Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 308 Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Chapter 308
Bian Dan looked at the wet ground, laughed softly and said, "You're very good now, you can't even pour a thousand cups."

Yang Fan replied in a low voice: "Don't think I don't remember how much you drink, we are all the same, so you don't want the second brother to laugh at the eldest brother."

As they spoke, the two looked at each other and smiled, tacit understanding.

Where does this pair of seniors have the capacity for alcohol?One poured three cups, the other dizzy with two cups, but how could he not socialize on this occasion?So they had to use their internal force to force the wine out of the acupuncture points.The difference is that the wine that Yang Fan drank came out from his big toe, while Bian Dan was forced out from his little finger.This can be regarded as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea and each showing their magical powers, right?
An Xin ate the vegetables happily, obviously not caring about the rice, quietly slid down the chair and wanted to escape, but was picked up by Yang Fan.

Yang Fan: "Don't waste it. If you want to leave, you have to eat the food first."

An Xin raised her head and said seriously: "Lao Yang! I saw Uncle Bian peeing with his hands! How did he do that?"

Everyone looked at Bian Dan.

Old Bian blushed, and Lei Yuanyuan covered her mouth to suppress a smile.

Yang Fan scolded: "Nonsense! That's because your Uncle Bian has kidney deficiency, so your hands are sweating a lot."

Bian Dan gritted his teeth, looked at Yang Fan viciously, moved his mouth, and counterattacked silently.

Yangyang suddenly asked: "Daddy! Why are your shoes wet?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "My feet will sweat."

Yangyang said innocently: "So you have kidney deficiency like Uncle Bian?"

Everyone laughed in an uproar, Bian Dan looked at Yang Yang approvingly, and nodded meaningfully, feeling like "children can be taught".

Yang Fan was embarrassed, he laughed and said, "Almost, almost!"

Tong Tong and Yang Tielan couldn't help laughing, and kept adding vegetables to Yang Fan's bowl while laughing.

Yangyang said seriously: "Daddy! What is kidney deficiency?"

Yang Fan: "Well... well, kidney deficiency is not a disease, it's just that the body is weak and easy to get sick."

Yangyang said sternly: "Then you have to get up early every day to exercise like me, do you understand?"

Hearing that the child expressed concern in a child's way, Yang Fan smiled and said, "Got it!"

An Xin said, "Old Yang! You take good care of yourself. Only with a good body can you support us. If you don't raise us up, I won't die for you."

Now understand why the daughter is the father's little lover, and the son is the debt collector, right?

Yang Fan was not angry, he touched An Xin's head and smiled: "I should raise you, but not for you to repay me and die for me, but the mother who gave birth to you and the aunt who raised you worked hard, and when you grow up you You must repay them well, you know? You are my gift, so what else do you need in return? I just hope that you will grow up happily and live happily."

An Xin said seriously: "Then after you die, can you give me your aunt?"

Before Yang Fan could react, Tong Tong had already slapped him on the back of the head.

An Xin yelled, seeing that it was her aunt who was thinking about doing it, she could only bow her head and shut up resentfully.

Everyone laughed and looked at the warm picture of this family.

Yangyang suddenly pointed outside and said, "Daddy! What do you think is in the sky?"

Yang Fan looked up, and everyone looked out subconsciously.

I saw the clear sky outside, only the little bird flying in the sky, and there was nothing special about it.

Looking back, there were still Yang Yang and An Xin there, the siblings had slipped off to play elsewhere hand in hand, leaving only empty bowls on the table.

On the contrary, Yang Fan's job is like a hill.

Everyone laughed.

It turned out that two little devils were playing tricks and poured their leftovers to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said with a smile: "He is really a good and filial boy. He worried that his old father would not have enough to eat when he was young."

Such a down-to-earth picture and such a down-to-earth person are those who have always admired Yang Fan, and they would never have imagined it.

Everyone pushed and changed glasses, talked and laughed, during which the shopkeeper Ye got up quietly and added some wine and vegetables.

It was only when the cups and plates were messed up that I bid farewell.

Shopkeeper Ye held his hands and looked at his teary eyes, bowed to everyone, and left alone.

Bian Dan and Lei Yuanyuan walked side by side, joked with Yang Fan, and led a group of guards to become a hero who pleaded for the people.

Yang Fan: "The song is going to end, everyone is going to leave, and my brother is going to pay the bill." While talking, he walked to the counter, "Boss! Check out!"

"It's over!"

Yang Fan asked in surprise, "Have you finished?"

"Yes, the customer with the mole on his face just paid 500 taels in advance. This time, he spent a total of 350 taels. This is 140 taels for you. Please keep it!"

Yang Fan looked at the bank notes and broken silver on the counter, and smiled softly.Some people look like bad people, but they are not necessarily bad people.

Before he collected the money, An Xin sprinted over, jumped lightly, grabbed two pieces of silver and ran to Yang Yang.

The two shared the spoils on the spot, one for each, with no regrets.

Everyone smiled.

Yang Fan asked with a smile: "Why don't you take the big money but grab the small money?"

An Xin said without hesitation: "If you take a lot of money, you can't keep it. You are afraid of being beaten. If you take a small amount of money, you are not afraid. If you get beaten, you will be stingy."

Yang Fan patted An Xin's head and picked up the little guy.

On the hill in the distance, shopkeeper Ye watched Yang Fan's carriage slowly go away, touched the book in his arms, and sighed in his heart.

