Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 683 I am a big man who likes to help the weak most

Jian'an ten years, April.

The land of China has begun to warm up, and the Central Plains and Hebei have begun to prepare for the most important thing of the year, spring plowing.

Cao Cao has assembled more than 20 troops in Yingchuan, Nanyang, and Runan. With the addition of Gan Ning and Su Fei's 35 navy, and the newly formed [-] Jingzhou navy headed by the Cai Mao brothers, he is now enough There are [-] troops.

As long as the spring rains are over and the weather improves, Cao Cao will probably lead his army and march south to take Jingzhou.

Lu Yan also wants to take part in this Southern Expedition, but he doesn't plan to participate in the whole process, but wants to go to the island country to the east after helping Boss Cao stabilize the overall situation.

On this day, just as Lu Yan came down from the court meeting, he suddenly received an invitation from Cao Cao, saying that there was a group of very interesting people waiting for him to meet.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lao Cao's gourd, Lu Yan still readily agreed.After all, Lao Cao would cheat him with one or two gadgets at most, and he wouldn't have any more bad intentions.

When he came to the Prime Minister's Mansion in Xuchang City, Lu Yan felt as if he had entered his own home. There were servants and maidservants greeting Lu Yan along the way.

"I have seen Lu Hussars"

"Lu Huanqi, you are back!"

"The master is in the reception hall, you just go straight."

Lu Yan responded one by one with a smile, and all the servants sighed, "After so many years, Lu Hussar is still so handsome and as gentle as jade."

Walking into the hall, Lu Yan saw a group of ragged and unkempt "beggars" at a glance.

He couldn't help but teased Cao Cao: "Mr. Cao, where did you get this group of top-quality products? Or are you talking about some performance art?"

Cao Cao ignored Lu Yan's ridicule, but pointed to the two frontmost of the group of "beggars", and said, "Come on, introduce yourself to me as the Hussar General of the Han dynasty."

"General Hussars?" Nan Shengmi had an obviously shocked expression on his face.

"It's him! He's a fairy-like figure in the Han population!" Urban Niu Li also immediately remembered the many stories about Lu Yan that the Han guards had told them.

That exiled immortal who is invincible in battle, invincible in attack, and saves countless living people!

"It really looks like a fairy character!"

Along the way, they learned a lot about the current situation of the Han Dynasty from the guards who escorted them, and they understood that although Guangling County was considered a strong city, it was far from the top.

I also know that the actual power in the Han Dynasty is no longer the emperor, but the prime minister of the Han Dynasty named Cao Cao.

They also knew that besides Cao Cao in today's Han Dynasty, there is another person with great prestige, that is the man in front of him who looks only in his 20s, looks as gentle as jade, and looks more like a son than a general Hussar general Lu Yan.

Nan Shengmi and Dudu Niuli were terrified, and then replied tremblingly: "See General Hussars! Your envoy is Nan Shengmi, and he is the envoy of the small country Yamatai."

Lu Yan was listening casually, but when he heard the word "Yamatai", he immediately asked in surprise, "Where did you say you came from???"

Nan Shengmi and Urban Niu Li were taken aback by Lu Yan's slightly violent reaction. They didn't know why Lu Yan had such a reaction.

Being stared at by Lu Yan's deep eyes, Nan Shengmi suddenly felt his legs go weak.

But when he thought of his purpose of coming here after traveling thousands of miles, he still summoned up his courage and said, "Back to General Hussars, I'm from Yamatai!"

"Yamatai!" After getting the confirmation, Lu Yan felt a little excitement in his heart, and said, "Yesterday I wanted to go to the island country for a tour, but people from the island country came today? Could it be God's will? "

"Hey! This guy doesn't know that we are about to get rich!" Lu Yan glanced at the "ignorant" Lao Cao, and kept imagining in his heart that when Lao Cao heard that they were about to own many silver mines At that time, the expression of excitement and gaffe was gone.

Lu Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Is there a country called Dog Nu Country in your place?"

Nan Shengmi and Urban Niuli couldn't help but growl their mouths in surprise, and asked excitedly, "Exactly! know us?"

"When I led the navy through Sanhan a few months ago, someone told us about Sanhan and some things on your island."


Nan Shengmi suddenly thought of the huge navy that the fishermen saw in the rumors!

"So it's him!" Nan Shengmi was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, but he still tried his best to cover up his expression, so that he didn't look too gaffe.

After a moment of silence, Nan Shengmi, who had reorganized his emotions, bowed and saluted: "Respected Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, General Hussars, we are here on the order of Queen Himiko to pay homage to the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. This is a letter from my queen." , please take a look."

After finishing speaking, Nan Shengmi took out a piece of cloth from his bosom with great care, on which were crooked Chinese characters with reversed tone.

"Oh, by the way, there is also a generous gift chosen by our queen, and I hope the prime minister and the emperor will accept it with a smile."

Four male slaves, six female slaves, and a piece of white cloth.
Not only Cao Cao, but even Lu Yan couldn't help being stunned when he saw this "rich" gift, "This is such a big gift??? Then how poor are you all?!"

Lao Cao first came back to his senses, he laughed awkwardly, and then accepted these "gifts" on behalf of the emperor.

"You have come all the way from Dongzhou, and it must not be just to offer gifts. Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here?" Cao Cao asked straight to the point.

When it came to business, Nan Shengmi's face became serious.After he bowed to Cao Cao and Lu Yan, he said: "Respected Prime Minister of the Great Han, General Hussars, the envoy is here to ask the help of the Great Han to help us overcome the difficulty of destroying the country in Xiematai!"

"Destroy the country."

"My Yamatai Kingdom has always advocated peace, but the Dog Nu Kingdom has been pressing against us and attacking us non-stop. Coupled with the constant natural disasters, we are almost unable to survive."

Cao Cao frowned, he was too late to deal with Liu Qi and Sun Quan, so how could he have time to deal with evil horses?

But Lu Yan suddenly said: "I am a big man who always likes to help the weak. I will discuss your request with the prime minister and the emperor."

Nan Shengmi couldn't believe that Lu Yan agreed so much. Although it was just a "negotiation", it seemed that Lu Yan meant that there was a high probability that he would help!
With some doubts in his heart, Nan Shengmi subconsciously looked at the higher-ranking prime minister, Cao Cao.

Cao Cao knew that Lu Yan had been coveting the island country for a long time, but to be honest, he didn't want to devote his energy to helping Yamatai.

However, Lu Yan had already initially agreed, and seeing that it was difficult for Shengmi to see, out of trust in Lu Yan, Cao Cao followed Lu Yan's words and said: "Since Lu Hussar said that we can discuss it, you should wait a little longer. , wait for us to negotiate a result."

Nan Shengmi and Dushi Niuli were overjoyed immediately, and thanked repeatedly: "So, thank you, Prime Minister, and General Hussars! We will patiently wait for your good news!"

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