Chapter 89
Wu Qian cleared his throat, and Zhan Xin read: "Little golden boy! During my absence, did you kick the quilt again at night? Don't think I don't know, you can not only kick the quilt, but also wet the bed."

Everyone smiled and looked at the cute look of the golden boy's blushing face.

Wu Qian continued: "Man, who hasn't wet the bed to a large extent? As a teacher, I'm a teenager, don't I also know how to wet the bed? Let me tell you, the healthier and stronger the man is, the more likely he is to wet the bed." He paused here, as if he was thinking about something?Wu Qian and Ru Hua glanced at each other, and they were all thinking: "How could the man I like be such an old man that he wets the bed? Probably because he wanted to prevent Jin Tong from embarrassing himself and destroying himself!"

But seeing that Jintong's complexion returned to normal, it was obvious that he was no longer ashamed of bedwetting, but instead had a smug expression.The two girls looked at the golden boy and smiled.

Chang Gong and Bian Dan looked at each other meaningfully, and couldn't help laughing, feeling admiration for Yang Fan's education method in their hearts.Bian Tan even sighed secretly: "It's not a disadvantage to study medicine. It has connotations just like me. I'm afraid this letter will only be understood by children after they grow up."

Wu Yan went on to read: "There is nothing wrong with bed-wetting, but you wet your brother's bed sheet and dry your own pants, and then say that this is not your bed-wetting but your brother's bed. This kind of behavior is wrong. A man must have the courage to admit what he did. What do you do, take the corresponding responsibility for what you have done, even if it is wrong, what does it matter? Covering up is not a husband's behavior, and cheating is even more of a villain's trick."

"So, in the future, you will admit to yourself when you pee on the bed, let alone cover your pants because you are embarrassed, and be careful to soak the family heirloom in the long run."

The letter ends here, making people laugh, the words are not long, and the writing is even more vernacular, but it is still educational and thought-provoking.

After laughing for a while, Wu Qian stared at Bian Dan in a daze, naturally needless to say much.

Bian Dan was also very interesting, and took out two letters and handed them to Wu Qian and Ru Hua. Ru Hua was very shy. After touching the thick envelope of others' thin letters, I felt a lot more balanced in my heart.

The two of them hid the letters and put them next to each other. Naturally, it is inconvenient for men and women to exchange love in front of others.

Lovesick people loves to believe, and lovesickness comes to understand lovesickness.How can it be circulated?
Just as everyone was still immersed in the happiness brought by Yang Fan's letter, there was a loud shout from East Street: "Who killed my subordinate? Hurry up and come out and die." The voice was ethereal, coming from far away, but it happened The sound in the ear is normal, but it is very clear.

There was also a whistling sound from West Street, and there was a lot of dust on the street, and a clear angry shout came from a distance: "Who killed my son Xie An?"

The hearts of everyone in Wanzhumen shuddered.

Qingtang Changgong looked at the East Street, said with a smile: "The middle stage of the super class." He looked at the West Street again, and said, "The early stage of the super class."

Everyone's realm is limited, so naturally they don't know the scenery upstairs, and they don't have the experience to distinguish the height of the upstairs. After listening to Mr. Qing Tang's words, they all looked at him suspiciously.

Mr. Qing Tang spread his hands and said with a smile: "Don't pretend, I'm showing my cards. In fact, I am a master."

Wu Yan asked with a smile, "How tall is it?"

Qingtang Changzheng really thought about it, and said solemnly: "It should be as tall as a five-story building!"

Wu Qian asked in surprise, "Really?"

Mr. Qingtang Chang nodded his head in a high spirited manner.

Walking slowly from the direction of the East Street, a burly man in a dark suit, holding a modao, with a long beard reaching to his chest, looks so majestic that people dare not look directly at him.

"Song Jian, the leader of the Shuinan faction, don't you know the title of the senior?" At this moment, he was looking at Chang Gong Qing Tang, so naturally he was asking Chang Gong Qing Tang, because he felt danger from Chang Gong Qing Tang.

The master walking from the West Street had a pale, beardless face, gray eye circles, and slightly sunken eyes, almost like the dead Xie An.He was holding a long sword. He was obviously tall and strong, but he gave people a feeling of "sluggishness" after indulging in wine and sex.

"Brother! Regardless of the seniors and juniors, since they killed your juniors, there is no need to waste your time talking with them. The second and third brothers should arrive soon, and even an old man can't afford to make trouble."

Song Jian probably scolded his mother in his heart. He was not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.Can't you see that he is a master of the super realm?Can't you see that I'm chatting and procrastinating to wait for the second and third?As soon as you come up to attract hatred, why do you still show your cards?

Song Jian said with a smile: "Senior, don't blame me. This is my ineffective fourth brother Xie Mingyuan. He has just lost his son, so his emotions are naturally extreme. It is human nature to be rash. The senior has high morals and prestige, and he is hidden in the market. I think you will definitely not do anything to the junior, and the death of my nephew Xie An must have nothing to do with the senior."

