Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 343 Chapter 344

Chapter 343 Chapter 344

Yang Fan: "Our magic is never people, but culture."

Wei Shengjin sneered: "Give you a little color, and you dare to open a dyeing workshop. When it comes to culture, you are rubbish."

At this time, the battle is in full swing, does Yang Fan still have the energy to debate?
Wei Shengjin led the attack, and everyone was in danger.

Yang Fan: "Aren't you advocating chivalry? Why do you still use the more to bully the less, and the male to bully the female?"

Wei Shengjin chuckled, "You are not knights, why should we be gentlemen to you?"

The mummy mocked: "Chivalry is a method used by the upper class to confuse the public to facilitate the ruling class. They only use this method to elevate themselves and vilify the enemy when they know that they will win."

Wei Shengjin was furious: "Shut up! You know nothing."

Mummy: "My parents are slaves of the Condor Empire, do you think I don't understand?"

Wei Shengjin said with a smile: "It turns out that you are a slave boy. If you can surrender now, I can give you a noble status. What do you think?"

Mummy: "I think you are stupid and ridiculous. I really don't know where your arrogance and self-confidence come from."

Wei Shengjin: "I don't know what's good or bad."

The mummy raised her middle finger.

Wei Shengjin didn't understand.

The mummy suddenly turned sideways, and a burst of internal force shot out; Wei Shengjin dodged in a hurry, but still injured his arm in the end.Since then, raising the middle finger has become a classic signature gesture of hatred in Western countries.

Before Wei Shengjin could yell at him, Yang Fan seized the opportunity to capture the thief and the king.

But how could a dignified super expert be so easy to deal with?Wei Shengjin pretended to escape and lured Yang Fan into the circle.

Yang Fan was in a hurry, if he didn't investigate for a while, he would fail to kill the enemy, and instead surrounded him. Fortunately, "Lingbo Weibu" had a peculiar footwork, and coupled with Tong Tong's superb archery skills, he struggled hard, so it was not impossible to fight back.

But things are human-made, and there is always a time when you are exhausted; if you often walk by the river, will your shoes get wet?
Unfortunately, Yang Fan was stabbed in the back, and blood flowed.

Everyone's hearts rose to their throats, and they rushed to help.

There are many people sharing the burden. Although Yang Fan is out of trouble, he has not escaped the enemy's key care, and he is fighting and retreating, as if walking on thin ice.

Yang Fan: "The direction of the Xun hexagram."

The southeast direction is represented by the Xun hexagram, which is naturally to prevent the enemy from understanding and recruiting an ambush.

Yang Lang is well-deserved for his thoughtfulness.

Everyone fought cautiously, retreated suddenly, and retreated in a seemingly chaotic manner, but in fact the direction was clear and unified.

Wei Shengjin: "Follow up, don't get lost, they are trying to escape. Come on, bring your musket." As soon as the words fell, a soldier ran to Wei Shengjin with an iron rod on his back.

The iron rod that these two people could only carry, Wei Shengjin clasped his hands together and put it on his shoulder with a little force, and ran after Yang Fan.

If you want to talk about this iron rod, it is the latest musket developed by the Condor Empire.The stick is hollow, and the whole body is made of fine iron. The mechanism is set at the handle, which can be disassembled and reloaded. It usually weighs 180 jin.

The Lei Family Knife of the Lei Family refers to their weapons. The reason why the court respects the Lei Family is inseparable from the contributions of the past generations of Patriarchs to scientific research.Although the Leijiadao has suppressed the weight, the hit rate and the number of ammunition loaded have always been unsolved problems.

Since Lei Guangming's death, the Lei Family Saber lost part of its skills, so the Patriarch of the Lei Family has been concentrating on cultivating without caring about worldly affairs.This is also the fundamental reason why Lei Yuanyuan was able to roam the rivers and lakes and come out to find Bian Dan.

Seeing the black stick pointed at him, Yang Fan's heart sank, his hairs stood on his head, and he immediately felt an unprecedented danger.

A spark exploded.

Yang Tielan jumped up and pushed Yang Fan away. Fortunately, Yang Tielan was in the shape of a child, and the bullet just happened to graze her shoulder.

But Yang Tielan already had internal injuries, under the fierce battle, how could her internal strength have time to adjust her breath?This knocked Yang Fan away, but he passed out.

The mummy exclaimed: "Be careful! This stick can fire three shots in a row."

Knowing the danger, Yang Fan picked up Yang Tielan and immediately rolled on the spot. Fortunately, he narrowly escaped the second shot, but unfortunately, he hit Yang Tielan's head and was blocked by a boulder.

Seeing that the danger was at stake, the mummy jumped out and stood in front of Yang Fan.

Quietly exclaimed: "Master!"

Yang Fan stared at the mummy's back in a daze, feeling various emotions in his heart.

To be honest, he knew that the mummy was a complicated person, and his feelings for the mummy were also complicated, but he never thought that the mummy would risk life and death for him.

When Yang Fan was lying beside the boulder, his heart fluttering, the mummy shook three times, took two steps back, and suddenly turned around and scolded: "Run away, you son of a bitch, why are you so dazed? I'm afraid your grandpa will die!" Can't you?"

