Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 357 258 Barrel Farm Civil War

Wu Qian remembered that her personal guards and this plain-looking woman were all arranged by Yang Fan.Apart from being dedicated to their duties, these women are usually taciturn. She is busy with official duties, so naturally she didn't get to know them.

Wu Qian felt that the voice was familiar, but couldn't remember who it was, so he asked in surprise, "You are?"

The woman peeled off her face, revealing Lushan's true face. She was Qi Fan who disguised herself as a man and shared the bed with Yang Fan, and pretended to be Xiao Qi, a doctor who had deceived Yang Fan's own people.

Wu Qian suddenly realized: "The original you?"

While killing the enemy, Doctor Ah said, "After Yang Fan came back, there will be no news of me. Aren't you curious?"

Wu Qian: "There are so many people in the army, I thought you were on a special mission."

A doctor: "Isn't it a special mission? My mission is to disguise myself and mix with your personal guards to protect you secretly."

Ah Yi was originally a hidden guard killer raised by Zhu Qingshan. He had a special identity. If he flaunted it, he was afraid of being found out and causing unnecessary trouble.Yang Fan thought over and over again, quietly pulled A doctor to a corner, and assigned this task.

A doctor knows that his status is inconvenient, but his state and martial arts are worthy of great responsibility. Wu Yu's intelligence is enough to stabilize the backyard, but his strength is not satisfactory and not popular.Yang Fan's proper arrangement allowed Wu Qiang and Ah Yi to complement each other's strengths and give each other their own strengths. In this way, one light and one dark, one article and one martial arts, Wu Qian's safety was guaranteed, and Ah Yi could also take the opportunity to see the children more.

A doctor readily accepted.

Wu Qiang smiled happily when he thought of Yang Fan's dedication to her in the "war is merciless theory".

Wu Yan blamed, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

A doctor said: "I am your amulet, and I can't use it until the last moment. This is what Yang Fan said. If I came out early, would I be able to kill the master just now so easily?"

Wu Qian: "That's true, what should we do now?"

Ah doctor: "I will fight to the death, you retreat to the back."

Wu Qian: "How can I run away? We are sisters, we will die together if we die."

A doctor: "This is a battlefield, not a love scene. You are handsome, I am a general, you are a general, I am a soldier, I have to die before you, so that we are more likely to wait for the final victory. The army needs a smart Leader, the children need a wise mother to protect them, if I live and you die, I don’t have the confidence to take care of so many children, but you can, do you understand what I mean?”

Wu Qian said: "Understood!"

The doctor is not hypocritical, "Let's go!"

Wu Yan didn't hesitate, turned his head and left, "Take care!"

The battle was extremely fierce, shaking the valley, and Wu Qian hardened his heart and groped his way forward in the dark mountain, with only three female guards by his side.

While running, Wu Qian suddenly squatted down and burst into tears.

It was she who arranged for the disciples of the Wanzhu sect to go and never return.

Yang Tielan's death was arranged by her.

The mummy of Yang Fan's grandfather died, which was arranged by her.

But she is in power, and she can't show the slightest sadness and pain in front of people.

Now that Ah Yi sacrificed herself for her, most of the time she was dead, and in this place where there were no subordinates, she finally couldn't help crying.

What is more difficult to parry than the enemy's knives is often the cowardice and stupidity of one's own coach. Wu Yan is naturally not stupid, but the sudden cowardice is obviously a bit inexplicably bitter.The three female guards spoke softly to comfort them, but they were at a loss as to what to do.

Fortunately, Wu Yan just wanted to vent. After crying for a while, he wiped away his tears and nose, and started running again.

Wu Qian suddenly thought of Yang Fan again, this man was born without tears, how much sorrow must be pretended in his heart, but there is nowhere to release it?Sucking his nose, he suddenly began to feel sorry for his man.

I just ran while crying, and when I ran back to the rear, I was already panting and exhausted.

She held the spring in her face, forcibly lifted her spirits, and walked into Tongfan Town with vain steps.Tongfan Town was already overcrowded, the atmosphere was oppressive, and the war spirit was high, as if a gas leaked from a secret room—it would ignite at any moment.

It turned out that Lu Xiongshen, Liu Ben, and Liu Bai had already learned that the base camp was suffering. Lu Xiongshen brought in [-] new troops overnight, and Liu Ben and Liu Bai even brought in [-] new troops non-stop, so this small border town suddenly seemed crowded. up.

Seeing Wu Qian returned unharmed, everyone surrounded her like stars and moons. Wu Qian did not mention the child, looked around without finding the child, and went directly to the topic, explaining the current situation and stating the severity of the situation.

"The rear has lost contact with the main force, and we have been caught by the enemy's tail. Many brothers have sacrificed to cover the rear transfer, and now there is not much time left for us."

"How many enemies are there?"

Wu Qian: "It's too dark and the forest is too deep. Actually, I can't see clearly. There are about 3000 people."

