Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 699 Planning, calculating, making decisions

It took only five days for Cao Ang's letter to be sent from Ji County, Youzhou, to Lu Yan, Xiangyang, Jingzhou.

When Lu Yangang saw the news about Goguryeo and Gao Baqi in the letter, he was also a little surprised.

He really didn't expect that the news of Dongzhou and Goguryeo would come one after another recently. It seemed like some enchanting beauties suddenly waved to him and shouted coquettishly: "Come on! Master! Come on!" Let's play!"

Lu Yan also wants to play, but now there is still work to do, so I can't get away
After showing Cao Ang's letter to Cao Cao, Cao Cao waved his hand and said to Lu Yan: "Mie Xianbei has already demonstrated my son's ability to cultivate. Since he has ideas about Goguryeo, let him do it!"

Lu Yan has nothing to do, but he still made a suggestion: "Zhicai and Fengxiao are planning to split Dongzhou, why don't you let the son discuss the countermeasures with them?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "Alright, with Zhicai and Fengxiao behind you, Zixiu can definitely do better!"

After receiving Cao Cao's consent, Lu Yan wrote two letters in hand.

A tape will be handed over to Cao Ang, telling him to let him go and at the same time, he will also ask Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia for advice.

The other letter will be handed over to Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, who are on a business trip in Beihai, Xuzhou, so that while they are scheming Dongzhou, they will also give Cao Ang an idea, how to handle Goguryeo
After completing these things, Lu Yan and Cao Cao began to prepare for the banquet.

Jingzhou was recently attached to it, but it is different from Hebei and other places. It chose to surrender voluntarily.

If Lu Yan wants to appease people with Cao Cao, he will inevitably have to participate in various entertainments.

No, it's Cai's turn to hold a banquet today, and Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others are all going to attend.

The Cai family has completely turned to Cao Cao, and their strength in Jingzhou cannot be underestimated, Cao Cao must also give them enough attention.

Come to Cai's house,

Madam Cai saw Cao Cao, Lu Yan and other bigwigs through the half-covered door, and she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Cai stroked Liu Cong's head and said, "My Cai family has no worries!"

Cao Cao has always been extremely strict with the aristocratic family, and Lu Yan has always restricted the development and growth of the aristocratic family. Liu Cong in Mrs. Cai's arms had a dazed look on his face. He didn't know why his mother, who had been always worried before, was now relaxed. tone.

"Mother, will Prime Minister Cao treat us kindly?" Liu Cong asked timidly.

"The Prime Minister will never treat those who take the initiative to take refuge in him badly. The Xun family is like this, the Chen family is like this, and my Cai family must be like this."

"Oh, can I go out more in the future?" Liu Cong asked innocently.

"Sure, can you...?" Mrs. Cai was also undecided.

At the banquet, the Cai family brothers flattered and fawned on Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others all the time. If Cao Cao hadn't resolutely refused, maybe Cai Hao would have recognized Cao Cao as his adoptive father.

Guests are happy.

After the banquet, Cai Mao ordered people to vacate some empty rooms in the mansion for Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others to rest.

Lying on the soft bed, Lu Yan thought about the recent situation in Jingzhou.

First of all, perhaps because Cai Mao was the first to seek refuge with Cao Cao and was reused, the value of the Cai family has risen, and the distance from the Kuai family, who is also a well-known family in Jingzhou, is gradually widening.

After all, as the first Cai family to take refuge in Cao Cao, it will definitely be more highly valued than those who took refuge in later.

Cai Mao was also a good general in the navy, and soon everyone knew that Cao Cao would attack Jiangdong, so the Cai family's rise to power seemed unstoppable.

Secondly, Lu Yan let go of Pang Tong, the nephew of Pang Degong, a well-known Jingxiang scholar, and won a reputation for generosity and kindness in the hearts of Jingxiang scholars.

"Tomorrow I will go to see the banquet set up by Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue.
The day after tomorrow, I will visit Sima Hui and Mr. Pang De, two old sages.
As a person with social phobia, it is a headache to think about these entertainments! "

Lu Yan thought about it and fell asleep.

In the dream, he returned to the city with high-rise buildings in a trance; in a trance, he became the ordinary migrant worker who was busy shuttling between high-rise buildings and subways.

After Cao Cao, Lu Yan and others work together and go all out (definitely not just eating and drinking),

The old Ministry of Jingzhou and the hearts of the people have finally settled down.

The people were naturally cheering, and although the aristocratic family still resisted some of the restrictive measures under Cao Cao's rule, with the Central Plains and Hebei aristocratic families as examples, they were willing to try to adapt actively.

On the other hand, Xun You, Jia Xu and others are in charge of Jingzhou's government affairs and the reorganization of Jingzhou's soldiers and horses. These days, there is almost a result.

In Xiangyang County Governor's Mansion.

Xun You and Jia Xu are taking turns reporting their work to Cao Cao.

"The nine prefectures of Jingxiang are extremely rich, and the food and grass stockpiled in Xiangyang City alone is already innumerable."

"Jingzhou's soldiers and horses add up to more than [-]. Although the combat strength is uneven, it is still a force that is not weak."

As soon as Xun You and Jia Xu's words fell, Cao Ren beside Cao Cao said, "There are still so many troops and food in Jingzhou? Why are they so vulnerable?"

Cao Ren's words made the Jingzhou old department standing in the hall somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing this, Cao Cao slightly reprimanded, "Zixiao, what are you talking about?"


"Just kidding, gentlemen." After Cao Cao said "nonsense" in a serious manner, he suddenly explained with a smile, "Although Jingzhou has a lot of troops, there is a huge gap with our army in terms of training and armaments." gap"

Cao Cao said half of it but stopped talking.
Seeing this, Xun You followed Cao Cao's words and said, "Besides, we still have such artifacts as artillery. It is the wisest choice for them to choose to surrender."

Jia Xu followed Xun You's words and said: "We are ordered by the emperor to send troops to fight against the disobedient ministers, and we have righteousness. The colleagues in Jingzhou choose to surrender, not only to save the people of Jingzhou, but also to ensure their own future."

After hearing their explanation, Cao Ren said that he was "convinced".

At this time, Cao Cao asked his advisers again: "Gongda, Wenhe, when do you think it is better to attack Jiangdong?"

Xun You and Jia Xu looked at each other, and then replied: "If there is a long-lived sailor to lead the way, plus the [-] sailors in Jingzhou, I think it only takes two months of rest before they can go east!"

"Two months?" Seeing what Xun You said, other counselors stood up and questioned, "Is two months too urgent?"

Cao Cao couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's really too hasty."

Jia Xu and Xun You didn't expect Cao Cao to agree with the latter's words, which is a bit different from the Cao Cao they knew.

Lu Yan naturally knew why Cao Cao felt a little anxious, so he explained to Jia Xu and Xun You in a deep voice:

"It's like this. The prince's army probably won't go south.

So we have to wait until Wenyuan's army comes back from Bingzhou and enters Huainan before we can form an echo with our army. "

"Ah?" Xun You said in surprise.

Jia Xu asked in a daze: "Xianbei has been wiped out, why are the prince's army still in the north?"


"I seem to hear who was wiped out?"

"Xianbei. Xianbei was destroyed??!"

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