Chapter 85

Yang Fan invited Bian Dan to return to the sect, but he didn't know that during the time he was wandering in the rivers and lakes, earth-shaking changes had already taken place on the island.

On both sides of the Fengjiang River, pavilions, terraces and pavilions rise from the ground; in Wanzhu Island, there are bamboo forest medicine gardens in a well-arranged pattern.

Although building houses and dams on the island requires money, building houses on the shore requires money, everyone needs money for food and clothing, and disciples need money for martial arts training.

It can only be said that singing is the master of the house, and all daily necessities must be counted.

Fortunately, in the past six months, Wu Qian has managed well, made money well, and housekeeping is in order, and the shops are also thriving under her scrutiny.If it weren't for the family's big business and huge expenses, it wouldn't be a legend to make money every day.

How else can a good woman bring wealth?With Wu's management, Wanzhu Island has been thriving and thriving; everyone is full of vigor and hard work.

It is estimated that the old man Chen Busan is the only one who is not diligent, and the little girl Yunu is the only one who does not work hard.

In front of the tombstone under the willow tree on Wanzhu Island.

Chen Busan was lying on the bluestone slab with his arms under his pillow, one foot arched, one leg raised, biting his bong and blowing out smoke rings.

The posture is indescribably lazy, and the demeanor is indescribably flat.

Looks like an old bastard.

He smashed the bong, and let out a cloud of smoke leisurely, then kowtowed the end of the gun, and the cigarette butt came out.

Chen Busan opened his mouth and couldn't help coughing "hohohoho", like the exhaust fan of a bamboo house, making people worry that the fan blades will fall off.

He looked at the tombstone with missing corners, and said, "Don't you dislike my lazy appearance the most? Get up and beat me up if you have the ability." What he said can really piss a living person to death, but he just doesn't know Can you bring your old friend back to life?

On Wanzhu Island humming and haha, the sounds of martial arts training kept coming and going.

Yang Fan's personal disciple, Jin Tong, and the island's little princess, Jade Girl, are not affected by the atmosphere. Playing with things instead of practicing, they rustle in the bamboo forest and plot evil.

The little jade girl is so cute in the green dress and brocade dress, and the golden boy's blue robe is tiger-headed and tiger-headed. The clothes of the two are exquisite, fresh and refined, but they don't feel restrained at all. The white seal characters of "Wanzhumen" are embroidered on the chest. Knowing is the student uniform carefully designed by Yang Fan.

As for how meticulous it is?

There are 36 processes for a set of clothes, and it takes four embroiderers three days to complete a set, and the finished product has five ingenious designs.It can be worn inside and outside, the length can be switched, the color can be changed, and the clothes and trousers can be matched in eight ways.It is estimated that only Yang Fan can think of and design it in this world.

Once it was published, the disciples couldn't put it down, well, it should be love.

The golden boy sneaked towards Chen Busan sneakily, but the jade girl walked towards Chen Busan generously holding the medical book, her pretending mature appearance was indescribably pleasing.

Yu Nu's milky voice shouted childishly: "Grandpa Master!"

Chen Busan put down his pipe, walked towards Xiaoyunv with a smile on his face, knelt down and said, "Girl, what do you want to ask me for advice today?"

The jade girl raised her head and said, "I just want to know when Daddy will come back?"

Chen Busan let out a sigh, and said with a smile: "Miss your cheap daddy?"

The jade girl said angrily: "Nonsense, daddy is not cheap, he is worth a lot of candied haws."

Chen Busan joked: "How much is a lot?"

The jade girl made a gesture, opened her arms to make a hug, and said, "There are so many, there must be three thousand 330 three bunches of candied haws."

Chen Busan laughed in his heart: "Using the largest number you know, it seems that Yang Fan is indeed not cheap." Chen Busan smiled and said: "You sleep with your mother every day, does your mother miss your father too?"

The jade girl nodded, and said pitifully, "I saw my mother cry yesterday."

Chen Busan withdrew his smile, sighed softly and asked, "Why is your mother crying for no reason, did she say anything?"

The jade girl said: "Drinking chicken soup yesterday, I must have been scalded, so my mother burst into tears. My mother said that no one can make better than my father, and said that my father is a bastard who doesn't kiss and hang clothes." ’, I don’t know how to send a letter back after so long.”

Chen Busan was at a loss, thinking about "not kissing and hanging clothes" for a long time, and after repeated reflections, he realized that this was "thin love and ungrateful", and he couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the golden boy had gone around behind the tree, quietly took the bong, and then slowly retreated.

Chen Busan just wanted to turn around, but was pulled by the beard by the jade girl, and she said cutely and fiercely: "My mother is crying, and you still laugh at her, you are an old bastard who 'doesn't hang clothes'."

Chen Busan carefully protected his beard, and said: "You can't talk nonsense, do you know what it means to be ungrateful? Just say that I am also ungrateful."

The jade girl smiled triumphantly, and said in high spirits: "I know, I asked my mother, and my mother said that 'not kissing hanging clothes' means someone who cannot be kissed, and told me that if my father came back that day, I was not allowed to kiss him , don’t allow me to talk to him, cool him, don’t let him hug, make him feel uncomfortable.”

