Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 312 Chapter 312 Spur Root

Chapter 312 Chapter 312 Spur Root

Quiet: "I don't care! You are responsible for my injuries!"

Yang Fan nodded.

Jing Jing: "I will be responsible for the rest of my life."

Yang Fan nodded and smiled and said, "I have children, how can I not want you?"

Quietly smiled and said: "It's better for you Han family sons, we Miao family men only sow seeds, and are not responsible for raising them."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "That's because you Miao girls are resolute and courageous, so they are free and unrestrained. I really envy them!"

Looking at his smiling face and listening to his mean tone, it seemed that Yang Fan also yearned for that kind of life. Quiet got angry and coughed violently. She suddenly covered her mouth and coughed a few times, then squeezed Put your palms lightly behind your back.

Yang Fan grabbed An's hand, opened the palm, and a bright red bloomed in the palm, "When you cough, there will be blood. It is really a speechless law."

Quiet and lovely.

Yang Fan scolded with a straight face: "Why are you hiding it?"

An Jing said aggrievedly: "I just think that being scolded by you after you realize it will make me happier than letting you know that I won your concern."

Yang Fan held An An in front of his chest like a princess, "Silly girl!"

Quietly asked tremblingly, "Will I die?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "It's just a little internal injury, it's not so serious. Besides, it's all in my hands. It's possible to want to live and die, but it's not so easy to want to die."

Jing Jing's face was like a red cloth, "You are good or bad."

Yang Fan joked: "Don't get too excited, the blood will come up, don't be the first woman in history to be molested to death."

Quietly snorted, smiling very heartily.

Outside the thatched hut, the wheels rolled and stopped with a sound of brakes, and two carriages stopped at the door of the thatched hut one by one.

Yang Fan hugged An Jing and went straight to the car.

Tong Tong followed closely behind, looking at An Jing with concern.

Yang Tielan curled her lips, waved her whip, and drove forward.

On the hill in the distance, Lin Xiaomei stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the hut, tears streaming down her eyes.

Mother Lin put her arms around her daughter's shoulders and said softly, "Don't look at it!"

Lin Xiaomei: "He doesn't want us?"

Mother Lin: "Silly girl! We are not from the same world as him. As a person who met by chance, he has already done his best to us."

Lin Xiaomei: "He..."

Mother Lin interrupted: "Do you still remember what An Xin said after he snatched the broken silver?"

Lin Xiaomei: "En?"

Lin's mother: "At that time, Yang Fan asked his son why he didn't rob big money but rob silver? How did An Xin answer?"

Lin Xiaomei: "Don't worry, the one who robs the big one won't be able to keep it, and he may be beaten. The one who robs the small one will certainly not, because it will make him appear to be a mean person."

Mother Lin: "So... let's stop wishful thinking. Some things are beyond our reach. If we catch them, it may not be a blessing, but a disaster."

Lin Xiaomei: "En!"

Mother Lin: "He left us a big house with two hundred acres of land, which is enough for us to live in peace."

Lin Xiaomei: "Then why is the owner of the title deed Yang Sifan?"

Mother Lin: "Silly girl! This name is a talisman. If you want to change it, give it to us. What should we keep?"

Lin Xiaomei nodded thoughtfully, and murmured, "He really has a heart!"

Mother Lin: "His intentions are out of kindness, just don't worry too much, otherwise..."

Lin Xiaomei: "Mom! I get it, I'm not someone without self-knowledge, I just..."

Mother Lin: "Those who have seen the moon will lose the fun of looking at the stars."

Lin Xiaomei cried and shouted: "Mother..."


in the carriage.

An Jing rested her head on Yang Fan's thigh with a frail and aging demeanor, Tong Tong was both distressed and hateful, the distressed thing was that she was injured, and the hateful thing was that she really knew how to pretend.

Tong Tong jokingly said, "I really forgot about having a man."

Jing Jing closed her eyes and said calmly: "The son is mine anyway, but the man is not mine alone. Why don't you occupy him if you have the conditions?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I'm not Tang Monk meat, do I smell this good?"

Jing Jing and Tong Tong said in unison: "Yes!"

Yang Fan: "I suddenly feel like I've fallen into the Pansi Cave, I can't escape, I can't break free, the key is getting tighter and tighter."

Quiet and Tong Tong covered their mouths and chuckled.

Yang Fan said loudly: "Go ahead and find a place with a water source to stop, and come back with some wild game. I'm going to gather some medicine. You can take care of the car and the children, Xiao Nan and Yang Tielan."

All the girls should be, and they will stop at a mountain stream in a short time.

An Xin and Yang Yang laughed and jumped down from the back compartment.

An Xin yelled, "Leah! Leah!"

Quiet: "Ai ai ai, I am here."

An Xin pushed it away and got out of the car, intending to pick medicine. Yang Fan got in the car and opened the door, and rushed to his mother's side, "Ria! I miss you so much!"

