Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 355 Chapter 256 The mummy and Yang Tielan died in battle

The mummy laughed and said: "It seems that your civilization is not noble. If you die for your country, if it is not for future generations, do you want to be recognized by the court? The court is still composed of us poor people. It does not enshrine and assist the court. We don't care about our own considerations. People like you who rely on power and authority calculate their own interests and care about the court's attitude. Didn't you realize that we who are fighting you don't even have a serial number? You didn't realize that we Didn’t your army improvise? Didn’t you find that our supplies were donated by the common people? I don’t even know where you have the courage to criticize other people’s culture and beliefs.”

Wei Shengjin's heart suddenly became confused.Yes, how ridiculous their war was, they fought so hard, but they never fought against other people's regular army.

The mummy said again: "Speaking of which, why didn't we get assistance from the imperial court? Don't you have any idea? You Fulu anointed the way, and the temple was crumbling. , The country is in chaos, how can the imperial court have the energy to take care of us? You have contributed a lot to the door-to-door approach here, and now you still have the intention to pour cold water and blow cold wind here."


The battle was won, but Yang Fan was not happy.

Cleaning up the battlefield and counting the number of people is a matter of course; cremating brothers and burying the bones is also needless to say.

The sun was setting and the atmosphere was gloomy. Yang Fan was walking among the wounded soldiers with shiny silver threads, checking the wounds.

Lei Yuanyuan kept clutching her stomach, lying on the stretcher silently.Seeing Yang Fan walking by, he grabbed Yang Fan and said concernedly: "Your hair is white again!"

Yang Fan said with a half-smile: "Does this count as a white-haired person sending a black-haired person?"

Lei Yuanyuan said speechlessly, "Why are you still joking at this time?"

Yang Fan sat on the stone with a little decadence, rubbed his tired eyes, "Otherwise? I am the coach, I am the spiritual pillar of everyone, how can I fall?"

Lei Yuanyuan looked blankly and said, "How did you feel when you sent An Jing away? My heart hurts when I think about it."

Yang Fan sighed: "So I don't want to, make myself busy, make myself tired, the body is sore, the heart will not hurt so much. But don't learn from me, you have life in your stomach, you can't learn from me."

Lei Yuanyuan: "Thank you!"

Yang Fan: "Thank me for what? What can I thank you for?"

Lei Yuanyuan sighed: "Thank you for being so tolerant of my mistakes. I know that all of this is actually my fault. I didn't listen to orders and acted rashly. That's why I ran into the enemy's sight recklessly, drawing A series of battles followed."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You, you are a very smart person, even if you are a bit reckless, you are also cute. You are just being in love and your IQ is lowered. You just don't feel sad when you see Bian Dan, that's why you don't like it. Listen to the command and act on your own. As for the following things, alas... don't mention it, this is not your fault. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the biggest accident is no accident. You are not surrounded, and others may be surrounded by the enemy .”

Lei Yuanyuan: "Before he died, Bian Dan said that what you did was right. I think what he said was right. After all, it was my willfulness that brought about this result."

Yang Fan: "What's the use of saying this? I separated you at the beginning because of a common sense - people in the period of passionate love tend to be confused, but my mistake was that I didn't give you the task after dividing the team. What's wrong, you just want to see him. For Bian Dan's death, I, the coach, cannot escape the blame. Don't think so much, look forward, and don't get stuck in the past."

Lei Yuanyuan: "En! I want to say something."

Yang Fan: "But it's okay to say."

Lei Yuanyuan looked at her stomach and said seriously, "I want to go home first."

Yang Fan nodded.

Lei Yuanyuan explained: "Statement in advance! I'm not timid, I'm not trying to escape..."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I know, you are for the child in your stomach." He took out a few blueprints from his arms and handed them to Lei Yuanyuan, and said, "Actually, I also plan to send you back sooner. If you don’t shoot pregnant ones, it’s really not suitable for you, a pregnant woman, to stay on the battlefield.”

Lei Yuanyuan looked at the drawing curiously, "This is?"

Yang Fan said: "You are my brother's woman, how can you not have a dowry gift? These blueprints are the ratio of explosives and the proportion of firearms. I think only your Lei family likes and understands the most in this world. You should be It’s my dowry on behalf of my senior brother.”

Lei Yuanyuan: "Seeing this, my father must be very happy."

Yang Fan said seriously: "Also! Senior brother is gone. After giving birth to a child, don't be a widow. If you meet a good man and he still pities you, then you can live a good life."