Some people you get to know will waste your life; some people will affect your life after you get to know them.The former is a bad friend, while the latter is a good teacher and helpful friend.

This farewell, I don't know when we will see each other again, maybe it will be difficult to meet again; but this gathering has benefited shopkeeper Ye a lot, and it can even be said to be a lifetime benefit.

He decided to manage the book that Yang Fan handed over to him, and record the jokes he had with Yang Fan and Bian Dan.

He decided that he would not make any money from selling books, and he would donate the money from selling books to build private schools, build books, and invite teachers to enlighten the minds of poor children.

He wants the world to know Yang Fan's righteousness, he wants the world to know that Yang Fan treats money like dung, and he wants the world to know his friendship with Yang Fan.

Of course...the first condition is that you have to get the subsidy that Yang Fan said before you can implement your plan...

It's just that he didn't know that it was because of his change of thought that he ushered in the turning point and legend of his life.

After all, he is not the protagonist, so I won't repeat his story, but I have briefly mentioned it here.

It is said that after shopkeeper Ye made up his mind to become a moral businessman, he took Yang Fan's letter to the nearby car dealership built by Zhou Junjun to cash in the compensation.

Naturally, I met Xiaorou, who was named Xiaorou but was not gentle at all. Everyone knows that because of her personality and poisonous mouth, she was a speechless existence among the three masters of the Taoist sect who had single-handedly hated her. Taking the children to vent their anger on the car dealership, they finally pointed out the root cause of Xiaorou's unhappiness.

After learning from the pain, Xiao Rou determined to change her personality and destiny.From then on, I did the most tiring activities during the day to clear my mind, and studied "Tao Te Ching" at night to cultivate my character.

Gradually, with a smile on my face, I no longer feel sleepy.

When Shopkeeper Ye saw her, he was "shot through the heart" by the girl's smile.

Since then, the pursuit of Xiaorou has started.

One is because Yang Fan knows himself, and the other is because Yang Fan knows what kind of self he wants to be.

These two people have a common language, and both feel that they are ordinary little people. After getting close to each other, they are gradually attracted by each other's personality charm.

Xiaorou felt that the man in front of her was responsible.

Shopkeeper Ye felt that the girl in front of him was very special.

One fell in love at first sight, and the other fell in love with each other for a long time. The two finally got married and married, and they started a happy life from then on.

Men have the ability to do business, and women have the ability to help their husbands.A few years later, he became a wealthy party; more than ten years later, because of his meritorious service in enlightenment, he was named Ye Gong, and his posthumous title was Caiwang.

They have a son and a daughter, the son is an official of the second rank, and the daughter has a lover to take care of her, and her life is happy.

Ye Gong made countless money in his life, and spent money more like water. He donated 20 million taels to Qingyang Temple, built more than 5 Taoist temples across the country, donated [-] million taels to temples, and built seven temples nationwide.

Wherever he goes, he must donate to private schools.Throughout his life, he donated 230 private schools intermittently to the country. With his funding, he successively trained 57 juren, [-] scholars, and three champions.

The Zhu Dynasty had a vast territory, often suffering from droughts in the west and floods in the south, and constant natural disasters. Every time Ye Gong was the first to provide disaster relief, he emptied his family twice for disaster relief.

After Ye Gong's death, Kyushu mourned in silence, and the imperial court issued an edict to praise him, posthumously named him Dehou, posthumously named Dewang, and built Dewang Temple.

Those who are interested in future generations want to know how much Ye Dewang donated, so they find out the data that can be tested, and all kinds of things add up to a huge amount of 3 billion taels of silver.

Later, some literati took him as the prototype and created an idiom of "De Gao Wang Zhong" to show respect.

But for some reason, it gradually became highly respected.

The deep meaning seems to be misinterpreted.

Some literati who interpreted ancient books had such a question: Wanzl is naturally virtuous, but why should Degao be valued?

People in life don't know what's going on behind them, and people in front of them don't know what's going on?
Yang Yang put his finger on his lips and hissed.

Yang Fan nodded and stood still.

Yang Yang's gaze moved from left to right, up and down Yang Fan's face, very cute.

Yang Fan didn't know what Yangyang was going to do, so he decided to show his cooperation there.

With a sound of "snap", Yang Yang's little hand slapped Yang Fan's face crisply, and she sighed: "Oh...it's such a big mosquito, it's a pity that I didn't catch it."

It turned out to be the case.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Yang Yang covered Yang Fan's face with her little hand, and said, "My heart hurts to death, how can I let mosquitoes hurt my father?"

Having said that, the happy Yang Fan is a little smug, really, the moonlight is not so alluring.

Yangyang: "Daddy! Just wait, I must destroy that mosquito, and I will avenge you."

Yang Fan smirked, nodded and watched Yang Yang run away.

Tong Tong and Yang Tielan walked out of the carriage and sat beside Yang Fan on the left and right.

Tong Tong asked, "What are you smirking at?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Yangyang slapped me, she knows that she loves Daddy."

I slapped you, do you know that you feel sorry for your father?I feel sorry for daddy, so I slapped you?

This logic does not make sense.

Tong Tong and Yang Tielan looked at each other, and thought: Could it be because they were beaten stupid by Yang Yang?Or did you get up this morning and open the car door in a hurry, and accidentally pinched his forehead and made him stupid?

(End of this chapter)

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