Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 330 Chapter 331

Chapter 330 Chapter 331
Yang Fan looked at the back of Tong Tong going away, sighed softly, and went upstream in the direction of the mountain stream.

Secret bases are inseparable from water, and the hidden places will not be conspicuous, so Yang Fan knows that the place he is looking for is probably near the water source of the valley.

Yang Fan didn't want to bring Tong Tong because he was afraid that she would be in danger, or in other words, he felt that taking her would put her in danger.

The slanted direction of the vegetation will tell you whether someone has passed through here, the grass on the path will tell you whether someone has stepped here, and the baldness on the branches will tell you whether someone has flown through here...

There are many clues in the details, and there are many contents hidden in the clues. If you are not careful, you will be busy.

Yang Fan walks through the stream and through the forest, with nine bends and eight bends, gradually going sideways, gradually going sideways.

At the bottom of the valley, Yang Fan stopped in front of a big rock.

The front of this boulder is flat and grass-free, clean and mud-free, obviously trampled by many people.

Yang Fan looked at the boulder carefully, and leaned against the boulder to see the refraction of sunlight on it.If there is a place with strong reflection, it means that this place is often pressed by people.

Yang Fan pressed lightly, and the stone opened in response.

A burst of refreshing breath rushed towards the face, it can be seen that the cave is hollow, and the entrance is not even in one place.

Not far from Yang Fan's entrance, both hands were placed in front of Yang Fan, "Waist card!"

Yang Fan took out a sign found from Hei Wuchang, and held it up to the two of them.

The two stood upright and bowed their fists to Yang Fan, which shows that Hei Wuchang still has some status in the Palace of Hades.

Yang Fan nodded slightly and went straight in.

Walk through the long corridor and come to the hall full of reward cards.

The first place on the reward list is King Yu, with [-] million taels.

The second place on the reward list is Zhu Qingshan, with 50 million taels.

The third reward is the Queen Mother, [-] million taels.

Poison Valley Valley Master is obviously not in the top ten.

The most feared thing in this world has always been not force, but power.

Yang Fan said to himself: "It seems that you can buy headlines everywhere."

A young woman next to him interjected, "What's the matter? Do you have any ideas for connecting strips?"

Yang Fan turned to the young woman with a bamboo hat, forgive him for being blind and unable to describe.

The young woman smiled and said, "My sister advises you not to rush in. It's not unreasonable that someone's life is worth so much money."

Yang Fan nodded, "I know."

Young woman: "It's good to know."

Yang Fan asked curiously: "Hey, that's strange, why is there no one asking for Yang Fan's life?"

The young woman looked at Yang Fan in surprise, "Aren't you a newcomer?"

Yang Fan nodded.

The young woman smiled and said, "No wonder the voice is so young and beautiful."

Yang Fan: "My sister was joking."

The young woman said: "In our Hades Palace, Yang Fan is a special existence. It's not that no one has bought his life, but those who buy his life will die first."

Yang Fan: "Why?"

The young woman shook her head, "I don't know, maybe the people above know him and have a close relationship with him, right? But to be honest, such a kind and handsome person with strong martial arts skills, the person who is a dignified Taoist leader I'm afraid that a veteran killer like me won't want to do this business either."

Yang Fan casually said, "Do you know who the person above is?"

The young woman said solemnly: "Little brother! What you ask is a bit presumptuous, be careful that you will lead to death."

Yang Fan: "It seems that my sister doesn't know, but dare not say it."

The young woman smiled and looked at Yang Fan, then turned and left.

Yang Fan followed the young woman, intending to find out.

The young woman turned her head suddenly, glanced at Yang Fan flirtatiously, smiled meaningfully, swung her hips, and walked away.

The two walked one in front of the other, and the further they walked, the further they went, and the further they went, the slower they went.

Seeing that there was no one in front of him, Yang Fan seized the opportunity, rushed to the young woman, and directly pinned the young woman to the wall with his backhand, causing a big wall thud.

In a panic, the bamboo hat fell off, revealing that delicate and handsome face.

The young woman did not resist, and said with a smile: "You are so handsome!"

Being teased like this, Yang Fan suddenly didn't know what to say just now, and looked at the young woman who was close at hand in a daze.

The young woman exhaled like blue and said, "Little brother! What do you want to do?"

Yang Fan's body shrank back, "I want to find out about Yan Luodian."

The young woman smiled charmingly: "Then why are you grabbing me, why are you sticking so close? Haha... You don't want to find out, tell sister, do you want to find out about me?"

Yang Fan's body trembled, feeling that he had offended the wrong person, he hastily put down his hand, "No, I really didn't think so."

The young woman said coquettishly: "I see that you are so excited, you can tell that you are the first brother, it's nothing, you can have this idea."

