Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 397 Gan Ning 8 Cavalry Robbed Yuan Ying

Chapter 397

The night is still thick.

Yuan Jun's soldiers were cleaning the camp, but there was a faint thunder-like sound from a distance.

"Thunder?" A soldier of Yuan Jun who was moving dry firewood away from the camp asked, looking at the sky suspiciously.

"It's not like that," a soldier beside him also looked at the sky and replied.

At this time, a veteran with rich combat experience heard the clue and murmured to himself: "What the hell is wrong! Why do I feel that this sound is a bit like the hooves of cavalry?!"

"Jinfan Army, charge with me!!!"

Gan Ning took off his brocade clothes and put on the iron-filled armor of Cao Jun's generals.

Five hundred elite cavalry and three hundred Jinfan bandits form a new army at this moment, the "Jinfan Army"!
Eight hundred cavalrymen followed Gan Ning's majestic figure and galloped all the way to Yuan Jun's camp under the light of the fire!

Gan Ning held up his long knife and shouted loudly: "Brothers, follow me, Gan Xingba, to rush in and kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

The sound of horseshoes and shouts of killing pierced the night that had just calmed down.

There are 300 people in the Jinfan Army, and everyone can be a hundred generals!The [-] elites that Cao Cao allocated to Gan Ning are likewise capable of serving as generals of a hundred!

Such an elite teacher, how many people in this world can stand up to him?
The hooves just sounded,
In a blink of an eye, [-] cavalry had reached the gate of the camp!
"Someone robbed the camp again, ah!"

Yuan Jun, the gatekeeper at the gate of the camp, was shot through the throat by an arrow before he could utter a complete sentence.

The soldiers at the gate were shot and killed in an instant, and the screams they made before they died made the soldiers who were cleaning up in Yuan Jun's camp instantly confused!
Unlike the last time Cao Ren robbed the camp, the ones who came this time were cavalry!
Being in Hebei, Yuan Jun's soldiers knew the power of cavalry best.

Although Gongsun Zan's cavalry was beaten by his own family, it cannot be denied that the cavalry is still the king of soldiers in this era.At least if you can't fight head-on, as long as the general is not hotheaded, there is absolutely no problem in running
Like a hurricane, the cavalry led by Gan Ning rushed through the gate in an instant, tearing apart all the enemies who dared to stand in front of them.

Gan Ning's long knife often kills him in one blow, the fatal wound is always just right, and he never wastes any of his strength.

There were many soldiers in the battalion who cleaned up the camp. They didn't even have weapons, and they were chased and slaughtered by the cavalry.

Wherever the [-] cavalry went, it was as if they had entered no one's land, and they would die if they touched them, and they would die if they touched them.

After rushing for a while, Gan Ning suddenly saw a lot of firewood in the camp that hadn't been ignited and hadn't been cleaned up in time.

With an idea, Gan Ning picked up a flaming log from the fire pile on the ground and threw it on top of another pile of firewood.

Seeing this, the soldiers behind him began to follow suit one after another, setting fires everywhere, and everyone worked together to quickly expand the fire to the point where Yuan Jun could not control it.

Just as Jiang Qi lay down to rest, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes and shouts from outside.

His heart tightened, and he secretly thought that he was careless. He didn't expect Cao Jun to have a second wave of ambushes!

So Jiang Qi hurriedly put on his iron armor, picked up his weapon and prepared to walk out of the camp, organizing his hands to resist.

Gan Ning's speed was very fast, because he knew very well that he could only do things before Yuan Jun's generals and soldiers reacted.

Once Yuan Jun's soldiers gather enough people to form an army formation, if they want to rush to the camp, they will probably be sent to death.

Gan Ning only had one thought in his mind now, that is to quickly change the place with one shot, and so quickly that no one in the camp could react.

As time went by, there was less and less room for Gan Ning to move around.

And at this moment, Gan Ning suddenly saw Jiang Qi who was walking out of a large tent with a spear in hand.He was overjoyed immediately, and secretly said: "That man seems to be a general, if you kill him, Yuan Jun will be powerless to resist!"

Think about it!

Gan Ning greeted him, immediately turned around, and ran towards Jiang Qi!

"Yuan will die!"

Just as Jiang Qi stepped out of the tent, he saw cavalrymen of Cao Jun charging towards him. He was so frightened that his ghosts froze, he turned around and ran back to the tent.

Gan Ning didn't dare to rush into the tent, the next best thing was to cut off the support outside the tent with a long knife.

The cavalry behind followed suit and cut off the support of the tent one after another, and the camp suddenly fell down.

But Jiang Qi had already slipped away from a certain corner of the camp, and when someone with sharp eyes found Jiang Qi, Jiang Qi's personal soldiers had already protected him.

Yuan Jun was flustered and many were beheaded by Gan Ning's cavalry, but after Jiang Qi came out to gather the soldiers, Gan Ning lost the opportunity to capture and kill the enemy general.

"Damn it!" Seeing that there was no hope of attacking and killing Jiang Qi, Gan Ning did not dare to fight, and finally chose wisely to withdraw from the camp.

With a roar, Gan Ning led the cavalry, turned around and left without hesitation!
The whole process sounds long, but it actually took place in less than a quarter of an hour.

At first, Gan Ning led his army to rush in from the west gate, and then rushed out from the east gate, and then went around to the north gate and almost killed Yuan Jun's general Jiang Qi. Finally, they broke out from the south gate and completed the eight hundred horses. The feat of robbing the camp.

It can be said that they came and went in a hurry, but Jiang Qi's camp was turned upside down by Gan Ning.Perhaps there were only a few hundred soldiers of Yuan Jun who died directly among the cavalry, but in Jiang Qi's camp, the fire had already spread, and the entire camp was in chaos.


"Wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

This time the camp was robbed, no one of Gan Ning's men was lost!
Gan Ning and his cavalry stood a hundred paces away from the camp, looking at Yuan Jun's camp in flames, they laughed outrageously.

"Boss, look at the ferry over there, can we do another vote?"

Gan Ning looked over after hearing the words, clapped his hands, and said, "Yes! The camp can't be robbed for the time being, but Dukou can still do it!"

So Gan Ning led the cavalry and rushed to the ferry where grain and grass were being carried.

The advantage of the cavalry's fast speed is fully reflected at this moment.

Before the men sent by Jiang Qi could convey the news to the defenders at the ferry, Gan Ning had already led the cavalry to kill them!

Gan Ning was startled when he saw the grain that could not fit in the ferry and had already been stacked outside: "Damn it! There's a lot of grain!"

"Yuan Shao, the dog day, is really rich!"

"Brothers, burn it for me, burn it hard!"

"Set fire! Never leave a grain of grain for Yuan Shao!"

Zhang Nan and Jiao Chu, who had already come to the opposite bank with a large amount of grain, could only watch helplessly as the tens of thousands of shi of grain on the other side were burned.

They wanted to go back to rescue by boat, but the fire had completely engulfed the ferry.There was no way to land at all.

"Fortunately, [-] to [-] shi of grain and grass have been transported across the shore." Jiao Touch looked at the grain behind him, and said with a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Zhang Nan responded with a wry smile, "If all the 10,000+ stones, grain, and grass are destroyed, I won't have to see the lord again."

 Brothers, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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