Chapter 383 Ambush Wen Chou
Xu You sincerely stated to Yuan Shao his way of using troops,
But Guo Tu retorted resolutely: "Xu Ziyuan, don't you hear that one force can drop ten times? In the face of the master's absolute power, Cao Cao's conspiracies and schemes are all futile!"

"You, you...!" Xu You pointed at Guo Tu and didn't know how to reply, and now he also wanted to get mad.

"Hmm!" When Xu You and Guo Tu were arguing fiercely, Yuan Shao's vacillating problem started to happen again.

The way of using soldiers is exactly the same, Yuan Shao thinks what Xu You said is very reasonable, but what Guo Tu said is not bad!
After all, my current strength is indeed much stronger than Cao Cao, so there is no need to take risks at all, and I can almost win by pushing directly.

"How to choose?" Yuan Shao, who was vacillating left and right, finally decided to use both sides, so he said: "Ziyuan, Gongze, what you two said is very reasonable.

So how can Han Meng be the main general with 1 troops, lead his army around and go to Jiluo Mountain to attack Cao Jun's food road, and also echo with the Runan Yellow Turban to threaten Xuchang.

The main force of our army is still going south steadily with Wen Chou as the vanguard, seeking a decisive battle with Cao Cao. "

Xu You felt that Yuan Shao's compromise plan was indeed safe, so he cupped his hands and said, "My lord is wise."

Yuan Shao's decision was made, Guo Tu didn't continue to raise the bar, and he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and said, "My lord is wise!"

By the time the discussion was over, the sky had gradually dimmed.

After everyone left,
Yuan Shao came to the courtyard alone, staring intently at the southern sky covered with layers of thick clouds.

"Ah, the world is so big, but it's hard for you and me.
Yuan Shu has been defeated, and now I am the only one who can provoke the Yuan family.

For the sake of the prosperity of the Yuan family, and for Yuan's future dominance, there must be a life-and-death battle between you and me, no wonder the elder brother bullied you."

Xiahouyuan, in the first camp.

Huang Zhong and Guan Yu led 5000 people to Xia Houyuan's camp to help out.

Xia Houyuan knew very well that these two men were brave, so he didn't put on airs as a general, so he went out of the camp three miles to meet them.

Just when Xia Houyuan, Huang Zhong, and Guan Yu had just returned to the camp, a scout rushed to report, "Report! General! General Yuan Wen Chou is leading an army towards the camp!"

Xia Houyuan, Huang Zhong and Guan Yu looked at each other, and said in surprise, "You came so fast? Can you find out how many people Wen Chou has?"

The scout swallowed, and replied with a trembling tone: "Blocking the sky and blocking the sun, there may be no fewer than 10 people!"

The three of Xia Houyuan looked solemn, and said: "We are entrusted by the prime minister, and we must do our best to guard the camp."

After thinking for a moment, Huang Zhong said, "Mr. once told us that Wen Chou is a man of courage, reckless and unwise, who underestimates the enemy and advances aggressively. I think we can set up a trick to lure the enemy and kill Wen Chou!"

Hearing this, Guan Yu couldn't help but looked up at Huang Zhong, who had gray temples, and said in his heart: "A veteran can also use tricks?! The generals around Lu Hussar are all wise and brave."

Xia Houyuan felt that Huang Zhong's suggestion was worth a try, so he asked in detail: "Han Sheng, how do you think we should use this trick to lure the enemy?"

"I'm afraid Wen Chou doesn't know that Yun Chang and I have come to help." Speaking of this, Huang Zhong grinned and said: "General Xiahou, General Guan, let's do this."

After Xia Houyuan and Guan Yu heard Huang Zhong's plan, they couldn't help but their eyes lit up, clapping their hands and applauding: "Han Sheng's plan is very clever!"

Guan Yu was very curious. He wondered why Huang Zhong, who is also a peak warrior, could come up with such a clever strategy?
However, before Guan Yu could ask, Xia Houyuan asked first, "Han Sheng, how did you come up with such a clever plan?"

Huang Zhong smiled wryly when he heard the words: "If you copy Su Shu, Liu Tao, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Sun Bin's Art of War, etc. dozens of times, I think you will have a trick in your heart."

Xiahouyuan suddenly remembered the "punishment" that Xiahoudun had suffered so much that he couldn't live without it, and immediately said with excitement, "Lu Hussar will not even let you go? It's just as terrible as ever."

What happened to Huang Zhong made Guan Yu click his tongue. It turned out that Huang Zhong's strategy was not innate, but acquired through hell-style training.Thinking of this, Guan Yu no longer envied Huang Zhong, and even felt a little sympathy.
The three of them finished their plans, and then Huang Zhong and Guan Yu led the soldiers and horses of the headquarters back to the original road and ambushed between the second camp and the first camp.

A [-] army can open up mountains and fill the sea, how can a camp of more than [-] people be able to stop it?

I don't have time to fight you one-on-one. After the arrival of Wen Chou's army, without further ado, he directly pressed the army. He will use his absolute strength to crush the ants standing in front of him into powder!

Xia Houyuan led the army alone, while holding fast to the camp, he ordered Li Dian to send people to deliberately dump food and grass in the camp and along the way leading to the ambush.

After nearly two hours of stalemate with Wen Chou, Xia Houyuan finally saw the right moment and ordered his men to retreat.

Xia Houyuan shouted: "Evacuate! Don't worry about food, grass and luggage. I will evacuate quickly and lightly."

When the master general spoke, all the soldiers naturally listened to his words, started fighting and retreating.

When Yuan Jun's soldiers broke through Xiahouyuan's camp, they suddenly found that there was a lot of food in the camp, so they dismounted and snatched it, regardless of chasing and killing.

"There is still food ahead, hurry up and grab it!!"

"Ah! Food, there is still a lot of food in the direction Cao Jun is evacuating!"

"Mine! Mine! All mine!"

"Success or failure, it's all here!" In order to lure Wen Chou into the ambush circle, Xia Houyuan almost took out all his food as bait.

Wen Chou led a big kill into the camp, but found that the enemy army was gone, only food, grass and supplies, and the chariots and horses were here.

"The enemy army knew that the general's supernatural power was hard to resist, so they threw away their helmets, armor, food, grass and luggage, and fled away!" The general on the side flattered Wen Chou.

Wen Chou enjoyed it very much, and then laughed and said: "I thought Xia Houyuan was such a fierce army that he couldn't resist it for two hours. Cao Jun is just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags."

Then, Wen Chou remembered Yan Liang's death, and suddenly said angrily, "Brother died at the hands of such a waste, I'm so angry!"

The general said comfortingly: "General, don't get angry, Cao Cao is right ahead, and we will surely avenge General Yan Liang!"

This made Wen Chou feel better.

But Wen Chou is worthy of being a reckless man. He didn't seem to restrain his soldiers from robbing Cao Jun's food and grass. Instead, he led the soldiers who came in behind and continued to go deep alone.

Those soldiers who entered Cao Ying later saw that Pao Ze had picked up a lot of food, and they suddenly felt hot and anxious.

"Come on! Grab the food!"

"I saw that there are many grain carts lying on the side of the road ahead!"

"Ahh! Don't grab me!"

Cao Jun retreated in a "wolf", throwing away weapons, armor, flags, food and grass all the way.

Yuan Jun's soldiers picked up Cao Jun's food, supplies, flags and military equipment along the way, and the army formation suddenly became scattered.

And because everyone carries a lot of foreign objects, it is somewhat inconvenient for individuals to move.

Almost everyone of Yuan Jun's soldiers had gained something, but they didn't realize that they had entered a dangerous area!

(End of this chapter)

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