Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 61 Inner Alchemy

Chapter 61 Neidan (two or three chapters of love, don't worry)
Yang Fan patted Bian Dan on the shoulder and said, "I have established a sect in Wanzhu Island. The patriarch is my grandfather. I am the godfather of the head. Brother...will you return to the sect?"

Bian Dan cupped his hands and shouted: "See the master!" His eyes were silently moist, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Yang Fan helped Bian Dan up, patted the back of his hand, and was speechless.

The two sat facing each other, held a cup of tea each, and drank it all in one gulp.

Yang Fan looked at the scriptures bought by Bian Dan, and said frankly: "Can I copy this book?"

Bian Tan smiled, and joked, "Do you know this word?" Then he gave the "Chongyang Danjing" to Yang Fan without any suspicion.

Copying books is the only magic weapon for the master to punish Yang Fan, but Yang Fan gradually developed his hobby.

Yang Fan laughed and said, "If you don't copy, how do you know if you recognize it or not?"

Bian Wei looked at Yang Fan strangely, and suddenly asked: "Then do you know our young lady now?"

Yang Fan smiled heartily, "Naturally."

Bian Dan nodded, looked at Yang Fan playfully, got up and left, and said, "Then copy it carefully, I won't bother you."

Yang Fan couldn't recall it for a long time.

"How do you know if you don't know if you don't copy?"

"Then do you know our young lady now?"

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his cheeks twitched. This old driver was going too fast.

Yang Fan opened the "Chongyang Danjing", the expression on his face was solemn at first, then surprised, and finally delighted.

This book contains three kinds of elixirs, the Breaking Realm Pill, the Breaking Yi Pill, and the Earth Immortal Pill.

Yang Fan was in high spirits, holding the scriptures and patting them gently, as if he had found a treasure.

The functions of these three kinds of elixirs are all to improve the state, which is very important for a sect, and it can even be said to be upside down.

Yang Fan didn't rush to copy, but read and recited carefully, pondering carefully, good things should be hidden where others can't see them, and even where he can see them - memorizing is the best way.

Chess trees, chess pavilions, and chess tables are full of flat people sitting, like literati and elegant scholars, elegant and casual.

It's just that the reddish eyes pulled Wen Ya's legs.

Bian Dan smiled awkwardly and said, "It's all because the eldest lady is so beautiful."

Cheng Song, Cheng Qing and Qi Fan didn't know why and were at a loss.

Bian Tan went on to say: "It caused a whole room of male mosquitoes and flies to fly around, and they all ran into my eyes."

Cheng Song smiled slightly, feeling baffled; Qi Fan was noncommittal, as if he understood it clearly.

Cheng Qingxiu glanced at him, and murmured, "Is this preemptive trick of making something out of nothing unique to Wanzhu Island?"

Bian Dan laughed and said, "I'm such a big and well-behaved old man, how can I create something out of nothing? If you don't believe me, you can go to your own room and have a look, don't let someone feed the mosquitoes."

Cheng Qingzhong stood up and said, "Hmph! I'll go and see what's true. If I find out that you lied to me, I'll turn around and make you look good."

Bian Dan smiled and said, "You look good, let me see it or not."

Cheng Qing stuck out her tongue, put on her skirt and trotted, with the fire burning.

Bian Dan shouted: "You have to follow Yang Fan to learn 'creating something out of nothing'."

Cheng Qing turned around and danced his fists at Bian Dan, and she disappeared in an instant.

Cheng Song smiled wryly at Bian Dan: "You've just overused a word like that."

Qi Fan didn't know what it meant, and said in a daze, "Brother, what does this mean? Did the military master say something wrong?"

Bian Dan smiled without saying a word, leisurely and contented.

Cheng Songdao: "Creating something from nothing, isn't it all a woman's function? You taste it, you taste it carefully."

Qi Fan blushed slightly, bowed his head and remained silent.

Cheng Songdao: "I want Yang Fan to accept these subordinates, dispatch troops and generals, and complete the goal of unifying the bandits. What do you think?"

Bian Dan smiled and said: "This is your own business, whoever comes in, I will take orders, even if you let Lingmei take charge, I will be happy to accept it."

Qi Fan looked at Bian Dan, and couldn't help secretly praising him for being so humane.

Cheng Song smiled heartily and said, "When will I inform you, your master, to let my younger sister marry Yang Fan?"

Bian Dan's expression froze, he shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid it's not going to work?"

Cheng Song's face darkened, "What do you mean?"

Bian Dan said: "My master has already driven the crane west, so I can't tell you."

Cheng Song sighed, didn't say much, changed the topic and said: "Play chess and chess, today I will have a good time with you."

Bian Dan smiled and said, "It's hard work for the boss! Let's just watch the battle."

Cheng Song looked at Bian Dan in confusion, and thought, "What's wrong with the chess basket today? I even refused to play chess with him." But Bian Dan looked at Qi Fan with piercing eyes, and the fighting spirit and provocation in his eyes were clear at a glance.

Qi Fan smiled and said, "Zhan Zhan?"

Cheng Biansheng was eager to try, "Zhan Zhan."

Qi Fan nodded and said, "Fight and fight."

Bian Dan and Qi Fan looked at Cheng Song at the same time, grinning, and Bian Dan said, "Can I trouble you to stand beside me, and we can change places."

Cheng Song, who didn't like playing chess before and didn't care about winning or losing, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It's not that you don't want to have fun playing chess, but you don't feel happy if you win chess with me?

