Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 274 Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Chapter 274
Yang Fan took a fart first, and was surprised again.I can't laugh or cry, but I can only swallow my "sound" with "gas".

Yang Fan felt sorry for Yangyang's lack of fatherly love since she was a child, and he wanted to let her have a happy childhood. He accompanied Yangyang to pick flowers, pick grass and look at insects, let go of her nature, and did not restrain her childlike innocence. She should play and smile. orthographic.

It wasn't until the sun slanted that the two of them went home hand in hand.

Yangyang praised: "It would be nice to have a few more daddies like you."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "There are no more good fathers, but my own is the cutest."

Yangyang: "You're right, it's better to be with your own."

Yang Fan asked, "Did your mother kiss you well?"

Yangyang said seriously: "She often misses you."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Really?"

Yangyang said innocently: "Isn't it? I even heard my mother calling your name in my dream."

Yang Fan smiled awkwardly.

Yangyang asked: "Why did Daddy disappear for so long? Why didn't you come to find me and mother?"

Yang Fan sighed, "It's hard to describe in one word."

Yangyang thoughtfully said, "Do you have other women outside?"

Yang Fan was speechless and didn't know how to speak.

Yangyang comforted: "Don't worry, Daddy! I won't be angry, after all, you are my own, but those women are temporary."

Yang Fan: ...

If the language is sharper, do you believe it can kill your own father?

When the father and daughter returned to the Taoist temple, Wu Wengen had already left, so naturally he couldn't understand in depth the crop of dead soldiers raised in captivity by foreign races.

A few days later, I heard that the tomb was repaired at the foot of the mountain and the foundation was marked. Yang Fan took the lead in offering sacrifices, and everyone in the Taoist sect naturally followed suit.

Those women who were sent here by Wu Wengen later, gossip about who has such an honor, and they are even worthy of Daomen to build tombs and carve steles for them, and sacrifices to remember them. Curiously, after inquiring, I found out that the women in the tomb are sisters who have the same disease as them The difference is that this sister named Xiao Cui treats people sincerely, and she had to meet Tie Zhu. She was desperate to save her benefactor Yang Fan, but was guarded by her man Tie Zhu, and finally died in her arms. Sacrifice.

Yang Fan was grateful for his kindness and remembered his chastity. He built a husband and wife tomb for them and carved a stele of their deeds so that they could enjoy incense and sacrifice and live forever.

Some people say that after they died, a pair of butterflies lingered and danced around them, not leaving for a long time.

Some people say that they were originally heavenly soldiers and heavenly daughters. They violated the rules of heaven because of their love, and brought down the mortal world. A landmass with a radius of hundreds of miles, let them manage the marriages in one place.

These rumors were naturally made up by Yang Fan and his brothers.

Because of this, Tie Zhu and Xiao Cui not only became the land lords of Liangren Village, but also the matchmaker of ten miles and eight towns.

After going up the mountain for seven days, Yang Fan left a few farewell letters in his room, led the sheep, and left quietly.

In Yumen Pass, Yangyang asked curiously, "Are we going like this?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "If you don't go away, the sweet potatoes on the mountain will be ruined by you."

Yangyang said seriously: "But...but, but..."

Yang Fan: "But what?"

Yangyang: "But this way I won't be able to see my mother."

Yang Fan asked in surprise, "How?"

Yang Yang: "Mother took me to look for you all the time, but I couldn't find you. Mother said that you are a Taoist disciple. If you come out of the rivers and lakes again, you will have to go to Qingyang to watch and worship the mountain sooner or later, so my mother and I got lost. After that, I have been waiting at the foot of the mountain."

Yang Fan: "You didn't say it earlier, I've even written the farewell letter now, wouldn't it be okay to go back?"

Yangyang: "Oh, it's so difficult."

Yang Fan's situation was embarrassing and difficult to describe. In fact, he was most afraid of meeting acquaintances, especially a few women with complicated feelings, so he comforted Yang Yang, "It's okay, it's the same when we go to your mother."

Yangyang nodded and smiled, and asked, "By the way, why don't you say goodbye to him face to face?"

Yang Fan said: "Because I'm afraid of being sad."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, "It's better to be sad than sorry?" Who else could this voice be if it wasn't Yuan Nong?

The father and daughter turned their heads, and saw Kong Ru looking at Yang Fan with a smile on his hands behind his back, and Yuan Nong standing beside him carrying a shoulder pole. There was a wooden basin on each end of the pole, and an ear of rice was planted in each wooden basin—— — One was obtained by throwing Yang Fan, and the other was obtained by the whole body of mud.

The contrast between Yuan Nong and Kong Ru is clear and the phenomenon is interesting, but Yang Fan and Yang Yang are accustomed to it and feel very cordial.

Yang Fan's face showed joy, Yang Yang jumped three times, ran over and hugged Yuan Nong's thigh.

Kong Ru next to him said sourly, "It's also grandpa, why am I not welcome?"

Yang Yang hugged Kong Ru's thigh, shook it and said coquettishly, "It's not."

Yang Fan bowed to salute, "I've seen the two senior brothers!"

