Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 351 252 Bamboo Flower Withered 0

Chen Busan was convinced: "Suddenly found that I am a child in front of you."

Chang Le smiled and said, "I'm more than 200 years older than you, and you won't insult you even if you are my grandson."

Chen Busan smiled and said, "It seems to be true."

The enemy is at present, there is no time to joke.Chang Le grabbed his clothes, and rushed towards the enemy shirtless, knocking down dozens of enemy soldiers with every gesture, and then threw out his clothes while rushing towards the enemy group.

Seeing that his clothes were wrapped in black, Wei Shengjin quickly dodged and shouted: "Be careful! There are explosives inside!"

Before the words fell, the clothes exploded, dozens of fake deaths, and several people flew away, but the super strong was different from ordinary people after all, they were only injured by shocks, and no deaths were seen.

Based on the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Chang Le rushed to attack without stopping.

At this moment, the prestige is still there, ears are roaring, but Chang Le has already killed, the enemy general is unable to react in time, and one person is injured on the spot.

Chen Busan clapped his hands and opened his mouth, obviously applauding, but it was normal that he couldn't hear any sound at the moment.

Seeing that Chang Le still wanted to get another kill, how could the enemy general give him a chance?They rushed forward and surrounded him.

Chang Le's left fist and right palm, using both hands and feet, makes the enemies stagger to protect themselves, and it is difficult to counterattack.

Chen Busan said to himself: "One word, very fierce." As he spoke, he drew out his pipe, and sucked it on his own while pinching the shredded tobacco.

Another moment of fierce fighting, Chang Le's physical strength gradually declined, and an enemy general took advantage of his unpreparedness to attack from behind and slashed his back.

Chen Busan no longer had any reason to stand by and watch, so he raised his knife and slashed at him, breaking into the siege.

While fighting, Chang Le bickered, "Isn't it too bad for a bum? Is standing by the side smoking incense for me?"

Chen Busan laughed and said, "Am I adjusting my breath?"

Chang Le: "I have never seen you adjust breath like this in my life."

Chen Busan joked: "Oh, didn't you see this?" While speaking, a person suddenly stabbed Chang Le in the back, Chen Busan fired the enemy's gun, and another knife came from the side, so Chen Busan had no choice but to raise his hand and return. Protect, abandon the arm to protect the handsome.

Seeing that Chen Busan broke his arm for himself, Chang Le said, "Thank you!"

Chen Busan smiled heartily, "Why are we talking about that?"

Chang Le was moved.

Chen Busan went on to say: "In the future, I will eat, drink, and let you help me."

Chang Le said with a smile: "Get out! Sure enough, dogs can't change eating shit."

Chen Busan smiled and held Chang Le's shoulder.Chang Le supported Chen Busan with one hand, and wielded the machete with the other, indifferently said: "It seems that we are going to explain here today."

Chen Busan smiled and said, "It's an honor to die for the country at this age."

Chang Le: "That's right! To live forever like Feng Qingyang is the greatest achievement in life."

Suddenly a long knife pierced Chang Le's stomach, and Chen Busan immediately squatted down and hit the "leg-sweeping knife", breaking the enemy's leg.

Chang Le stood still, pressing the weapon on his stomach to prevent it from being drawn out, and ruthlessly chopped off the head of the enemy general.

The enemies came to kill with hatred.

Chang Le and Chen Busan supported each other, and their bodies were finally full of weapons.

Then there was an explosion, and a gorgeous fireball exploded from Chen Busan's body.All of a sudden, landslides and ground cracked, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The enemy general was sent flying far away again, and fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

How did they know that Chen Busan squatted down to look like he was chopping off the legs, but in fact he had already secretly pulled the fuse at that time.

After the explosion, the flying sand gradually leveled off.

The field was peaceful for a long time.

The enemy soldier came to his senses and rushed forward to rescue him. He was fainted and died three times, and everyone was frightened.

Including those who died in the previous battle, the number of people who died at the hands of these two old men was five.

There are constant killing sounds in the front, continuous pursuit and killing in the back, and my bosses have all fainted. What do you think should be done?
Everyone thought together for a while, picked an unexpected direction with their backs in a coma and started to escape.

Here Chen Busan and Chang Le finished their curtain calls, and Wu Wengen had already sent a team to the canyon.

When the soldiers rushed into the canyon, there was already a mess, and there was not a single brother standing.

With a heavy heart, the brothers searched carefully, and finally found the unconscious Lei Yuanyuan under the chaotic stone pier.

The brutality of the battle is evident.

In this battle that blossomed on three sides, Wu Wengen killed six thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses; except for seven generals, Chen Busan, Chang Le, and Bian Dan died.

Lei Yuanyuan was lying on the stretcher with her brows frowned, unable to wake up from the bumps. Wu Wengen checked her injuries, and saw a mark on her neck, so he didn't understand what was going on?Bian Dan must have hoped that Lei Yuanyuan could survive, so he chopped her unconscious and hid her.

