Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 631 The Long Dormant Jiangdong

Chapter 631 The Long Dormant Jiangdong

Lu Yan has been missing for a while recently, because he and Lu Lingqi went out to "appreciate the snow" alone.

This is actually something that should have been done last year, but it has been entangled in official duties and cannot be fulfilled.

Originally, what Lu Yan promised Lu Lingqi last year was to go for an outing, but because he was afraid that there would be many things to be busy after the beginning of spring this year, he simply moved up the time and changed it to enjoying the snow.
This year's winter is colder than ever. In some places, the heavy snow has even been falling for more than half a month, which has crushed many people's houses.

However, the garrison soldiers under Cao Cao's rule are actively doing disaster relief, and now the common people basically have cotton-padded clothes, coal stoves, and no shortage of food. So even though this winter is very cold and there are many disasters, there are basically no people who have been frozen. News of starvation.

As soon as Lu Yan returned to the city, Yi Ji rushed to find him.Both Cao Cao and Xun Yu sent urgent letters to the Sheriff's Mansion, saying that there was a major change in Jingzhou and that all regions should be put on combat readiness!
It's just that the news they sent was a bit sketchy, so Lu Yan searched for Guo Jia everywhere, preparing to learn more detailed information from the shadow he controlled.

After knowing the purpose of Lu Yan's visit, Guo Jia told Lu Yan and others in detail all the news he knew.

After hearing this, Lu Yan couldn't help saying with emotion: "As expected of Pang Tong and Zhuge Jin, they are amazing."

"How good is Pang Tong? How is he compared to Guo Jijiu?" Zhao Xue asked curiously.

Hearing this, Lu Yan glanced at Guo Jia, and then said lightly: "It's half a catty."

"You can't change the word?" Guo Jia couldn't help protesting.

The protest was ineffective, and Lu Yan simply ignored him.

Pang Tong is good at conspiracies. Historically, he has presented three strategies for capturing Yizhou for Liu Bei to choose.

The trick is to let Liu Bei launch a sneak attack on the main part of Yizhou, because Liu Zhang is weak and can't control the army well, and he has never been in the habit of preparing for war.

So if Liu Bei's army makes a sneak attack, as long as it goes well, maybe it will succeed once.

But it is obvious that this tactic seems reasonable, and there is indeed a probability of winning with one blow; but the problem is that this probability is not high; It may be very difficult to get out of the whole body.

The trick is to let Liu Bei pretend to return to Jingzhou.Since the guest is going home, the host will naturally give it away as a sign of it.

Then when Yang Huai and Gao Pei come out to see them off, they can be tied up directly, and then they can rob his family's Fucheng, and then they can attack Liu Zhang.

The final plan is to return to Baidi City, let Liu Bei's army withdraw from Yizhou, and then wait at the junction of Yizhou and Jingzhou.
The plan is extremely risky, and Lao Liu hardly considers it.Leaving aside the plan, the two of them never really considered it at all.Although it is somewhat immoral to fall into the trap, it has the least loss and is also the easiest to succeed.

It can be seen that Pang Tong uses tricks to achieve his goals as the main means. He doesn't care if you are unrighteous or shameless. A black cat and a white cat catching mice is a good cat!

But as the saying goes, there is no way to get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river. If you use more tricks, the risk will increase accordingly.

Pang Tong died in Fengpo because Zhang Ren saw through the plot and set up an ambush in advance to kill him.

For Lu Yan, although Pang Tong is a headache, he is not as difficult to deal with as Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

Zhuge Liang is extremely cautious, and the kind and dignified soldier pushes forward with absolute strength.As long as he doesn't make mistakes, it will be difficult for his enemies to find Zhuge Liang's flaws, and naturally it is impossible to talk about how to defeat him.

This is especially true for Sima Yi, who has almost no weaknesses in marching and fighting; as long as he doesn't move, no one can step over him.

Jiangdong, Wu County.

Long Shi Zhang Zhao, Lu Su and Jiang Dong who joined the army, almost all of them gathered together except for Zhou Yu, who was the leader of the army.

