Daming Taoist Medicine

332 Chapter 3331

Chapter 332 Chapter 333

It was obviously silent, but both of them seemed to be sobbing.

Zhu Qian: "Why don't you talk?"

Yang Fan: "I don't know what to say."

Zhu Qian: "Does being with me make you speechless?"

Yang Fan said displeased: "Then what do you want me to say? Tell you, is it because of you that I have a thorn in my heart? Tell you, is it because of you that I don't know how to face my dead wife?"

Zhu Qian stopped talking all of a sudden.In a trance, I realized that in front of the person I love deeply, self-will is useless.

Yang Fan: "Yes, you are noble, golden branches and jade leaves, you are the quality of a dragon and a phoenix who knows books and rituals, you are a fairy in the world, and the world adores you. You have deep affection for me, hard work and good intentions, so what? Do you want me to kneel and lick you? Love? Do you want me to thank you for your good intentions in killing my wife? Do you want me to say sweet words to you and promise that I will only love you for the rest of my life?"

Zhu Qian's eyes started to turn red, and she lacked confidence: "It's all wrong, and the past is over, why do you still have to worry about it?"

Yang Fan sneered and said: "My lord princess! Is a life so insignificant in your eyes? You are also a mother, and you are also a person who has experienced childbirth in October. You lie in a pool of blood knowing that you will not survive Have you ever experienced the feeling of working hard for your child? Can you imagine the feeling of dying with all your might? Just because you think you love me, do you have the right to hurt the person who loves me? You have to know, yes As far as Cheng Qing and I are concerned, you are the latecomer, and you are the wrong person. Your identity, your beauty, and your love cannot be used as bargaining chips for jumping in line, nor for me to accept you, let alone Become a bargaining chip to hurt others, everything about you is not a bargaining chip in other people's feelings, but hurt."

Tears fell from Zhu Qian's eyes.

Yang Fan said sharply: "Do you know how many times I have thought of killing you in my heart? Do you know how many times I suffered silently? Do you know how contradictory I was after learning that you gave birth to me? ?”

Zhu Qian lay down on the table all of a sudden, and finally couldn't help but began to shed tears.

Yang Fan didn't comfort him either, and said to himself: "Since Tong Tong didn't let me stay away from you, and since the mummy tied you into the cave, it proves that you are not a bad person. Based on this, I am willing to sit with you." Together."

Zhu Qian Lihua said with rain: "Isn't it because she likes you, or because her teeth itch when she sees your love and hatred. She carelessly pushed me towards you, and you treated me politely and distantly. What does this mean? It's provocation Me? Are you responding to me? Are you teasing me? Are you seeing that I like you and are sure that I will definitely not get you? "

Yang Fan said with a bitter face: "Cheng Qing doesn't have as many complicated thoughts as you. As a princess, how could she dare to offend you? Seeing that you like me, she intends to help you, and even did psychological homework on me. Yes I don't think it's right, and that's why I'm deliberately alienating you."

Zhu Qian shrugged her shoulders, choked up and said, "How do I know this? I only know that you left without saying goodbye that day, and my heart was full of resentment, and you didn't think about it for me. I am such a woman who is held in the palm of my hand. , has already made it so obvious that you like you, but you are behind my back and preparing the carriage and leaving without saying goodbye, what am I? Rejecting me so simply, trampled my dignity and heart to pieces, Are you proud?"

"I didn't want Cheng Qing's life at that time, I just wanted her to move the baby. What I thought at the time was, if the child is lost, will you continue to pamper her meticulously? If you move Fetal gas, will you two feel heartbroken? If she hurts her body, can you stay with me? "

Yang Fan: "What if in life? But it's all at your own risk."

Zhu Qian cried: "I have been unable to figure it out, how can I not figure it out, I am such a good person, why don't you love me? Why don't you love me?"

Yang Fan said seriously: "It's your self-confidence that makes me dislike you. When you think you are the best, you are actually not good. Is there anything perfect in this world? Of course not, perfect is What? It is a kind of practice, it is a reshaping after many hardships, it is a continuous self-breakthrough, perfection is obtained in exchange for your own imperfection and humility, why do you think that you are perfect if you are beautiful, noble, and smart? ? Why do you think I should like you because you are good? It would be great to be perfect in this world. When I feel that no one is worthy of me, will you still feel very good? "

Zhu Qian is a smart woman. After hearing Yang Fan's remarks, she was deafened and stood there in a daze.

