Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 341 Chapter 342

Chapter 341 Chapter 342

The mountains are high and the forests are dense, and you have to travel a hundred miles in a hurry; if your shoes are broken and your feet are hurt, you are only for your home and country.

But as the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, do you have wet shoes?

Originally, the plan was to lure the enemy into pursuit and attack the headquarters at night, but the enemy waited empty and took the opportunity to ambush.

Seeing the densely packed enemies rushing from all directions, A doctor felt sad.

Jing Jing hurriedly said: "We fell into the empty city trick!"

Doctor A: "I know."

Yang Tielan: "What should we do now?"

Doctor Ah: "What else can I do? Either die here, or get out."

Jing Jing said indifferently: "I will lead people to rush south to attract the attention of the enemy army, and you will find a chance to break out."

Yang Tielan: "Let me do it!"

Where can I listen to quietness?The team formed with Poison Valley has rushed out in a hurry.

Qiaoqian said boldly: "The notorious Poison Valley can have such righteousness, and the well-known Beggars' Gang is naturally not a fame-seeker." He rushed out with his disciples.

With tears in his eyes, A doctor said with a choked voice: "The general is incompetent, exhausting the whole army, it's because I'm useless that I fall into the trap repeatedly."

Yang Tielan: "I can't blame you, the strategy was discussed by us, and you are just the final decision."

The two armies clashed, and when they reached one place, the sound of killing shook the forest, making people dazzled.

In such a situation, let alone deal with it calmly, some people may not even be able to tell the difference between the south, the north, and the north.

Quietly fights against the masters, moves in a blink of an eye, not daring to be careless.

"You all in the Central Plains need women to go to the battlefield. It seems that you are dying."

Jing Jing replied: "You know your fart! Women are half the sky, even we are not afraid of death, will there still be men who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"Men are useless, and women need to go to the battlefield."

Quiet sarcastically said: "It's better for men in your country. Men go through life and death so that it's convenient for their women to have an affair with others at home."

drink!What he said was poisonous, and the angry man lost control of his emotions, chasing An Jing and beating him fiercely, refusing to let him go.

An Jing managed to dodge, seized the opportunity to stab backhand, and hit the enemy's lower abdomen.

The enemy clutched his stomach and retreated hastily.

Jing Jing smiled coldly, but did not pursue.Although the enemy did not die on the spot, his life was in danger.

Quiet poisoning skills are outstanding, and eight out of ten people who died at her hands died of poisonous hair. If the enemy's medicine was not advanced, their Poison Valley alone could kill half of him.

After several rounds, the enemy also knew their reality. Facing An Jing and this group of Poison Valley disciples who were wrapped in straps, they had always been anti-virus in place, besieged without touching, and attacked from a distance.

A doctor didn't feel so good.

Quiet is because it is poisonous, and Yang Tielan is easily overlooked because of her figure.

Doctor Ah is different, she dresses up as Yang Fan, and it is not difficult to see the importance of Doctor Ah from the way she looks at "him" from her position and soldiers.

The enemy not only focuses on attacking him, but also focuses on him.

A doctor is a newcomer to the strong, and it is inconvenient to be bound, and the enemy is often a strong opponent, which really makes "he" walk on thin ice and is extremely dangerous.

If no one else responded, I'm afraid he would have been seriously injured.

The enemy stalked, and the doctor dodged from left to right.

The enemy's voice should be strange, with an obvious exotic flavor, "It's a male banker, so don't hesitate, fight me in bed."

It took a lot of effort for Doctor Ah to understand what he wanted to express.

"If you're a man, don't hide, fight me well."

Doctor Ah ignored him, thinking: Coincidentally, I am really not a man.

It's a pity that the battlefield is chaotic, and there are casualties every time they escape.

A doctor sees that things cannot be violated, so he has no choice but to bite the bullet and fight to the death.

The enemy is carrying a hollow stick, dancing like a tiger and a tiger, A doctor is a lazy donkey rolling, and short soldiers are close to him. It is beneficial to play on the weaknesses and avoid the strengths.

However, the enemy's base is steady and his fists are hard, and he is still not afraid of Doctor Ah's counterattack.

Yang Tielan waved the pear flower gun and stepped forward to help.

"Hey! There is such a small, tall and thin person?"

Experts read as tall and thin, which is no one.

Yang Tielan: "If you can't speak, don't speak."

The enemy took a blow to the head and took the head straight.

Yang Tielan blocked with a horizontal spear.

When the weapon hit, Yang Tielan vomited blood in shock, and hurriedly retreated to the side. If it hadn't been for the doctor's resistance, it is unknown whether Yang Tielan would be able to save his life.

Doctor Ah said with concern: "Rewind quickly, he is very strong, don't confront him head-on."

Yang Tielan's hands trembled, a little discouraged.Rejuvenation is an advantage, but of course it also has disadvantages.

Ah Yi's dagger danced wildly and rolled forward.

