Chapter 36
The time is fair, and the end is not responsible for work.

Under Yang Fan's hard work day and night, he finally broke through to the first-class middle stage after half a month.

It's true that kung fu only bears the people of the time, and kung fu pays off those who have a heart.

For half a month, under the guidance of Yang Fan, the disciples have embarked on the road of martial arts one after another. A few of them have reached the middle stage of the third rate, and the rest are also in the early stage of the third rate.The happy Chen Busan was full of kindness every day, which made Wu Qian work harder, and even the dumb man felt the invisible pressure.

Don't look at just entering martial arts, the results are not obvious, in fact, it is not easy to go from nothing to a third-rate. There are countless people in this world. It takes a year or two to practice to a third-rate, and some even take longer.After all, there is an old saying that everything is difficult at the beginning.

Now that he has entered martial arts, Yang Fan pretended to be serious and named his disciples in anticipation of his disciples. Why did Yang Fan pretend to be serious?Because except for the little boy and the little girl who thought about it for a while, the names of the others are all distinguished by the order in which they embarked on martial arts, and they were stolen from the content of "Thousand Characters".

For example, the eldest disciple's surname is Li, so he is called Li Tiandi.

The second disciple is a woman, so I only see Xuan Huang.

The fourth disciple's surname is Zhang, and his name is Zhang Yuzhou.

The fifth disciple happened to be a female disciple named Honghuang.

... (Don't ask why female disciples have no surnames, because in ancient times, what a woman's surname is is not important at all, and many people even have no names at all. Wu Zetian's name was chosen by her own man. As for the uncommon name later, it was her I took it for myself after I became an empress.)
As for why not mention the third disciple, because the third is a brat.In order to lay a good foundation for the kid, Yang Fan has been polishing his body intentionally or unintentionally, consuming the breath in his body.

But gold still has to shine, and talent is always inspired.When Xiaoshihua set foot on the road of martial arts, Yang Fan put a little thought into him and gave him an unintentional name: Jintong.

His little girl sister is naturally called Yunu.

The golden boy and the jade girl attract wealth and treasure.How lucky.

Speaking of this, Yang Fan had to mention Yunu, the little girl who waters flowers and plants all day long, she can remember plants after teaching them once, obviously she has medical talent.

So Yang Fan took out medical books with illustrations such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Classic of Herbal Medicine", and "Poison" every day when he had time to teach her to identify them one by one.

But as the saying goes, if you gain something, you lose it.Although Wanzhu Island seems to have a thriving sect these days, it can't stand the large consumption of people. The food, clothing, housing and transportation of so many people up and down are irrelevant, but the demand for medicinal materials for so many people can be at least one day after careful calculation. It costs 60 taels, and the consumption of a day can crush a middle-class family.

With the improvement of the realm, the consumption of money will only increase. How long can the property of 50,000 taels last?
So at night, Yang Fan's room was brightly lit, and he was either writing at his desk or pacing back and forth.

I was thinking about one link after another in my heart, weaving a smooth tomorrow for Wanzhu Island and creating a bright future for my disciples.

For cultivation, boredom is always greater than sweat, and for life, confusion is always greater than hope.

Because many things cannot be accomplished overnight, and many ideas cannot reach the sky in one step.

Fortunately, Yang Fan knows how to find a different kind of warmth in adversity. Under his care, Wu Qi has grown fleshy, the younger disciples have grown taller, and Chen Busan has recovered from his internal injuries. Play hide and seek together.

Maturity is inside, not form.The purest people in this world are children, and the most mature are the elderly, but many people refuse to approach children, thinking that this is a sign of immaturity; they also refuse to have long talks with the elderly, thinking that being too mature means lack of vitality.

Compared with the shortcoming, the young is not long. In fact, mature adults are the most immature people.

On this day, Yang Fan solemnly called Chen Busan and Wu Qian to the study, and even the dumb man was never absent.

Without the supervision of the elders, the big disciples outside the room could still discipline themselves for a while, but the younger disciples started to be mischievous, lying outside the study window and listening to the corner.

The disciples only heard their master's high or low, excited, or calm speeches inside.But I didn't understand what it meant.

After lying on the corner of the window and listening to the base of the wall for a long time, the older disciples were gradually attracted to him, and they were fascinated by listening.

Many of the words that the master said were beyond the grasp of the people, such as "commercial support", such as "arsenal armor", such as "Caofang Pharmaceutical", such as "closed island practice".

Of course, many of Master’s words can still be understood. For example, "the school is divided into three categories", which are the personal sect, the inner sect, and the outer sect. of.

For example, "keep the rope on the broken bridge", which means that the bridge leading to the outside of the island will be cut down, and only iron chains will be tied to the two sides of the island.

For example, "Master's Gang Song" means that the school will ask Mr. Master to educate the disciples on martial arts, and even write down the rules for everyone to obey. song of.

For example, "Let the river in one realm" means that as long as the disciples have cultivated to the first-class realm, they can go to the rivers and lakes and travel around the world.

