Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 298 298 Step On Your Head

Chapter 298 298 Step On Your Head
Yang Fan took out the banknote and said with a smile, "Here is the 50 taels banknote. When you bring your mother-in-law here, I will give you the other half. How about it?"

Man: "Master, you are so serious, how dare I lie to you?"

Yang Fan asked with a smile: "Would you trust a man who sells his wife and daughter?"

The man smiled coyly, licked his face and said with a smile: "Young Master said yes, what Young Master said is true, Young Master is worthy of being a person who does great things, and he thinks more thoughtful than villains."

After the deal was concluded, Yang Fan said with a smile: "You should go back quickly and bring your daughter-in-law, if you say that your daughter can sell for 50 taels, then it makes sense, but I guess your daughter-in-law can't sell at this price, right? If you miss my village, you won’t have my shop.”

The man nodded and bowed, with a flattering expression on his face, "What the young master said is true, what the young master said is true, I will go back and bring you my daughter-in-law." Then he turned and trotted away.

After running a few steps, she turned her head and smiled flatteringly: "Master! Remember to wait for me, don't leave."

Yang Fan smiled and nodded, watching the brisk back of the man until he could not see him.

Yang Fan said calmly: "Tong Tong! Follow up, check his past, and check his usual hobbies and where he goes and goes."

Tong Tong nodded and followed directly.

Yang Fan took the girl back to the carriage, and Xiao Nan stepped forward and asked, "Master! Why didn't you persuade him to be kind, and instead bought his wife and daughter? Isn't this tearing down the family?"

Yang Fan laughed and said: "There are always some people in this world who have no conscience. A person who can sell his daughters and wives for his own happiness, how can you persuade him to be kind? Do you take money? When the money is gone, there is no birthday." Such a person is not worthy of a family. I bought his wife and daughter to save this miserable mother and daughter and let them have a harmless family."

Yang Fan untied the coarse cloth tied around the girl's mouth and asked, "What's your name?"

The girl replied: "Little Sister Lin!"

Yang Fan: "Is that man just now your father?"

Lin Xiaomei Lihua nodded with rain, Yang Fan sighed and stopped asking.

Xiao Nan asked, "Little sister! What is your father's name, what kind of person is he, and how does he treat you?"

Younger sister Lin said eagerly: "My father's name is Lin Zuobing. He eats and does nothing all day long. He has backaches and backaches when he does things, and he is crazy when he is lazy. In the past, besides gambling, he was addicted to alcohol. When he lost badly, he scolded me and my mother. If you are confused, you will go crazy with alcohol and take out your anger on me and my mother. The land passed down from the ancestors is getting smaller every year. In the past two years, I have smoked a kind of opium. If you smoke it, you will feel like a fairy, and in just over a year, the ancestral property has been sold out."

Everyone fell silent.

Yang Fan said: "I bought you, are you afraid?"

Lin Xiaomei looked at Yang Fan and shook her head, "Young master is not like a bad person, but my father is really bad."

Yang Fan looked at Xiao Nan and asked, "Do you know what the smoke she is talking about is?"

Xiao Nan nodded, "It should be Fulu ointment."

Yang Fan: "How much do you know about Fulu ointment?"

Xiao Nan shook her head, "I'm a small person, and I know very little about the inside story. I just heard that there are several grades of Fulu ointment, including smoke type, ointment type and powder type."

Yang Fan's mind was full of thoughts, and his face was full of melancholy.

Yang Sifan took Yang Fan's hand and jumped into his arms, "Are you trying to burn those harmful ointments?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Otherwise? Keep them and make a fortune?"

Yang Sifan asked, "Then what are you worried about?"

Yang Fan: "This ointment can make people addicted. From a macro perspective, it must be a blow to the country's economy and the people's health. From a micro perspective, it will definitely bring a considerable number of people the possibility of sudden wealth. Sex, I am worried about this part of the people."

Yang Sifan said: "Are you afraid of collusion between officials and businessmen?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You are really smart."

Yang Sifan smiled and said, "Since you know I'm smart, let me check these."

Yang Fan: "But your age..."

Yang Sifan interrupted: "Even if you are young, you will care about it. Will others ignore it? Wouldn't it be more convenient for me to investigate? Don't be blindfolded. Think about how old you were when you were walking in the rivers and lakes. How old are you?" The current state? Think about the prodigy who was nine years old and seven years old in history, do you still dare to underestimate the child?"

Yang Fan: "I am famous outside, but I didn't expect to be criticized by my own children. Since you say that, then you go, pay attention to safety."