Yang Fan wanted to retaliate, but he was really not qualified to retaliate. He stood up holding Yang Tielan, and asked timidly, "Are you okay?"

The mummy: "Are you fucking okay? Your grandpa is hurting to death." As he spoke, he clutched his stomach and took the lead in running wildly.

Yang Fan held Yang Tielan in his arms and followed quickly, "Run! We will be safe through the canyon ahead."

In the canyon, the bonfire was brightly lit, and Lu Xiong sat upright at the mouth of the canyon.

He nodded to Yang Fan, "Leave it to me!"

Yang Fan ran past him, "Be careful!"

Lu Xiong smiled heartily.

Wei Shengjin came after him, and seeing Lu Xiongshen standing there, he was surprised and did not dare to pursue rashly.

Wei Shengjin asked suspiciously, "You are?"

Lu Xiongshen: "Does it matter who I am?"

Wei Shengjin nodded and replied, "It's really not important."

Lu Xiong praised deeply: "That's right, is it so important to know the enemy's name and remember the enemy's name? It's not important, it's not important at all, the important thing is to kill the enemy."

The enemy looked at Lu Xiongshen strangely, and then laughed loudly, "Only because of you? A person who has not yet reached the super level dares to say that he is killing the enemy?"

Lu Xiong said calmly: "I really can't kill you, but I can still stop you."

Wei Shengjin smiled coldly, and was about to approach, but saw Lu Xiongshen peel off his coat at once, revealing a row of black powder.

The enemy was startled, Wei Shengjin stopped in a hurry, "How could you have black powder?"

Lu Xiongshen: "How ridiculous what you said, why can't we do it if you can do it? Don't you forget that we invented fireworks? Besides, have you forgotten the explosion outside your encirclement just now?"

Wei Shengjin suddenly realized: "It turned out that our supplies were stolen. Let me just say, how could you invent such a magical weapon with your wisdom?"

Lu Xiongshen: "How do you become a leader if you can't speak? Oh, I see, because you can speak Chinese, so you are a leader, right?"

Wei Shengjin asked: "Do you think you can stop us alone?"

Lu Xiongshen said indifferently: "Why are you talking about what you have? Come and try if you don't believe me."

Wei Shengjin turned his head, and immediately someone volunteered to stand up, that person was not stupid, he didn't rush towards Lu Xiongshen, but ran towards the hillsides on both sides of the canyon.

They have high martial arts skills, and their internal strength has reached the top. Climbing this kind of mountain is indeed like walking on flat ground, and the pressure is not great.

Seeing his subordinates reach the top, Wei Shengjin couldn't help smiling, but before his smile could fully bloom, a figure suddenly rushed out from the darkness, and that figure hugged his subordinates, saying: "Disciple of Wanzhu Sect, a yin and yang person Ah Nan." Immediately afterwards, it exploded on the spot, and a flame burst out.

Ah Nan's voice echoed in the valley for a long time, and the earth-shattering explosion made Yang Fan stop in his tracks.

He looked back towards the direction of the valley, and said softly, "I won't let you die in vain."

Wei Shengjin was annoyed, "Crazy, you crazy people."

Lu Xiong joked deeply: "Don't be angry, if you keep working hard, you will definitely be able to rush over."

Wei Shengjin was silent for a moment, and said: "No! If this is the case, you should put me into the canyon on purpose, and then blow us up to death. There must be fraud here."

Lu Xiongshen: "You are really a smart baby. There are indeed frauds here, so what? Let me explain to you. The canyon is not full of explosives, and there are not many dead people in the canyon. Why? One is because We don't have much explosives, so we can't guarantee that we can send you all back to your hometown. After all, your realm is here, and your lightness skills will definitely not be too bad. Second, if you blow up the canyon, it will block the North-South coalition forces. This is not good, what do you think? However, although we don’t have much explosives, there is still enough to hold you and die together. Do you want to try? The purpose of coming to our country is to kill or be killed Well, how good it is for us to die together, not to be lonely, what do you think? Come on, heroes, let’s go together, victory belongs to you.”

Wei Shengjin left a sentence: "Crazy." He turned his head and left, and his subordinates naturally followed.

Lu Xiongshen: "Hey, why did you leave? It's a pity that only one was killed. How can I say that two people have to die? This is what makes good things come in pairs. You can save money by doing trivial things. Is this the reason?"

Wei Shengjin: "Have you ever said that your words are very hateful?"

Lu Xiong said with a deep smile: "No, people don't like to talk to me, people don't like to be friends with me. Don't talk about friends, my sons don't like to talk to me, or how can I feel better when I see you? Did you see your son?"

Wei Shengjin walked away in a huff.

Lu Xiong pretended to be pitiful and said: "Can you talk to me? How about you pretend to be my friend and have a long talk with me? Hey, don't go, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Are you rushing home for the funeral? ? Can I go with my friends? Can I have four dishes and one soup? Hey, hey, why are you so rude?"

(End of this chapter)

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