"Rush to Guangfeng and reinforce the coach."

The confidant asked, "What about her?"

Wu Wengen sighed: "Take it with you. The Lei family has a strong personality and is prone to extremes. If you don't send it to the coach, I'm afraid she will commit suicide when she wakes up."

War is always cruel.

Lei Yuanyuan lost Bian Dan, and Yang Fan lost An Jing.

It is said that after Yang Fan killed the three strong men, he immediately wanted to rush to An Jing's side to reinforce her.

But in this world, there are often many stupid teammates and few stupid enemies.

After seeing Yang Fan kill the three masters by himself, the short-sighted one dared to underestimate the enemy, so the remaining two masters directed the enemy soldiers to attack Yang Fan wave after wave.

This scene appeared on the battlefield, Yang Fan chased and killed the two masters, and the two masters avoided them; stuck in it.

Yang Fan is ups and downs in the sea of ​​people, drifting with the current, parting and reuniting with An Jing, still unable to truly stay together and help each other.

Although Tong Tong kept shooting and killing people, but he lacked fists and feet, and his arm muscles were trembling, how could he dare to fight?It can only be said that it is beyond the reach of the whip, and there is nothing to help.

Yang Fan saw An Jing drifting away, seeing her scarred and distressed, but there was nothing he could do.

Poison Valley's craftsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and he is not afraid of being quiet when fighting alone, but in the chaos of the army, there are dangers everywhere, and the siege of masters is like walking on thin ice.The longer the time dragged on, the more anxious An Jing became, and gradually he showed fatigue. The enemy general seized the opportunity to stab him, and An Jing cut off the spear, staggering to escape.

Yang Fan was so anxious that he speeded up his slashing speed.

At this moment, there was a burst of explosion sound from Chen Busan's direction, and everyone saw the sparks rising into the sky, and looked over at the same time.

Yang Fan knew that this moment of tranquility was bought by the two grandfathers with their lives.

When Yang Fan turned his head again, An Jing had already died on the spot. Yang Fan screamed in despair, and rushed to An Jing without thinking about his own safety, and hugged her in his arms.

Seeing that Yang Fan lost control of his emotions, the two generals secretly rejoiced in their hearts, mingling in the crowd to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire to rob.

Yang Fan trembled and hugged Jing Jing, his lips trembled, but he couldn't say a word.

An Jing raised her bloody hand, as if she wanted to touch Yang Fan's face, but she couldn't because of her weakness.

Yang Fan grabbed An Jing's hand and placed it on his face.

Jing Jing asked: "I have never dared to ask you before. If I don't ask today, I will have no chance. Do you love me?"

Yang Fan nodded again and again, "Love love love."

Jing Jing laughed, closed her eyes and said, "That's great! Knowing that you love me more than just me, but after confirming that you love me, I am really satisfied." As she spoke, her head turned slightly to one side, and she became stiff.

Yang Fan gently put down Quiet.

Unknowingly, his eyes glowed red, and then his breath surged, his hair moved without wind, and then his figure flashed, and the brutal killing began.

With that ghostly body technique, fierce knife skills, and weird killing angle, he cleared the surrounding shrimp soldiers in a short time.

Appearing in front of an enemy general all of a sudden, the enemy general felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a chill came from his neck, followed by gurgling blood spurting from his neck, looking horrified, he couldn't stop covering it.

Seeing this situation, the last person immediately turned around and fled.

Yang Fan naturally refused to let him go, but seeing the general fleeing at the head, coupled with the fear of Yang Fan's ferocity, thousands of enemies split apart in place and were defeated in all directions.

Yang Fan couldn't chase the enemy, so he had to kill the enemy as soon as he saw it, and desperately harvested it.

Wan Gu's curtain call, Yang Fan held Jing An in the middle, and really answered the phrase "One will become eternal".

Tong Tong didn't know how to comfort him, so he simply stayed by Yang Fan's side.

Yang Fan: "Obviously seeing through life and death, but it hurts so much that life is worse than death."

Tong Tong: "Since ancient times, there are many people who can see through life and death, but there are very few people who can let go of their feelings. Your heartache is only because you have feelings."

Yang Fan: "We won?"

Tong Tong nodded, "Victory."

The two fell into silence again, stunned for a long time.He didn't even notice when Wu Wengen led the army to rendezvous.

Wu Wengen looked at the person in Yang Fan's hands, and comforted him, "My condolences!"

Only then did Yang Fan come back to his senses, and thought: I am the commander of the army, I really shouldn't put sadness on my face because of the love of my children, the brothers and sisters who died in the battle, which one is not a flesh and blood person?If I grieve for my dead wife today, tomorrow someone will be timid.

So he put aside his dead wife's emotions and said with a smile, "How was the outcome?"

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