Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 301 Chapter 301

Chapter 301 Chapter 301

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's time to think about it."

Hua Jingjing looked at Ma Chao and said with a smile, "That's true!"

Ma Chao said naively, "I'm fine."

As soon as the words fell, Hua Jingjing kicked over, and said angrily: "What do you mean you have no problem, if you don't have children or I have a problem?"

Ma Chao hurriedly defended, "I didn't mean that!"

Hua Jingjing: "Then what do you mean?"

Ma Chao: "I mean I've always been interested in you!"

Hua Jingjing smiled and said, "That's not too bad! Did the kick hurt you?"

Ma Chao: "The body doesn't hurt, but the heart hurts."

Hua Jingjing: "Hey, are you still being hypocritical?"

Ma Chao has a strong desire to survive, "My inability to speak hurts your heart, and I love you so much."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Enough is enough, it's not dark yet? It's not the time to warm up the world of two people."

Hua Jingjing was shy and timid, and changed the subject jerky, "I saw a book called "Nighthawk Central Plains Tour" in the bookstore, with your signature on it, is there such a thing?"

Yang Fan nodded, "I didn't expect Wu Wengen's speed to be so fast? Yes, I created the book, and I asked him to publish it to spread it, but I just translated it. The person who wrote the book is Nighthawk, who is dead. .”

Hua Jingjing said seriously: "I saw it, and I was very touched. Are the above things true?"

Yang Fan: "It's true, they may think that we Central Plains people didn't understand these words, so they recorded their plans and experiences. After all, for them, this is a kind of merit that can be rewarded. .”

Hua Jingjing said seriously: "From then on, we will have something more meaningful to do than killing corrupt officials."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Isn't it? But compared with corrupt officials, traitors deserve more death. Compared with traitors, corrupt officials are much cuter."

This is the first time everyone heard the word "traitor", Hua Jingjing felt very strange, and pondered: "Traitor? Traitor? Interesting. By the way, why do you say corrupt officials are cute?"

Yang Fan laughed and said: "If a person has the ability to do 10,000 taels for the common people, but he uses 100 taels for himself, can you say he is heinous? If a person has no ability, 10,000 taels can solve the people's livelihood. But he spent 100,000 taels, so if he is not greedy, he can’t be called a good official, right?”

With an unstable world view, Hua Jingjing suddenly felt a little depressed. Why did Yang Fan still say good things about corrupt officials?

Ma Chao frowned and said, "Why do you still speak well of corrupt officials?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I didn't speak well of corrupt officials, but I didn't hate them that much."

Hua Jingjing asked for advice: "Can you tell me your ideas?"

Yang Fan said: "Sister! Brother-in-law! Let me tell you something. I was cheated of five taels of silver by my son yesterday. What do you think of my son?"

Hua Jingjing smiled and said: "Is your child so good? How can he cheat money from someone like you at such a young age?"

Yang Fan laughed and asked, "Look, it's also greedy for money, why does it become cute when you put it on a child?"

Everyone was dumbfounded suddenly, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared. It seemed that something important flashed in their minds, but they just couldn't remember what it was.

Yang Fan said solemnly: "Human nature is selfish, greed takes half of it, greed is not hateful, what is hateful is insatiable greed, greed perverts the law, greed for money and cheap righteousness."

"Although the child is greedy for money, he got it rightly with his cleverness. I will not worry but be happy. But what if he stole it or robbed his sister? Then it is a sin to be greedy for money." Don’t you think it’s true? See the big from the small, we adults in decades, especially those who are officials, dare to say that we don’t like money? Can’t it? Money is an indispensable commodity in social activities. It’s hard to move, don’t you think? Money is also a toll for people to be happy, life is difficult without it, don’t you think? I earned it so hard, so what’s wrong with me loving money? But what if I kill people for money and force my wife into prostitution? That is not evil, what is it? You are also an official, you improve water conservancy, use your wisdom to save a lot of money, and you steal a fortune to buy property for your descendants, can you say he deserves to die? If you fight against evil forces and steal money from bullies Family property, can you say he deserves to die?"

Yang Fan ate with relish, while speaking in an easy-to-understand manner; everyone listened to the chicken pecking at the rice, while thinking with relish, and they felt a sense of enlightenment.

Yang Fan asked with a smile: "Corrupt officials are hateful, but do you know why I say corrupt officials are cuter than traitors, but traitors deserve death?"

