Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 346 Chapter 347

Chapter 346 Chapter 347
Wu Wengen and Bian Dan went into battle lightly, and trotted forward, and two hours later they approached the enemy's lair - the original Guangfeng City.

The two were not blindly optimistic. They went to war blindly, spread out their hands, surveyed the terrain, summarized the terrain, and planned to study it carefully before making a sneak attack in the middle of the night.

Bian Dan pointed to the simple map, "I went to the east to recuperate, and you waited for the opportunity in the west. We sneak attack on the target, not to kill many people, but to disturb the morale of the army. If you sneak attack, take the enemy here, and then cross the creek into the There is a valley between the two mountains here; if I am going to sneak attack the enemy, I will take this route, the route is rugged, suitable for ambushes, easy to hide, we can make a big circle and meet at this place."

Wu Wenliang said blankly: "I sneaked in the first half of the night, and you sneaked in the second half of the night. This will make the enemy's nerves tense and make it difficult for them to survive."

Bian Dan smiled and said, "That's true. The question now is, how do we figure out the timing in the dark night, cooperate closely, and act simultaneously?"

Wu Wengen smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. After the fight here, I will order the two brothers to go to the highest mountain to shake the fire as a sign. When you see the shaking torches on the high place, start a surprise attack. The enemy hears that there are enemies behind them." Sneak attack, when we see that we are not many, we will rush back to help, and we can take advantage of the opportunity to kill the enemy."

Bian Dan laughed and said, "A good solution is a stupid one."

The two groups of people made up their plan, moved separately, arrived at the designated location, closed their eyes and rested their minds, waiting for the opportunity to fight.

Time passed, and night gradually fell.

Just after dinner, Wu Wengen blew the siren and took the lead in launching a sneak attack.

Yang Fan obviously fled in embarrassment, would the Condor Eagle Empire think that the enemy who suffered heavy losses would come back at this time?

In addition, the soldiers of the Condor Empire had just finished the battle, and their military supplies were damaged. At this time, they were not mentally prepared to fight. Many people even took off their military uniforms and planned to rest in hammocks.

To the enemy, Wu Wengen's surprise attack was like hell in daylight, unexpected.In a hurry, there was a panic, as if entering a chicken farm of hungry wolves.

This scene is just as desired.

Wu Wengen brandished a long spear and rushed into the crowd. It was really people blocking and killing people, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas. Wherever they passed, there was no single enemy.

The brothers cheered up their hearts, and they were naturally brave enough to sacrifice their lives to kill people who turned their backs on their backs.

Although Wu Wengen was extremely brave, he did not forget what he was doing. He wandered around the outer circle of the enemy camp, not daring to enter rashly.

Super strong people really don't have a vain reputation. Even if they have entered the realm of transformation, they can't underestimate the strong people in the world.

The enemy reacted quickly, and it didn't take long for them to counterattack properly, and they were no longer loose.The strong man rushed forward and slowly surrounded him, intending to keep Wu Wengen as a guest.

Wu Wengen is a very cute person. When he sees a strong enemy, he leaves weak soldiers and turns around and runs away.

The sudden attack is as sudden as the running.

Wei Shengjin looked at the nearly thousand corpses on display on the ground, and then at the direction in which Wu Wengen was escaping. The swaying bush leaves seemed to be teasing the strong man of the Condor Empire: chase after him, if you have the guts, chase after him.

Wei Shengjin suppressed his anger and asked, "How many people are there?"

The subordinates reported: "About three to five hundred."

Wei Shengjin said angrily: "How does the patrol team patrol? Tell me, how did the enemy touch it?"

The subordinates faltered and said: "We... many of us can't see it at night."

Wei Shengjin: "Go ahead with the order. From today onwards, there must be livestock offal in the food, and each soldier must eat a certain amount of offal food." After speaking, he pointed to the direction in which Wu Wengen was escaping, "Two masters are short of bringing them. A team of 1000 people will chase after them, destroy them if they can, and find out their camp if they cannot be destroyed.”

The two masters stood out from the crowd and took orders to leave.

Seeing the enemy chasing after him, Wu Wengen smiled freely, "Brothers! We've picked up the guests, let's run!"

All the heroes laughed and kept walking.

The brothers led by Wu Wengen were originally his soldiers who followed him all the way. They were well disciplined and obedient.

After sleeping for two hours, Yang Fan was like a wind-up machine, he got up in a jerk, and took a step back quietly in shock.

Jing Jing asked with concern: "Why did you wake up so soon?"

Yang Fan: "I don't dare to sleep to death, and I don't have the conditions to sleep well."

Jing Jing looked at Yang Fan distressedly.

Yang Fan checked the unconscious mummy, and went to the outer shed to check Yang Tielan's injuries, "Let's go, they have nothing serious, I have to sit in the command hall."

What kind of lobby is there in the command hall?No more than the sturdiest log cabin in the wounded camp.