Cheng Song got up and changed positions, he was very knowledgeable about current affairs.

The battle of gentlemen and the battle of wisdom kicked off.

In the wing room, Yang Fan couldn't put down the book, forgetting himself in reading.The various graphics, reasoning, analysis, and drafts on the table are chaotic but orderly.

The door was opened lightly, and a ghostly face poked into the room, but it was Cheng Qing sticking out his tongue, tiptoeing to see if there were really mosquitos in the room.Hmm... At least Cheng Qing thinks so.

Yang Fan, who was too focused, didn't know that someone was watching from behind.

Cheng Qing, who originally wanted to play a prank, was stupefied when he saw Yang Fan with such a serious expression, looked at him tenderly, and smiled tenderly, like the morning breeze caressing a willow.

It's just that someone hasn't noticed it all the time, so how can they see a beautiful smile?

Yang Fan said to himself: "Wonderful, the inner alchemy is the main one, the elixir is the guide, and the inner alchemy is refined into medicine. The person who invented this medicine is either a god or a demon, but he is definitely not a human being."

Cheng Qing thought that Yang Fan was talking to her and was about to talk to her, but Yang Fan said again: "The theory is correct, but after all, there are still experiments, whether it is ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, Nine Dead Resurrection Grass, or Snow Lotus Seed." Well, no matter how precious it is, it can be found, but what is this inner alchemy? Why don’t I know?”

Cheng Qing looked at Yang Fan seriously with an amused expression on his face.

"Neidan, Neidan, I'm still ascending to Jindan." Yang Fan frowned while talking to himself, and put a big question mark on the paper.

Wanting to let go of his swollen brain and clear up his messy thoughts, Yang Fan stood up and said, "I'd better ask Bian Dan later."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a beautiful little face. Because of the sudden appearance, he was caught off guard.

"Oh, my god." Yang Fan staggered, took a step back, and fell backwards.

At the critical moment, Cheng Qing had sharp eyes and quick hands, hugged Yang Fan by the waist, and spun around in the air to reduce the inertia of falling.

Yang Fan bent over and leaned back, submissive, like a bird.

Cheng Qing put one arm around Yang Fan's waist, and supported Yang Fan's buttocks with the other, his face full of concern and affection.

Yang Fan blushed.

Cheng Qing smiled.

Yang Fan turned his head away, a little shy and even a little uncomfortable.

Cheng Qing sized Yang Fan straight up, and a certain hand squeezed someone's butt invisibly.

Cheng Qing said: "Are you okay?"

Yang Fan said: "I'm a man anyway, can you show me some face, I will lose face if you hug me like this."

Cheng Qing chuckled and said, "It's the first time I've seen a man blushing shyly. It's pretty nice."

Yang Fan smiled wryly and said, "Are you molesting me like this?"

Cheng Qing put Yang Fan upright, and said from a low level: "Seeing that you are so easy to be shy, I suddenly don't know how to be shy."

Yang Fanqing coughed to relieve his embarrassment, and said, "I'm not shy, I'm scared."

Cheng Qing didn't want to delve into this matter, and asked, "What were you talking to yourself just now?"

Yang Fan asked back, "Have you been here for a long time?"

Cheng Qing: "It's not that long, but it's been a while."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Thank you for not disturbing me, thank you for waiting for me to recover."

Cheng Qing grinned and said, "You look pretty serious when you're serious, I'm not tired of looking."

Yang Fan coughed again.

Cheng Qing: "You haven't answered me yet? What were you talking to yourself just now?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "I have encountered a problem while researching elixir."

Cheng Qing snorted and said, "But I don't know what inner alchemy is?"

Yang Fan nodded, "I've read a lot of books and medical books, but I just don't know what Nei Dan is, but I do know what Nei Dan is. It’s an inner alchemy, but if it’s an inner gut, what kind of animal would it be?”

Cheng Qing saw that Yang Fan fell into the state of self-questioning and self-answering again, jumped up and stood up, and flashed in front of Yang Fan who was close at hand.

Surprised Yang Fan looked back.

Yang Fan said: "Don't teleport suddenly, what should I do if I kiss you?"

Cheng Qing said: "When you kiss, you earn money."

Yang Fan was speechless, and threatened: "I will have a baby if I kiss you enough."

Cheng Qing said coyly, "If I tell you what the inner alchemy is, will I be rewarded?"

Yang Fan looked solemn, "What do you want? As long as you are right, I will agree to your request."

Cheng Qing pointed to his own face, which was blushing.

Yang Fan said, "What do you mean?"

Cheng Qing pouted and pointed to his own face.

Yang Fan nodded knowingly, and said in his heart: "So it's a kiss on the face. No matter what you say is right or not, you can be rewarded. What's the matter?"

Cheng Qing raised her pretty face slightly, she was infinitely cute, and said, "It's common sense that everyone can form inner alchemy in the dantian as long as they practice to the super level."

Yang Fanmao suddenly realized, enlightened.

Cheng Qing laughed heartily, his expression beaming with joy.

Holding Cheng Qing's face, stamping left and right, with a seal of red lips, he pushed Cheng Qing out of the door and said, "Let me study it carefully first, and I can't let the inspiration go away. Don't disturb me for now, you are quiet." Be a beautiful girl, let me quietly be a beautiful man."

Cheng Qing then backed away, looked at the closed door, and sighed.

The sweetness comes quickly, and the closed doors come quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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