Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 34 You are not allowed to talk about yourself like this

Chapter 34 You are not allowed to talk about yourself like this
Yang Fan knelt down because of guilt, if he hadn't come here, the tombstone wouldn't be missing a corner.

Chen Busan knelt down out of guilt. If he hadn't grasped his internal strength last time, he wouldn't have been cracked, and he wouldn't have been knocked down this time.

The two murmured about their faults, and then began to blame each other in their hearts.

Chen Busan said: "It's all this little bastard! The sky and the sun are harming our granddaughter-in-law. Yes, she is fourteen, and the fourteenth daughter of another family is indeed happy to be a mother, but our granddaughter-in-law is weak, and she has done a lot. A beggar for many years, has suffered for many years, not enough to eat and not warm, how can the body grow well? You grandson, you don’t know yourself? You have eaten well since childhood, dressed well, soaked in good medicine, practiced It's a good practice, and its physical fitness is several blocks away from our granddaughter-in-law. Look at what it looks like when you come back today? Disheveled, straw on your head, and granddaughter-in-law's tooth marks on your body. Is this something people do? Yes My own daughter-in-law is not fake, so she doesn't bring such harm. You didn't see our grand-daughter-in-law's cat face and tears, and you didn't see how our grand-daughter-in-law walked, otherwise I guess I wouldn't be able to hold back Your coffin is up."

Yang Fan originally had a lot of resentment to say, but when he heard Grandpa Chen rambling beside him earnestly, he immediately flinched and had nothing to refute.

Wu Yan, who was hiding behind a boulder in the distance and wanted to eavesdrop, had both his face and eyes flushed.

Yang Fan said seriously: "I will take good care of Wu Min in the future."

Chen Busan snorted, patted the dust on his knees and said: "Not only to cherish, but also to cherish, not only to cherish, but also to cherish."

Yang Fan: "You made me dizzy."

Chen Busan: "Just be gentle."

Yang Fan: "Where am I not gentle?"

Chen Busan: "Where are you gentle?"

Yang Fan suddenly smiled flatteringly, "Grandpa! I know I was wrong, why don't I listen to you?"

Chen Busan: "You really listen to me?"

Yang Fan: "I really listen to you."

Chen Busan: "Then from today onwards, you will share a room with Wu Yan. You teach her the exercises of health and fitness every day, make nutritious food for her tonic, and give her a medicinal bath to strengthen her foundation."

Wu Yan behind the stone smiled happily, but Yang Fan's last words made her laugh stop abruptly.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I also have the same intention, but I will travel around the rivers and lakes in a while, so I can't take care of her every day."

Chen Busan was not surprised either. He bent down and patted the dust on Yang Fan's knee, and said, "I'm not surprised that you have this plan. You should set up a faction to start a sect to prepare for breaking into the rivers and lakes, right?"

Yang Fan nodded.

Chen Busan: "A man's ambition is in the four directions, and only when he knows the four directions can he say that he has a heart for the world. Only when he has seen thousands of people, he knows that the world is hot and cold; only after traveling thousands of miles, can he understand the thickness of the world. If you don't have hatred, you won't be famous if you don't go out, and you won't be a good man if you don't go out."

Yang Fan was surprised: "Are you sure you are a martial artist, not a scholar?"

Chen Busan slapped Yang Fan on the head, and said, "What? Do you think I'm long-winded?"

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "No, no, I think what you said makes sense, it's one set of things, like a gentleman."

Chen Busan smiled and said: "That's right, I was your grandfather's book boy before I practiced martial arts, and after I practiced martial arts, I traveled to the Three Kingdoms and traveled all over the world. many."

Yang Fan nodded with a smile.

Chen Busan said earnestly: "Don't blame Grandpa Chen for beating you, it's not that Grandpa Chen doesn't want to see your love. I've seen and heard a lot, so I understand that staying together for a long time is better than a short-term gluey time. People are envious. Girls who marry and have children at the age of fourteen or fifteen are everywhere in this world, but how do you know how many of these girls died of dystocia, and how many of them were not loved by their husbands because of their body changes after giving birth. Good at the beginning , it’s time to grow up, don’t lose your children and wives because of your youthful desires.”

Yang Fan nodded, although he went further and further down this misunderstood road, but Yang Fan had to admit that Grandpa Chen's views, remarks, and insights can be regarded as a teacher.

Chen Busan's mood suddenly turned dark, and he said lightly: "I am your grandfather's only brother who has been worshiped for eight times, and you are your grandfather's only grandson, so you are my only grandson."

Yang Fan... was caught off guard by this turning point.

Chen Busan: "I'm old, and I don't have the thought of stepping into the rivers and lakes to protect you. That will not be of much use to your progress. I will teach your disciples for you on the island and live a life full of children and grandchildren. I will wait at home. You come back. But you have to remember, if you are bullied outside, remember to tell grandpa, grandpa's current situation can still fight for you for a few years."