Yang Sifan nodded, jumped off the carriage, and disappeared in a moment. His agility and strength can be described in two words - wow.

Xiao Nan asked curiously: "Master! What state is she in? She looks very powerful."

Yang Fan said proudly: "It's just a super state."

Looking at Yang Fan's frightened face again, he thought to himself: It turns out that a god like Master also has the vanity of a mortal.

An Xin praised: "Old Yang! Your children are really amazing."

Yang Fan: ...how do you want me to answer?

An Xin went to Yang Fan's side and gave him a massage attentively. During this period of time, the two siblings had already earned fifty taels through hard work and cheating, but they were always being tricked by Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Your elder sister is so powerful, you have to work hard."

An Xin smiled and said: "Eldest sister is amazing, but I also have my own strengths."

Yang Fan: "Oh? How amazing are you?"

An Xin smiled and said, "I won't cry!"

Yang Fan thought: Are you trying to make me cry?do not you know?I won't cry either.

Yang Fan said dumbfoundedly: "What advantages does your specialty have? If the enemy is retaliating against you, won't you forget to fight when you see whether you are beating or not?"

An Xin said thoughtfully: "It seems so, but I still have one great place."

Yang Fan: "Why are you so good?"

An Xin said seriously: "I can step on your head without jumping or climbing."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Do you think I will lie down and cooperate with you?"

An Xin: "You can just stand."

Yang Fan: "Impossible!"

An Xin: "Then let's make a bet. If you stand here, and I can step on your head without jumping or crawling, you will lose me five taels of silver. If I can't do it, then you will cancel the five taels. What? Sample?"

Yang Fan: "Small sample! Just bet." He stood up and signaled that An Xin could start.

An Xin: "Manly man, you are not allowed to play tricks, you must do what you say, and you are willing to bet and admit defeat."

Yang Fan: "How can I play tricks?"

An Xin: "Then shall I start?"

Yang Fan: "Let's start!"

An Xin stomped on Yang Fan's shadow, "I stepped on your head, I stepped on your head, you lose, you lose, hahaha..."

Yang Fan squatted down, with regret on his face, "This group of evildoers are too smart, they fell for it."

An Xin whispered, "Are you convinced?"

Yang Fan said helplessly: "Submit!"

An Xin spread her small hands, "I would like to admit defeat and bring the money."

Yang Fan honestly handed over a small bank note.

An Xin took the bank note, and ecstatically hid the bank note next to her body.

Yang Yang joked with a smile: "Silly Daddy, silly Daddy."

An Xin wanted to clap her hands and shouted: "Silly Daddy, silly Daddy."

Hearing An Xin call him father for the first time, Yang Fan also laughed, really like a fool.

The two children hid in the carriage while jumping, and did not forget to close the door after entering, obviously trying to hide the huge sum of money somewhere.

Lin Xiaomei blushed and praised: "Master's child is really smart!"

Yang Fan said politely: "Where there is, it's like that. When you have a child in the future, you must be smarter than this."

Lin Xiaomei's face turned even redder.

At this moment, Lin Xiaomei's father, Lin Lefting Bing, came trotting along with a woman panting.

Needless to say, after going for so long, I must have smoked first.

When he came to Yang Fan who was sitting in the front of the car, Lin Zuibing nodded and said, "Master! I'm here."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You really made me wait."

Lin Zuibing said: "It's all my mother-in-law's ink marks. She is crying and crying for her benefit."

Yang Fan asked with a smile: "Then how did you persuade her?"

Lin Zuibing smiled and said: "I told her, if you miss this master, you will never see your daughter again. Next time, you may go to places like Red Mansion, Huafang, and Liuxiang."

Yang Fan said: "This is really clever."

Lin Left Bing: "Young master! What do you think of my wife? Does she still have the charm of a young lady?"

Yang Fan: "Your mother-in-law looks pretty pretty."

Lin Zuibing flattered: "My lord! Can I add more money?" Then he leaned into Yang Fan's ear, and said softly: "She promises to give birth, and she will give birth very well. You can tell by looking at her buttocks, which are big, upturned and straight. .”

His mother-in-law blushed and gritted her teeth when she heard this, but she couldn't attack because of the coercion.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Okay, okay." He took out a bank note as he spoke, but Lin Zuobing snatched it before it was paid out.

The quota for meeting was one hundred, Lin Zuibing was overjoyed, and bowed and handed over to Yang Fan again.

Yang Fan waved his hand, "Go away, I don't want to see you again."

Lin Zuibing repeatedly called Yin Gong yes, deliberately rolled on the ground, and trotted away.

(End of this chapter)

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