Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 349 2502 old appearance

Chapter 349 Chapter 250

Yang Fan chuckled, played black chess in one fell swoop, Jing Jing led the team to play quietly, leaving behind Tong Tong for long-range assists.

The five masters besieged Yang Fan, and Yang Fan was a hero—the escaped thief was beautiful.

if not?
Do you really think that a hero should fight one against five without retreating half a step?Have you read too many novels?Do you really think that if you are not afraid of death, you will not be accepted? 36 tactics, it is better to walk. Our ancestors told us long ago that the escape when the power is disparity is not a bear, but a tactic.

Of course, Yang Fan's escaping wasn't really escaping, he just used his position and flashes to fight in order to prevent the enemy from forming a siege on him.

This is how he fought, please readers appreciate:
Yang Fan snatched a long gun, and shouted at A while walking: "Take a shot from me!"

As a result, it stabs at B.

Yang Fan looked at C, and suddenly stabbed Ding with his weapon.

Seeing that Wu behind him was about to cut him down, he pretended not to know, and returned the carbine with a sudden blow.

After Tong Tong in the distance saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said: "There are fights here and there, so it's obviously a shame! But... shame is so cute."

The enemy masters are numerous and powerful, but Yang Fan is not slippery, Yang Fan is strong, but his strength is not bad, the two sides are temporarily balanced, and the scene of five mice chasing cats opened on the battlefield.

It was hard for the soldiers brought out by Yang Fan to fight against [-] people with only [-]. It can be said that the eggs hit the stones-the yellow ones can't be yellower.Fortunately, Tong Tong shot to help each other, and the soldiers huddled together, killing outside and stabbing inside, and exchanging inside and outside, which made the contact area of ​​the war small.

If there is a full response, after a crowd, how can there be anyone on our side who can stand on the battlefield?

While the heat was in full swing, An Jing had already quietly touched the weak side of the enemy under the cover of the mountain shrubs.

Needless to say, just go ahead and do it.

Although 3000 people is not much, and 3000 people is not strong, but 3000 people can kill a lot of people.

What's more, it is as quiet as a tigress in the sheepfold, killing one piece with the left shot, and falling one piece with the right shot, the enemy is reduced one by one, and finally set a big fire.

The enemy general was shocked, there was only one injured master in the base camp, how could someone else be his opponent in this chaotic killing situation?So he hurriedly sent out two strong men to support them.

Yang Fan's pressure was greatly reduced, and he was even interested in chasing the enemy general for fun.

Quiet rampage, like entering no one's land.

After feeling the aura of a master, he killed him without any explanation. The man's arm was injured and it was difficult to lift the golden gun, so he fought with An Jing while holding the saber.

Maybe it was lack of strength, maybe the weapon was not suitable, after dozens of moves, he was hacked to death by An Jing on the spot.

It didn't take long for her to relax, two masters came roaringly, and they had no gentleman's demeanor, and the fight was extremely fierce since World War I.

With the raging fire as the scene, Yang Fan is one-on-three, Quiet is one-on-two, shooting sparrows with arrows.

The fight was lively and the killing was intense.

When Wei Shengjin saw the billowing smoke, he became furious and cursed.Calling out the hypocrisy, cunning, and morality of the Orientals, what is written in the book is full of benevolence and righteousness, and what is said in their mouth is full of loyalty. Come and stab us in the ass, what a bad conscience.

Bian Dan giggled when he saw it.

Lei Yuanyuan: "Did you already guess that Yang Fan would surround Wei and save Zhao?"

Bian Dan smiled and said, "I know he is a wise man."

Lei Yuanyuan cried and said, "Then, have you ever thought that we might face the enemy's revenge from embarrassment?"

Bian Dan said seriously: "Before you were surrounded in this place, I already guessed the ending."

Lei Yuanyuan: "Then you..."

Bian Dan smiled and said, "I'm not here to rescue you, I'm just here to die with you."

Lei Yuanyuan smiled, satisfied and happy.

The enemy was really angry, and they did come in. Fortunately, the large army is returning to help. Presumably, the disabled soldiers and wounded generals, where is the need to mobilize the masses?Thousands of people are more than enough to deal with it.

Bian Dan and Lei Yuanyuan stood up hand in hand, everyone looked at each other, there was no wave in the ancient well, and they went to die boldly.

Someone tied a knife to a severed arm.

There are people who support each other to cope with the loss of a broken foot.

Someone had a long gun strapped to his waist for fixation.

Bian Dan and Lei Yuanyuan took out the gunpowder bag and were about to tie it to their bodies, but two brothers snatched it quickly, and one of them said rudely: "You are very skilled in martial arts, you don't want to kill more enemies, anyway Thinking of dying together, are you sorry brothers? You are not qualified to use such a good thing."

Bian Dan and Lei Yuanyuan were speechless.

As for this black gunpowder, it was seized by Yang Fan during the last big battle. Yang Fan used it to blow up the enemy camp at night and rescued the army.

