When Wenpin was concentrating on dealing with Xu Sheng, he suddenly heard a pleasant bell sound from behind him.

He was very puzzled: How could there be bells on the battlefield, which is full of shouts, curses, metal and iron clashes, and screams?And why is the ringtone so clear?

Wenpin was not given time to think, and commotion had already started behind him.

Gan Ning kept silent, didn't say a word of nonsense, and didn't announce his name first like others.

He alone, with a knife,

The bells on his body rang with his movements,
A single strike results in a defender, and the movements are smooth and smooth, without sloppiness at all!




Where Gan Ning walked, the defenders of Xiangyang collapsed.

Wen Pin saw that Gan Ning's force was superior to his own,
Moreover, he quickly recalled the rumor that everyone in the Jinfan bandits hangs Jin Ling, and then he guessed the general Cao Jun who was rushing towards him, "Gan Ning! Gan Xingba!"

Although Gan Ning is not as famous as Zhao Yun and Tai Shici, those who have been famous for a long time, anyone who knows Cao Jun's generals and past battles must have heard of Gan Ning's deeds to some extent.

Eight hundred iron cavalry broke through Yuan's camp and burned tens of thousands of stones, food and grass for Yuan Shao; the wolf cavalry camp often acted as a vanguard general, killing Yuan Shao and Wuhuan's cavalry in fear.

Wenpin has no confidence in defeating such a super-class fighter who is as brave as Tai Shici and others.

But there was a crazy Xu Sheng behind him, and Wenpin suddenly fell into a dilemma.

When Xu Sheng stormed the large shield formation in front of Wenpin, more and more soldiers gathered behind him.

Although Xu Sheng was in a state of rage, he did not completely lose his mind.

Because of Gan Ning's attack, the large shield formation stagnated and flustered for a moment, and Xu Sheng captured this moment extremely keenly.

Although he didn't know what happened after the shield formation, Xu Sheng knew that the opportunity must not be missed.

"Brothers, follow me!!!"

Xu Sheng took the lead and managed to get close to the shield array at the cost of a small injury. Then he clung to the spear protruding from the gap in the shield array, and with a sudden force, he pulled out the soldier holding the spear. come out!

The soldiers with spears were caught off guard by Xu Sheng and pulled out of the large shield formation, thus disrupting the formation of the shield formation and causing a gap in the formation of the shield formation.

Naturally, Xu Sheng couldn't let this opportunity slip away, so he immediately rolled over and let himself rush in before the shield closed!

After Xu Sheng entered the Great Shield Formation, he was like a hungry wolf joining a flock of sheep.

With the screams and the sound of "哗啦!" when a large shield collided to the ground, Wenpin's shield formation was broken!


Xu Sheng broke the shield formation, and the navy behind him surged up like a tide, and quickly overwhelmed the group of elite shield soldiers.

Wenpin lost his protection and was flanked by front and back. He knew that he was in an extremely dangerous situation, so he immediately ran towards the inner wall of the city wall, trying to jump off the city wall to escape the pursuit of Gan Ning and Xu Sheng.

Gan Ning and Xu Sheng were still more than ten steps away from Wenpin.

Seeing Wenpin rushing towards the city wall, they wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Xu Sheng, who chased to the wall, saw Wenpin jumping off the city wall, and he jumped down without thinking.

But when he came to the wall and was about to turn over and jump off, Gan Ning suddenly rushed up and grabbed him tightly.

"General Gan!" Xu Sheng's eyes were red and murderous.

Coupled with the fact that he was covered in blood and there were no less than ten wounds on his body, Gan Ning couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart: "Good man!"

"Mister's vision is really extraordinary, this Xu Sheng is really worthy of the importance that Mr. has placed on him!"

After two thoughts flashed through Gan Ning's mind, he persuaded Xu Sheng: "Our mission is to open more gaps so that more brothers can stand firm and attack Xiangyang City. As for the enemy General, let him go first."

Although Xu Sheng was very unwilling, he knew that Gan Ning's decision was the right one.

So, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Listen to General Gan!"

Gan Ning nodded and said, "You go down, I go up, to give the brothers more space!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Xu Sheng raised his spear and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Brothers, follow me!"

Gan Ning looked at Xu Sheng's strong figure, smiled slightly, and shouted, "Grandma's! Let me follow up! If we can't attack Xiangyang today, I won't be able to raise our heads when we walk in the future!"

"Kill kill kill!"

Not only Xu Sheng, but also Gan Ning was close to going berserk.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of friendly troops watching outside now!
Although the casualties of the various departments of the navy were not small, batches of groups were pressed up before, and batches of groups were repelled.

But if they can't win Xiangyang with such an advantage, their navy will not be called invincible in the future, and I am afraid that they will never even think about raising their heads in front of friendly troops from now on.

Siege battles have always been known for their brutality, but in just half a day, at this gap, Cao Jun's navy had already suffered 4000 to [-] casualties.

However, from a result-oriented point of view, although the progress of the offensive war is not fast, it is still firmly expanding its advantages.

Judging from the current situation, if there is no accident, they will definitely be able to take Xiangyang after dark.

But things often don't go according to people's wishes.

The battle on the city wall made the Xiangyang defenders feel more and more difficult.

Pang Tong also seemed to have fallen into madness, and even the supervisors who supervised the defenders' operations also went crazy, so the defenders seemed to be crazy too
Pang Tong seemed to see that Cao Jun would only allow this navy to participate in the battle, so he went all out, and even transferred a third of the defenders on the other three walls, just to prevent Cao Jun from entering the city!
One group was killed, and then another group was sent from the city.

Too many people can't use weapons?Then use your body and hands to squeeze Cao Jun down, and you will die to prevent Cao Jun from entering the city!
Some of the defenders looked at the city wall like a meat grinder and refused to fight with all their might. Even if they were hacked by the supervising army, they had to start fighting Cao Jun again on the wall of the Weng City.

Although Gan Ning and Xu Sheng opened the way with two sharp knives, there are too many defenders on the city wall, and they keep coming.

Looking at the casualties of such a fight, it is really too big,

Su Fei, who was commanding on the outer city wall, finally ordered the civilian husband to move the artillery to the outer city wall!
"Xingba, Wen Xiang, pay attention to dodge!"

Su Fei ordered people to shout loudly, and then ordered the artillerymen to fire directly at the city of Xiangyang!
The cannon directly attacked the inner city, which was an indiscriminate attack on the city!
Such behavior is contrary to Cao Jun's original intention of not harming the people. Even if Xiangyang is captured by doing so, he may still be held accountable in the end.

But Su Fei couldn't care about so much anymore, he ordered the soldiers to shout three times, and immediately ordered: "Fire me into the city!"



A hundred or so cannons moved to the city wall let out a roar that shook the sky,

Accompanied by the flames, the shells slammed into the houses and government offices in the city.
While bringing a large number of casualties to the city, it finally detonated the panic of the people and soldiers in the city!

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