Seeing Yang Fan coming in, Wu Qian took the initiative to give way.

Yang Fan nodded slightly, stood in front of the sand table and looked at it quietly.

Not long after, Chen Busan, Chang Le, Liu Ben, Liu Bai, Housewarming, Jie Lu, Lu Xiongshen... and a group of disciples of the Wanzhu sect who had reached the special level entered the arena one after another, waiting for dispatch.

Yang Fan was ingenious, and while making the little red flag and the little black flag, he stared at the sand table intently, and preached: "In the case of weak individual combat capabilities, insufficient troops, and bad conditions, it is better to confront the enemy head-on. Unwise. Personal heroism often leads to overall consumption. I only have five brothers, but there are twenty enemies on the opposite side. Even if I can beat the commander on the opposite side, I can’t fight this battle. The reason It's very simple, I can kill ten of them, but I can't survive five brothers."

"If the enemy has more times than us, don't we need to fight? No, we still have to fight, but we have to fight in a hooligan way. When we see 20 people on the opposite side, we will hide quietly and rush out suddenly." Hacking two people to death, turning around and leaving, this way, the original five to twenty troops suddenly became five to ten, well, isn't this a victory?"

Yang Fan suddenly asked, "Housewarming! How many members of your Beggar Clan are still below special grade?"

Qiaoqian blurted out: "Grand masters have 56, disciples have 3000 taels and 67."

Yang Fan: "They should have good foot strength, right?"

Qiaoqian proudly said: "That's natural!"

Yang Fan: "From the Gaofeng Pass to the three towns and sixteen villages behind Pushan Mountain, the depth is 32 kilometers, and the cross section is nearly [-] kilometers. There is a total of one city, nine towns and [-] villages in it, with a population of less than [-]. Our battlefield is in In this nearly [-] square kilometers of land, our battlefield should also be controlled within this range."

Yang Fan circled the map, "Look and see!"

People gathered around to watch.

Yang Fan: "This circle is where the enemy will advance next. The mountain road is winding and the path is rugged. I need to relocate and organize my brothers to concentrate and disperse in this area."

Yang Fan asked himself and answered: "How to disperse? Two or three brothers are hidden on each mountain."

"How to hide it? Or dig a hole and dig a hole, cover it with dead branches and fallen leaves, or climb a tree and blend into nature."

"What's the use of this? It can quickly transmit information, quickly analyze the enemy's intentions, and achieve the purpose of anticipating the enemy."

"Then how to transmit information quickly and efficiently? People and mountains melt into each other, and mountains connect with each other. For example, when I saw the direction of the enemy's advance, I immediately ran to the nearby mountain to find my brothers and asked them to pass on the news; more efficient Yes, I tied the news to the arrow and shot it in front of the brothers near the mountain, and let them continue to shoot."

Chang Le applauded.

Chen Busan patted his thigh, "This idea, this plan, this detail, it's really a grandma getting under the covers—grandpa is happy to death."

Everyone is full of praise.

Yang Fan raised his palm and pressed it down, signaling to be quiet, and said flatly, "What's the fun? What's the use of thinking and talking well, it's really good if you can do it well. You think the plan is like this No, there are only more than 200 mountains in this area. Even if there are three people left behind on each mountain, there is still a surplus of manpower. Next, there will be one mountain for each person on the two sides, and two peaks for each person behind the enemy. Missing information."

Qiaoqian bowed and saluted: "Brother Yang, thank you for taking care of these mud legs under my beggar gang."

Yang Fan: "Thank you for what? What is there to thank? Don't think that I am looking down on the strength and courage of the beggars. I am just making the best use of everything."

Housewarming didn't know how to answer.

Yang Fan: "We are not the imperial army, we don't have any titles, so I'll just name them whatever I want. From now on, you are the general of the army, and the super master of the beggar gang is your communication mobile unit, responsible for collecting information, delivering orders, and remediating intelligence points. , Emergency personnel. Hurry up and convey your message, spread out all the brothers as soon as possible, the sooner your intelligence network is laid out, the sooner we will win, and the more sound your intelligence is, the less our losses will be reduced."

Qiaoqian clasped her fists solemnly, and walked out in a hurry.

Taking a serious look at Liu Ben and Liu Bai, Yang Fan said earnestly, "You guys have made great contributions to managing Jianghutong, it's really hard work for you!"

The two dare not even say it.

Yang Fan: "You guys are running darts. We can rest assured that the task of escorting supplies and purchasing food and grass falls on your shoulders."

Liu Ben and Liu Bai said in unison: "It's a duty."

Yang Fan: "Did Wu Chi tell you about the black powder material?"

Liu Ben: "I said it, we know its importance."

Yang Fan: "Then I will stop rambling. You just need to take care of the stomachs of the brothers, and don't talk about eating and drinking well. This is a battlefield, not a wine shop. Just don't let the brothers be hungry."

Liu Ben and Liu Bai said solemnly, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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