Yuan Nong snorted and said, "Don't you want to see me? Don't you want to leave without saying goodbye? What's the use of being polite now?"

Yang Fan giggled, not daring to reply.

A few people found a small shop at random, and after entering the private room, they each sat down and only ordered a few signature dishes before they started talking.

Kong Ru asked, "Why don't you stay on the mountain for a while longer?"

Yang Fan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Senior brothers, don't look at me when I discuss the Tao, I speak eloquently and clearly, but in fact, I am in a very bad state now. I have been imprisoned for six years. Detached from the body, detached from thoughts and longings... How should I put it, I feel like nothing is right with me."

Yuan Nong: "How to say?"

Yang Fan said: "Think about it, I am a man of seven feet, but I have experienced embarrassing and inexplicable encounters that I am ashamed to talk about. I feel sorry for my dead wife spiritually, sorry for my children in terms of responsibility, and emotionally sorry for those who waited for me to love me, but physically... …I can’t lie to myself that I’m the walking dead.”

Yuan Nong and Kong Ru nodded, Yang Yang opened his eyes wide, with an expression of "do you think I understand?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I'm very contradictory now. I want to go back to Wanzhumen to see my family, but I'm afraid of going home, meeting, and explaining. I also want to find out a few other women, want to know what they look like, and want to know how they lived. Okay, I want to know if there is a child, but I am afraid of facing it, afraid of knowing, afraid of embarrassment."

Yuan Nong sighed and said, "I understand, this is really contradictory. It's like a little daughter-in-law being molested, she dares to say it if she wants to say it, she can't say it if she wants to say it, she can't vomit quickly, and she doesn't feel fast when she vomits."

Yang Fan groaned, and praised: "Brother's metaphor is very good, very appropriate."

Kong Ru laughed and said, "That's why you hurried down the mountain and left without saying goodbye? Is it because you are afraid that your reputation will spread, and those people you dare not face will come to you?"

Yang Fan nodded.

Yuan Nong said: "You can't hide from it. You might as well say to yourself, I'm not a woman, I'm not a woman, so it won't be so uncomfortable. But I also support you to take the sheep and goats to play in the mountains and rivers, and settle down." It is also good to settle the mind."

Yang Fan: "Senior brother is right."

Kong Ru said seriously: "Actually, I have a way that might make you less conflicted, but I don't know if you are willing or not?"

Yang Fan asked, "What way?"

Kong Ru said: "There are many things in this world, and it's hard for me to say them myself, but if I say them with another mouth, it won't be so embarrassing."

Yang Fan's intelligence has been certified by the state, and Yang Fan understood just by mentioning this, it's like getting married and matchmaking is a truth, if you're embarrassed, you won't be too embarrassing.So he bowed down and thanked: "Then I will trouble my brother to spread the word."

Kong Ru smiled and said: "I have many disciples, I will tell them, let them make up your story as a story, so that some people will listen to it as a joke, some will listen to it as a story, and some will listen to it as an affair. When you face your family again, you will be calmer."

Yang Fan: "Senior brother is right."

Not long after, a table of mutton mats was neatly arranged. Several people talked and laughed, eating and drinking. Although they didn't drink alcohol, they had a strong friendship and made people intoxicated.

Everyone is leisurely and leisurely, heading west together.

Yangyang looked at the candied haws on the street, pulled Yang Fan's sleeve, and said with a smile, "Daddy! I had a dream last night, do you want to know?"

Yang Fan said: "I don't want to."

Yangyang: "No, you want to."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I really don't want to."

Yangyang pursed her mouth and looked at Yang Fan aggrieved.

Yang Fan said, "I think, I think, what kind of dream did you have last night?"

Yangyang: "I dreamed about Daddy last night."

Yang Fan smiled openly.

Yangyang went on to say: "I dreamed that Daddy bought candied haws for me to eat."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Why would I buy you candied haws in my dream?"

Yangyang: "You will."

Yang Fan: "I won't."

Yangyang: "You bought it."

Yang Fan spread his hands and said with a smile: "Then you give it back to me."

Tears of sheep and goat anger swirled in his eyes. I have seen idiots before, but I have never seen such a idiot, such an obvious hint, since he... is so angry with me.

Yuan Nong laughed, walked to the hawker of candied haws and bought four bunches.Three big ones and one small, each divided into a bunch, held in the hand and swaggering through the market, it is really eye-catching.

Yangyang walked between Yuan Nong and Kong Ru, pulled Yuan Nong obediently, and snorted at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled, Yang Fan bit one, and suddenly sighed: "Oh! I have a toothache and I can't eat."

As he spoke, he handed the candied haws to Yangyang.

Yuan Nong also yelled, "I have a toothache, I can't eat sweets, what should I do?"

Yuan Nong also handed the candied haws to Yang Yang.

Immediately afterwards, Kong Ru covered his mouth and said with a bitter face: "I ate too much sweets when I was young, and now I feel a dull pain in my teeth when I eat sweets."

Needless to say, I also gave the candied haws to Yangyang.

Yang Yang felt uneasy.

One person's toothache is a problem with the person, and three people's toothache should be the problem of sugar, right?
(End of this chapter)

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