Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 372 Preparation, willing to be the barrier of the great man

Chapter 372 Preparation, willing to be the barrier of the great man

Jian'an four years, June.

After Yuan Shao published the essay on Cao Cao, various newspapers, news, and news in Cao Cao's territory broke out overwhelmingly, and began to create public opinion and mobilize before the war.

Before the two counties met, the public opinion had already started a fierce battle.These newspapers were spread all over the world along with businessmen or travelers, and the atmosphere of war became more intense for a while.

When Yuan Shao wanted to destroy Cao Cao, the first people who refused to agree were the people under Cao Cao's rule.

They managed to live a peaceful life for a few years, but Yuan Shao was about to call. The past days of poverty and desperation often reappeared in nightmares, which made them break out in cold sweat. How could they want to go back to the past?
Only after experiencing suffering, will we cherish the unexpected peace even more.

As soon as Zhuge Liang scolded Yuan Shao and various scholars' articles rebutting Cao Cao, the common people became enthusiastic and full of fighting spirit, vowing to dedicate their blood to their family and homeland!

The common people are the ones who cherish peace the most, whoever wants to break this peaceful day, they will beat him to the ground!
But unlike the determination of the people to defend their homeland to the death, some officials and aristocratic families are not so determined to resist Yuan Shao.

In today's court, the atmosphere is a bit heavy. Yuan Shao's army and that gorgeous article made some people's hearts sway.

For a long time no one dared to speak up.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Liu Xie couldn't help yawning out of boredom.

Since the end of Yidaizhao, Liu Xie seems to have changed his person. He is no longer cautious, and he no longer fantasizes about regaining his rights. Instead, he starts to enjoy life seriously every day, and occasionally expresses his views at court meetings, urging Let's talk about the plan to rebuild Luoyang.

He only has two wishes now, one is to see the world reunified; the other is to rebuild Luoyang so that the tablets of the ancestors and ancestors can return to the imperial temple.As for who will sit on the throne after him, he no longer cares.

Lu Yan said that the great Han has become the glory and pride of the nation, so if Cao Cao wins the world, there is a high probability that he will continue to use the country name "Han".

In fact, the Eastern Han and Western Han probably have no blood relationship, so why not Cao Han?

If it weren't for Lao Cao being older than himself, it wouldn't be a bad idea to accept him as a adopted son and pass on the throne to him, maybe it could prolong Liu Han's life.
"Yawn!" Liu Xie yawned again as he thought about what to do.

He turned his head, glanced at Cao Cao who was sitting beside him with his eyes closed, and finally curled his lips and asked, "Zhuqing, if you have something to do, you can go back to court if you have nothing to do!"

After a while, Liu Xie frowned when he saw that no one came forward to speak, and said to himself, "wasting my time."

Just when Liu Xie was about to call out to withdraw from the court, someone finally couldn't stand up and came out and said, "I have something to tell Your Majesty!"

Liu Xie took a look and saw that it was Kong Rong, a famous scholar, so he said patiently, "Kong Aiqing, please tell me!"

Although Kong Rong had always been Cao Cao's fanboy, he still felt that Cao Cao might not be able to resist now that Yuan Shao's army was under pressure.After all, obsession is one thing, life-saving is another, and the two should not be confused.

Kong Rong bowed his hands to Liu Xie and Cao Cao and said: "Yuan Shao has a large number of soldiers, and this time he has hoarded a full 70 troops by the Yellow River! And he has Tian Feng, Xu You and other resourceful people to advise him; He deserves someone to supervise the three armies; there are also Yan Liang and Wen Chou who are brave generals of the three armies, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to resist his sharpness!"

Kong Rong's words made many ministers nod in agreement. Seeing their eagerness to move, they seemed to think that Cao Cao could not resist Yuan Shao's southward march.

Some people took the lead, and people from the main peace also stood up one after another, opposing the war with Yuan Shao.

Looking at this group of people jumping up and down, Cao Cao couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and said to himself: "The so-called celebrities of aristocratic families are so ugly."

Cao Cao was still sitting on the chair, but his eyes were already open, and he was staring at Kong Rong curiously.

Cao Cao's small eyes sent Kong Rong a chill down his spine. Just when he was about to apologize, Xun Yu stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister! I also have something to say!"

"Xun Lingjun, please speak!" Liu Xie cheered up and said.

"Although Yuan Shao's army is numerous, the laws are not clear.

Tian Feng and Ju Shou are headstrong and easy to commit crimes, and now they have been thrown into prison by Yuan Shao.

Xu You is greedy and undisciplined, has exclusive power in examination and appointment but has no plan, is decisive and self-willed in every discipline, and Guo Tu is a shameless villain, so there is nothing to worry about.

As for the generation of Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they are only as brave as ordinary people. Compared with Zhao Zilong, who is unmatched in wisdom and bravery in our army, who is invincible in single-step combat, Dian E, who backs Wei and kills God Taishi Ziyi and others, he is not a star and a half behind! "

Xun Yu's words made more ministers nod their heads non-stop. The number of wise and brave men under Cao Cao's command may be less than Yuan Shao's, but the quality is not the same at all.

In addition to Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, and Tai Shici, Lu Yan also has Huang Zhong, Xia Houlan, and perhaps Gan Ning;
Generals like Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao, Wei Yan, and Li Dian can be mobilized under Cao Cao.Among the advisers are Xi Zhicai, the five advisers Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Cheng Yu, as well as Guo Jia who has independently controlled the shadow of the special agency.

Fighting for ministers and generals?Cao Cao is probably several floors higher than Yuan Shao!

Xun Yu's words strengthened Cao Cao's determination to fight Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao stood up, walked to the steps, and inspected the civil servants and generals in the hall with his eyes
In the end, his gaze settled on Liu Bei.

Cao Cao's eyes flashed an unknown light, and he asked, "General Zuo, what do you think about this?"

Liu Bei was suddenly called by Cao Cao's name, but he didn't look flustered at all.

Liu Bei, who had no waves in the ancient well, walked out of the queue, bowed respectfully to Liu Xie and Cao Cao, and then said: "Return to Your Majesty, Prime Minister. I think that Yuan Shao is a man of plan, boldness, courage, ambition and indecisiveness. Focusing on small gains in front of the eyes and forgetting about righteousness, although there are many soldiers and food, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Good guy! Liu Bei agrees with Feng Xiao's views on Yuan Shao. Only in terms of his ability to understand people, Liu Bei is probably rare in the world!" Liu Bei's words made Cao Cao's eyes suddenly open, and a trace of fear flashed through Cao Cao's eyes!

Liu Bei didn't even need to look to know that Cao Cao would definitely be afraid of him, but since he stood up and said this, he was already prepared in his heart.

Don't forget, Liu Bei looks like a gentle gentleman on the outside, but he is actually a very strong-tempered and very assertive person in essence!

Liu Bei suddenly clasped his fists at Cao Cao and said, "The last general is not talented, and he was half a soldier! Now that Yuan Shao's unjust army is attacking Tianwei, the last general is willing to be the pawn of the hussar general, a shield for the people, a shield for your majesty, and a shield for your majesty." Barrier of the Great Man!!!"

Quiet~~~! ! !

Deathly silence!

(End of this chapter)

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