Chapter 25
Seeing the reluctance of Qinglian Boss.

Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "When the second younger brother comes back and solves the doubts in the math book, I will say goodbye to him. Does this fulfill your wish?"

Qinglian: "I don't mean that, I don't dare to influence the young master's decision."

Zhu Qingshan shook his head and said softly: "Once I serve the king, I will be watched by the sky for the rest of my life. The longer I stay in this place, the more jealous and unhappy the old woman in the palace will be. So you don't have to blame yourself, I understand your worries and concerns." Concern. I'm here for business, not for pleasure..." Halfway through the speech, he stopped abruptly, so he didn't want to say more.

Qinglian was silent.

Zhu Qingshan's real name is Zhu Wenzhi, and his biological mother is the servant girl of the current Empress Dowager. She was honored by the late emperor when she was serving him one day. She was pregnant and gave birth to him in October. After giving birth to Zhu Qingshan due to his weak constitution, his biological mother died of illness shortly after giving birth. So far adopted by the queen mother.

In this feudal society, whether it is a maid or a housekeeper, they all belong to the master's family, and even their offspring also belong to the master's family.Even the royal family can't quit, it's just that they will be more noble than ordinary people.

Zhu Qingshan is the younger brother in name of the current emperor, canonized as Marquis Wen, and looks like a glorious man, but in fact he is a relative of the Three Kingdoms with no soldiers, no power, and no land.

The purpose of traveling the rivers and lakes this time is to investigate a major case in the court - the conspiracy of General Hua Xiong.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from behind the house, and Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian looked at each other.

Qinglian opened the window carefully.

But I saw a little girl riding on Yang Fan's head, and a little boy was holding her clothes tightly, and a thin girl was standing beside her, followed by a group of children and older children, walking slowly from a distance.

Chen Busan came quickly, biting his tobacco, followed by a dumb man wrapped in straps, and baring his yellow teeth, he shouted: "Why did you come back from behind, and made me wait under the willow tree. "

Yang Fan said with a smile: "When you come back from the north shore upstream, you will naturally stop at the other end of the island."

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian also arrived lightly.

Before Zhu Qingshan could say hello, the dumb man knelt down to Yang Fan with a plop, making gestures with his hands, Yiyi ah ah.

Everyone couldn't understand his language, but they could roughly guess that it should mean gratitude.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan said while gesticulating: "I'm just a doctor, and saving lives and healing the wounded is my profession. The one who really owes you a great favor is Grandpa Chen who worked so hard to bring you here."

The dumb man was overjoyed and gestured repeatedly at Yang Fan.

Chen Busan slapped the back of the head, "Young master has come back from hard work, can't you let him rest for a while?"

The dumb man nodded and found that everyone seemed to have something to say, so he stopped his joy and retreated behind the old man.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Grandpa Chen is an old friend of my grandfather, so don't call me son, just call me Faner."

Chen Busan grinned, nodded without answering, took two puffs of dry cigarettes, and stood aside looking at Yang Fan with concern.

Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "You went out alone, how did you bring back a big family? Aren't you going to introduce it?"

Yang Fan pushed Wu Qian out, jokingly said: "Let me introduce you, this is Wu Qian. I didn't get the money back to collect the debt, but I recovered a loss-making daughter-in-law." The shy Wu Qian hid behind Yang Fan.

Everyone laughed, but Chen Busan looked at Wu Qian seriously, and said: "It's good, it's very good, but it's too thin to bear, so let's raise it for a few years."

It was Yang Fan's joke at first, but when he got serious, it turned into Yang Fan's joke.

Yang Fan blushed and said, "I was just joking."

Chen Busan said unhappily: "This is not a joke. If you say that, how do you let other girls meet and marry? You have to be responsible."

Yang Fan did not object: "I am indeed responsible for her, even if she is small, I don't know if she will like me, and if she is willing to let me be responsible."

Wu Yan pulled Yang Fan's clothes to cover his face like a quail, and said in a coquettish voice, "I like it, I am willing." To the fullest.

The crowd laughed again.

The little girl on the shoulder couldn't stand being scrutinized by so many strangers, she shook her butt like she was riding a horse and shouted, "Daddy! Get off."

When he arrived at his place, Yang Fan didn't worry anymore, put down the little girl, and said to the children: "We're home, put down our things, you guys play around and get familiar with them."

A dozen or so children ran around happily, but the older ones were more sensible, knowing to put down their bags and go to familiarize themselves with the house first.

When Zhu Qingshan accidentally saw the child passing him, there was a faint word "crime" on the back of his neck.

Qinglian was amazed: "You are amazing. What others may not finish in ten months, you can finish in three days."

Yang Fan naturally understood the meaning of other jokes and ridicule, and said: "I bought these from the slave workshop, and they will be my children, my disciples, and my family from now on."

Qinglian couldn't help being startled when she heard the words, she was naturally familiar with Nurenfang, because that word contained her painful memories and unbearable childhood.