Quiet: "I miss you too."

An Xin: "Then why didn't you just get in my carriage and be with me, but you wanted to be with a wild man?"

Quiet: "He is your father! Not some wild man."

An Xin: "Our two surnames are An, you and I are family, but Lao Yang has several women, what is he not a wild man?"


An Xin: "Leah! You seem to be getting shorter!"

Jing Jing: "That's because you have become taller."

An Xin: "I see, then why did you become ugly?"

Yang Tielan burst out laughing, quiet and awkward.

At this moment, An Jing is suffering from internal injuries, extremely haggard, disheveled and a bit unkempt, in the eyes of his son, it is not ironic or sarcasm to say that he is uglier than before.

An Xin comforted: "Don't worry! No matter how ugly or old you are, I won't dislike you."

Yang Tielan stopped laughing and turned into a smile.

Quietly nodded, "Is Lao Yang treating you well?"

An Xin: "He's a nice person, but he's a bit stupid..." Then he talked about Yang Fan's daily behavior, how his siblings punished Yang Fan, and how he defeated Yang Fan.

Sheep add oil and vinegar to the side from time to time.

Jing Jing and Yang Tielan listened with smiles.


Tong Tong was the first to come back, carrying a pig and carrying a chicken. As soon as he came back, he started to fiddle with game.

Yang Fan was pacing with his hands behind his back, and the spur behind his buttocks swayed in the air.

Yang Fan: "Let's make a pot of chicken soup for Jing Jing alone."

Tong Tong gave a soft acknowledgment.

An Xin sarcastically said: "Hmph... You are not as powerful as your aunt, even if she can kill so many prey, how dare you dig grass and come back."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Son! It's best not to speak up about things you don't understand, or you will expose yourself as a fool. Be quiet! Come and explain to him."

An Xin whispered, "I'm a little fool, you're a big fool."

Jing Jing looked at An Xin with a smile, and explained: "This grass is called spur root. The root can be eaten and used as medicine. It can clear away heat and detoxify and treat hemoptysis, nose bleeding, and blood in the urine. Eating it can be effective. The key is to use it to make chicken soup, which is delicious."

An Xin: "It turns out that Lao Yang knows grass so well!"

These words are a bit strange, Yang Fan looked at An Xin speechlessly, children probably don't know that there is a kind of grass in this world called lying grass.

Yang Fan doesn't gossip either, he washes the medicine and prepares the dishes, and does it all by himself.

Jing Jing looked at Tong Tong, and asked in a low voice, "How can he do it by himself? Can he do it as a man?"

Tong Tong smiled and said: "He will, and he will do it very well. If he wants to do it, he usually doesn't need help from others. If he doesn't want to do it, he won't participate in the whole process. You are lucky, he is doing it just for you. made."

Yang Fan: "It's just cooking, there's nothing to make a fuss about, and don't let others intervene to help, because this is not just food, but also medicinal food."

Quietly and affectionately said: "What a precious man, I have found a treasure."

Yang Fan couldn't stand this nympho, so he distanced himself and started to work wholeheartedly.

Tong Tong smiled and said, "Don't act like you haven't seen the world, okay?"

Yang Tielan said old-fashionedly: "It's not that she hasn't seen the world, on the contrary, she knows that this is a precious man because she has met many men!"

Jing Jing: "A daughter is a daughter, listen to her father."

Yang Tielan blushed in embarrassment.

Tong Tong smiled and said: "She is not Yang Fan's daughter, she is Yang Fan's wife, her name is Yang Tielan..."

After listening to Yang Tielan's deeds, An Jing said with emotion: "There are so many wonders in the world. Sister! Can you teach me the art of immortality? I'll trade Yang Fan for you."

Yang Tielan was furious, "Go and go, talk like I have no part in Yang Fan, talk like Yang Fan belongs to you alone, there is no sincerity in what you say."

Jing Jing carefully took out two books, one was Poison Valley's "Poison Classic", and the other was "Court Map" that Tong Tong had deliberately stuffed for her just now, "How about I exchange two books with you? I want to know the content of the "Longevity Sutra." After Tong Tong saw it, he hesitated to speak and looked at Jing Jing.

Yang Tielan took the book, her face flushed slightly after reading it, and then she stuffed it into her arms, "Who do you think I am?"

Quiet: "Learn together and make progress together. We should not fight among ourselves, we should be united. If we fight among ourselves, he does not belong to any of us. If we unite, then he belongs to us. You said Woolen cloth?"

Tong Tong nodded seriously.

Yang Tielan nodded thoughtfully, "I found that you are as smart as your master."

Quietly smiled: "I should be considered smart, but my master must not stop at the word 'smart'. To be precise, wisdom is as deep as the sea."

Tong Tong and Yang Tielan also deeply agree.

It is an existence that clearly explained to you face to face, but you still don't understand.Well... on par with Yang Fan, brother to brother.

(End of this chapter)

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