Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 380 Boss Cao Still Covets Brother Guan 2

Chapter 380 Boss Cao Still Covets Second Brother Guan

When Yuan Shao went south, Dongjun was the first to bear the brunt.

As the seat of Dongjun, Puyang's city walls are not comparable in height or width to a small city like Baima.

Moreover, since Man Chong took over Puyang City, it has been expanding and strengthening.

Later, the prefect was replaced by Chen Deng. Not only did Chen Deng not abolish the policy of full favor, but he paid more attention to the defense of Puyang City.

After careful construction by two prefects,
Today's Puyang city walls are ten meters high and more than six meters wide.

Outside the city wall, relying on the drainage of the Pu River in the north of the city, a moat was dug.Moreover, the moat can not only protect the city wall, but also meet the daily drinking water of the residents in the city.

A large amount of food, arrows and various supplies for defending the city had already been stockpiled in Puyang City.The Battle of the White Horse captured quite a lot, and Chen Dengyu Jin had nearly [-] defenders. In fact, they were not afraid of Yuan Shao coming to attack the city or besieging the city for a long time.

Chen Deng dared to do things under Yuan Shao's nose, relying on the impenetrable Puyang City, and he even expected that he would be able to support Yuan Shao's attack until the end of the decisive battle between Cao and Yuan.

After Wen Chou crossed the Yellow River first, he was not even interested in looking east at Puyang City, so he followed Yuan Shao's order and went west to take Yanjin Port.

Yanjin doesn't have much to defend against.
After Li Dian completed the task of feinting Yanjin and luring the enemy to divide his troops, and received the news of Yan Liang's white horse victory, he immediately led the army to retreat towards Yuanwu.

Cao Jun's big camp, the Chinese army's camp, the atmosphere in the camp seemed a little dignified.

A few days ago, although Zhao Yun and others killed Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang, Chen Deng and Yu Jin wiped out nearly 2 Yuan Shao's horses.But for Yuan Shao, who has many generals and soldiers, this little loss basically can't cause much harm.

Hearing that Wen Chen led another [-] troops to the south, Lu Yan couldn't help but start to feel emotional: "This Yuan Shao is really arrogant, and he can always have a [-] troops."

"The white horse has been lost. Wen Chou and Feng Ji led an army of [-] to cross the Yellow River again." Cao Cao said here, looking at his brain trusters, and asked: "Masters, do you have a countermeasure?"

Guo Jia stood up first and said, "My lord, my subordinates have received the definite news that Wen Chou went straight to Yanjin after crossing the Yellow River.

Judging by his posture, Yuan Shao probably wants to occupy Baima Yanjin first and cut off the road for us to go north.After we have established a firm foothold on the south bank of the Yellow River, we will send troops to seek a decisive battle with us. "

Lu Yan was startled when he heard the words, and his heart was in a bad mood: "In history, Yuan Shao did not adopt the strategy of the counselors to stick to Yanjin and fight steadily. Instead, he sent Wen Chou to go straight to the south, intending to kill Cao Cao who was reinforcing the white horse. This also directly led to Wen Chou being tricked by Cao Cao. His subordinate soldiers hacked to death."

But after thinking about it, Lu Yan felt that Yuan Shao's current choice was justified.

First of all, the current Dongjun prefect is not the Liu Yan in history.Moreover, Dongjun still has an army of [-], which could threaten Yuan Shao's back at any time.

In addition to the Battle of the White Horse, Cao Cao did not personally lead the army to the rescue. Yuan Shao saw no chance of killing Cao Cao with one blow, so it was reasonable to choose to fight steadily.

"Oh! It's really time for Lao Cao to go up and seduce Yuan Shao himself. At least he can kill one of Yuan Shao's generals!" Lu Yan suddenly felt a little regretful.
Lao Cao has not seen any advanced information in Lu Yan's diary recently. To be honest, he is very uncertain now.

Seeing Lu Yan's pensive look, Cao Cao quickly asked after he recovered, "Mr. Lu, what did you think of?"

