Chapter 87

Xie An asked, "Have you found a master for the child?"

Wu Qian said expressionlessly: "Don't worry, there is a master."

Xie An said with a smile: "A good master is the foundation of a child's success, and a good school is the foundation of a child's success."

Wu Yan asked impatiently, "What do you want to say?"

Xie An smiled slightly and said, "I've taken a fancy to this kid. I'm willing to take it under my family and give him a good future. You don't need to thank him. You only need to pay some silver taels every month for the child's food expenses."

What Xie An said was very proud and very famous, just like the girl from Yihongyuan who fell in love with her, and it was her great honor to be willing to kiss Fangze.

Wu Qian replied with one word: "Get lost!"

Xie An smiled arrogantly, and said arrogantly: "The girl may not be from the Jianghu, so she doesn't know the affairs of the Jianghu. Our Shuinan faction is one of the leading gangs in Shuinan County. Even if you look at the whole Qingzhou, it can be regarded as one of the few big gangs. Big faction. The gang has eight branches, [-] gang members, four super masters supporting the field, and [-] first-rate masters as the mainstay. Do you understand now? It is your blessing that we see this child, and it is even more so for this child , will you still call me out now?"

In order to avoid trouble, Wu Qian also paid attention to the wording, and said, "I'm sorry, we have our own sect."

Xie An said with a smile: "It's not a problem to worship the sect. You can let the child change the sect, or give you a chance to let your sect belong to our Shuinan sect, as long as you pay the monthly tribute on the [-]th of every month."

Wu Qian was scolding his mother in his heart, but he smiled and stopped talking, he didn't want to cause trouble and cause hatred for no reason.If he didn't want to chat with Mr. Chang and dig up interesting stories about Yang Fan's childhood, Wu Qian would have slapped his ass and left long ago.

Xie Anxu babbled and spittled all over the place, but Wu Qian ignored him and turned a blind eye.

At this time, the other two men also came up and looked at the golden boy carefully, one of them was even more perverted, staring at Wu Qiang.

Sensing the strange atmosphere, Jintong took Wu's hand with a look of vigilance, and a look of disgust gradually appeared on Wu's face.

A man behind Xie An pointed at the golden boy and whispered in his ear. Following the man's pointing, Xie An saw the word "servant" tattooed on the back of the golden boy's ear and neck.

Xie An smiled, proudly, with his nostrils facing the sky, and said, "It turned out to be a bought slave. I thought it was your family. Since it is a slave bought by Nurenfang, you have cultivated it for so long. It does cost some taels of silver, and I won’t let you lose money, I’ll pay 500 taels for this child, so you can buy it for me!”

Jin Tong's eyes were red, and the hand holding Wu Qian trembled slightly, and he shouted timidly: "Mum!" The voice was full of fear and helplessness.

This is the first time Jintong called Amu in front of Wu Qian. Although it was just a title and didn't say anything else, the meaning of pleading could be heard by anyone with feelings.Jin Tong is still young and doesn't know much, but he is afraid of leaving Wanzhu Island, and even more afraid of losing the happiness he and his sister have now, and he can't imagine the life after he is sold away again.

Wu Qian hugged him distressedly, and said decisively: "Yang Fan said that there must be no one disciple of Wanzhumen, and he must be brought home even if he dies."

Xie An smiled sadly and said, "You have to think about it. Do you think it's worthwhile to offend a big gang for a villain's slave?"

Wu Qian was angry this time, so he slapped him across the face instead of answering.

Xie An was very angry and laughed back: "Good fight, really good fight, this time you asked for it." As he spoke, he walked towards Wu Qian and Jintong step by step.

Wu Qian took a few steps back, and said timidly, "What do you want?"

The four of Xie An grinned ferociously and said, "What do you think? Now we want this child and you."

With a clang, Jin Tong pulled out the dagger he carried with him, and stood in front of Wu Qian tremblingly. This was the first time he had protected a woman other than his younger sister.Not because of bravery, but because of care.

Mr. Chang stood up and begged for mercy: "You heroes are men of seven feet tall. They bully women and children in broad daylight. It's bad for your face to spread the word. Give this old man a face. You have to forgive others and let them go." Then he took out a bank note from his bosom and paid it out, licked his face and said with a smile: "Heroes, take it to buy some drinks and have a good time, why bother to make trouble here for a little thing? What do you think?"

Xie An just smiled when he took the bank note, but the clerk next to him stepped forward and pushed Mr. Chang away, "Go, go, you old man knows what a pleasure, and taking this girl back is the real pleasure." He said. Then I have to reach out and pull.

Wu Qian supported Chang Gong, and when he heard the pun, his face flushed with anger, and he didn't know how to reply.

The big rough hand squeezed Wu Qian's chin, the man had wretched eyes, and said with a cheap smile: "Red in white, different from others." Mr. Chang took his hand to persuade him.

When Jintong saw his mother being bullied, he was stabbed without saying a word, why didn't that person hide?Unexpectedly, he was stabbed straight, blood was dripping immediately, and he kicked the golden boy away in pain.

Even if the talent is excellent, he is still just a child, so he has no experience in battle. This hateful kick, the golden boy rolled a few times before he could barely stop.

Wu Yan hugged the golden boy distressedly, patted up and down, for fear of making mistakes.

