are safe now." .”

"Damn Cao Cao, you pretend to be a fart!" Liu Xie cursed in his heart, but swallowed his saliva in the present world, forced himself to calm down before replying: "Thanks to the prime minister's foresight."

Cao Cao smiled, turned his head to look at Liu Bei who was lying motionless, and ordered: "Come here, send General Liu back to recuperate."

After several soldiers lifted Liu Bei up to send him away, Cao Cao put away his smile and looked back at Dong Cheng and the others.

Dong Cheng lowered his head and kept silent; Wang Zifu and Zhong Ji yelled that Cao Cao should be cut into pieces, that the righteous men in the world will never let the country's traitors go, etc.
Cao Cao didn't intend to deal with these people casually here. He, Lu Yan, Guo Jia and others have prepared for so long and arranged so many scripts, so the audience must be present to enjoy it.

"Come here, send Your Majesty back to the palace, and escort these traitors back!"


Cao Cao is implying that he and others are in the same group? ?
"Zhenzhen." Liu Xie was taken aback by Cao Cao's words, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will send you back to the palace first. After summoning the ministers of civil and military affairs, I will give an explanation to Your Majesty in the court hall!"

"Is Cao Cao going to settle accounts after the autumn? It's hateful to be in front of everyone! It's terrible!" Liu Xie thought that the Cao thief was really hateful, but now he was completely controlled by Cao Cao, and he couldn't refute at all, "I, I'm restless, this time Everything is up to the Prime Minister to decide.”

After this incident, Dong Cheng, Wang Zifu, Zhong Ji and others were turned away by the soldiers to the court hall. Liu Xie, Cao Cao and others also went straight to the Chengguang Hall, preparing to wait for all the ministers of civil and military affairs to arrive, and to treat Dong Cheng and others crimes were exposed and sentenced.

When Xun Yu and Xun You heard that Cao Cao, the Son of Heaven, and Liu Bei were ambushed and assassinated by Dong Cheng and others, they were horrified.

Although it turned out that only Liu suffered serious arrow wounds, the process was definitely not as simple as the result showed.

With the intelligence of Xun's uncle and nephew, they only need to think about it for a while to understand the joints.

"It must be that Dong Cheng and others intend to assassinate the lord. I just don't know what role Your Majesty played in it." Xun Yu hurriedly said to his nephew Xun You.

"Without His Majesty's instigation, how dare Dong Cheng attack the lord? Alas. Your Majesty doesn't even think about it. What kind of person is the lord? How could he show his weakness and give him a chance to commit murder? It must be that the lord has already seen every move of His Majesty, Dong Cheng and others." , This is where the tricks come in." Xun You couldn't continue halfway through his speech, and turned into a sigh, really crying because of this group of self-righteous guys!
"Your Majesty is still too young and energetic after all. Gongda, we can't let the Lord take action against His Majesty, otherwise we will lose the hearts of the world!"

"Yes, if the lord takes action against His Majesty, everyone in the world will definitely spurn the lord, uncle, let's go faster!"

Liu Bei went out vertically in the morning, and after an hour, he came back horizontally.
Seeing Liu Bei's miserable situation, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei immediately expressed concern:
"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother! Who hurt you like this? My old Zhang is going to stab him now!!!"

Liu Bei's face was pale due to excessive blood loss. He faced Zhang Fei and Guan Yu and said, "Dong Cheng and others ambushed and assassinated the Prime Minister in Xu Tian. Brother was unable to react and was injured by Liu Ya. Fortunately, he was only injured on the shoulder. Two sages Brother, don't be impulsive!"

"What? That old fellow Dong Cheng dared to assassinate Cao Cao?" Zhang Fei widened his eyes and said in disbelief, "There are so many talented people around Cao Cao. If he can succeed, my old Zhang's name will be written backwards!"

"That's right, big brother, even the third younger brother understands the truth, why doesn't Dong Cheng understand it, why does he dare to be so bold?"

The things involved here are too complicated to explain clearly in a few words, Liu Bei shook his head and said: "I don't understand in a few words, let's see how Prime Minister Cao will deal with it."

The soldier who sent Liu Bei back carried Liu Bei into his bedroom and said: "General Liu, wait a moment. The doctors from the hospital are on their way. They are very professional. Your injury is not a problem."

"Thank you, brother!" Liu Bei struggled to get up and salute, but a sharp pain came from his shoulder, forcing him to lie down again.

"Three generals, I will take my leave!"

"Thank you all!"


Watching the soldiers leave, Liu Bei thought to himself: "It's a fluke, a fluke! Fortunately, I didn't leave anything behind, otherwise I will definitely not be able to escape Cao Cao's butcher Cao Cao this time. It's really terrible!"

At the end of the hour, the hall of Chengguang Palace was already full of people.

Dong Cheng and others were sitting on the ground slumped, probably because they suffered a lot of bad hands on the way to deliver them. At this moment, their faces and bodies were covered with bruises, and they looked very embarrassed and listless.

At this moment, Cao Cao's personal guards arrested Wu Shuo and Wu Zilan again. So far, the five people who signed their names and pressed their fingerprints on the clothing belt edict have all arrived.

Looking at Dong Cheng and others kneeling or lying in the hall, the emperor Liu Xie sat on the dragon chair, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Liu Xie has never felt so close to death, and now his heart is completely occupied by fear.

Seeing that Lu Yan, Guo Jia and Jia Xu had all arrived, Cao Cao knew that they were almost there.
(End of this chapter)

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