"I want you to seduce Yuan Shao." Lu Yan's mouth twitched, thinking to himself.

But now that the opportunity has been missed, there is no point in talking about it.

Lu Yan calmed down, bowed his hands to Cao Cao and responded, "Mr. Cao, Yuan Shao may choose to fight steadily. But we have enough food and grass, and we are not afraid to fight a war of attrition with him."

Cao Cao nodded. Although Lu Yan didn't offer any constructive suggestions, at least he told Cao Cao that they could afford it.

The situation where Cao Cao's Guandu battle was extremely short of food in history no longer exists.

Yuanwu, Guandu, and Cao Jun have set up many defenses. As long as Yuan Shao is held back and consumed slowly, Yuan Shao and his hundreds of thousands of troops will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

"Then Yanjin, we can only give up temporarily, and hope that Miaocai's camp has been built."

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Xiahouyuan's messengers came back outside and reported: "Report! Prime Minister! General Xiahou has completed the construction of eight camps, and the younger one is specially ordered to come back and report!"

"Eight or eight?!" Cao Cao was taken aback by the number reported by the messenger, "Didn't we say four before? Miaocai actually completed the task twice as much?!"

The messenger was very surprised when he saw Cao Cao, so he explained: "General Xiahou led his troops and horses to march to the position of the first camp. camp.

Two groups of soldiers and horses, one head and one tail, worked in three shifts day and night, and each built four camps, a total of eight camps! "

When Cao Cao heard the words, he immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "Miaocai handles things, and it always makes me very worry-free!"

Each of the eight camps was ten miles apart. After all were built, Xia Houyuan stationed troops in the first camp, waiting for Yuan Shao's vanguard army.

However, Xia Houyuan had not waited for Wen Chou's army, but first waited for Li Dian who had withdrawn.

It turned out that Li Dian also received the news that Zhao Yun defeated and beheaded Yan Liang. Li Dian judged that Yuan Shao would definitely not let Yanjin go, so he sent messengers to explain the situation to Cao Cao, and then evacuated Yanjin first.

Xia Houyuan currently has [-] troops plus Li Dian's [-] regular troops ([-] of Li Dian are field soldiers), and there are already [-] troops guarding the camp.

They were not idle either. All kinds of trenches outside the camp and horse refusals were arranged. It seemed that they had already made up their minds to defend the camp.

The original Wuxian county seat was not enough to hold on, so Cao Cao finally chose Guandu as the defensive point.

However, before retreating to Guandu, Cao Cao still hoped to consume as much of Yuan Shao's soldiers and morale as possible.

Cao Cao got Xia Houyuan's return, so he began to think about who to send to support Xia Houyuan.

Since it is to stick to it, it would be overkill to send cavalry troops like Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Xia Houlan to command.

And they just made a great contribution, the opportunity should be given to others to score some points.

Cao Ren is currently the most defensive general under Cao Cao, and then there is Man Chong who has not yet shown his true colors.

But now Cao Ren is still staying in Hanoi County, and Man Chong's military ability has not been discovered. To be honest, Cao Cao now has not many people who can be dispatched.

Looking at Lu Yan, Cao Cao thought that he could only ask Lu Yan for someone.

However, Cao Cao didn't ask someone directly, but asked Lu Yan politely: "Mr. Lu, who do you think is better to support Miao?"

Seeing Lao Cao's question, Lu Yan immediately thought of Dian Wei and Tai Shici, both of them are fierce generals who can attack and defend well, but it is best to reserve special arms for critical moments.

So, Lu Yan said: "Han Sheng's magic shooting, the five thousand longbowmen trained by him have also achieved initial results, and this reinforcement just happens to be able to use them!"

However, seeing Cao Cao's expression, Lu Yan didn't seem too satisfied.

While Lu Yan was wondering, Cao Cao began to wink at Lu Yan frequently.

Suspicious, Lu Yan followed Cao Cao's gaze, only to realize that Old Cao was beckoning to Guan Yu!
Sure enough, Lao Cao is still coveting Guan Erge!

(End of this chapter)

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