Chen Busan thought to himself: "I don't know how uncomfortable it is to think about it. I still don't kiss him or ignore him. I'm afraid she doesn't want others to take up her time?" Correcting Wu Yan's misleading explanation, Chen Busan interrupted with a smile: "Not bad, our most ineffective little princess on Wanzhu Island has finally embarked on martial arts, and has become a third-rate peak female hero."

The lowest level of inner sect disciples in Wanzhu Island is also the upper level of talent. They work hard, have abundant resources and skills. Although it has only been half a year, the first batch of disciples have generally reached the second-rate realm, and a few outstanding disciples have even reached the second-rate middle stage.Therefore, although it is a joke to say that Yunu is the most incompetent disciple, it is also true.

When Yunu heard this, she was indescribably proud, and said, "I don't want to be a heroine, I want to be a doctor."

Chen Busan asked, "Why?"

The jade girl said cutely: "Senior sisters and brothers help me fight, and I help them heal their injuries. How good is this?"

What he said was really wise, and Chen Busan laughed out loud, then sighed again, looked at the tombstone, and thought to himself: "That's what he wanted to do in the past, every time he used the best martial arts resources Leave it to me, and I spend my whole day either reading medical books or picking medicines.”

Chen Busan sighed, touched the girl's head, and thought to himself: "I can't delay this girl's studies, I have to find her a master who understands medicine." Asked to the girl, "Where is your mother?"

The jade girl said: "Mother said that she was going to the town to look at the store today, and she also said that she would bring me candied haws." The jade girl suddenly looked around and said, "Ah, I'm going to see my senior sister to do laundry."

Chen Busan scolded with a smile: "Little slob! Why don't you want the senior sisters to wash your clothes for you?"

The jade girl sticks out her tongue and trots away.

Chen Busan was still thinking about finding a master for Yunu, so he paced and sat back on his bluestone slab absent-mindedly.

Touched the bong.

What about bongs?
Chen Busan looked around, but there was no sign of him. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and said: "Not good! Tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

After Jintong stole the bong, he carefully blocked the pipe with sand and stones. He was about to throw it away, but then thought about it. If his grandpa picked it up, it would be bad.

So he put the bong in his clothes, straightened his back, and covered the stolen goods with his clothes, but his little head kept thinking about how to place the unrighteous thing in his hands. When he was scratching his head and scratching his head in a dilemma, he saw Wu Qian let go of the rein and push the boat , I want to leave the island by boat.

Without further ado, Jin Tong stepped forward and grabbed Wu Qian's skirt.

Wu Qian asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

The golden boy said, "Let's go with you."

Wu Qian said: "Don't make trouble, practice martial arts hard on the island, Grandpa Master didn't see you working hard, maybe he will spank your ass when you come back."

The golden boy would let go of the hand holding the hem of the skirt, and said, "I have a lot of flesh in my buttocks, so I'm not afraid of pain."

This reason... can only be said to be cute, shameless, innocent and arrogant.

Wu Qian smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I can take you to the market, but you have to hold me tight and don't get lost, otherwise you will never see your sister in this life."

Jin Tong nodded heavily, and the strength in his hand increased.

Wu Qian laughed and said, "Ah! You can't pull the corner of my skirt, you're almost pulling me off."

"Aunt, you told me to do it yourself."

The two got on the boat, and Wu Qian pulled the oars and drove away slowly.

Wu Yan earnestly said: "If you ask you to pull, you hold Grandma's hand, and, in the future, you have to remember that women's skirts cannot be pulled randomly, otherwise people will say that we went out from Wanzhu Island. Apprentice."

Jintong asked curiously: "Aren't those from Wanzhu Island the disciples who ascended to the earth? Isn't it 'Dengtuzi'?"

So, do you understand "Dengtuzi" as a disciple who ascended to the earth?
Wu Yan sighed, a long road of education lay under his feet, and it was endless.

A group of girls on the island were chatting and joking on the shore, and the jade girl waved the clothes in her hands, causing ripples to spread out in circles.What gets wet is the hands, what nourishes the eyes, and what moistens the heart.

Xiao Yunu took the dirty clothes, soaked them in water, and stood there to dry them.

Second Senior Sister Xuan Huang said: "Little Junior Sister! Clothes are not washed like this."

The jade girl shook it on her own, and the senior sisters who splashed it wiped their faces from time to time. She said in a childish voice, "I have small hands, so I can only wash like this."

Second Senior Sister Xuanhuang smiled and said: "Let it go, Senior Sister will wash it for you."

What you've been waiting for.

The jade girl succeeded in her tricks, she succeeded in being lazy, she smiled sweetly, and kissed the second senior sister on the face.

All the senior sisters were jealous and noisy, and the jade girl generously offered a kiss.All the girls laughing Yingying Yanyan, too beautiful to behold.

A gust of wind caressed, and a pair of underwear braved the wind and waves in the river.

Yunu burst into tears and shouted, "The pants were swept away by the water."

The women comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will make you a new one."

But Yunu jumped into the river regardless, and drank a few sips of water. If it wasn't for the senior sister's master, she would have to drink enough before going ashore.

The jade girl cried, "Daddy made it for me himself."

As soon as these words came out, there were a few plop plops, and several senior sisters jumped down.

(End of this chapter)

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