Zhu Qingshan asked curiously: "How did you buy so many young children with outstanding aptitude? Could it be that you bought the whole audience?"

Yang Fan also followed his grandfather to Nurenfang, intending to buy a medicine farmer, and there was no such lively scene in the past, so he said: "I don't know why there are so many slaves, there were not so many in the past, because this time The Slavery has become more prosperous, so I have chosen more."

Everyone walked to the lobby while chatting. Although the sun was scorching outside, when they entered the house and entered the lobby, it was refreshing and comfortable.

Chen Busan said angrily: "Why else, isn't it because there are a lot of house raids during this period?"

Yang Fan asked curiously, "Why are you copying so many people's homes? Copying homes to get rich?"

Zhu Qingshan's expression changed imperceptibly.

Chen Busan said: "Hey! It is said that General Hua Xiong rebelled against the enemy and conspired against the enemy. He captured all his subordinates and ransacked their homes. Thousands of households were confiscated, involving 100,000 people. Do you think the business of Nurenfang will not be good? ?"

Yang Fan asked, "Do you know exactly what's going on?"

Chen Busan didn't know the details, so he only said an idiom: "The traitor is in power."

Zhu Qingshan said seriously: "Hua Yingxiong has been guarding the frontier state against Muchen all the year round, and settled the frontier Anbang, but a few years ago, he suddenly became friends with the Muchen country, with constant correspondence, opening border merchants to communicate with each other, and even the Muchen country's iron cavalry. After arriving at General Hua Xiong's troops, they consciously retreated hundreds of miles before setting up camp. The local officials and the court ministers felt that something was wrong, so they secretly intercepted the correspondence and found that there were traces of graffiti covering it in many places, so Hua Xiong Tiao left the demoted state, called returning to Beijing for promotion, and was actually detained for investigation. It was just that when he was imprisoned in the sky prison, some of his subordinates mutinied and made noises, but Mu Chenguo came to send a letter, saying that he was willing to use Yanyun Erzhou In exchange for Hua Xiong. Isn’t this adding fuel to the fire? Today, the Holy Majesty is hesitating about how to deal with General Hua.”

Yang Fan pouted and shook his head.

Zhu Qingshan asked: "You also find it difficult to deal with?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "What's so difficult about such a simple matter?"

Zhu Qingshan said solemnly, "But please enlighten me!"

Yang Fan poured himself a cup of herbal tea, filled the cup with sea water, and the tea flowed down the corners of his mouth. Wu Qian hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe it for him, and Yang Fan nodded with a smile.

Yang Fan said: "Why do the court worry about how to deal with it, but don't reflect on whether this is a conspiracy?"

Zhu Qingshan said: "How can you see it?"

Yang Fan didn't answer and asked instead: "If you arrange to be detected by someone in the gap between the enemy's country, will you shout to protect him? Or will you cut off the contact carefully to keep him?"

Everyone looked at Yang Fan. Zhu Qingshan is a smart person. Hearing this question, he thought more about it, "You mean..."

Qinglian said: "But he does business with the enemy country privately, why does he scribble on the letters he has exchanged every time to cover up the real content, and why is he willing to exchange Yanyun and Yunzhou for generals?"

"How can we rest and recuperate without commerce, how can we prosper without commerce, and how can we mobilize troops without commerce? If commerce means collaborating with the enemy, which emperor is not a traitor? Exchange excess for what you need, this is the way of business, and this is what the wise know. The law of a gentleman adopted by the brave. Graffiti on letters is nothing more than a trap, a conspiracy to separate the monarch and his ministers. As for Yanyun and Yunzhou, if you believe in the rebellion of General Hua, then he will kill with a knife and kill without a fight. Killing the enemy general, destroying an army without fighting, why not do it? If you believe his condition is to exchange Huaxiong for two states, we will not only lose a general, but also chill the hearts of loyal generals in the world, and We, who don’t have enough horses to build a cavalry army, won’t be able to hold the Yanyun and Yunzhou states, just laugh.”

Everyone looked serious, only Wu Qian smiled lightly.

Wu Yan laughed, just because he heard Yang Fan's approval of Shang Ye.

Zhu Qingshan asked: "If it were you, where would you start investigating this case?"

Yang Fan shook his head and said: "If you want to investigate, you must investigate the demoted state, and if you want to investigate, you must investigate the imperial court, but why should you investigate him? Foreign royal families and ministers of the court and China have joined forces for many years, painstakingly, self-directed and performed to frame and frame How could this big drama leave you with clues and tails? Even if there were, it would be those soldiers who don’t know too much about the inside story, checking those unnecessary shields. On the contrary, they will be farther and farther away from the truth and closer to grievances. "

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian looked at each other, and then looked at Yang Fan dumbfounded.

Qinglian asked: "Don't you want to investigate?"

"Don't check!" Yang Fan looked at the crowd with a smile, and said, "If it's me, I'll do my trick."

(End of this chapter)

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