The older disciples were excited when they heard it, while the younger ones were novel and interesting.But regardless of whether they are mature or immature, understand or not, they all know that Wan Zhumen will be very different in the future.

After the discussion in the study that day, the four of them divided into three groups, Yang Fan was in one group, Chen Busan was in another group, Wu Qian and the dumb man were in one group, and they went in three directions.

Seeing the backs of the master, grandpa, godmother, and even the dumb man leaving, all the disciples felt sad, the younger disciples shed tears involuntarily, and the older disciples were also a little bit out of their minds.

The jade girl cried even more, she called back and asked her brother Jintong, "Did daddy not want us anymore?"

With red eyes, the golden boy said forcefully, "If he dares not want us, I will not die for him."

Senior brother Li Tiandi slapped him on the back of the head and scolded with a smile: "You bastard! What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know what it means to die?"

The golden boy said seriously: "Why don't I know, to be filial to the end, to be filial to the end, and to be filial to the end, of course, to be filial to the end."

The master slapped his forehead, so he had no choice but to write down this knowledge point that confused him, and then ask the master for advice when the time is right.

The second senior sister Xuanhuang is already 12 years old, and already has the aura of a little adult. She stroked the heads of the jade girl and the golden boy, and said with concern: "Master will definitely come back. You can rest assured about this. The master said tomorrow at the latest, and told me Tell me that there are people protecting us near us, and let me take my older brothers to cook."

Looking around, although there is no sign of someone protecting them, he still believes that Master will not lie to them. He said that there must be someone protecting them nearby, but they are too low to see it.

Ever since, Wanzhu Island ushered in the day when the little ghost is in charge.

It is only after being in charge that I realize that it is not easy for adults.

The disciples lit a fire and gave birth to a group of big tabby cats. They managed to light the fire, but because the fire burned out of the stove, they were frightened and thought that there was going to be a big fire. The younger disciple poured out a pot of water, and the ones that went out were still alive. There is a fire inside the stove.

The big disciples had no choice but to drive a group of younger ones out to play. Facing the wet stove, it took a lot of effort to rekindle hope.

The fire is on and the pot is hot.Should I put the eggs first?Or put the chili first?Everyone was in trouble again, and finally it was the older female disciple who woke everyone up—the oil should be drained first.

It is conceivable how wonderful the taste of this meal should be.

Needless to say, those little disciples, there were those who chased chickens and ducks, jumped up and down, went down the river to touch crabs, climbed bamboo and beat snakes, fought and urinated everywhere, none of them were skinny, none of them... a quiet one.

No one covered them with quilts at night, and those who woke up from the cold kicked those who snored, and it was strange that they kicked their own quilts.The snorer scolded him for being stupid. You kicked the quilt every day because Master covered you in the middle of the night. You have the nerve to say that someone else kicked your quilt.

In the early morning of the next day, no one pulled their quilts or spanked their buttocks. When they woke up naturally, they lifted their crotches and looked around for the master they relied on.

But where can I see Yang Fan's figure, even the figure of an adult can't be found, so a few young disciples booed and cried and called Master.

Occasional painful experience may not be all good, at least it teaches you to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and it also teaches you to be mature and strong; short separation is not all good, it allows disciples to deepen their feelings for the sect and learn to be independent.

Around noon the next day, Yang Fan, Chen Busan, Wu Qian and the dumb man came back one by one.

Dozens of people followed behind each person, including large and small packages, densely packed bamboo baskets, and all kinds of tools.

It turned out that they went to sweep all the slave workshops in the left and right counties, and they brought back more than 100 people.

Several people walked into the study and negotiated.

Chen Busan smiled and said: "I brought back four blacksmiths, three medicine farmers, and 26 strong laborers. I couldn't tell the difference between those who were old enough to practice martial arts, so I bought everything I saw. Just seven people."

Wu Qian said: "Brother Dumb and I didn't walk very far, so we didn't find many slaves in the underground market. The blacksmith brought back 2 people, and the medicine farmers 15 people. The labor force was uneven. I brought back 5000 people, nine of whom were suitable for martial arts training. People. The biggest sum of money I spent was buying two shops, and the two shops cost more than [-] taels, and the location and area are not so good.”

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It's okay, good wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and good medicine is why no one asks. As long as the pharmacy has the Wanzhudao signboard, it will be difficult to lose money."

This statement is true, after all, grandpa and he have been sitting on the island for more than ten years, waiting for others to ask for medical treatment, and their reputation has long been known. If the grandpa and grandson didn't like to be clean and don't like to make publicity, the threshold should have been changed several times.

Rescuing people in emergencies, treating patients in danger, this is the code of conduct that grandpa taught his doctors.There is no difference between high and low, and everyone is treated equally. This is the medical ethics taught by his grandfather.

With such a grandpa who has established his brand and reputation, if he loses money, it can only show that he is not good at learning.

(End of this chapter)

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