Yang Fan laughed, if you are like this, what can you ask for?

After Zhu Qingshan's banquet, Wanzhu Island's meals have changed from a banquet style to a lunch style, with one table for one person, three dishes and one soup, and one portion for each person.

Not because of stinginess, but for the convenience of management and future management.

At the dinner table, Yang Fan sat in the middle, with Chen Busan and Wu Qian on the left and right.

A pair of chopsticks floated past Yang Fan's eyes, passed by his own food box, and landed firmly in Wu Qian's bowl.

You don't need to look at it to know what's going on. It must be that Grandpa Chen picked up meat for Wu Yan. Unfortunately, Wu Yan doesn't like meat.

Yang Fan was biting the pork belly, but he didn't wait for Wu Qian's gift. Instead, he waited for a pair of chopsticks, firmly clamped the meat in his mouth, and took the meat from "Yang" openly.

Yang Fan turned his head in surprise, and saw Wu Yanyao looking at him majesticly, biting the pork belly in one go, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Wu Qian said fiercely: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a robber?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I've never seen such a beautiful robber, let alone such an overbearing one. What you broke into was not my bowl, but my heart."

Chen Busan coughed and said in a low voice, "Be careful, the disciples are here!"

Wu Yan rolled his eyes at Yang Fan, picked up the pork belly in Yang Fan's bowl one by one, and then piled all the peppers and vegetables in his own bowl into Yang Fan's bowl.

Yang Fan smiled happily: "Don't you like eating meat?"

Wu Yan picked up the rice viciously, eating "greasy tongue" without any scruples, and said while eating: "Eat meat, grow meat."

Yang Fan laughed, and Chen Busan laughed even more gratifiedly, and carefully put the meat in the bowl into Wu's bowl.

After dinner, in the room.

Wu Yan felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, Yang Fan gently patted his back.

Yang Fan: "The road has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time. You suddenly force yourself to eat fatty meat that you don't like, and you eat so much meat at once, so it's possible not to feel sick? You can't eat a fat person in a day, and you can't eat a fat person in a day. Can't give birth to a son every day. Take your time!"

What Wu Qian heard was not meat, he retorted: "Who says I can't have a son?"

Yang Fan laughed and said: "What is the silly girl thinking about every day? Is it shit?"

Wu Qian laughed and said, "You can't say that about yourself."

Yang Fan ended in defeat, and Wu Chi won perfectly.

After chatting for a while, Wu Qian took the initiative to ask Yang Fan to teach her the exercises. Yang Fan recited the "Longevity Sutra" to Wu Qian word by word, and then taught her how to adjust her breath and luck, and instructed her to cycle around the sky.

The scriptures are not long, but only a thousand words, but the artistic conception is deep, obscure and difficult to understand.If there is no one to guide, it is difficult to find the door, but if someone guides the way, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

When Wu Chi's family was consummated, he also studied literature and martial arts. Although he didn't know his qualifications, he didn't like martial arts very much since he was a child, so he didn't practice well. He was only 14 years old and he was only in the middle of the third class.In the pile of beggars, he is also the overlord of the street; but if compared with Wu Fu, it can only be said that his qualifications are not good.

It's better than nothing, having a foundation is better than having nothing, this "Longevity Sutra" is not a unique skill to defeat force, but a unique skill to overcome time.No qualifications required, just patience.

Wu Yan is clever - if you don't understand anything, you can understand it after explaining it.

Yang Fan taught her how to practice without much effort.

Seeing that it was getting late outside, Wu Qian didn't choose to find an excuse to stay in Yang Fan's room this time, but walked obediently to the next door and practiced exercises seriously.

It’s different in the past.

After the oolong incident in the wooden house by the river, Wu Qian understood a lot, and the more he understood, the less control he had over himself.

She still remembered what Yang Fan said, "Short-term happiness is not as good as a lifetime of carelessness." Although the words were vulgar, but because Yang Fan said it, Wu Qian heard a different mood.

The words Grandpa Chen said, "I lost my children and lost my wife" became the motivation for her to practice hard.

The candlelight in Yang Fan's room was still flickering.

Holding the soft hedgehog armor, Yang Fan is carefully removing the poison on it. Yang Fan is not afraid of the poisonous valley, as long as he knows what poison is on it, he can get rid of the poison with his hands without any hesitation.

To be precise, the soft hedgehog armor is not an iron armor, but an iron mesh clothing made of countless small iron rings buckled and connected. If this is said to modern people, it must be understood at once.However, this technology seems easy, but in ancient times, it is extremely difficult to manufacture, and there are many difficulties.

Yang Fan carefully painted his picture, he not only wanted this soft armor, but also wanted his disciples to have it.

It was precisely because of this soft armor that he came up with the idea of ​​building a small arsenal by himself.He has the technology, and the problems can be solved slowly. He doesn't expect mass production, but hopes that it can be manufactured.

(End of this chapter)

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