"What should we do now?"

Wu Qi: "Empty Tongfan Town, send away the old, the weak, women and children. We can die, but the children can't be spared. Many of those children are already orphans. If they are spared, what is the meaning of the sacrifices of the brothers and our sacrifices?" ?Let them take swords and swords, bring enough food, and retreat in groups."

Wu Qian and the others couldn't wait to think about one plan after another, and all the soldiers were in full swing to implement one order after another.

But the fortifications on the outskirts of the town have not yet been formed, and the enemy team has already arrived.

Thousands of unkempt and ragged enemies surrounded the town.

At this moment, Wei Shengjin has changed from blond hair and blue eyes to black hair and red eyes, with a hideous face; the original graceful and luxurious has also become sloppy and unruly.

He squinted angrily with one eye open, making him look even more ferocious, and the head hanging from his waist dyed his lower body red, not only seeing the fierceness of the previous battle, but also highlighting Wei Shengjin's state .

After a short period of calm, Wei Shengjin threw the head at Wu Qiang's waist.

Without fear or hesitation, Wu Yan stretched out his hands, caught the head, put it in his arms and patted it lightly, then brushed the hair on the head, and wiped the dirt on her face with his sleeves.

That's... her head, that's... her sister, how could Wu Qian be afraid?Wu Qian whispered softly: "Little sister! We're going home!"

Wei Shengjin was a little surprised, the deterrent effect he thought had no effect at all.However, this did not hinder his attack. With a big wave of his hand, the soldiers below were like wild beasts coming out of the cage, with red eyes, screaming to kill.

The cause of brutality is not bravery, but desire.Because Wei Shengjin had mobilized before this battle, and after entering the enemy's town, half of the property belonged to himself, and there was no limit to rape and looting.

Stimulated by money and women, the enemy burst out with unprecedented toughness, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as brave and fearless.

Lu Xiongshen commanded Ruoding, and when the shooting was ineffective, he took out the three-meter Guan Gong knife, took the lead in fighting, and shouted: "For the sake of the daughter-in-law and children in the family, I fought this old life! Kill!"

Wu Qi climbed up and shouted: "Brothers and sisters! The enemy invaded for no reason, burned, killed and looted all the way. In the captured towns, all the men were wiped out, and the women's life would be better than death. Needless to say, kill! We women are strong It’s not big, it’s true that we can’t kill a few, but it’s okay for the three of us to exchange one life, who is not going to die? Why are you afraid of death? If you die, you will be innocent, and if you live, you will be cheap.”

A tough aunt replied loudly: "Things that are not as good as animals, if they want to lick my ass, they can only lick the dead ass."

With such a chilling atmosphere, such bold words suddenly appeared, Wu Qian staggered, so he didn't fall to the ground.

Wu Qian couldn't laugh or cry and said: "My aunt is my aunt after all."

Lu Xiongshen praised loudly: "Talent, this is definitely a fucking talent."

The two armies clashed, and the blood stained the loess.

In the sudden battle, our side underestimated the opponent, and the loss was not insignificant. After we got used to it, the situation suddenly became stalemate.

There is no way, the adaptability and resilience of the Chinese descendants are the best in the world.

Street fighting, street fighting, forest fighting, fighting has tricks.

If you are strong, I will dodge flexibly.

If you are tall, I will jump and fight with you.

If you are strong, I will slowly bleed you.

You are steady, sorry for my monkey stealing peaches.

You are good at martial arts, I will fight three to one.

You have enough internal strength, I will shoot cold arrows.

If you dare not look down on women, women will teach you how to behave.

How dare you look down on the old man, the old man will make you miss your parents.

We are not good at martial arts, so we will be singled out in group fights.

When we are wounded, we embrace the enemy and perish together.

We are short in stature, so we just drill here and there to catch chickens and poke birds.

Even if we are afraid of dying, we will bite the enemy.

Assault, strike, kill, kill, kill to see the blood.

Wei Shengjin: "The people who are extremely weak can burst out with such blood. I really didn't expect such a result."

Wu Qian: "Aren't there many things you didn't expect?"

Wei Shengjin looked around for a week, Wu Yan, Lu Xiongshen, Liu Ben, Liu Bai... had a panoramic view but seemed disdainful, and said, "However, it's useless to have too many people."

Lu Xiongshen: "Whether we are useful or not, you don't count if you say it, and we don't count if we say it. Our martial arts are not good, but as long as we can kill you, even if we can't kill you, it's fine if we can stop you from invading the motherland. We If you know what you are fighting for and why you are dying, people will meet when you are alive, and pay homage to you when you are dead, that’s all.”

Wei Shengjin blinked the one-eyed dragon, "Don't you look like a scholar?"

Lu Xiongshen: "It's just a few years of reading. These days, there are many scholars like me who are ambitious and not down-to-earth. Soldiers who don't know how to read are cute and respectable."

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