The enemy retreated again and again, startled at every step.An autumn wind swept the fallen leaves and kicked Ah Yi down, and then the elephant stepped on it, piercing his heart every step of the way.

Just now, the dagger was rolling forward, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into rolling and fleeing. The difference in strength is indeed not small.

When the hollow stick fell down, Ah Yi couldn't avoid it.

Yang Tielan yelled in alarm and rushed to rescue her, but was swept away with a stick and flew out, blood spurting straight out.

The enemy had the chance to win, so he raised his giant stick and smashed it down calmly.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, suddenly his eyes went dark, and the doctor Ah on the ground disappeared.

The man was in the dark, like a giant eye in the abyss, "Who allowed you to hurt my family?"

A doctor and Yang Tielan were overjoyed, they thought it was Yang Fan who came back, and when they looked up, they saw a figure wrapped in black cloth.

Needless to say, this must be the ruthless man of Poison Valley, Master An Jing, the owner of Poison Valley who was named mummy by Yang Fan.It's just that the army he joined, who didn't know when, turned out to be so low-key and silent.

"Are you sleeping?"

Mummy: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I will let you sleep and never wake up again."

"It's not a bad word!"

Mummy: "It's hard to listen to you, and I have the urge to laugh and hit you."

"Vacque oil!"

Mummy: "What, what do you mean?"

The enemy didn't talk nonsense, waved the giant roll, and hit the mummy.

The mummy moved gracefully, raised her middle finger, and shot out a burst of internal force.

The enemy dodged in panic, obviously this was the first time they encountered this kind of kung fu.

The mummy counts the number of points, and the enemy blocks several moves in a row.

"What kind of stunt is this?"

Mummy: "Instead of caring about my kung fu, I might as well think about how to survive."

"Although it's powerful, you can't kill me at this level."

The mummy sneered, "Really? Don't you think your breath is getting messier?"

The enemy retreated a few feet, covered his chest and gasped for breath, and found that the circulation of internal energy was stagnant, "Am I poisoned?"

The mummy threatened: "Yes! If you want to live, open the siege."

The enemy chuckled, took out a medicine bottle from his arms, poured out a few capsules, and swallowed it heroically, "The development of our medicine is beyond the comprehension of an illiterate country like yours."

The mummy smiled, "Really?" As soon as the words fell, the enemy near the enemy poured out a piece, "Your fungal medicine sacs are indeed powerful, but the manufacturing cost is not low, right? You can guarantee that your soldiers can carry the antidote ?"

Enraged, the enemy raised a hollow club against the mummy.

The mummy shouted: "Be careful!" and hurried to avoid it.

There was a loud noise, a spark suddenly shot out from the iron rod, and a bolt of lightning shot out from the rod. When the lightning passed, flesh and blood burst, and both the enemy and the enemy fell.

Ah Yi and Yang Tielan were still in shock.

The mummy reminded: "Why are you in a daze, hide!"

The enemy pointed three times in a row, and several of them managed to dodge.

Mummy: "This kind of weapon is called a gun. It is a weapon that can kill people thousands of meters away. It can only fire one bullet at a time, but it can fire three times in a row. After three times, it needs to be cooled and needs to be reloaded."

"I didn't expect you to know this kind of Wuji?"

Mummy: "Knowing what these are? I also know that you secretly learned our country's fireworks technology, but slowly invented the black powder technology because of the failure of the experiment. Later, you continued to improve the black powder technology and changed the small explosives. Only then did bullets and guns appear."

"You know a lot of moms!"

Mummy: "I'm just a mother, unlike you, the mothers of all kinds have made a mess of countries."

The enemy obviously couldn't understand such a complicated idiom, so he said calmly, "You are very good, but you won't survive tonight."

Mummy: "How sure?"

"You are smart and reckless, you fight when you can, and run if you can't, and set up ambush for us while running, but we are not stupid, we will learn, we will improve, we know that you like to ambush, We like to attack at night, so we deliberately fell for it, but quietly ambushed people around the camp, just waiting for you to be fooled, so that we can catch them all. Hahaha..."

Mummy: "It's not bad, these few words are actually quite impressive, so you don't miss these few words, right?"

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. If you want to survive, surrender and become a slave."

Mummy: "We Han people only died in battle, not alive."

"Then go to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a rumbling rumbling sound outside the encirclement, followed by bursts of shouts of killing from the southwest corner.

The enemy panicked, like ants on a hot pan, in a mess.

The mummy shouted: "What are you waiting for? Kill!"

A doctor and Yang Tielan rose up to kill the enemy, slashing and killing towards the breakthrough.

A familiar voice resounded through the night sky, "Burn the enemy's tent, burn the enemy's tent, burn the enemy's tent!"

Everyone was overjoyed, it was Yang Fan Yang Fan's voice.

As soon as Yang Fan finished speaking, rockets shot at the enemy's camp from all directions. Some soldiers who were seriously injured even set themselves on fire and hugged the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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