Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 362 Chapter 263

Although Wu Qian was wearing this hat, there was no joy on his face.Because of the most worrying child problem, she has not heard the following.

Before asking questions, Yang Sifan continued: "We only thought that the enemy was dead, so we dared to wander under Yuanyin Mountain unscrupulously. Who would have thought that there was actually one of the enemies whose lower body was smashed, and it was not that he passed out. Dead. When we realized that the man had suddenly exploded and hijacked Yiman’s sister, we had no choice but to let the enemy hijack my sister and leave west.”

Wu Jie only felt dizzy, and the ground was spinning. Fortunately, Tong Tong was there to support him, otherwise he might have fallen over.Wu Qian cried: "What should I do, what should I do, what should I do? Xiao Qi is trying to cover... If her child ever makes a mistake, how can I feel sorry for her? How can I have the face to see her under the nine springs?"

Tong Tong didn't have any confusion, looked at Yang Sifan, and asked, "What happened to my sister?"

Yang Sifan: "The villain was seriously injured. In order to save his life, he must not have dared to kill his sister. After all, he bled a lot from his lower body. I think since he wants to go home, he has to kidnap his sister to go home. Go west. We are following the villain, not daring to get close or lose it, and we are afraid that you will not find us, so we keep making marks so that you can find us."

Wu Yu looked at Tong Tong, and walked aside without saying a word.

Tong Tong understood what she meant, and followed Wu Jie out of the range of the children.

Seeing that he was far away from the child, Tong Tong stopped and looked at Wu Jie, and said seriously, "I'll go with you!"

Wu Yan shook his head: "No way! Although you are highly skilled in martial arts, it is bound to be a disaster if you step out of the country. You are young and have no heirs. When the time comes, you will feel guilty and restless, which will only increase the risk. Besides, can you watch Are underage kids going on an adventure with us?"

Tong Tong was silent, not knowing how to answer.

Wu Qian said gently: "Xiaoqi told me that when the old god Fengqingyangfeng gave you orders, he said that you are the lucky general of your husband, have you forgotten? If you go abroad with me, don't you take Did you take away your husband's blessing? Didn't you put Yang Fan in danger?"

Tong Tong nodded and said, "But I'm afraid you're in danger!"

Wu Qian said: "Silly girl! You are afraid that I will be in danger, so aren't you afraid that the child will be in danger? I already have a son, but you don't have one, and Xiaoqi can't be without a son."

Tong Tong: "But..."

Wu Qian interrupted: "Don't worry about it." Her tone was low, and she said slowly: "I am the daughter of a low-status merchant. After being wiped out by Xiemapo bandits, I lived on the street and begged for a living. If it wasn't for me Yang Fan picked me up from the Town God's Temple. It is estimated that I will never get to know the sisters in my life, let alone have such a vigorous experience. Really, I used to have a grudge because I served a husband with you. After this battle, I immediately understood your selflessness and dedication. Xiaoqi loves Yang Fan, but she will not hate me because Yang Fan loves me, and she can sacrifice herself to save me. It is impossible for me to leave her flesh and blood No matter. As for these children, I believe you can take good care of them."

Tong Tong: "Actually, you are also very good..."

Wu Qian said to himself: "Although my martial arts skills are the worst among the sisters, but to put it bluntly, 'see people's words', 'see people's actions', you sisters are not as good as me, earning money to make a living is not as good as me. I am more difficult to match you than you, so I am more suitable than you to go abroad to save people. Yang Fan is naturally better than me, but his status is too special. If he goes abroad, the entire Condor Empire will definitely kill him, but if Why isn't he going abroad? Is it time for others to kill me?"

This makes sense, Tong Tong really did not expect it to be so far-reaching.

Wu Qian said: "I have the realm of super middle stage, and the books written and translated by Yang Fan, these will become my living conditions and guarantee after I go abroad. I will hand over the child and Yang Fan to you, is that okay?"

Having said that, Tong Tong could only nod his head solemnly.

Wu Yu held Tong Tong in his arms, then turned his head and left, heading towards the Condor Empire.

Looking at Wu Jie's back, Tong Tong felt his heart agitated, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

When Tong Tong returned to the children, he found that Yang Sifan was also missing. After waiting left and right, he searched around again, but he still disappeared.

An Xin carefully handed a piece of letter paper to Tong Tong.

Tong Tong opened it, and it turned out to be a letter from Yang Sifan.

The letter is very broken, but the meaning is very clear.Yang Sifan said that he wanted to protect the mistress and his younger sister, so he had already gone in the direction of the Eagle Empire.

Tong Tong didn't dare to take a group of children to dangerous places, sighed helplessly, and once again became a chivalrous nurse.

Fortunately, this time there is no need to rob the milk.