"Huh!" Sun Quan let out a long breath, and then slowly sat on the main seat.

Seeing that all the civil and military officials had arrived, Sun Quan said, "I have summoned you today to discuss something important."

After speaking, Sun Quan looked at Lu Su and motioned for him to explain to everyone.

After Lu Su left the shift, he bowed his hands to his colleagues, and then said: "Everyone, the Xiefan camp has reported that Liu Biao died of a sudden illness. Zhuge Jin and Pang Tong assisted Liu Qi in defeating Cai Mao. In just over ten days, Jingzhou was firmly established. .”

"Pang Tong?" Sun Quan felt familiar with the name, so he asked, "Zijing, is Pang Tong one of us?"

Mentioning Pang Tong and Lu Su made him very angry, and a genius of the world was thrown into the county magistrate. But it was his own master who made the decision, and Lu Su was not very angry with Sun Quan.

"Yes! Pang Tong's name is Shiyuan, and his name is Fengchu. His talent is comparable to that of Cao Cao's military advisers, Guo Fengxiao and Xizhicai!" Although Lu Su could not scold Sun Quan in person, he could make Sun Quan feel uncomfortable in another way.

"Uh" Sure enough, Sun Quan had nothing to say.

Lu Su also commented on Pang Tong in the same way before, but because Pang Tong had no substantial achievements, basically no one believed his words.

But now, the changes in Jingzhou let the world see Pang Tong's ability; when Lu Su said this comment again, the people who were beaten in the face were Sun Quan and those civil servants and generals who laughed at Pang Tong.

"Cough cough." Sun Quan coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment. He deliberately avoided Pang Tong, and instead mentioned another matter, "Jingzhou don't drive Zhuge Jin's letter, saying that Lu Yan is practicing navy in Chenliu. .It is heard that his warships, big and small, have already exceeded a hundred, and it is clear that he went south to plot Jingzhou and Jiangdong's heart!"

Having said that, everyone was silent, and no one paid any attention to Pang Tong's affairs.The topic in the meeting hall has obviously been completely distorted by Sun Quan.

After Sun Quan paused to observe for a while, he opened his mouth and continued: "Lu Yan, Wen Neng can put pen to paper to secure the world, Wu Neng can mount the horse to determine the world, and he can be called the No. 1 in the world today!
What's even more frightening is that Cao Cao, who has always been suspicious, trusts Lu Yan extremely, even surpassing his own relatives and siblings.

Fighting Lu Bu, punishing Yuan Shu, fighting against Yuan Shao, and destroying Wuhuan. Every major event has Lu Yan's figure. If such a person organizes his troops and horses to attack me in Jiangdong, I ask you, who can resist, who dares to resist? "

Sun Quan's words seemed to increase the prestige of others and destroy his own ambition.

As a senior general in the army, Cheng Pu was the first to stand up and said: "He has Lu Yan in Cao Cao, and we also have Zhou Gongjin in Jiangdong! My lord, don't raise the prestige of others and destroy your own ambition!"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Gai also stood up, clasped his fists and said, "My lord, most of Cao's troops come from the northern land, and they are not good at water warfare.

Although Lu Yan was training troops on the Yellow River, not to mention whether his naval warships could enter the Yangtze River, but how could a navy that had only been in the army for one year really be able to go to the battlefield?
If Cao Jun really dares to march into Jiangdong, I, Huang Gongfu, guarantee that they will kill themselves, and there will be no return! "Huang Gai's analysis makes sense, and this is actually a common understanding among the Jiangdong Army.

"Good! General Huang said it well!"

The military generals in the conference hall began to agree one after another, and even the civil servants who were not strong in mind felt a little more at ease at this moment.

The reason why Sun Quan wants to raise the prestige of Cao Jun in front of so many people is actually to stimulate this group of generals and let them speak out by their own example, so as to calm the hearts of others.

It has to be said that Sun Quan's goal has been achieved. Except for the slight embarrassment due to Pang Tong's incident before, everything is within Sun Quan's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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