Yang Fan said speechlessly: "You are a toad thinking of a frog."

Young woman: "Do you want to say half a catty?"

Yang Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and the knife in his hand fell, slashing directly on the young woman's neck.

Yang Fan was furious, "It's about the same size as you are." After speaking, he left straight away.

The roads in the mountains intersected, and Yang Fan, who had no one to guide him, lost his way after all.

After an unknown amount of time, the young woman in the corner who was knocked out by Yang Fan slowly opened her eyes, rubbed her sore neck, and stood up unsteadily leaning on the wall.

Perform lightness kung fu and run fast.

Out of the mountain, through a section of the city wall, came to a garden, turned east and west, and stood respectfully in front of a house.

The young woman straightened her clothes and knocked on the door.

A voice like a silver bell came from the room, "Who?"

"Hallmaster! It's me, Bianhua!"

"come in!"

Bianhua lowered her head slightly, pushed the door and entered, knelt down and saluted, not daring to neglect.

In the room were two slim, veiled women.

The one who spoke was naturally the Palace Master, "What's the matter?"

Bianhua: "Report to the Palace Master! There are outsiders in our headquarters."

The hall master was surprised and said: "Oh? Who is so powerful? It is already very difficult to find us, and it is a unique thing to sneak in."

Bianhua: "I haven't seen this person before, but he is quite handsome, and the key point is not lewd."

Hearing the phrase "the key is not lustful", the palace master remembered his subordinate's urination, and said with a smile: "You talk about his appearance."

Bianhua: "Sword eyebrows and plum eyes, red lips and white teeth, sharp edges and corners, imposing manner, moles on her face, gray hair at a young age."

The woman behind the hall master trembled slightly, and tugged at the hall master who was concentrating on it. She turned around and nodded to the woman.

The hall master said seriously: "Did he come with a murderous look, or did he look normal?"

Bianhua: "I can't tell."

Hall Master: "Did you seduce him?"

Bianhua: "It's just a play on the spot to get out his purpose."

The hall master snorted, "I think you'd be more than happy to use a beauty trick."

Bianhua blushed and laughed along with her.

Hall Master: "Why didn't he kill you?"

Bianhua: "I don't know!"

Hall Master: "You tell me the details after meeting him from beginning to end."

Bianhua told the truth, not daring to hide anything.

The hall master nodded after listening, "I see."

Bianhua sincerely asked for advice: "Master! What does it mean for a toad to sleep on a frog?"

This seemed to ask about the ignorance of the hall master's knowledge, and she looked at the woman behind for help.

I only heard the woman say: "It means that it looks ugly and plays with flowers."

After finishing speaking, the Palace Master and the woman burst out laughing.

The other shore flower is so embarrassing, it can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

The hall master smiled and said: "Order, don't use force against that man, let alone hurt that man."

Bianhua raised her head in shock, "Huh?"

Hall Master: "Ah, what? You think that if you really want to use your hands in this realm, you can get benefits."

Bianhua: "We have 36 Tiangangs, 72 Dishas, ​​and four extradition envoys."

The hall master shook his head, "It's useless, he is Yang Fan."

Bianhua's heart shuddered, and she stopped talking.

Hall Master: "Go down!"

Bana Flower: "Yes."

Yang Fan stood on a city wall in the valley, sighed slightly, and was in a daze for a long time.

A woman came from behind without a sound.

Hall Master: "It is very dangerous to be in such a daze in a strange and dangerous place."

Yang Fan: "If you make me feel in danger, for me, it will be a kind of steadfastness."

The hall master smiled and said, "So you were waiting for me to attack you just now?"

Yang Fan avoided the important point and said lightly: "This city wall is imitated from the south gate of Lanling City."

The hall master pulled off the veil, revealing Xiao Yan's unique delicate and handsome face.


Yang Fan: "Xiao Yan, Yan Luodian. Well, you are indeed powerful. You are clearly standing in front of me, but I can't feel your true strength."

Xiao Yan: "Strength is not the key, the key is that I will never be able to beat you in my life."

Yang Fan asked, "Why?"

Xiao Yan: "Because I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."

Yang Fan: "Would it be too arbitrary for you to say that? Are you acting like this?"

Xiao Yan: "I'm not the only one who likes your looks, why should I be ashamed?"

Yang Fan: "That's right, you are so open-minded."

Xiao Yan: "Won't you fall in love with others soon because of your good looks?"

Yang Fan thought for a while and said, "I don't think I've ever done it, because I'm face-blind. Do you know about face-blindness?"

Xiao Yan looked at Yang Fan in surprise, nodded and said, "I know you are blind, but I only know you are blind. No wonder you are so casual with beautiful women."

(End of this chapter)

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