On the other side, Yang Fan and Chen Shusheng had reached the junction of Qingzhou, Yaozhou and Yuzhou - Yushan.

There are outstanding people and pleasant scenery here.

Yang Fan indulged in the mountains and rivers with all his heart, intending to annihilate the sadness after the war, "The scenery here is so beautiful, look at the mountain called Sanqing, it is like a veiled beauty, graceful and mysterious. If it is not because of time constraints, I must go up and have fun for a few days."

Chen Shusheng asked with a smile: "There will be opportunities to visit mountains and rivers, but, second son Yang, do you want to know what is the best scenery in Yushan?"

Yang Fan: "Oh? What is it?"

Chen Shusheng: "If you want to talk about the most moving scenery of Yushan, it must be the girls of Yushan. They are exquisite, delicate, charming and charming. They are really too beautiful."

Yang Fan pointed to Chen Shusheng, with an expression that you are such a person, "Brother Chen! So you are such a person, okay, I will remember what you said from the bottom of your heart today, and I will tell your wife when I have a chance that day." , but what do you do?"

Chen Shusheng spread his hands, and said without fear of boiling water, "I'm not afraid that Mr. Yang will tell my experience."

Before Yang Fan could answer, Chen Shusheng smiled proudly, "Because my wife is from Yushan."

The two laughed and walked happily.

Suddenly, beside the Shili Pavilion, a disheveled doctor stood in front of Yang Chen.

Chen Shusheng exclaimed: "Mr. Zhong Shan! Why are you here?"

Although Yang Fan was face-blind, he would never forget this medical master with aloof temperament.

Yang Fan immediately got off his horse and saluted, "I met Mr. Zhong Shan!"

Zhong Shan didn't like politeness, so he directly welcomed Yang Fan to the gazebo, and it was not out of his line to make daily routines and relationships, "The drug detoxification prescription last time was indeed very good, but the medicine is too strong, not suitable for people who are weak. It is also not suitable for overdose, I made improvements on the basis of your prescription, and divided it into three types of medicines: A, B, and C, so that the right medicine can be prescribed according to the quality of the constitution."

Yang Fan bowed and said: "Mr. Zhongshan hangs the pot to help the world, it is really Hua Tuo who is alive."

Zhong Shan said solemnly: "Don't say that there are some of them, I just like to study medicine, it's nothing special."

Yang Fan: "I don't know how the zombie virus is doing now?"

Zhong Shan said: "I came here precisely for this purpose."

Yang Fan: "En?"

Zhong Shan: "This zombie virus has found an antidote, but every time it gets to the last step, it's always a little bit worse."

Yang Fan: "Almost what?"

Zhong Shan didn't look at Chen Shusheng from the beginning to the end, and now he looked at Chen Shusheng when he was talking about the key point.

Chen Shusheng: "I understand!" He walked out of the gazebo and went outside to guard.Fortunately, Mr. Zhong Shan now has a heavy responsibility, and there are always guards by his side, so Chen Shusheng's vigilance is not so weak.

Zhong Shan took out a prescription and spread it in front of Yang Fan, "Please help me to see it."

Yang Fan: "Boy, you don't have much talent and learning, your old belly has a gap..."

Zhong Shan interrupted: "Don't say these useless polite words, you are a medical student, you should know the particularity of our profession, the same disease, although the old Chinese doctor has three methods, it may be that, The only method among young doctors happens to be the best. Although there is a saying in our industry that there is a saying that "there is a priority when you hear the truth", but there is also a saying that "there is a specialization in the art industry."

Yang Fan nodded approvingly.

Zhong Shan carefully took out a piece of paper and said in a low voice: "This prescription is the result of [-] experiments conducted by me and [-] old Chinese medicine practitioners. Everyone is at a loss. I thought of your drug rehab prescription and guessed that you must have two brushes. I found out that you are coming back from the front line soon, so I came here to ask you to see if you can find a breakthrough. .”

After seeing the prescription, Yang Fan's rigorous character for scientific research also emerged, and he interrupted Zhong Shan's introduction unceremoniously.

"Do not talk!"

Zhong Shan was not angry, but nodded in relief.That's right, this is the character of an excellent doctor.

It was so quiet in the gazebo for a cup of tea.

Yang Fan held the pen and delayed the calculation while thinking.

Zhong Shan thought while watching Yang Fan think.

Yang Fan said earnestly: "Although there are three kinds of poison in it, they really have a miraculous effect when put together."

Zhong Shan smiled and said: "People who know how to do things are different. These three medicines and the toxins in the zombie virus grow in the same environment, and they are poisonous when taken individually, but they can be combined to destroy the toxins, so don't look at them. Poison, but they are the key to this zombie virus."

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