Lei Yuanyuan shook her head slowly, "Although I don't understand why you said that, but what you said sounds a little insulting to me. Since Bian Dan died for me, then I live as his man and die as his ghost. Where is there any reason to remarry?"

Yang Fan: "I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to insult you, I, I, I... just hope you can be happy."

Lei Yuanyuan looked tired, and turned over on the stretcher, obviously not wanting to talk anymore.

Because Tong Tong had already walked over anxiously, looking at Yang Fan with burning eyes.

Yang Fan: "What's wrong?"

Tong Tong: "There has been no information from the rear, and there has been no rumors about the network on the leader's side." Speaking of this, it is no wonder that Qiaoqian, after they discovered the direction of the enemy's escape, they immediately sent a message to Yang Fan, Helplessly, the two waves of messengers were caught and killed by the enemy when they passed the enemy's rout, which caused a lack of information flow.

Yang Fan's heart trembled, and he rushed to wait for the news.

Don't worry about the chaotic army fleeing in a panic, just fear that the enemy will find the rear by accident.


Wei Shengjin said helplessly: "My uncle is my uncle after all! Let's stop talking nonsense, let's have a quick fight!"

The mummy said: "The old man blocked your way for the purpose of fighting. You just want to argue with the old man. Aren't you bringing shame on yourself? Back then, Feng Qingyang wanted me to abandon evil and do good through preaching. Guess what? After talking for three days and three nights, I benefited a lot, and he almost broke his Dao heart. If you bicker with me, you are bringing shame on yourself."

Wei Shengjin didn't want to talk anymore, he waved his hand, and one person walked out of the crowd, and immediately fought with the mummy.

The mummy's abdomen had been painted, and her movements could not be as coordinated as before. Every move felt sluggish. It didn't take long for a spot to be stained red on her stomach.

Yang Tielan kept squatting aside and playing alone, as if she had lost her soul, turning a blind eye to the intensifying battle around her.

The mummy gradually broke down, fighting and retreating.

The enemy pursued and beat him fiercely, and he would not give up.

The mummy suddenly yelled, and Yang Tielan rushed out to kill the enemy as if her soul had returned to her body.

The enemy retreated in a hurry, caught off guard, and was stabbed by Yang Tielan. Although he was seriously injured and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, he would not die on the spot.

Wei Shengjin gritted his teeth and said, "This is your hole card, right?" After speaking, he drew his sword and stepped forward, and the three major enemies rushed forward.

The mummy and Yang Tielan were no match for four punches with two palms, they lost sight of each other, and the ones who were killed retreated in a row and were in danger.

Knowing that today's deadline has come, the mummy and Yang Tielan looked at each other, and changed positions, with the mummy in front and Yang Tielan behind, they fought and killed ruthlessly, completely disregarding their own safety.

Wei Shengjin was afraid in his heart, and retreated a little.

It was this position that allowed Wei Shengjin to save his life.

After the mummy slashed wildly, he rushed to the enemy general and stabbed the enemy general's weapon with a puff.

The enemy crowd was stunned on the spot. They had seen someone who was sent to death, but they had never seen someone who was sent to death like this.

But before they could react, the mummy had already hugged the enemy.

After this operation, who can understand the intention?
Don't worry!The mystery will be revealed soon.

I saw Yang Tielan wielding the silver spear, stabbing directly into the mummy's back, then passing through the mummy's chest, and piercing into the chest of the enemy general.

The enemy general is hugged tightly by the mummy, he can't see clearly, he can't figure it out, he can react there, even if he can react, he can't break free.

When Wei Shengjin and the others reacted and understood, they were already cold.

Wei Shengjin yelled angrily, and killed Yang Tielan with hatred.

Yang Tielan was outnumbered, and finally fell down after a lot of fighting, but Wei Shengjin and the others didn't seem to be happy at all.

The four masters fought against two wounded enemies, but one was killed and the other was seriously injured. No one would be happy if they killed the enemy.

Wei Shengjin said in his heart: "It's really too ruthless, this cooperation, this calculation, even myself will not be spared."

Everyone didn't know what to do for a while, and after looking at each other, they looked at Wei Shengjin who was also in a daze.

Wei Shengjin muttered to himself: "It seems that we have been in the enemy's trap from the beginning to the end."

"how do I say this?"

Wei Shengjin: "According to past experience, we all preconceived that they ambushed the enemy nearby, but the fact? They didn't ambush soldiers, they frightened us with empty plans, and then delayed our time with chatting We dare not press down with a large army, because we are afraid of an ambush ahead; we also dare not charge all at once, because we are afraid of an ambush by masters."

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