The golden boy patted his knees on his own, with a horizontal knife in his hand, and shouted fiercely: "Come on!" He lost his initial timidity and looked at the four men without fear.

The injured man let out a hoot, and cursed carelessly: "A boy who has never been severely beaten by the Jianghu, dare to use a knife in front of the uncle, little bastard! Today I will teach you what is dangerous in the Jianghu?"

Jin Tong clenched his teeth, facing the enemy with the tip of his knife, fearlessly.

The man staggered suddenly, fell headlong, and hit the dagger straight.

Jin Tong stared dumbfounded at the blood on his hand, then at the man with the dagger stuck in his neck, still in shock, ran back to Wu Qian and hugged her thigh, trembling uncontrollably.

The people watching all around gathered together but did not disperse, and the more they surrounded, the more they gathered.

Wu Qian patted Jintong's head, also with surprise on his face.

Xie An's face was livid, a mid-second-rate adult was killed by a third-rate kid, what is this?

A man next to him drew out his sharp sword, sent it out, and shouted: "You will pay for my brother's life today!"

In desperation, Wu Yan didn't know how to resist, but he hugged the golden boy reflexively.

The onlookers shouted: "Be careful!"

Just when everyone thought that Wu Qian was about to die, he was suddenly held back by a soft sword.

Dang clang clang, the two stood still, each forming their own camp.

But seeing that the soft swordsman is just a young girl in her prime, with pretty features, small and exquisite, and she looks so unpleasant.

The man said: "Wu Jingliang, the seventh branch of the Xiashui Nan Gang, I don't know what enmity the girl has with us, why are you hostile to me?"

The woman said: "The little girl's name is Ruhua, and she is the second shopkeeper of Sifan Clothing Store. We have no hatred in the past, and we have no hatred in recent days, so we can't say there is any hatred."

Wu Jingliang: "If that's the case, why do you want to kill it halfway?"

Ru Hua said: "Elder Sister has explained that when Wanzhumen's disciples come to do business, they will pay half the price. If Wanzhumen encounters an accident in the rivers and lakes, they will help each other unconditionally."

Xie An laughed and said, "So we are enemies and not friends? Then needless to say, let's fight." He drew his sword in his hand and waited for an opportunity.

At this moment, a big man led a group of subordinates out of the crowd, clasped his fists gratefully to Ruhua, and then clasped his fists to Wu Qian and said: "Liu Erniu has seen the young lady!"

Xie An and Wu Jingliang glanced at each other, and realized that Liu Erniu was not an ordinary person, and the dozen or so subordinates they brought with them were also quite capable, so they inevitably had the idea of ​​avoiding his sharp edge, and knowingly pushed towards the crowd.

For Xie An and Wu Jingliang's evasion, Wu Qian didn't pay attention, instead he started talking with Ruhua.

Wu Qian: "Thank you, Miss, for saving my life!"

Ruhua: "They are all my own, so don't say thank you."

Wu Qian: "One of our own?"

Ruhua shyly said: "Your Yang Fan's regular wife, I am the eldest sister's married sister, and Yang Fan's personal maid from now on, we are naturally one of our own. After all, my sword skills are still given by Yang Fan, not for Wan Zhu Who can I face?"

When did this personal servant girl let Yang Fan stick to her body?Wu Yan was unhappy in his heart, but it didn't show on his face.

Liu Erniu cleared his cough, and waved his hands to arrange for his men to go down and guard the surroundings.

Qingtang Changgong giggled, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, he smiled at Jintong and said, "It's good this time, you have another grandma."

Wu Qian was also very embarrassed, and asked: "I don't know who your eldest sister is? Where does she live? Maybe let me come and visit!"

Ruhua said: "My sister's name is Yang Tielan, and she lives across the river from Wanzhudao."

Wu Qian asked, "But the sister with a birthmark on her face?"

Ruhua smiled and said, "Exactly!"

Wu Qian murmured with a wry smile: "So that's how it is!" Then he asked: "I don't know how my sister is?"

Ruhua shook her head, "I'm in a good mood, but my body is very bad."

Wu Qian asked: "What happened to her body? But what disease did she have?"

Ru Hua: "I throw up everything I eat, and I have no appetite for anything I eat."

Wu Qian: "What kind of disease is this?"

Ruhua smiled and said: "She is happy."

At this moment, Wu Qian felt that the whole world slowed down.

She refused to give up and asked: "Whose? How many months?"

Ru Hua said displeased: "What are you talking about, sister? It's not insulting. The child is naturally Yang Fan's, and it's eight months old."

Her heart fluttered suddenly, calculating the time, it was indeed eight months, but it was obviously only once, how did she win the lottery?
I don't know whether to praise Yang Fan or Yang Tielan.

Wu Qian was a little lost, and paused for a long time before saying: "I'll go to see her another day..."

At this moment, hundreds of big men dressed in Tibetan angrily surrounded him from all sides.Xie An and Wu Jingliang stood in front of them impressively.

The hawkers on the street fled in all directions, and even the shops on the street closed their doors and windows to avoid being affected by the fighting.

In the originally bustling town, only loess flying dust roared past under the gust of wind.

Xie An shouted: "They are the ones who killed us." After speaking, he led the crowd to rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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