This black gunpowder doesn't need a fuse, and it can be ignited by pulling the fuse. It is really a big killer for attacking cities and lands. Yang Fan didn't capture many, so each team can only divide one into the bottom of the box.If there is more time, Yang Fan can make black gunpowder, but the materials are not available, and there are many big battles and small battles one after another. This beautiful wish will not be realized for the time being.

Without waiting for Bian Dan's order, those seriously injured brothers had spontaneously blocked in the valley.

The sound of killing sounded, and a fierce battle broke out in the gorge.

Those whose heads were beheaded, whose hands were chopped off, whose feet were severed... were extremely bloody and horrible.

Blocking is blocking, but the enemy is like chopping vegetables and cutting melons. While bleeding the land of China, they come easily with high-tech equipment.

Everyone knows that they will die, but no soldier backs down half a step.This is a tragedy that no one understands.

The enemy secretly admired it, but the strength in his hands increased a little.

Bian Dan looked at the dangerous peaks on both sides of the canyon, "This dangerous peak is not only a barrier for the enemy, but also for us."

Lei Yuanyuan nodded in approval.If the mountain can be climbed, the enemy can kill them in the canyon with one soldier; if the mountain is easy to climb, his brothers can make the enemy buried in the gorge.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.The first two roars are explosions, and the low hums behind are echoes.

In the midst of the earth shaking, rocks splashed in all directions in the gorge.For a time, the sand was overgrown, covering the sky and the sun.

Bian Dan said to himself: "Brothers, let's go!"

A figure flew out of the dust and fell heavily to the ground.

Bian Dan and Lei Yuanyuan looked at it, and Lei Yuanyuan carefully turned her head away.

I saw that the limbs of that person were bent, not human-like, obviously thrown out by the shock wave.

The man opened his mouth, but no sound could be heard.

Bian Dan knelt down in front of him and listened.

The man only said four words, "Hat...wear it right."

With tears in his eyes, Bian Dan took off his military cap and put it on his brother's head seriously.

The man smiled slightly, closed his eyes and tilted his head, generously sacrificed.

After Wei Shengjin heard the explosion, he cursed and breathed out fragrance.

The enemy army was even more depressed and panicked.

Who can fight against this kind of enemy?

Wei Shengjin wanted to look back, but someone blocked his way, and he wanted to go forward for reinforcements, but someone still blocked his way.

Behind is Chang Le, and in front is Chen Busan.

This scene was a bit dumbfounding, and Wei Shengjin was almost unable to hold back his emotions.

Chen Busan stood in the middle of the road, biting his old smoking pipe, the place where the front teeth were missing was just convenient for the pipe to insert.

Chen Busan smashed his mouth and said, "I opened this road, and I carried this tree. If you want to cross this road, you can't think about it."

Without Wei Shengjin's order, seven or eight soldiers rushed towards Chen Busan with their spears.In the face of war, where is the virtue of respecting the old and loving the young?

Chen Busan chuckled, took out a five-meter air knife in his palm, and swiped it. After a few moves, the soldiers stood there motionless.

Chen Busan took a deep breath of the cigarette, then let it out slowly, followed by the sound of the corpse falling to the ground.

Wei Shengjin: "Senior, this is the second level that has reached the super realm."

Chen Busan smiled and said, "You have good eyesight."

Wei Shengjin: "It's a pity that we are enemies, otherwise we can ask our seniors about the direction of martial arts."

Chen Busan said: "If you surrender, don't we become friends?"

Wei Shengjin didn't answer, but cupped his hands and said: "I've offended you!" After speaking, he waved his big hand, and four masters stepped forward.

Chen Busan looked at the four tall and strong men, took off the bong, turned around and ran away suddenly, "I can't pretend anymore."

Wei Shengjin was dumbfounded, and the four masters looked at each other.

Before they could react, a stone was thrown and hit one of them on the forehead.

The man let out an oops, and felt his forehead before he realized that there was a big bump. Is there any reason not to be angry?He directly killed Chen Busan.

Wei Shengjin: "Be careful in ambush!"

Before the words were finished, a black shadow suddenly appeared from the bushes, and with a flash of white light, it killed the master who was chasing rashly.

The black shadow is naturally Wu Wengen.

They are old and young, and they are all good at strategizing.

But no matter how you look at this strategy, it looks like a child fighting. How do you think it succeeded?Are the people of the Condor Empire mentally handicapped?

Actually not.

Chen Busan and Chang Le suffered internal injuries six years ago. Although they have the eyesight and short-term strength of a superpower, they don't have the combat power and endurance of a superpower. However, they also have a special skill: they It can sense the aura of the super strong, but the super strong can't sense his aura.

This is like a radar with stealth capabilities.

Therefore, Chen Busan's appearance can perfectly cover up Wu Wengen's aura, which is the fundamental reason why Wu Wengen's sneak attack caught people off guard.

Chen Busan smiled and said, "Pretty!"

Wu Wengen said, "That's your clever old man."

(End of this chapter)

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