Chapter 399 Heavenly secret?

In the dead of night, the candles flickered.

Sitting alone in front of the bed, Cao Cao picked up the Diary of Heaven and Destiny.

After opening, the first page,
【Wei Yan is really awesome.】

"Mr.'s wording is strange. It's awesome. Why do you have to bring a forceful word?"

Cao Cao shook his head, made a comment, and continued to look down.

[However, I didn't expect Chen Dao to be with Wei Yan.When this little brother grows up, his fame and ability are second only to Zhao Yun, and he also has the ability to train elite soldiers]

When Cao Cao saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he suppressed his voice and exclaimed: "The person who is second only to Zhao Zilong???"

Who is Zhao Yun?He is Lao Cao's current number one general, and he may be the number one general for a long time to come!

When encountering the need to break the formation, Cao Cao often thinks of Zhao Yun first, and then considers other candidates, which shows the weight and status of Zhao Yun in Cao Ying.

Although Zhao Yun's true allegiance is Lu Yan, this does not prevent Cao Cao from loving and trusting Zilong. After all, Lu Yan is his most loyal partner and the person who knows Cao Cao best.

Thinking that he didn't neglect Chen Dao and his brothers during the day, Cao Cao immediately danced with joy: "Oh, oh, Cao got another general, what a surprise, what a blessing!"

Cao Cao twisted his body left and right, searched for a long time, but finally sighed: "It's a pity that there is no wine, this situation should be cleared up first!"

After finally calming down his excitement, Cao Cao continued to read Lu Yan's diary.

[Calculate the time, it's been almost four months, why is there no movement from Xu You? 】

"Huh?" Lao Cao was puzzled when he saw this, and murmured, "Why did Xu Ziyuan get involved all of a sudden?"

Xu You is Cao Cao's childhood friend. When he was young, he played with Cao Cao, studied together, and grew up together. The two know each other well.

But when Xu You grew up, he took refuge in Yuan Shao, who had a more prominent family background.

Cao Cao didn't hold grudges against Xu You's choice, after all, even if it were 99% of the people, they would choose Yuan Shao, "Except for Mr. Lu, hehehe"

Lao Cao smiled obscenely. After all, whoever wins Lu Yan can win the world. Compared with Lu Yan, Xu You is not too far behind.

Cao Cao picked out the dim candle wick, and continued to look down after the light was bright.

[I remember that in history, Xu You was sued by Guo Tu because he failed to offer advice, and he knew that his future was bleak, so he came to join Boss Cao, right? 】



Cao Cao suddenly stood up when he saw this, and when he realized it, he immediately covered his mouth with both hands.

After Cao Cao confirmed that he would not cry out in surprise, he let go of his mouth, picked up the diary with trembling hands, and muttered to himself, "Xu You...would abandon Yuan Shao and take refuge in me?!!"

"Oh my God!"

"Xu You is Yuan Shao's mastermind!!!"

"If Xu You came to vote, wouldn't Yuan Shao be like a naked little lady, and let me, Boss Cao, do whatever he wants?"

Cao Cao was shocked, his little heart was beating with excitement.

He walked back and forth in the tent a dozen times before he managed to calm down his excitement.

"Let's see what Mr. Lu said." Cao Cao picked up the diary and said with emotion: "After reading it for so many months, I finally got some useful information, Immortal Lu, I love you so much!"

【What kind of plan is Xu You offering? 】

[Anthracene, that's right. It seems that the scouts sent by Xu You intercepted Xun Yu's letter urging food.

Xu You used this to conclude that Lao Cao was at the end of his strength, so he suggested that Yuan Shao's troops divide into two groups, one to feign an attack at Guandu, and the other to attack Xuchang at starry night.]

Seeing this, Cao Cao began to sweat on his forehead.

He suddenly remembered that Lu Yan had been frantically building a granary in Chenliu County before, and also remembered the potato that suddenly fell like a magic soldier a few years ago.
"It turns out that Mr. Lu has been making preparations for the battle of Guandu, just like he was silently making all kinds of preparations in advance to prevent Lu Bu from attacking Yanzhou."

Thinking of this, Cao Cao suddenly felt guilty,
"I actually felt a bit of resentment towards my husband, and I dared to complain that my husband didn't reveal the 'secret' to me again. I, Cao Cao, am simply not a son of man!"

Cao Cao got up, looked for the direction of Lu Yan's army tent, then cupped his hands and bowed deeply: "Cao is ashamed of treating you with sincerity. I, Cao Cao, swear that I will give you a hundredfold support for everything you do in the future. I only hope that Mr. You can continue to support me, Cao Mengde!"

After being moved by himself, Cao Cao sat down again.

After taking several deep breaths, he continued to look down,
[It seems that it happened that Xu You was slandered by Guo Tu, which alienated Yuan Shao's trust in him, which caused Yuan Shao to reject Xu You's proposal and threatened Xu You severely. In the end, Xu You was very disappointed in Yuan Shao, so he left Yuan Shao Instead, he turned to Lao Cao. 】

"So it is!" Cao Cao had a guess in his mind, "Guo Tu and Xu You competed for favor, and Xu You was secretly tripped by Guo Tu, which caused Yuan Shao to alienate Xu You."

"With Xu You's high self-esteem and arrogant personality, he must not be willing to let his talent be buried. So it is not impossible for him to turn his back on Yuan Shao and join me, Lao Cao."

"After all, I was a child! We played together, read together, leaned against the board together, and peeked together. Cough cough"

Thinking of the carefree years of childhood, Cao Cao couldn't help showing a smile,
"Xu Ziyuan, Xu Ziyuan, I really look forward to your coming soon!"

[Oh, if Xu You didn't bring that news, I wouldn't dare to act rashly.

After all, that was the easiest chance to defeat Yuan Shao. Although the current history has changed, at least he still has some ideas, doesn't he?I'd better be more cautious. I hope Xu You won't let me down. 】

"So that's how it is!" Cao Cao suddenly realized, no wonder Lu Yan has become more aggressive recently, "It turns out that Mr. Yuan Shao is afraid that Yuan Shao's biggest flaw will change after the secret is leaked, so he deliberately hides his clumsiness!"

Cao Cao still had something to say, but the diary came to an abrupt end here.

【I kind of miss my big bed at home, it's really uncomfortable to sleep on the floor of this tent】

"I can't finish it!" Cao Cao pouted, looking at the last sentence in the diary.

After a long time, Cao Cao came back to his senses, but suddenly shouted outside: "Come here!"

"What are your orders, my lord?" the guards came to Cao Cao's tent and asked.

"Go quickly to my Xuchang mansion overnight, and get the tiger skin that Dian Wei gave me. At most, I have to give it to Lu Hussar before dark tomorrow!"

"Ah?" The guards were stunned by Cao Cao's order.

"Ah, what? The weather is about to turn cold, so give the tiger skin to Lu Huanqi to cushion his bed, so that his illness will not affect his advice!"

"Ah?!! This subordinate takes orders!"

The personal guard took the order and left, but his heart was completely dumbfounded.

"Lu Hussar is a congenital master. He has long been immune to cold and heat, and he is immune to all diseases."

As he walked, he muttered:

"Besides, it's only September, and it will take some time before it gets colder, what kind of wind is this, my lord?"

(End of this chapter)

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