Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 643 The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the dragon riding battalion are the pres

On the third day after Zhu Ran set up an ambush, there was still no news from Cao Jun.

"Is Cao Jun really a group of tortoises from the previous year? Can this be tolerated? Sigh." Just as Zhu Ran sighed and was about to lead his army back to the camp, a sentry suddenly came to report: "General! Cao Jun cavalry was spotted twenty miles away. , is rushing towards our ambush circle!"

"It's finally here!" Zhu Ran was refreshed when he heard the words, and then he ordered excitedly and decisively: "Pass my military order, and all the ministries will enter the established ambush location, and wait for more than half of the enemy's army to listen to my order and start attacking!"

"Here!" The messengers beside him rushed away, and it didn't take long for the sound of giggles to be heard in the woods.

Zhu Ran then said to another messenger: "Go and inform General Dong Xi to encircle and suppress the enemy army as quickly as possible. If it is too late, there will be no credit for it!"


When the messenger left, Zhu Ran lay down behind the slope of the mountain forest, and secretly said with a smug smile: "Hey! This is my chance to become famous, Zhu Ran, here comes!"



Zhao Yun is in the front and Xia Houlan is in the back.

From a distance, Zhao Yun saw an extremely dense forest in front of him, and the road was relatively narrow for an ambush, so Zhao Yun said to Xia Houlan: "The forest ahead is dense and the road is rough. Send me an order, and the army will speed up and pass quickly!"

After hearing Zhao Yun's words, Xia Houlan immediately issued a military order: "Brothers, speed up and be careful!"

"Hold your shield!"



Although the Dragoon Battalion were light cavalry, they were all equipped with small round shields.

After receiving Xia Houlan's order to protect carefully, the cavalry of the Dragon Cavalry Battalion took off the round shields behind them in unison, and took off the one-handed crossbow from their waists.This is a memory that has been practiced countless times on weekdays and has been engraved into the muscles.

"There are still five miles!"

Zhu Ran listened to the news sent by the sentry, feeling nervous and excited in his heart, unconsciously sweating on his forehead.


There was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, and the ground began to tremble slightly.

The Jiangdong army in this area has hardly seen a large group of cavalry charging. Looking at the smoke and dust rising in the distance, and feeling the slight tremor of the ground below them, a trace of fear floated in their hearts for a while.

But fortunately, they are just ambushing, and they don't need frontal tough cavalry.

Generally speaking, ambushing one side will take a lot of advantage.Even some of the ambushed troops broke up before the two sides started close contact.

However, the Dragon Riding Battalion obviously does not fall within this general range
The extremely fast Dragon Riding Battalion has now entered the ambush circle, and Zhao Yun's instinct for danger has begun to stimulate his nerves.

"There is an ambush! The whole army is defending!"

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

The shouts of Zhao Yun and Zhu Ran sounded almost at the same time, but the soldiers of the Dragon Riding Battalion reacted faster than the soldiers of Jiangdong.

"Defense!!" Xia Houlan also shouted, reminding the cavalry behind him who reacted a little slower.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"


The rain of arrows poured down, and most of them missed due to the speed of the cavalry; some of them hit the round shields in the hands of the cavalry; only a very small part of the arrows hit the soldiers of the dragoon battalion. Protected places, or shot at the horses, causing dozens of casualties.

"Fight back!" Xia Houlan shouted loudly!
"Chut chug chug chug chug!!!" The sound of Liannu shooting arrows suddenly sounded!

After the Jiangdong Army archers shot the first wave of arrows, they were preparing to shoot the second wave with their bows and arrows, but unexpectedly, the enemy raised their hand crossbows and said "chug chug!" to the woods on both sides.

Nearly [-] crossbow arrows shot into the ambush sites on both sides of the Jiangdong Army,
The Jiangdong soldiers who were caught off guard were suddenly stunned by the shooting, but for a while, many fell down from the arrows, and some ran away with their heads in their arms!
Zhu Ran was lying on the ground, and several crossbow arrows flew over his head just now, scaring him out of his wits.

When the crossbow arrows stopped coming and Zhu Ran looked up, Cao Jun's cavalry had already rushed out of the ambush circle!

This doesn't look like being ambushed at all!

"Damn it! Why did this Cao army react so quickly?!" Zhu Ran couldn't help cursing, the ambushes he had ambushed in front to block the road didn't even have time to show up.
Just when Zhu Ran was about to withdraw his troops resentfully, he suddenly realized: "Not good!"

"I seem to have sent someone to call Dong Xi over just now!"

To suffer!

Zhu Ran felt that he was going to trick Dong Xi, so he quickly ordered: "Everyone, follow me to hunt down Cao Jun! Make meritorious deeds, right now!"



Now Zhu Ran only hoped that Dong Xi could delay Cao Jun's cavalry for a while.

Under the city of Zhaoling, five thousand Jiangdong soldiers, under the command of Dong Xi, launched "attacks" against the city wall in turn.

The reason for the quotation marks is that their attack is basically just a show. Every time they get close to the city wall, when the defenders on the city wall start shooting arrows back, the group of people will retreat back with their shields.

After repeating this cycle for three or four times, just when Dong Xi thought that today was another day for making soy sauce, suddenly a messenger rushed to report.

"Report! General, Cao Jun has appeared! General Zhu ordered you to lead the troops of the headquarters to support!"

"Damn it, these turtles are finally here!" Hearing this, Dong Xi excitedly said, "Come on, follow me to intercept and kill Cao's army, and gain military merit!"


However, before Dong Xi rectified his troops and horses, bursts of thunderous noises came from far and near!
Dong Xi was surprised and inexplicably shouted: "What's going on?!"

Some experienced veterans reacted and immediately shouted: "It's cavalry, it's cavalry!!!"

The old soldier's voice revealed panic and helplessness. If there were no comrades around watching, they might have turned around and fled.

Under the high-speed sprint of the cavalry, the infantry without heavy armor is almost like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the cutting board, and there is no way to resist it.

"Cavalry!" Dong Xi also showed a trace of fear, "How could Cao Jun's cavalry come so soon! Where are we ambush? Could it be that our ambush was not successful?"

But no matter what, in the face of four-legged war horses, two-legged humans have no chance of escaping, and now there is only one way to go.

Dong Xi still reacted as a qualified general should,

"Array! Meet the enemy!"

The soldiers reacted instinctively and lined up in square formations one after another, ready to welcome the arrival of Cao Jun.

"The enemy is coming!"

The scouts had already shouted, and the Jiangdong soldiers finally saw the hideous and terrifying faces of the Dragoon Army!

After the army was in formation, Dong Xi felt at ease looking at the densely packed soldiers around him.

But before he gave the next order, the soldiers at the front suddenly started to riot!

"Former general! Zhao!!!"

"It's Zhao Zilong! Zhao Zilong of the Dragoon Army!!!"

"Lu Yan's dragoons are here! We're done! We're done!"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

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