Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 624 Just out of the tiger's mouth, and then into the wolf's den...It's really

Chapter 624 Just out of the tiger's mouth, and into the wolf's den again. It's really too difficult

Flesh and blood are meaningless under steel cannonballs.

As soon as a solid shell went down, a passage made of flesh and blood appeared in the army formation of the Xianbei people; when two hundred shells went down, the scene was like a large meat grinder, a purgatory on earth!

At present, the artillery still uses solid shells, but the steelworks have begun to develop shotgun shells, as well as iron-cased shells with gunpowder inside.

After the emergence of these various types of more lethal ammunition, large-scale combat, the army dominated by cold weapons, will be even more unable to compete with Cao Jun's artillery battalion.

The power of the artillery deeply shocked everyone in Cao Jun.

Standing on a boulder, Tai Shici looked at the tragic scene in the mountain depression, and said in his heart:
"First, the large-scale application of explosives, and then the war after such a powerful artillery, do we not need us to charge head-on?"

Zhang Fei hid in the ambush site, staring at the Xianbei cavalry who were lying on their backs with great interest, and couldn't help sighing: "These weapons invented by Mr. Lu are simply crimes!"

The Xianbei people have already messed up.

After the four rounds of bombardment, there was no one in Xianbei, and there was still a desire to resist.

Ke Bi Neng was cold all over, just now, a cannonball passed him after several times; while the two soldiers beside him lost half of their bodies.
The roar that shook the sky, the iron bullet that easily shredded people and horses. Hearing the painful wailing of the people around him, Ke Bineng even thought that the Supreme God Changshengtian descended on the divine power and rewarded us.

"Longevity God!" Ke Bi Neng looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face, "Your children, did you do something wrong? Why should you be rewarded like this!"

"Little man, let's jog! It's important to save your life!"

"God's punishment from Changshengtian! Run away!"

The fighting spirit of the Xianbei cavalry collapsed, and they finally fled in the direction they came from.

The eighth round of shelling began, and the artillery could continue to fire because the temperature of the barrel was too low.

At that time, it was Zhang Fei's turn to ambush!
"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

The desolate trumpet sounded,

Standing under the small stone, Tai Shici suddenly pulled out the double knives at his waist, and shouted loudly: "Kill Hu!"

Cao Jun held the Qinglong Yanyue Knife upside down in one hand, and spread his beard on the back of his chest with the other, and shouted angrily: "Guan Yunchang is here, and those who put in bids to sell their heads should slowly sacrifice their dog's head!"

Guan Yu held the four-foot snake spear low, and shouted in a thunderous voice: "Zhang Yide, the Yan man, is here, and the Xianbei dog will slowly come down and die!"

The Xianbei cavalry were already distracted and had no fighting spirit.

We were strangled by Tai Shici, Cao Jun, and Ke Jie from the sidelines. Apart from running for our lives, we had no thought of resistance at all.

"Small man, Zhang Fei cut off your way forward, and the group of armored Zhang Fei in front of you is too aggressive, what should you do!" A commander beside Ke Bineng asked in panic.

At least half of them were killed or injured in my hands. These people either died from shells, or were trampled to death by their own cavalry before they were hit by horses in a panic. In fact, quite a few died in Zhang Fei's hands.


Although there were no attacks like divine punishment, Ke Bi Neng was so angry that he almost spat out blood when he saw the Xianbei soldiers who were knocked to the ground by Zhang Fei one by one.

But things have come to this, I can only force myself to calm down, at most, I want to take those living Xianbei people out of there.

Before taking a few deep breaths, Ke Bineng finally regained his composure.The reason why I can become the weakest leader of the Xianbei clan is that my mind and talent are naturally outstanding.

On Guan Yu's side, there are almost all cavalry, and it is too difficult to break through from this side.

Although Tai Shici's side is full of infantry, but my direction is in the mountain depression, so I can go back and throw myself into the trap.

