Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 669 Wei Yan Attacks Xinye City at Night

Cao Jun's navy defeated the Jiangdong navy?

Or the 17 Jiangdong navy led by Zhou Yu himself? !

Fu Tong picked up the messenger with one hand and asked, "You boy, did you run too fast and lost your mind?"

The messenger swallowed hard, and then said: "No, no! There are letters here, little one. If you don't believe me, read it yourself!"

Fu Tong was not polite either, he stretched out his hand and began to dig into the messenger's arms.

Sure enough, he grabbed a letter without taking out twice, and then he strode forward and handed the letter to Pang Tong.

Time was running out, and Pang Tong had no time to think carefully.

He just browsed through it twice and then directly ordered: "Pass my military order, put up more flags, and leave [-] soldiers to beat drums every hour and pretend to be ready to fight. The rest wait, follow me to retreat!"

The Jingzhou generals in the big tent all felt terrified, they all felt the urgency and unquestionableness in Pang Tong's tone, so they all clasped their fists together and said, "Here!"

Regarding the news that the Lu Yan navy blocked the Han River, Cao Cao sent it to Jia Xu as soon as possible.

Jia Xu got the news half a day earlier than Pang Tong.

Cao Cao himself led Cao Hong, Lu Lingqi's generals, and [-] soldiers, and was heading for the front line of Danshui at full speed.

Even if Pang Tong could escape, he had to take off a layer of skin!

Jia Xu sent Zhang Ying, Gao Lan and [-] soldiers to attract Pang Tong's attention, but in fact, he secretly dispatched Wei Yan and other generals to sneak towards Xinye with [-] troops.

Wei Yan led an army of [-] to rush all the way, and it took less than a day to reach Xinye City fifty miles away.From Wancheng to Xinye, there is another better road than Bowangpo, so their marching speed is very fast.

After arriving fifty miles away from Xinye City, Wei Yan stopped rushing on his way.

He ordered the army to stop and rest, and waited quietly for the night to come down.

This waited until Haishi, the soldiers had already eaten and rested enough, and Wei Yan ordered the army to move out as soon as the time came!
Wei Yan's army, with their horses wrapped around their hooves, went south and then east, and arrived at the south of Xinye City by detour.

Wei Yan is also a person with great ambitions and a proud heart.

Although he was quite appreciated and trusted by Cao Cao, but he had been with Cao Cao for so many years, and except for the battle of Jiluo Mountain, he had no record of shooting. How could this not make him grudge.

Moreover, Huang Zhong, the eldest brother who went to Cao Ying with him, is not only a few ranks higher than him, but also a famous general in the world. If Wei Yan says in his heart that he is not envious, he is lying.

The defender of Xinye is Jingzhou veteran Wang Wei, who is extremely loyal and has a good prestige in the army.

Although Xinye City is small, it is a strong city, and its location is extremely important, and it is only a hundred miles away from Xiangyang. Therefore, Pang Tong specially handed Xinye over to Wang Weilai to guard, hoping that he can slow down the pace of Cao Jun's southward march and fight for Fancheng and Xiangyang. More time to prepare.

There is no moat outside Xinye City, but the city wall is tall and strong. If it is to attack by force, Wei Yan's mixed soldiers of [-] paces are not enough, so if you want to take it, you have to find another way, such as night attack!

The [-] troops detoured, and the speed could not be increased too fast because of the need to hide their whereabouts.

It was a mere fifty miles, and they walked for more than an hour, until they finally came to the south gate of Xinye at Choushi.

Wei Yan ordered the army to stop five miles away for a little rest. At the same time, he led a dozen guards to the outside of Xinye City quietly, trying to feel the situation on the Xinye City Wall.

It's a pity that Xinye City was pitch-black, except for the vague outlines of a few patrolling soldiers, nothing could be seen.

Although they couldn't see the situation on the city wall clearly, it was also not easy for the Jingzhou soldiers on the city wall to detect the dark movement below the city wall.

After some observation, Wei Yan felt that he could take a risk.

So just after Yin's time, Wei Yan ordered 200 people to touch it quietly, until they reached the foot of Xinye city wall, trying to climb the city wall and open the city gate from the inside.

Taking out the crossbow, the 200 men began to load the crossbow.

Looking carefully, the arrowheads of the crossbow arrows they installed are not the usual jagged or triangular fangs, but have several barbs, and a finger-thick rope is tied to the end of the arrow.

This kind of arrow, which resembles a claw, is a special equipment from the Shadow Guard.

Because of its simple production and wide range of applications, there will be some equipment in the general army.

200 people loaded all the arrows.

When the patrol team walked away, the lieutenant in charge of climbing the city wall gave an order, and immediately 200 people raised their crossbow arrows and pointed at the city wall of Xinye obliquely, and pulled the mechanism of the strong crossbow in their hands!

"Ding dong!"

With the whistling sound of the crossbow arrows, the arrows flew up the city wall and successfully hung on the notch between the city walls.

At night, there was a clear sound of gold and stone clashing, but because the patrol team was not many and had gone far, they didn't realize that Cao Jun had already touched the city wall!
The lieutenant general threw away the crossbow bolts and pulled the rope to try it out. He felt that he was already holding on tightly, so he waved his hand and took the lead to climb up by grabbing the rope.

The city wall of Xinye is made of bluestone, very strong but not very high.

A total of three feet or about ten meters of the city wall, two hundred carefully selected Cao soldiers who were as light as swallows easily climbed up along the hook rope.

The deputy general grabbed the parapet wall and stomped into the wall, seeing that there were several sentries sleeping soundly under the corner of the nearby wall, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat!
Fortunately, their series of actions did not wake up these lazy Jingzhou defenders.

After he stabilized his mind, the lieutenant made a few gestures to the others, then gently came to the sleeping soldiers, grabbed their heads, and twisted them vigorously!
"Gaba!" The voice rang several times in a row, and the Jingzhou defenders who were sleeping could finally have a long sleep.
Xinye's defense should not be so lax, and Wang Wei, as a veteran, naturally cannot be so careless.All of this is actually because the morale of the Xinye defenders is not high, and they are slack in their hearts.

The lieutenant-general led two hundred soldiers, hung the lock on the inner wall again, and dropped it to the ground along the city wall.

After landing, they quickly ran towards the city gate, trying to open the city wall and welcome Wei Yan's army into the city!
However, their luck cannot always be so good.

When it was only about ten meters away from the gate of the city, more and more patrolling soldiers in the distance finally noticed the abnormality and shouted: "Who are you?!"

"It's the enemy!"

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

After the patrolling soldiers shouted, they rushed towards them quickly.

The lieutenant general saw that he and the others had revealed their secrets, and rushed towards the city gate at a faster speed!
Fortunately, there were not many defenders at the gate of the city, only a dozen of them, and it would take at least a few minutes for other reinforcements to arrive.

The patrolling soldiers near the city gate shot up one after another. The lieutenant immediately stepped forward and stopped the guards with the first soldiers, and ordered: "Open the city gate and lead General Wei and brothers into the city!"

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