The crowd shook their heads.

Hua Jingjing asked seriously: "Can you explain to my sister?"

Yang Fan swallowed a mouthful of food and said, "May I use my children as an example?" The children immediately regained their spirits.

Yang Fan: "Yang Sifan, Yang Yang, An Xin, they are my children, and I am their father. You might as well regard us as a country, I am their king, and they are my people. I want my people to be happy Happy, so I need to earn wealth from the outside world, which one of them is smart, which one is greedy, which one is slick, which one is self-willed, I may not be able to be partial, but I will certainly not affect my love for them, because we are the same The country is of the same blood. Let us think that An Xin is greedy for money. He is a corrupt official in my country. After getting along for a long time, Yang Sifan doesn't like him, and Yang Yang hates him, so what? I will always be his king, he My father, it is impossible for me not to love him, he is just a little flawed in character, he just wants to get more than other brothers, it is impossible for a father to hate him because of this, right?"

"But if, for the sake of money, my child is scheming, sows the relationship between me and other children, recognizes the thief as his father, and divides the spoils with the thief, is this the behavior of a traitor? Do you say you hate it? No matter how serious it is, my child wants to embezzle the family property , Colluding with outsiders, framing brothers, killing parents, isn’t this the behavior of traitors? Is it easy for you to understand this? Let me put it this way, do you understand why traitors are disliked?”

An Xin tugged at Yang Fan's trouser legs, and said seriously: "Don't worry! I'm not the kind of person you said, and I like my sister too. I just want to defeat you and get my aunt back. I won't want you."

Yang Fan smiled and hugged An Xin.He used this analogy, isn't it a precaution for the children?

Hua Jingjing was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Through! It's refreshing!"

Ma Chao muttered to himself, "Did we do something wrong before?"

Hua Jingjing: "After listening to your words, I suddenly feel a little at a loss."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "How could you do something wrong? Didn't I say it? Greed doesn't deserve death, but greed, greed, perversion of the law, greed for money and base righteousness deserve death."

Yang Fan went on to say: "The world may soon be in chaos, and the Condor Empire is about to move in the dark. I say this to let you focus on those traitors who eat inside and out."

Hua Jingjing and Ma Chao could only nod their heads, otherwise they would look even more stupid.

As the sun sets, the picnic comes to an end.

Hua Jingjing and Ma Chao got up to say goodbye, it was impossible not to say goodbye, they had so many children, they didn't have any, and needed to work overtime.The point is, chatting with Yang Fan for a long time, it is not chatting, but listening to teaching.It's okay to set off the intelligence of others, the problem is that I will feel inferior.

Yang Fan reluctantly said: "Meeting this morning and breaking up tonight, thinking about it, I feel nostalgic, or we will break up in two days?"

Hearing what Yang Fan said, Hua Jingjing leaned forward and back with a smile.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, and looked at Hua Jingjing suspiciously.

Hua Jingjing covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Do you think this is a way for a heartbroken man to lie to my little sister? Hahaha... Is this telling my little sister not to leave tonight? What else could it mean?"

Yang Fan was extremely embarrassed, he blushed and stammered, "That's not what I meant..."

Tong Tong smiled and said: "You are really experienced!"

Yang Fan argued: "No, absolutely not."

Ma Chao was very happy. It turned out that Yang Fan, who was very clever, couldn't be smarter in front of his own woman.

Hua Jingjing smiled and said: "Okay, okay, my brother is not such a person, I know."

Yang Fan: "Yes, yes, you see my sister has said that, how can you not understand me?"

Hua Jingjing changed the subject, and then said: "A character like my younger brother, I don't know how many people are willing to throw themselves into his arms, so what kind of tricks are needed from him?"

Tong Tong gave Yang Fan a hard look, and turned his face away with a heavy snort.

Yang Fan begged for forgiveness: "Sister! I won't take you to deceive people like this."

Hua Jingjing smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, we really have to leave."

Yang Fan: "Although I don't want to give up, I've learned how to be good, and I don't dare to say anything about what I don't want to say to you anymore."

Hua Jingjing said half-ambiguously and half-jokingly: "That's right, other people's daughters-in-law, you can think about it, but you can't say it."

Yang Fan said seriously to Ma Chao: "Take your mother-in-law and leave quickly, if you don't leave, I will sleep under the bed at night."

Everyone laughed together.

(End of this chapter)

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