"Since I was young, everyone has praised me, respected me, pampered me, feared me, and loved me. No one has ever taught me these things." When he said this, Yang Fan obviously felt childish.

Yang Fan sneered and said, "Placing your daunting identity there is a blessing, so why not a curse?"

Zhu Qian said in a dazed, dumb, and sticky manner: "Yes, isn't a high status a curse?"

Yang Fan: "I've been living in getting and pampering, and suddenly one day I was rejected by the person I like, and I found it fresh, interesting, and more challenging, so I never forget it, so it's like a stick in my throat. In fact, being liked Is it really so painful for people not to like it? Is it really so painful to be rejected by the person you like?"

Zhu Qian: "I really feel it, I feel it to death."

Yang Fan asked: "Why do you feel?"

Zhu Qian couldn't answer for a while, and said after a while: "Because of love."

Yang Fan smiled wryly: "You are not love, you are love to win."

"If I came when I was called and left when I waved, would you still treat me as love?" After finishing speaking, he stood up and said: "I have already got the answer, and you got your reflection as tears, so be it! "

Zhu Qian hurriedly said, "Are you leaving?"

Yang Fan: "I never wanted to stay."

Zhu Qian: "I...I..."

Yang Fan: "I can't get over the barrier in my heart. I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, and I hope you will not hurt the person I love in the name of love in the future."

Zhu Qian hurriedly explained: "I didn't do that on purpose."

Yang Fan: "It wasn't intentional, but it was done on purpose." Yang Fan opened the door and came out, blocked by a jade hand.

Yang Fan looked at Xiao Yan, "What? Do you want to do it?"

Xiao Yan was speechless, Zhu Qian said in grief and indignation: "Let him go, let him go as far as possible."

Little Yan Xin happily put down her jade hand and stepped aside.

Yang Fan left lightly.

Suddenly Zhu Qian's voice came from behind, "Since you won't let me and yourself go, then I'll make it easier for you."

After the dull knife entered his body, Xiao Yan's panicked cry for help sounded in the room.

"Princess! Don't!"

"Princess! Why are you so stupid?"

Yang Fan turned around and entered the room, and saw Zhu Qian being pillowed on Xiao Yan's lap, with a dagger thrust into her chest abruptly, blood gurgling.

Yang Fan rushed to hug Zhu Qian, and tapped two big acupoints, "Gauze, white wine, Yunnan Baiyao, red pill, hurry up!"

Xiao Yan ran down, not daring to neglect.

It took a moment to arrange it.

Yang Fan carefully cut open Zhu Qian's clothes, and said without turning his head, "Go out, and remember to close the door when you go out."

Xiao Yan obeyed and followed the truth.

Half an hour later, Zhu Qian woke up from the bed. Seeing Yang Fan standing by her side, she turned her head sadly, "Since you want me to die, why do you want to save me?"

Yang Fan: "What I hate is the selfish and jealous you who used to be, and I also like the iron-headed man who was infinitely gentle to me in the cave."

Zhu Qian blushed and said coyly: "Why are you saying that you are not ashamed?"

Yang Fan: "Take good care of your injuries and don't move around."

Zhu Qian timidly said, "Where are my clothes?"

Yang Fan: "Tear it up."

Zhu Qian: "Did you tear it?"

Yang Fan: "I tore it with my eyes closed. I sewed your wound with my eyes closed. I bandaged you with my eyes closed. I hugged you to the bed and covered you with the quilt with my eyes closed."

Zhu Qian: "Impossible, you are lying."

Yang Fan: "Why are you surprised when you know it's impossible?"

Zhu Qian: "I..."

Yang Fan: "You already have children, why are you so shy?"

Zhu Qian: "Then you...do you still hate me?"

Yang Fan: "I have to let go of myself and the past, for us and for our children. I don't want me and your child to live in the shadows, and I don't want me and Cheng Qing's children to live in hatred. If you want to be your mother, then let them be your biological mother and daughter forever!"

Zhu Qian said sincerely: "I'm sorry! I didn't expect that my impulsiveness would cause so much pain."

Yang Fan: "With this sincere apology, why do you need to stab yourself?"

Zhu Qian smiled wryly and said, "Actually, the backlog of pain I endured was much heavier than this knife. You may not believe it, but after suffering the pain of this knife, I suddenly felt a lot easier."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "If I still hate you and hate you, would you still say such things?"

Zhu Qian scolded and said, "I hate it! Your good mood has been ruined by you."

(End of this chapter)

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