These words are old-fashioned, one is the superficial position; the other is to create your own image, the third is to distinguish you from you; the fourth is to wake up Xie Mingyuan, this is a super master.

Mr. Qingtang Chang took out a bamboo chair, sat down on the big thorn, and said with a smile, "I don't know if it's a honorary name, but I just lived a long time and was nicknamed Immortal and Immortal."

Everyone gasped, is this immortal and half-immortal Changle? !We actually saw it alive.

Xie Mingyuan's expression was like a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat.

Song Jian said respectfully: "I've heard about the great name for a long time, and it's my honor to meet you today."

Chang Le waved his hand and said, "Since you have been lucky enough, let's go."

Bian Dan looked at Chang Le and raised her thumbs up.

A man who is not connotative can't say such connotative words at all.

Song Jian thought about it for a long time, and he didn't understand, but felt embarrassed, looked at Xie Mingyuan, and Xie Mingyuan said: "Fortunately, the big brother is scolding us."

Song Jian slapped him and said angrily, "I want you to tell me." I've seen stupid people, but I've never seen such stupid ones. I don't know if you can't speak quietly?Isn't it uncomfortable to say it in public?
Xie Mingyuan covered his face with an innocent look on his face. He couldn't understand why he would be beaten after answering his elder brother's questions.

Song Jian said: "I respect you as a senior, isn't it good for you to insult the junior like this?"

Chang Le laughed and said, "Why is it okay for you Shuinan faction to bully the old and weak, women and children, but I can't bully the younger generation?"

Song Jian: "What does this mean?"

Chang Le: "Today's conflict is a long story. I'm not a storyteller, and I'm not capable of telling you everything. But in the final analysis, your Shuinan sect is unreasonable. You see that his disciples are very talented and aptitude, and you want to bring them to you." It is human nature to go back and pass on the incense, but since they don’t allow it, why do they want to take it by force? What’s more, they have to be contemptuous of their women. I’m trying to fight with good words, and they want to push me.”

Song Jian and two people walked up to Chang Le, and the three finished the characters.Xie Mingyuan: "Since the senior said so, I don't care too much about these people who died. It's just that I am such a son, and I always have to explain it. I don't know if my son was killed by the senior?" The child turns right and wrong into hatred, and axiom into reason.

Before Chang Le could answer, a person behind Bian Dan stood up and said, "So what if I killed you? I'm afraid you won't succeed. Don't say that you are a super early master. We have killed even super mid-term masters." In fact, this is not true at all. Bragging, but others will not take it seriously.

Xie Mingyuan was also a ruthless person, he would stab with his sword when he moved his foot, before the Cheng Jinmen master who spoke could react, the sword had already reached the center of his eyebrows.

It wasn't that Xie Mingyuan didn't stab, but that he couldn't go any further.Chang Le held the long sword with his skinny fingers. He looked at Xie Mingyuan and said displeasedly, "Has your mother ever taught you to respect the old and love the young? You scared me by making such a sudden move, don't you know?" With a palm slap on his chest, Xie Mingyuan flew three feet backwards, thumped back a few steps, and then stopped.

Xie Mingyuan patted his chest, but there was no abnormality, he was determined, and smiled: "You are nothing more than that."

Chang Le shook his head and smiled bitterly: "What? Seeing that I am not very lethal, do you think I am easy to bully?"

Song Jiandao: "It is said that the "Longevity Sutra" created by Immortal Immortal is good at health preservation and not good at hurting the enemy, but if it is hit by Mr. Chang's internal force, it will counteract the enemy's own internal force." Hearing this, Xie Mingyuan hurriedly mobilized the internal strength in his body, only then realized that it was really lacking.

Chang Le defended and said: "My name is "Wang Ba Jing", not "Longevity Classic".After Chang Le became famous and became famous in the world, the world thought that calling "Wang Ba Jing" was disrespectful to Chang Le Chang's seniors, so they spontaneously uttered "Wang Ba Jing" as "Longevity Classic", but how did the world know that Chang Le just liked it Wang Bacai named him Wang Ba, and he felt that changing it to "Longevity Sutra" would be disrespectful to him.

Song Jian: "Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Chang is right."

Chang Le said: "Don't mess with these vain people, you just want to delay time, let's draw a line, from now on I will be the elder of Wanzhumen, Wanzhumen's affairs are my affairs, don't ask why , Yang Fan is my grandson."

"Don't ask why, Yang Fan is my grandson." How sharp is this relationship-building technique?
But whether Wan Zhumen or Cheng Jinmen, even Song Xie didn't think this was an insult, a joke, three hundred years old, a super expert, who wouldn't want such a grandpa?
At this moment, two flying sounds came from far away, the tiles trembled, and a long spear was suddenly nailed to the street stone, making a loud noise, and in the blink of an eye, a beautiful woman disguised as a man stood on top of it.

The magic of light work is extraordinary.

She was obviously a woman, but Xie Mingyuan respectfully called out: "Second brother!"

Another handsome scholar turned over from the roof tiles and landed on the roof, strolling honestly, without any fancy.

Xie Mingyuan shouted: "Third brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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