Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 678 Hold on tight, don't let yourself float!

Chapter 678 Hold on tight, don't let yourself float!
In the side hall, Liu Xie, Cao Cao, Lu Yan, and a dozen important ministers were quietly waiting for the soldiers who reported the victory to read out the battle situation side by side.

Cao Cao's expression remained unchanged. After the soldiers finished reading the battle report, he commented indifferently when he opened his mouth: "That's right, that kid is pretty good at fighting."

"Pretend!" Liu Xie and Lu Yan couldn't help giving Cao Cao a blank look.

If they hadn't seen his excited and trembling hands, they might really have believed his nonsense.

In this battle, Cao Ang's command was determined. Not only did he set up an ambush to wipe out the large army of Xianbei going south, but he also decisively entered the grassland and took down the king's tent of Ke Bineng in the central Xianbei in one fell swoop.

This battle was really beautiful, clean and neat, without muddling.

"Okay!" Lu Yan also cheered loudly, and tried his best to cooperate with Cao Cao, raised his right hand and made a cheering gesture: "Your Majesty is mighty!"

After receiving Lu Yan's praise, Cao Cao finally grinned and said with a big smile, "Hahaha! This is all thanks to Ang'er having a good teacher! Thank you Mr. Lu for your careful teaching and guidance to Ang'er!"

As the saying goes, everyone carries the bridal sedan chair, and since Lu Yan supported Lao Cao's son, of course Lao Cao would like to reward him with a kind word.

Standing behind Liu Xie, Yang Biao couldn't help but clenched his fist with his right hand, and slammed it on the palm of his left hand with a loud "slap".

Although the old man is already in his sixties, his face is still glowing, his thinking is quick and his legs are flexible.

He said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, Wuhuan of the three counties was destroyed by Meng De and Changsheng;
The central Xianbei was also wiped out by Meng De's eldest son, and the eastern and western Xianbei also felt sad this winter.
This time can be regarded as the greatest achievement in foreign wars since Hanwu.

The name of His Majesty will definitely leave a strong mark in history!Ha ha ha ha! "

The historians are basically Yang Biao's disciples now. He said that Liu Xie will have a good name in the history books, so most likely Liu Xie will have a good reputation in the future!

As the so-called broad-minded and fat, Liu Xie has become a little rich recently.

Liu Xie, who was already in a good mood, immediately replied cheerfully after hearing Yang Biao's words: "That's a good relationship. I just hope that it won't leave a bad reputation forever."

Lu Yan also said at this time: "Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as the big men are reunified, your reputation will not be worsened. Moreover, Luoyang has already been rebuilt by more than half. What was destroyed at the beginning is now being rebuilt one by one in your hands. Looking back at history, such achievements are extremely rare!"

Liu Xie was blown away by Lu Yan's flattery.He patted Lu Yan and Cao Cao on the shoulders, and said, "This is also thanks to Lao Cao and Lao Lu, you two! I, at least there is still a chance to see the day when the big men are unified again!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this is a must!"

"This is the duty of a minister!"

At this time, the old eunuch who has been serving Liu Xie also jokingly said: "Your Majesty, this old servant heard that the people outside were shouting "Long Live the Great Man" and "Long Live Your Majesty".

Various restaurants and shops also offered discounts to congratulate the soldiers of the Han Dynasty!

This is the aspiration of the people and the aspiration of the army!The revival of my big man is just around the corner! "

"Congratulations to Your Majesty! Congratulations to the great man!" A limited number of civil and military officials in the side hall stood up and bowed to congratulate Liu Xie.

Liu Xie smiled and said, "Ke Bineng is a wolf cub, he dared to lead cavalry into our Youzhou. This time Cao Shizi wiped out Xianbei in one fell swoop, and put an end to this scourge for my big man, good! That's great!"

At this moment, suddenly there was another noise outside, followed by another sound,
"Good news!"

It was introduced into the side hall.

"and also???"

"Where is the good news this time?"

"It's really a good news, today is a good day!"

Liu Xie and others waited curiously for another good news to arrive.

"Report Your Majesty!

General Lu Bu of Chariots and General Zhang Liao of Xiaoqi led more than [-] soldiers to kill Lord Fu Luohan of Xianbei, behead the new Shanyu Xie Guini, and break through the royal court of Western Xianbei located on Danhan Mountain!
Xianbei orthodoxy, broken! "


There was an uproar in the hall!
"Danhan Mountain was breached? Western Xianbei was destroyed? Xianbei orthodoxy was broken?!"

"Oh my God!"

Liu Xie stood up suddenly, and laughed with irrepressible joy on his face: "It's really great!

Lu Changsheng broke the siege of the south for us, and Lu Changsheng's father-in-law broke the roots of the wolf cubs in the north for us!

Today is really a big day!

The order continues, today is a day off, everyone celebrates well! "

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Yang Biao muttered to himself in a daze, "The days when the Xianbei people plundered the people on our border again and again seem like the next day, but today... they are almost gone?"

Xi Zhicai has always maintained the most basic reserve, and said with a smile: "Yes! The Xianbei in the whole north is almost gone, and our north is stable!"

"No, there are still Jie people in our north, there are Huns, and there are even Qiang people. Don't take it lightly."

Someone would pour cold water on this kind of time?Which one is not open, let's see!

The ministers secretly thought that this person was not knowledgeable, so they all looked at the person who spoke.

"Oh, it's him, it makes sense."

That's right, it was Lu Yan who dared to pour cold water on Liu Xie and Cao Cao.

No one knows better than Lu Yan the threat of the northern prairie people.

Xianbei was killed today, and Turks, Huihe, Jurchens, and Mongols will probably come out tomorrow!

Because of the absorption of Han culture and technology, these prairie people became stronger and stronger from generation to generation.

If you really think that you can sit back and relax after destroying Wuhuan and Xianbei, then sooner or later the Central Plains will be poisoned by nomads again.

There is only one way to completely drive away the grassland people, paving roads and building cities.

But this idea has been hidden in Lu Yan's heart, except for Boss Cao who has been quietly peeking at Lu Yan's diary, no third person knows.

Cao Cao glanced at Lu Yan calmly, and thought: "You should tell your plan! Only if you tell me, can I help you ask for money, people, and territory!"

Unfortunately, Lu Yan still plans to hide for a while longer.Because he felt that starting this plan now would consume a lot of manpower and financial resources, and would greatly hinder Cao Cao's progress in unifying the Han.The most important thing right now is to pacify the internal troubles. As for the bad neighbors around, there is plenty of time to deal with them.

Seeing that there was no sign of Lu Yan speaking, Cao Cao sighed in his heart and said, "Mr. Lu, you are really as stable as an old dog."

Lu Yan didn't know that Cao Cao was complaining about himself in his heart. He was thinking about how to make money in his mind.

When it comes to making money, it must be the fastest way to get money by directly mining gold and silver mines.

And now that he has the capital to go to the island country, he might as well find an opportunity to try secretly, whether he can open some sub-mines on that island country, "emmm hold on, don't be in a hurry, this matter needs to be carefully arranged."

(End of this chapter)

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