"Here! This mustache is full of school swordsmen. Boys, break out from this way as you please!" Ke Bineng thought he had discovered the weakness of the encirclement, so he ordered everyone to follow me and head towards Cao Jun Break out in the direction!

Seeing that Ke Bineng broke out in the direction of his seventh brother, Guan Yu immediately yelled: "What's the matter with bullying your seventh brother, I have no ability to come at you, come at you!"

"Don't let us go! Continue to charge!"

Ke Jiexin was crazy about killing, I even took off the light armor under my body, only wearing the inner lining, and chased the Xianbei people with two knives!

The Xianbei cavalry was surrounded and had no way to speed up, but they could only be slaughtered all over the place by the Beiwei army chopping melons and vegetables.

Of the 1000 Xianbei cavalry, there are now [-] alive.But Zhang Fei had at most [-] ambush soldiers, and it was extremely difficult for Kebi to break out of the encirclement.

After all, Guo Ke Bi Neng is an idler. With the encouragement of my own actions, the more than [-] cavalrymen of Xianbei Wu were gradually aroused to fight.

Although Cao Jun does not have more than [-] infantry, it is certain that he will suffer when facing cavalry.

Kebi could make the soldiers of our tribe charge from the front and attract the main force of Cao Jun, while I followed Yu Shang and made a surprise attack from the side, which was actually torn open by my army!
Cao Jun was fighting several Xianbei generals, but suddenly he heard the Xianbei people cheering.

I turned my head and saw that the Xianbei people had opened a hole in their army formation. Seventh brother was furious, and cut the seven Xianbei warriors behind him into four pieces with one knife!

Cao Jun's bravery scared the Xianbei people around to the shit, and eight meters behind me, there was a vacuum.

"Hey! The thieves don't go!"

It's a pity that although Cao Jun led his army to fill the gap, Ke Bineng, Mi Jia and other small fish had already slipped out of the gap in advance.

Ke Bineng and others escaped dangerously and dangerously, and galloped seventy or eighty miles towards the Baishan Valley leading to the grassland before they dared to stop for a while.

Ke Bi Neng looked around for seven weeks, and saw that the [-] Xianbei cavalry who came in high spirits now numbered to a thousand, and the warriors in the clan were almost lost.

Eighty thousand soldiers have one out of ten, and that is indeed a complete defeat.

"Thinking that you, Kebi, could roam the grassland all your life, but ended up in such a disastrous defeat, Changshengtian, are you really going to kill you Xianbeierlang?!"

Ke Bineng's face mixed with sweat and tears, I looked up to the sky and sighed, and then I pulled out the saber that had been cut, and was about to wipe it off my neck.

"Little man!"

"Little man, yes!"

The guard beside him was quick-eyed and slow-moving, and grabbed Ke Bineng's arm.

Immediately after fewer personal soldiers came down, they persuaded sadly, "Little man, you can abandon you and the tribe!"

"As long as you return to the grassland, there will never be a day when you can regain your strength!"

"Little man! You have to cheer up!"

Those Xianbei people who followed Ke Bineng to escape from death were the most loyal warriors outside Ke Bineng's tribe.Seeing that Ke Bineng wanted to commit suicide at this moment, they got on their horses one after another, came to Ke Bineng and knelt down on one knee, persuading him with tears.

"Ke Bi Neng, you grassland boy can lose, but you can lose." At that time, Su Li said, "You have shed enough blood, you should go back to the grassland first."

Compared with Suli's subsequent victories, Ke was more completely defeated than Neng Doubt.

Without contrast and contrast, Su Li feels a little better, so I can be regarded as the calmest leader now
Without persuasion from the tribe and other leaders, Ke Bineng finally put on his waist knife, gritted his teeth and said, "That's all! You wait to retreat to the grassland first. Today's defeat will be returned ten times or a hundred times in the future!"

Ke Bi Neng shouted angrily: "Withdraw!"

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw? Have you asked his grandfather Xiahou?"

(End of this chapter)

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